Well this is a wake up call


That's my yoyo history, kind of crazy


  • goingoffthegrid135
    goingoffthegrid135 Posts: 26 Member
    5'10. I know it's a low goal and I may not make it but I want to be close
  • fallingwave
    fallingwave Posts: 108 Member
    5'10?! I am 5'10 and 135 seems SO LOW. I think 190 is my goal, I definitely have a medium-large frame.
  • goingoffthegrid135
    goingoffthegrid135 Posts: 26 Member
    I have a small frame 5 1/2 wrist. I know how I felt at 135, I felt healthy. And even though 18 seems young to get back to, I was already an adult, done growing. My husband says how are you going to weigh as much as a high schooler??? I dont know, I guess I'll have to readjust as I go.
  • goingoffthegrid135
    goingoffthegrid135 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2017
    jemhh wrote: »
    Well, no, most women's bodies aren't totally finished maturing at 18 but whatever. The point is to get started. Don't worry too much about the end point since it's years away.

    Well, I was done growing, meaning height. And I don't plan on it taking years, only 18 months.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    It really depends on the person. I weigh less now than I have since I was in 8th grade. Then again, I've never had children and never will. Just make sure the weight goal itself is feasible or make goals in increments.
  • goingoffthegrid135
    goingoffthegrid135 Posts: 26 Member
    Maxematics wrote: »
    It really depends on the person. I weigh less now than I have since I was in 8th grade. Then again, I've never had children and never will. Just make sure the weight goal itself is feasible or make goals in increments.
    Thank you. I have 3 goals. 208 will be "obese" BMI. 173 would be healthy BMI and then my final goal. And in a perfect situation, whatever low weight I get to, then I want to start lifting heavy, and if I gain because of muscle, that's fine

  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    annacole94 wrote: »
    How tall are you? Aiming for being 18 again may or may not be realistic. ;)

    Good luck!

    Not necessarily, I'm about 40 lbs lighter at age 39 than I was at age 18. 18 was when I was my heaviest. However at 5' 10" that might be a bit extreme...140-145 would probably be more realistic and quite thin for that height. I'm 5'6" with a a 5.5" wrist and 135" is pretty thin for me.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    "May or may not" LITERALLY says it might be ok and it might not.

    I doubt she'll want to get that low once she gets to a healthy BMI, but that is a far future problem.
  • goingoffthegrid135
    goingoffthegrid135 Posts: 26 Member
    annacole94 wrote: »
    "May or may not" LITERALLY says it might be ok and it might not.

    I doubt she'll want to get that low once she gets to a healthy BMI, but that is a far future problem.
    I'm not saying it might or might not be ok. I'm saying I may not reach my goal. And I DO want to get that low. I was there before. Can I ask why it seems everyone is nitpicking? Sorry to sound mean but I did not ask for advice. Everyone is different. Only I know my body. And it is not a "far future problem". It's my problem now and it will not take me more than 18 months.
  • msdemeanor70
    msdemeanor70 Posts: 66 Member
    I am exactly the same weight today as I was when I joined the Air Force 27 years ago -- 138. But oh, what a ride it's been in between. :s I am 5'3.5 and very happy at the tippy top of my "normal" BMI range (24.1).
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I'm 5'10" and aiming for 140-145, I think I'd look worn out if I was back down to 130 like in my 20's.

    But the good news is that as you lose you can decide where you are comfortable once you are back in a healthy BMI- which is under 170 for our height.
  • thebestyear2017
    thebestyear2017 Posts: 36 Member
    edited March 2017
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    OK, since most people are weighing in on one side here:

    My lowest weight at full adult height was 113 at 5'6". That was a bit too low. I'd been sick (stomach bug), dropped from 118-ish. I was 18 or 19, don't remember - early college.

    My lowest weight on this round of weight loss was 116, now at more like 5'5". I headed back up to goal, which was 120. I was 60 years old.

    At first, I had a little bit of saggy skin on my face, and (as far as I can tell & confirmed by remarks people have made to me) it has shrunk back in the year I've been on maintenance (as some other areas where I had loose skin have also largely done). People who didn't know me before weight loss are surprised to learn that I used to be obese - it's not obvious.

    I don't have more facial wrinkles than I did before losing weight. I don't believe I look worse than I did before I lost weight (different, yes - and overall, better: I look more muscular, even though I'm not). I will never have "womanly curves" - under the fat rolls I was, and am, built like a 14-year-old boy: No hips, no booty, not much waist indent, broad shoulders, no breasts (used to be small ones, but now bilateral mastectomies).

    I'm not a vain or looks-focused person at all, not very interested in my appearance, so I doubt I'm deluding myself. My weight loss was about some very specific health goals.

    OP is not going to lose all that weight overnight. She will have plenty of time to see and evaluate various intermediate weights, and - if appropriate - decide to stay at a higher weight if she feels & looks good there, or if that calorie level is simply more sustainable for her. Moreover, if she decides she's at too low a weight she can . . . shock! . . . gain some back.

    When I started, I thought I'd be better off weighing a bit more than I had in my youth (people always say that! ;) ), so my initial weight loss goal was higher - 130. But I always planned to re-evaluate when I got within 10 pounds or so of that, and maybe stop sooner, or go on further. It was pretty obvious to me that I should go on a bit further.

    OP, just be you. Keep your eyes open, be honest with yourself, take photos periodically & look at them, etc. Our body composition changes over the years. You may be fine at your youthful weight, or you may find that you feel best a little higher. If you're paying attention, and are honest with yourself, and consider your health as well as your appearance, you'll reach the right conclusion.

    P.S. I'm another vote for starting to lift weights now. Without some muscle stimulus, we're virtually certain to lose more than the minimum of muscle in a calorie deficit. It's hard, slow work for women to build muscle (without performance enhancing drugs), and it gets harder & slower the older we get. It makes excellent sense to hang onto as much as we can while losing weight, and avoid the effort of regaining it later.

    My mother had breast cancer twice, and is one of the least vain people I've ever known - she has no idea how beautiful she is, before or after cancer - she is just happy to be alive. Thank you for your honesty and advice. You, your achievements and outlook are inspiring :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I'm at my "junior high" weight at 46 years old, but I wasn't skinny then so it's a good weight for me now :D