Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Left early for mountains. Saw three condos, one was a super smart deal but the other I fell in love with. Rushing river visible in winter and late Fall off deck and you can hear it in the summer. Decorated so Cute. And it included all furnishings. I'd been told not to bother looking there was nothing in my price range, but I persisted and found that there has been a downmarket for the past two years and its a buyers market. I have to talk to the rental agency because I believe I can rent it part year to pay the upkeep costs and make a little money with some time time left for me to enjoy.

    Had nice breakfast but we couldn't make our contacts for lunch so we piddled around visited several beautiful lakes, it was snowing lightly in the mountains but sun was shining and it wasn't too cold. Finally stopped for lunch and though there were not many healthy choices, I chose smart and stayed within my plan for the day, even with a snack later.

    NIKION901 - Thanks so much. That makes life easier

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    It's quiet on the home front tonight. Had nice day. I visited a new friend and we really bonded. Helped her move her photos from phone to computer. Grandson stopped by, my new mattress arrived. Can't wait to sleep on it tonight

    Good day with food, not hungry at all. Diet is amazing because it balances your sugar and that appears to solve the gnawing hunger I usually carry around with me. Going to Dr Tuesday, so will be interested to see what my A1c will be since I have been on this diet for 8 days by then. Had blood drawn Friday and was dieting since Monday.

    It will be a challenge not to eat further tonight because I am trying not to eat after 7 at night. I'll just have to buck up and do what I know it right. Easier said than done.

    Best wishes to everyone.

  • Name: Jessica
    Age: 39
    Height: 5' 6"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 260.8 (I am just getting in on this...If that's ok?)
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 248.8

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: -
    March 1: -
    March 8: 260.8
    March 15:
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Weight -/+ total:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @jessicamitchell14811 --- welcome to the challenge. Weigh in this week by Sunday for the 3/15 weight.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    welcome Jessica
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good Monday Morning everyone. :)B):p>:):*
    Our weight loss reporting challenge just completed our 3rd weigh-in and we had 16 folks reporting their numbers, including two for the first time! ... We had a group loss of 4.30 pounds this week, a few of us caught the scale on an up moment in time. I say 'moment' because we all know that our weight fluctuates daily ... and that it is what happens over a period of time that shows which way we are heading.

    Have a good week everyone who is participating. If you had an up, remember that it is temporary, if you had a down, congratulations and keep going! <3

  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member
    Name: LaDana
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22). 295
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 285

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 295
    March 1: 292
    March 8: 293
    March 15: 290
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: -3
    Weight -/+ this month: -5

    Better this week. I've been making sure I walk over my lunch break. Then in the evening I do a little exercise with a wii "game" called Your Shape. My 9 yr. old has been holding me accountable which helps. :smile:
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    What day are we supposed to weigh? I thought it was Wednesday
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @KATRENAJ whatever day you start on like I started on a Thursday, so a week later I weighed in but I guess any day that works for you is good! This morning I was down 2 pounds and it was real tempting to weigh in LOL but Thursday is my day so hopefully it will still be down 2 then!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    edited March 2017
    After a funny situation with my scale at home (which apparently I have sort of broken) .... I am glad to share I have lost weight not gained as I though so :smiley:

    Name: Ana
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22): 208.3
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22)197.0

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 208.3
    March 1: 203.3
    March 8: 201.9
    March 15: 198.6
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: -3.3
    Weight -/+ this month: -9.7
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017
    KATRENAJ wrote: »
    What day are we supposed to weigh? I thought it was Wednesday

    The challenge started on a Wednesday ... but because some people only weigh in one time a week, I thought it best to leave the weigh-in day up to the individual, and any day between Monday and Sunday of the week that has the Wednesday date in it is good to go.

    Hope that doesn't confuse anyone.

    PS ... I weigh in multiple times a week, so I weigh in on Wednesday and report then.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @KATRENAJ whatever day you start on like I started on a Thursday, so a week later I weighed in but I guess any day that works for you is good! This morning I was down 2 pounds and it was real tempting to weigh in LOL but Thursday is my day so hopefully it will still be down 2 then!

