Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    @Doucelait First of all, welcome back to MFP and to the group!

    I am fairly to MFP but started with roughly.150lbs to loose. I set my calorie intake to loose 1lb a week for try to eat 500 less than what MFP allows me so for now I am around a 2lbs loss/week. That is usually what is doctor-recommended (1 to 2lb/week). Also goig under 1100-1200cal/day is usually not healthy, it makes it hard to get all the nutrients you need.

    Now when you start a lot of people tend to loose water as well as fat so the first few weeks you may loose more than that. As for hitting a plateau, I think it can happen more or less anytime. Switch up some things then, work out more or change what you are eating but eventually by keeping under your maintenance calorie allowance you should start loosing again at some point.

    Again not an expert so if I mispoke or someone else has other suggestions, please add to the conversation.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited March 2017
    Doucelait wrote: »
    so what's a safe caloric intake, especially when you have 125 pounds to lose, and you have to keep it up? for example if you start out a certain caloric intake and you lose 50 lbs, doesn't your body get used to it an you might plateau and you may have to go lower?

    OK - yes, that maintenance caloric intake of 2447 will go down as your weight goes down, and also as your age goes up. Also, that intake amount is based on what you said your daily activity level is. So, the more active you are, the higher it is, and the less active you are the lower it is. And No, your body does not get used to anything. However your brain does. And it's your brain that you will have to struggle with during the weight loss journey.

    That said, I want to add that weight loss is not like a checkbook ... nor is it steady. So, whatever program of caloric deficit you select FROM eating less or eating a different selection of foodstuffs, expect it to be a jerky downward TREND in your weight. When people first start to lose weight, they often lose a lot of weight the first week or two ... and that is, in large part, because they have cut back on foods that cause their body to store water ... and the water is leaving the body. It's not true fat you are losing at first. However .... when you stick to a caloric deficit and don't load up on foods that cause water gain, you will start to lose fat.

    Yep - I'm "long winded" ... so here goes a litte more wind blowing your way ... From reading other posters shares I have come to understand this ...
    A 10% cut in calories is right for people who have 10 to 25 pounds to lose
    A 15% cut is appropriate for between 25-50 pounds weight loss goal
    At 20% cut, people usually are pretty agressive and want to get a head start losing between 50-75 pounds
    Very agressive, and not recommended because of all the deprivation is 25% cuts ... but if you have over 75 pounds of weight to lose, and if you can stay on such a drastic life style change, you can do it.
    IF you are way lower, doing this, than your Resting Metabolic Rate ... you can do it for a short time and your body will make up the loss in BMR intake by using your body fat/muscle for fuel. .... actually, any time a person loses weight, they lose some fat and some muscle ... that's why exercise is pushed ... to keep those muscles activate so they don't shrink to much.

    My recommendation? ... Start our slow and get used to making lifestyle eating changes that you will most likely have to deal with for the rest of your life. BECAUSE ... if you go back to eating the way you did when you gained weight, you will regain everything you lost, and even put more on.

    PS ... I don't know how tall you are or how much you weigh ... but I can tell you from my personal experience ... the target calories MFP set for me are higher than my personal record keeping shows it to be. To get to my recommended ideal weight, I still need to lose about 90 pounds. I've already lost 46 pounds over the past several years. I don't plan to lose 90 more, but I am planning to lose almost 70 more pounds ... and I know, for me ... that if I eat no more than about 1900 calories a day I can stay about even, with small increments of weight loss over a period of several days. If I eat at 2000 I will stop losing weight. If I eat high sugar/starch food like chips or candy or cake or pie or bread I will have a 2 pound gain by the next day and it will take me more than a week of eating less than 1700 to lose those added pounds. ... That's just me ... we are all different ... and yet all the same .... So .... make a plan ... any plan and START IT. Go 3-4 weeks following it as best as you are able to and then evaluate. In the meantime, keep good records so you can see your own trends. :) And, you might ask your doctor what they would recommend you intake daily. When I asked mine ... at the beginning .. he said eat 1800 calories a day and walk 30 minutes every day ...
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Doucelait wrote: »
    so what's a safe caloric intake, especially when you have 125 pounds to lose, and you have to keep it up? for example if you start out a certain caloric intake and you lose 50 lbs, doesn't your body get used to it an you might plateau and you may have to go lower?

