Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    @Bex953172 I don't count my tea as water, as I like to push myself into more water... but if its a struggle for you I would count it for sure!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Well then 4 cups of water it is then ;)

    Which I'll add to as I'm doing a work out now :#

    My body is so stiff! So glad though! First time working out again!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Goals for Thurs
    - Eat less calories than Wednesday - yep yep yep!
    - 30 mins exercise! - could do more but gonna stick at the 30!
    - hyyyyydrate! Yes better than ever before
    - Read the success stories - will do in bed
    - Wear my watch from the morning - midday, kinda forgot but Atleast it's on
    - Paint the lounge after toddler/pen incident - yesss! And all the carpets got cleaned with our new carpet cleaner

    Goals for Friday

    Its my birthday so I'll eat what I want to!
    However, I will
    - Log my calories regardless of how outrageous they are
    - Consider exercising :D:D

    March Goals
    Current Weight: 12st 6lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Motto for March
    Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • LiveLaughLove1969
    LiveLaughLove1969 Posts: 122 Member
    Ok, new to reading this and would love to join in. Been trying to catch on, lol. Question: do you guys do a new "reply" each day or keep adding to the one you started. Haven't really caught on to the "quote" thing and is that where it will continue what you previously put on. I feel like my daily goals will be close to being the same each day. Anyways please help me, lol

    Workout tomorrow
    Eat better and healthier
    No sweets
    No McDonalds Mocha Frappe
    Drink more water

    Not a good day at all, bad news from dr (labs not so good)
    So...for tomorrow:
    Keep chin up
    Keep faith
    More more and more Water
    Try to workout
    Log food

    Better day, started the process that the dr wants me to do that I can get my life back in order
    So.. Chin is up, keeping the faith, def drank more today..workout, well didn't happen
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Steps 7000- 9032 steps :)
    Exercise 20 minutes - 31 circuit training :)
    Drink 32 ounces of water :)
    Log all food and stay under goal :)
    Read and study :)

    Much better day!!! Hit all my goals. Even the water!

    Steps 7000
    Drink 32 ounces of water
    Log all food and stay under goal
    Read and study
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    J4T Thursday
    1. Pre-log log my food :smiley:
    2. Try to go to zumba in the morning. If I don't make it to class, go for a walk instead. :smile: went for a walk with my youngest son around a local lake. Very beautiful day!
    3. Do not go over 1200 calories. :smiley:
    4. Think positive thoughts about my situation at home and trust that God has it under control. :smile:

    J4T Friday

    1. Pre-log and stay on plan. Do not go over 1200 calories
    2. Go for a walk, maybe jog a little.
    3. Zumba in evening.
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning all!! Missed a day or so...Everything is going well. Last few days I've stayed under on calories, got in my water, and at least 15000 steps. No stretching yet though :o .

    Just for today: Friday

    Water 8 glasses
    10000 steps
    Stay focused at work

    Today is the last weigh in for the challenge at work. Think I am at least in the top three. We might start again in a few weeks. Happy St. Patrick's to those of you who celebrate. Can hardly wait for some corned beef and trimmings!

    Have a great Friday!

    @Bex953172 Happy Birthday!!!!

    @OConnell5483 Happy Birthday Weekend!!!!

    @azulvioleta6 I have been dying to know what the heck a freggie is!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    happy St. Patrick's Day!!! I'm making soda bread, the hubby is making fish and chips. YUMM!
    The big one for today/ this weekend is to shake the bumitude that has resurged in full strength because winter randomly revisited this week. I've been cold all the time and just want to hide under blankets and do nothing. some friends and their dogs are joining us for dinner so I need to clean up the first floor, mostly to try and keep bad things out of the dogs (well also some the house is a mess and I don't want people over with it in this state).