    Oh I am so with this! ... I am down today also and would have loved to put that weight in for this week ... but who knows where I'll be by Wednesday ... the last 2 weeks had a weight gain in the middle of the week. :D ... So I am making myself wait because I'm hoping that will keep me on the straight and narrow!~
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in ... Today really IS a check-in day for me! I had my follow up appointment with the chiropractic office I saw last week for an innitial evaluation. They sent me for xrays, which I had on that day. Thank God the doctor thinks they can help me with the numbness I have in my legs and feet when I stand for longer than 10 minutes. AND, he thinks I'm not so far gone that I need surgery ... but of course, it will take several weeks of adjustments, and then prescribed exercises (many of which I already do daily). Still ... it was good to meet with this doctor. His specialty is back issues following accidents ... I'm getting another ajustment tomorrow and have my glaucoma specialist checkup on Wednesday, then back to the chiropractor the next day ... and having company on Friday for my birthday .... Wow ... all of a sudden I feel like I have too many balls up in the air to juggle well.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @happygirlxxx Congratulations on your official arrival in Onederland!!!! I'm so happy for you and really looking forward to it being a not toooo distant destination for me. Maybe by the end of summer! Anyway, so proud of you!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    @campfirequeen1 thank you!! It's nice to be finally in the 100s :smile:

    Today I allowed myself a totally crazy day with food; but tomorrow back to my diet and exercise ... we are supposed to have a big snow storm tomorrow so for sure I will shovel snow happily to burn all the calories from today lol :smiley:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!! I hope it’s been a good week so far. My weekend was good. I kept my carbs in check and was much better balanced. I was kid free (Woo Hoo!!). My son was in Disney with his high school chorus. I had a very nice Friday night with my guy friend then Saturday was normal weekend stuff like laundry and cleaning. Sunday I finished up around the house and just relaxed. Caught up on a few shows, magazines and did nothing else. It was awesome!!! No weight loss this week. My body is really in a pattern and I truly believe it’s tied into Aunt Flo’s visit. I will not lose for 3 weeks than I’ll lose pretty solid for 2 weeks. Even though I’m exercising strong and eating right the scale doesn’t budge. Oh well. As long as it eventually moves down and not up I’m OK with it. Just keep pushing ahead.

    @debbieinva – Amish country is beautiful. I grew up in western PA and we had many Amish neighborhoods. Yes, the food is tough, but it’s vacation. Enjoy it. Plus, you’ll get some exercise in too by walking I’m sure.

    @naceto – Yep, size 18 is brutal. Plus, he’s had major growing pains and his feet are a total mess. We’ve been to orthopedics numerous times, x-rays and had orthotics made. He’s flat footed as well, which makes it a struggle too. I think he may grow a few more inches, but I’m hoping the feet have stopped. Thanks for the guy advice. My struggle is no one seems to want to commit, but they don’t want me dating other people either. Sorry guys. Until there’s rules on the fridge, I’m trying on a lot of shoes. LOL!!!!!

    @mnwalkingqueen – It’s so good to see you!!!! I’ve been gone awhile myself and just getting back into the group. A lot of new people since we’ve been gone, but you’ll recognize a few familiar ones too. I will not pretend to understand how you felt. I remember it happened and as a single mom too could never even fathom your loss. 30 lbs? Who cares. You had a LOT of stress and a LOT going on in your life. Now you’re ready to tackle it and take control of your life again. I know you can do it. You’ve battled through so much between the ex, job loss, and everything else. You’ve got this!!!!!!

    @carsonmom4 – Welcome!! This is a great group that will provide the support you need. Try to check in as much as you can. Support is key!!

    @Nikion – One of the key things I’m learning this time around is NOT to compare myself to others. This is YOUR journey and yours alone. Only look at your progress not anyone else’s. Each of our bodies are different, i.e. age, genetics, overall health, physical abilities and the list goes on and on. I know I’m a “little” different because I did have weight loss surgery, but the comparison happens even more and I’ve had to really work past that hurdle. I loved your Top 10 and you are doing great!

    @birgitkwood – Woo Hoo!!!! Congrats on hitting ONEderland!! So proud of you!!!