    Its hard to advise an specific # per se ... for example, for me to maintain I need like 400 calories less that you, so if I advise you to eat 1300 calories like I do that might be too little for you. Everyone is different, but there is the "formula" that for every pound you need a daily deficit of 500cals (between food and exercise).

    When I decided to loose weight I started with a small deficit of calories and then evaluated how I felt with the adjustment of less and different food. As I felt OK with the change, then I reduced my intake a bit more.

    Loosing 3lbs a week is a lot; however you might have weeks when you do lose that amount, but others that you might only lose 1lbs (even though you remained on the calorie level you set) .... your body doesn't react the same from 1 week to the other .. maybe you had a week in which you were running tons of errands (not necessarily exercising on purpose) and that make you burn more calories.

    If you hit a plateau then you need to switch your routine ... change what you eat and exercise (for example, instead of walking maybe try a gym class).

    Good luck with your weight loss; its not easy, but doable for sure! :smile:

    Changing subject:

    Does anyone take thyroid medication? I had cancer some years back, so my thyroid was removed .. but since I started loosing weight every time I get my test done it comes up like the dosis its too high ... does anyone had that situation? I feel fine with my dosis as is so I just wonder how would I feel if it gets reduced.

    Have a great week everyone!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Stayed on calorie limit, but way over on carbs. Will wait till tomorrow to eat my raspberries. Hope to get started back on exercise tomorrow.
    Mermaid - Your ideas are great. I like the bracelet. That should really motivate. I also like the pictures. Think I'll get out my selfie stick and start taking. Good luck to you.

    Tinatie - Good though on the kids plates.

    Parties are hard --- I try to get a plate and fill it with the best choices and not go back. We had corned beef last Saturday night and I had corned beef, cabbage and just a tad of potatoes

    Doucelat said so what's a safe caloric intake, especially when you have 125 pounds to lose, and you have to keep it up? for example if you start out a certain caloric intake and you lose 50 lbs, doesn't your body get used to it an you might plateau and you may have to go lower?
    There is a new school of thought, especially for some diabetics that quuck weight loss is not bad and that calorie restriction to 800 calories per day is ok 2-3 days a week. Dr Mosley wrote a book The blood Suger Weight Loss diet and he recommends low calories and carbs. After all, if you had weight loss surgery and consumed 500 calories or less you would b free of diabetes. When I follow his diet I feel good and I lose fast. But like every other diet, I find them hard to follow. It all starts in the head

    Happy Girl - I have taken thyroid meds for years. Had to change from Synthroid to a natural Nature throid. Since changing my tests are normal. Some of the test currently being used are antiquated and some doctors dont think they are accurate. HJope you are seeing a Endocrinologist

  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member
    Name: LaDana
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22). 295
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 285

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 295
    March 1: 292
    March 8: 293
    March 15: 290
    March 22: 286
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: -4
    Weight -/+ this month: -9
  • descene
    descene Posts: 97 Member
    edited March 2017
    Been away for a bit since I had some issues with a binge that I don't think brought me too over my calories but holy cow I gained a lot of water weight between the sodium and my period lol. Can big people gain more water weight than thinner people? Cause it was nuts, gained 4 pounds after the initial binge and another 6 within the next couple days. After watching my sodium for a few days it dropped straight off though and I'm back to where I was, so I assume it's water weight since I haven't had the best diet lately. I hit 15% of goal though, enjoying having a 2 in front of my weight :smiley: NSV also, I've been able to take longer walks without any lower back pain.
  • trynaayerslmp
    trynaayerslmp Posts: 3 Member
    30 yo Female, 5'8", 280lbs. I struggle with self control. Started the day very well and strong...ended with 2 cheeseburgers and a cupcake :-(
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    30 yo Female, 5'8", 280lbs. I struggle with self control. Started the day very well and strong...ended with 2 cheeseburgers and a cupcake :-(