    - Bake soda bread
    - Clean up downstairs
    - -Avoid the mindless munchies as those have returned with the cold
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Yesterday R 3/16/17
    1) Participate in workplace spring hike at lunchtime - Yes, it was great to be outside! :smile:
    2) Eat fewer calories than yesterday (stealing this goal from @Bex953172) - Yes! For the first time in forever, I was 100 under my limit (ate back some exercise). :smiley:
    3) If no afternoon meeting, then meditate - hike included silence / meditation time, will count that! :smile:
    4) Floss...I'm on a roll! Yes :smiley:
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 w/ TV off - Yes 10:19 :smile:

    Just for today F 3/17/17
    1) Do not dwell on change in weekend plans with hubby / do not be a grump
    2) Meditate in afternoon
    3) Evening, walk on treadmill....yesterday I was so excited to see all ice finally melted from the streets in my neighborhood and planned to walk the dog Fri-Sat-Sun. This morning it's snowing again, the packy kind that cars will compact and turn to ice. Bummer! I'm registered for a 10K in two weeks, so have to keep on the treadmill.
    4) Floss

    Ditto to the birthday girls!

    @Bex953172 Happy Birthday!

    @OConnell5483 Happy Birthday Weekend!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Yesterday R 3/16/17

    2) Eat fewer calories than yesterday (stealing this goal from @Bex953172) - Yes! For the first time in forever, I was 100 under my limit

    Yesss well done!! I had to exercise some back too because I did eat over
    Are you doing the same again today?

    YAMIFAT81 Posts: 13 Member
    This sounds interesting. I will start simple today as it is my first day back after a very long time.
    Just for today:
    Make new friends because motivation and support is important. Add me please.
    Drink 8 cups of water-which for me is four glasses of my Alabama glass.
    Get out of the house and walk
    Plan meals for this new journey and pick up groceries.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    1. eat only healthy foods. No icecream, no chips. THey do nothing but add extra calories :) Stayed under my calories
    2. drink water :) Drank at least 10 cups yesterday! YAH! But why is it that my weight is UP 3 lbs this morning! Hopefully its just water weight, as I have been doing OK with my eating.
    3. be thankful for what I have. Don't look at what is missing in my life :)
    4. just be there for my daughter. its all I can do :)
    5. try and do some exercise - even if its only a short 15 minutes till I feel better :/ Did not get in exercise, but did manage to at least tackle part of cleaning out the guest room.

    Friday3/17. Happy St Patricks day!
    1. drink water
    2. stay within calories
    3. try to get out and walk today since I didn't get to the gym
    4. lay out clothes and shoes, and try and get to the gym tomorrow morning
    5. look and plan for 1 new recipe
    6. enjoy the day

    @Bex953172 and @OConnell5483 . Hope you both have great birthday weekends!!!!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Yesterday R 3/16/17

    2) Eat fewer calories than yesterday (stealing this goal from @Bex953172) - Yes! For the first time in forever, I was 100 under my limit

    Yesss well done!! I had to exercise some back too because I did eat over
    Are you doing the same again today?

    Thank You! With your inspiration, I decided I would pre-log for the day. By keeping that in mind, I was able to stay within my limit.

    And since you ask, no I did not add that to my JFT goals today, b/c earlier I had no idea about my meals for the rest of the day. But now I have decided what I'll be eating for lunch (leftovers) and dinner (something simple while hubby's at work), and have pre-logged that. To my amazement, if I follow through, I will stay within 100 of my limit again. :smiley:
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »
    Record - Not enough
    Eat responsibly - At first, yes... but overall, no.
    Get some more art supplies and start the painting that's been percolating in the head for a while - Too much stress and too tired once work was done.

    Gonna take a break for a bit. Dealing with teenager drama right now - it's sapping my resources. I'll be back next week sometime.

    Good luck everyone.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Goals for Friday

    Its my birthday so I'll eat what I want to!
    However, I will
    - Log my calories regardless of how outrageous they are
    - Consider exercising :D:D

    Okay so I'm not even going to disclose the amount of calories I've ate today! And I'm still gonna eat more!
    I've ate so much I can't even log it all, I keep remembering bits and bobs

    Birthday well spent.