    @Katrena – Good for you!! I think we’ve all been there at some point and pulling ourselves out is half the battle. I love all the classes your taking. It’s very empowering when we do things for US. You’re absolutely right that this is not a quick fix. Even when we get to what we think is goal you have to still maintain it. We have to eat healthy and move for life. I’ve come to accept food is just fuel for my body. It doesn’t make me feel better, doesn’t solve a problem, doesn’t manage stress or anxiety I just need it to keep my body moving.

    @Mermaid – I can’t wait for the beach. We leave 3/31 for Tampa. My parents live in Sarasota where we’ll spend the weekend then leave 4/3 for a cruise!!! Woo Hoo!!! I’m so ready to completely disconnect.

    @Campfire – Totally can relate to the hamstring injury. I fell in a grocery store and had a grade 2 strain. I couldn’t drive for 10 days. It was AWFUL!!! It’s a tough balance when you can’t exercise and like you said watching the caloric intake is so important when your sidelined. It’s over. You tracked it and now for a better week.

    @Happygirl – Congrats!! You hit ONEderland. Woo Hoo!!!!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Name: Susan
    Age: 48
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 257 lbs
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 237 lbs

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 257 lbs
    March 1: 252 lbs
    March 8: 248 lbs
    March 15: 248 lbs
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Weight -/+ this month: 4 lbs
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Two rough days. Yesterday slept till 11:15 am and had an 11 oclock appmt. Skipped breakfast, ate three small Krystel hamburgers and they totaled over 800 calories. Rest of day was washout. Trying to get control again today but family stress is taking its toll. I have to decide not to let that happen.

    On positive note, looks like the house is going to close and I made an offer on the condo on the River. Small, very small chance I'll get it, but at least I tried. I'm sure whatever happens will be for the best

    Very tired but going to clay sculpture class till 9. Then back hone and clean up before the maid come tomorrow. Just papers everywhere in den. Need to set up a system. This happens everything two weeks. Will not beat myself up about this. Dr says cholesterol is excellent, suger is high though and I had been dieting for a week when the labs were done.

    Will try to post later

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday Goals ... gotta get this house CLEAN!

    It was originally arranged a couple of weeks ago that my sis would come to my home for a birthday lunch with me ... the birthday girl doing the cooking ... but it's been called off for this week for a couple of reasons. And, I'm secretly relieved because the house is in no shape for company. It's been on my to-do list for ever! I've been wasting my time amusing myself with 'busy work' on the computer and reading books, in print, online and on my Kindle instead. No wonder my legs are going numb when I stand up ... the spinal joints are all out of line from the constant sitting! ... Well, it's gonna get better.

    I started chirpractic allignments this week and am in the acute stage of care ... which means a lot of manipulation, frequent visits with the chiropractor, and lots of icing. But, if it gets me able to stand and move about properly once again it will all be worth it. And, I will have stamina and ability to get this place clean so I can have my sis over.
  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    @KATRENAJ stress always makes food choices harder for me too. But you make the choice to nit let it consume you and start fresh the next day so kuddos to you!

    @Nikion901 I hope your back gets better soon!

    Here is my weigh-in for this week.

    Name: Helene
    Height: 5 ft4

    Start weight (feb 22): 294.8
    Goal weight (april 22): 280

    Feb 22: 294.8
    March 1st: 290.6
    March 8: 288.8
    March 15: 285.8
    March 22:
    March 29:
    April 5th:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    April 22:

    Weight loss this week: -3lbs
    Weight loss this month: -9lbs

    I ended up woth a good loss again this week but my weight is going up and down like crazy. I had a very bad weekend food wise and ended up at 290 on monday (water weight mostly I guess).

    I started Metformin a couple months ago, basically at the same time as MFP (that endocrinologist appointment was a wake-up call). I think it is really helping with the weight loss. Even though it's making me sick as hell everytime I have to up the dosage, it's really worse it.

    I have noticed though that my weight seems to go up and down A LOT. I am a serial scaler and I tend to go up on the scale every morning and I can see my weight going up or down as much as 5-6 lbs in 24h. Has anyone seen that as well?