    I also have problems with control at the end of the day. I've found that if I'm tired I have way less control. Yesterday I was running late and didn't pack a good lunch. Then when I got home tired and hungry I binged until dinner (which I still ate). I knew I should have gone to bed early, but I ended up watching the good wife instead. Oh well here is to starting over again today. My plan is to chew gum on the way home from work and keep chewing gum until dinner.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,951 Member
    30 yo Female, 5'8", 280lbs. I struggle with self control. Started the day very well and strong...ended with 2 cheeseburgers and a cupcake :-(

    I am in a similar situation. 36yo Female, 5'6", 292lbs. But I have a couple suggestions for helping gain control.
    1) Make sure you arn't being "too good" all day. What I mean is, if you restrict your calories too much, then by the end of the day you will be fatigued and just throw in the towel for the evening.
    2) Have a plan. Know by the end of breakfast that day what you will be having for dinnerthat night. That way, during that time between lunch and dinner, you can be preparing yourself mentally to go home and cook it and bc you have been anticipating it, it will taste that much better.
    3) Make sure to have a snack between lunch and dinner. My fav is a 6oz fat free greek yogurt with 1oz sunflower seeds or crushed almonds.
    Hope this helps! :smile:
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    Tuesday Goals (Update): As of yesterday I have officially completed the C25K program!!! Although my pace is not fast enough to get the full 5K within 30 minutes (yet), I am actually able to run for 30 minutes straight without issue :smiley: I am going to continue on with the C210K trainer (6 more weeks should get me to 10K or 70 minutes running) and will throw in some interval training and hill training to help increase my pace.

    Doucelait wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I'm back on my fitness pal after a year. Would like to set my caloric intake. I did the calculations and it says in order to maintain my weight I would have to eat 2447 calories a day. Looking to lose 125 pounds. How much should my caloric intake be to lose 3 pounds a week? I also walk for 30 minutes 5 x week. Thanks

    @Doucelait - I will echo what others have said and would encourage a more sustainable weight loss goal of 1-2 lbs per week. Obviously, consult with your doctor regardless to see what is appropriate for you as he/she may be able to help you with a plan for more aggressive weightloss of 3 lbs a weeks. I am by no means a doctor but here would be my suggestions if you wanted to go the aggressive route: To lose 3 lbs per week you would need a caloric deficit of 1500 per day. Therefore if you were trying to achieve that entirely by calorie restriction you could only eat 947 calories per day (not recommended!!). However, getting in 10,000 steps per day on average burns about 500 calories. If you invest in a simple pedometer (doesn't have to be a fitbit or anything fancy) then getting those steps in can be a huge boost to your weight loss. Also add in an additional 30 minutes of moderate-high intensity cardio (~300 calories) 3 times per week. I would recommend adjusting your calorie intake accordingly on days when you are working out more so that you feed your body the fuel it needs to recover. So a weekly plan may look something like this:
    Mon - 1500 calories, 10,000 steps
    Tues - 1800 calories, 10,000 steps, additional 30 mins moderate/high cardio
    Wed -1500 calories, 10,000 steps
    Thurs - 1800 calories, 10,000 steps, additional 30 mins moderate/high cardio
    Fri - 1500 calories, 10,000 steps
    Sat - 1800 calories, 10,000 steps, additional 30 mins moderate/high cardio
    Sun - 1500 calories, 10,000 steps
    But like I said, consult a doctor/nutritionist to determine what is best for you!

    30 yo Female, 5'8", 280lbs. I struggle with self control. Started the day very well and strong...ended with 2 cheeseburgers and a cupcake :-(