    I considered exercising. Chose not too.
    No amount of exercise can rectify today :sweat_smile:

    Goals for Sat
    - Celebrations will continue tomorrow at in laws but I WILL be more reasonable
    - Exercise tomorrow
    - Drink a bit more

    March Goals
    Current Weight: 12st 6lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Motto for March
    Strive for progress, not perfection.

    P.s. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    @Bex953172 : Happiest of happy birthdays! "Its my birthday so I'll eat what I want to!"--Sounds like you enjoyed it :) ....(Maybe shoveling in all the cake etc counts as burning some calories, lol???!!!)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I considered exercising. Chose not too.
    No amount of exercise can rectify today :sweat_smile:

    Made me laugh out loud! I hear ya, girl. I'm in the same boat today! Happy Birthday!

    @linnea4 Good luck! See you next week.

    @YAMIFAT81 I sent you a request. Welcome! You have some good goals there. Good luck!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Thursday
    1. Hydrate :smile:
    2. Eat fewer cals than yesterday (stealing from @bex953172) :) Yup!
    3. Finish this week's to-do list at work so I can take tomorrow off! :( Well, I didn't finish my list, so I ended up putting in a long day today, but the good side is that I got to work remotely from home so it was a sweatpants kind of day on the laptop and I got a TON of work done! Now I can enjoy the weekend.
    4. Take an actual lunch break I did! I went to Walmart and bought some office supplies and a few things for home. Felt good to get outside in the middle of the day. I work in a basement, so sunlight is rare.
    5. Notice the small things and be grateful. Be more aware today. :) Took time to really notice the small stuff yesterday. Was pretty laid back all day. Love those kinds of days!
    6. At least one random act of kindness. :):)
    7. "Simple Abundance..." journal and assignments. :) Love this book. Really drives home the message of simplifying and being grateful for the small stuff...
    8. At least 100 more FitBit steps than yesterday. :) Yup, yup. Although, if I'm being honest...it wasn't hard to get more steps in since I was practically a slug all day on Wednesday.

    Just for Friday
    1. Hydrate with my new infusion water bottle. Try different fruits, veggies or flavors.
    2. Stay under calorie goal.
    3. Get as much work as I can get done today, and then put it away for the rest of the weekend. Do not let work get inside my head all weekend.
    4. Be "present" with my family and not distracted with electronics all night
    5. "Simple Abundance..." book, journal and assignments.
    6. Early to bed so I can get up early and enjoy the day! Hoping my husband will take me up north bumming tomorrow for my birthday. :wink:

    Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! May the luck of the Irish be with us all!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member

    Is it your birthday too this weekend?

    Haha I'm taking my calorie intake for today to my grave! :sweat_smile:

    Also I wanted to ask, what is your journal? What kind of things do you write in it and why? Just curious as I don't know whether it's something I might want to do.
  • LiveLaughLove1969
    LiveLaughLove1969 Posts: 122 Member
    edited March 2017
    Ok, new to reading this and would love to join in. Been trying to catch on, lol. Question: do you guys do a new "reply" each day or keep adding to the one you started. Haven't really caught on to the "quote" thing and is that where it will continue what you previously put on. I feel like my daily goals will be close to being the same each day. Anyways please help me, lol

    Workout tomorrow
    Eat better and healthier
    No sweets
    No McDonalds Mocha Frappe
    Drink more water

    Not a good day at all, bad news from dr (labs not so good)
    So...for tomorrow:
    Keep chin up
    Keep faith
    More more and more Water
    Try to workout
    Log food

    Better day, started the process that the dr wants me to do that I can get my life back in order
    So.. Chin is up, keeping the faith, def drank more today..workout, well didn't happen

    Walked outside today around the workplace one and a half times
    Ate salad for lunch
    Drank water
    Kept the faith and my chin up :)

    Work out (got some new workout clothing)
    Drink, drink, drink
    No sweets
    Buy good food for next week