    @trynaayerslmp - Welcome to the club! My self control is feeble at best but I've found there are a few things that I can do to help keep it under control.
    1) drink lots of water - for me that helps keep hunger cravings down in general. I typically try to get in 10-12 cups per day. I've found that a water bottle with a straw can make all the difference in drinking more.
    2) Clean your kitchen - not just of dirt, dust and dishes but of all of the potential junk that you can find yourself getting into. Cleanse your cupboards of high sugar treats, boxed meals, etc.
    3) Plan your meals, grocery list, and take out a cash allowance for eating out - like @MermaidPrincessRach said, knowing what you are going home to cook at the end of the day, mentally preparing yourself to make a good meal, and too add to that, knowing that you have the groceries at home to cook that meal make it significantly easier to avoid taking the easy road and just swinging by the nearest fast food joint or eating something out of a box. Also set aside cold hard cash on a weekly basis that you allot yourself to use for eating out. If you don't have the cash left in the pot to eat out, then you don't get to eat out. I've found this not only limits how much I eat out but also helps keep all of the good groceries that I've bought from going to waste in the fridge. Hope this helps :)
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @trynaayerslmp self control is/was/has been by far the biggest struggle for me. With food a few things helped me. Logging, it showed me what I was eating and when I was eating and how many wasted calories I was eating- mostly out of boredom. Changing my behavior during my trouble times. It made me aware that if I was in the kitchen after 7 I had better be doing the dishes because there was no other reason to be there. Meal planning and preparation was critical. Sunday grocery shopping, reading labels before tossing it into my cart. Going home and chopping my new crunchy snacks bell peppers and carrots. Measuring out my new dips, yogurt or hummus when I took them out of the fridge. Eating what I bought, following my plan. Drinking more water helped too. The more I drank the easier it seemed to lose. I also started walking when I would normally wander to the kitchen. The thing that most woke me up was when the surgeon told me in front of my wife that I wasn't taking losing weight seriously and it was killing me he was brutal in his assessment and wasn't wrong. That's the day for me. That is when I knew, find it within myself or outside myself but find it.
    I has a gastric sleeve done in February but my self control problems aren't over. I'm fighting with exercising. At this point I'm not fighting on food, that comes in 6 or 7 months. It is coming though. It is a constant battle. Some days I'm not strong enough but having more days that I am is winning. The more I do the more it becomes habit. I can never give up and neither can you.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    30 yo Female, 5'8", 280lbs. I struggle with self control. Started the day very well and strong...ended with 2 cheeseburgers and a cupcake :-(

    I harnessed my self control by preparing my own "pre-packaged" food. I don't mind leftovers and this is quick and easy for me. I prepare casserole-type dishes and store them in containers I got cheap on Groupon. Usually two different meals since is just my daughter and I. A few I've made lately; Shepherd's Pie, Tuna Casserole, Chicken and Rice Casserole. Also, maybe some baked chicken with veggies. I grab a container for lunch and another for dinner.
    Once or twice a week a do this depending on how many servings I can get out of a recipe. Then there are some nights that I'll cook something that will be a single meal. For insurance, Friday we'll have steak because it will be a rare night that my daughter will be home for dinner.

    Pictured is last week's Shepard's Pie. Yummy! :smiley:

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace, B) Love <3 and Weight Loss! :D
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Lost another lb. Hope i dont do like last week and gain it back before weigh in tomorrow. Made some good choices yesterday. Need to move my body today

    Thought for Today: Everything is your life is a result of the choices you made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.

    I ask myself - What do I choose today?






  • mebenfie
    mebenfie Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post on here. I've lost 56 pounds and currently plateaued. I'm looking for some fresh ideas, new friends for encouragement and trying to keep at this. My goal is to lose 30lbs before summer hits. Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Checking in for the challenge...

    Name: Barb
    Age: 69
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 241.6
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 228.5

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 241.6
    March 1: 239.4
    March 8: 237
    March 15: 235.6
    March 22: 234
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week:1.6
    Weight -/+ this month: 7.6

    A little about me:
    I don't post very much but I read everyone's each day. You all have been a big help to me and have given me some great ideas and validated some of the things I am already trying. Just losing 24 pounds has helped the way I look and feel, I can't imagine how I'll feel WHEN (not if) I get to my final goal weight. Just getting into onederland will be a thrill. I started this challenge at 241.6 but in the middle of January when I started this weight loss journey I weighed 258. I never in my life thought I would ever weigh that much. I was underweight as a child and young adult, always being urged to eat, eat, eat! Oh my, whatever happened!?! LOL As you can see from the info on the challenge I'm 69, will turn 70 in October. I still work 2 1/2 days a week. I live in Florida and try to ride my bike for exercise. Luckily we have warm weather year round. I have two sons and 5 grandchildren, unfortunately none of them live in FL. :( Well enough about me. Take care everyone, wishing you all a healthy weight loss journey!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    A small step back but working hard to lose some extra this week :smile:

    Name: Ana
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22): 208.3
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22)197.0

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 208.3
    March 1: 203.3
    March 8: 201.9
    March 15: 198.6
    March 22: 199.5
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: +0.9
    Weight -/+ this month: -8.8
  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    Here is my challenge check-in for the week.

    Name: Helene
    Height 5' 4"

    Start weight (Feb 22): 294.8
    Goal weight (April 22) 280

    Feb 22: 294.8
    March 1: 290.6
    March 8: 288.8
    March 15: 285.8
    March 22: 284.6
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    April 22:

    Weight loss this week: -1.2
    Weight loss this month: -10.2

    I thought I was going to loose a bit more this week but it is that week of the month so the number started to climb a little since monday... Better luck next week.

    On self-control: I have never been one very self-controlled person when it comes to food. I used to have a binge eating problem that is thankfully (mostly) under control. I live in Toronto and since the beginning of the year, all food chains with more than 80 (I think) locations in the province are required to put the calorie count of their item right next to it on the menu. So far it has been a pretty good deterrent. I have found myself a few wanting to order a burger at Wendy's and seeing that the smallest one is already 500+ calories and my favourite 1000+, not to mention a side of fries is anywhere between 500 and 800 depending on the side makes me think it is just not worth it. And if I do decide to have it then I need to make extra effort to accomodate it in my plan. Overall it has helped me a lot in making better choices.

    Other topic:
    I downloaded a 30 day fitness challenge app last weekend and boy is it kicking my *kitten*. I put it on the easiest mode but even there I can barely do the small serie of exercises it has set each day. I am sore all over.
    BUT I am not going to give up. I cant so much exercises right now due to my crazy work schedule so I want to keep it up. It is a start after all. There are some exercises I cant do yet because of either how unfit I am or becaise of physical limitations but I try to find ways to modify/replace them. I will get through those 30 days and then I will do it again and again and again until I can do them in my sleep. And then I will move on to a more challenging loop and so on. I am determined to make this work.

    I know I dont comment too often but this group has helped me a lot. It really changes things to see that you are not alone in this battle and that people understands what it takes. So thank you everybody and keep rocking it!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,951 Member
    March 15, 2017 9:56AM
    March 8, 2017 7:52AM
    March 1, 2017 7:55AM
    February 22, 2017 2:55PM

    Name: Rachael (aka Rach or Mermaid)
    Age: 36 *DOB: St Patty's Day
    Height: 66"

    Start Weight: 293.0 (W Feb 22)
    Goal Weight: <285.0 (A Apr 22)

    Weigh-ins on Wednesdays
    February 22: 293.0
    March 1: 290.6
    March 8: 291.2
    March 15: 293.0*
    March 22: 290.6
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    *birthday week

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.4 :smiley:
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -2.4 :smile:

    Time to get crackin' on that goal!
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Name: Claire
    Age: 34

    Start Weight (week of Mar 1) 229.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 213.0 lbs

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: ***missed this week
    March 1: 229.8
    March 8: 222.2
    March 15: 224.2*
    March 22: 221.8
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.4 lbs
    Weight -/+ this month -8 lbs

    Keep up the good work, everyone. Gotta run--my toddler is waking up and we're having a window in our home replaced at 10, so I better finish getting dressed. LOL
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"

    Start Weight (week of Feb 22) 203
    Goal Weight (Week of April 22) 199

    Weigh-ins on week of
    February 22: 203
    February 28: 201
    March 8: 200.8
    March 15: 196.0
    March 22: 196.0
    March 29:
    April 5:
    April 12:
    April 19:
    Last day April 22:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0
    Weight -/+ this month: -7.0

    No weight change this week because I was visiting my Mom for several days. My brother and SIL were visiting her as well. We all live far away from each other and don't get together very often. So it was a love-fest of food, food, food - and not necessarily the most healthful options. But I'm ok with that - it's all part of the journey. I haven't gained, and I'm pretty happy about that. Sending best wishes to all, Birgit