Real food that a thing?



  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    I consider real food things that don't come out of a can or jar. Basically food that is not processed. So instead of buying spaghetti sauce I would, ideally make my own. I realize that this is a huge undertaking especially getting started with a new eating plan and have decided to still incorporate some of what I would consider processed foods into my diet. I would really like to have the time and effort to be able to make most of my food from fresh ingredients but this is been a pretty big change for me and my family and time is of the essence, so I'm not sure how practical this is for right now.

    It's a good goal to work towards but it doesn't have to happen immediately. What helped me with the transition was to basically grandfather in any foods I was already using that I felt like I needed for whatever reason (taste, convenience etc. ) but not to allow new ones.

    Over the years those foods that seemed impossible to cook without I've found I just don't use anymore as I've learned how to cooks things from scratch and practiced them enough to the point they taste better than the convenience food version and aren't really time consuming to make at all. And some other things I still use and enjoy but they're a small part of my diet now.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    Well, it's been two weeks since I started tracking my calories and reading and researching here on MFP and I'm happy to report that I've lost 5 lbs! 5 lbs even though I had 3 slices of pizza this past weekend and nachos and beer the weekend before!

    The biggest thing this thread taught me was that I can eat and be nourished and still lose the weight. I don't have to take such extreme measures to lose the pounds. Now, I'm not eating pizza and nachos every day and I AM eating a LOT more clean options. I've learned to be aware of what I'm eating and to make sure that I REALLY want to eat it before shoving it in my mouth.

    Thanks again to everyone who commented and gave me advice! I really do appreciate it :-)

    The part in bold makes me so happy. This was the best realization MFP ever led me to and I'm so glad you're in such a healthy place.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    Well, it's been two weeks since I started tracking my calories and reading and researching here on MFP and I'm happy to report that I've lost 5 lbs! 5 lbs even though I had 3 slices of pizza this past weekend and nachos and beer the weekend before!

    The biggest thing this thread taught me was that I can eat and be nourished and still lose the weight. I don't have to take such extreme measures to lose the pounds. Now, I'm not eating pizza and nachos every day and I AM eating a LOT more clean options. I've learned to be aware of what I'm eating and to make sure that I REALLY want to eat it before shoving it in my mouth.

    Thanks again to everyone who commented and gave me advice! I really do appreciate it :-)

  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
    Maybe its been said...but how did you find a protein shake that has no added sugar?

    Also...what is amazing grass? Sounds weird.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    Well, it's been two weeks since I started tracking my calories and reading and researching here on MFP and I'm happy to report that I've lost 5 lbs! 5 lbs even though I had 3 slices of pizza this past weekend and nachos and beer the weekend before!

    The biggest thing this thread taught me was that I can eat and be nourished and still lose the weight. I don't have to take such extreme measures to lose the pounds. Now, I'm not eating pizza and nachos every day and I AM eating a LOT more clean options. I've learned to be aware of what I'm eating and to make sure that I REALLY want to eat it before shoving it in my mouth.

    Thanks again to everyone who commented and gave me advice! I really do appreciate it :-)

    good for you OP
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,907 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    Well, it's been two weeks since I started tracking my calories and reading and researching here on MFP and I'm happy to report that I've lost 5 lbs! 5 lbs even though I had 3 slices of pizza this past weekend and nachos and beer the weekend before!

    The biggest thing this thread taught me was that I can eat and be nourished and still lose the weight. I don't have to take such extreme measures to lose the pounds. Now, I'm not eating pizza and nachos every day and I AM eating a LOT more clean options. I've learned to be aware of what I'm eating and to make sure that I REALLY want to eat it before shoving it in my mouth.

    Thanks again to everyone who commented and gave me advice! I really do appreciate it :-)

    That. Is. Fabulous.

    I wish more people reached this conclusion, faster.

    Keep on with that goodness, and you're heading directly toward your goals!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    Well, here I am at the heaviest I've ever been. I haven't tried every diet out there, haven't yo-yo dieted, never taken a diet pill but, I have been REALLY LAZY about my health and fitness! What can I say, I'm a super wife, busy mom-of-three, I work full time, you know the drill. It's time for a change!

    So, here's what I'm doing so far:

    1. Eating only 'real foods', nothing processed.
    2. Tracking what I eat here on MFP (1200 calories or less)
    3. Cut out sugar
    4. Replacing 1 meal a day with a protein shake
    5. Drinking half my weight (or more) in water
    6. Taking 1 serving of Amazing Grass each day

    I've only been giving this approach a go since last Sunday. I have no problem with the food and I've been feeling pretty good, until yesterday. I think I might have hit a wall or something but...I'm exhausted! Any recommendations on things I can incorporate into my routine to help me feel more energized? Also, any tweeks or changes I should do with my 'plan'? Thanks so much for reading!

    I'm a big fan of 1, hard to go wrong there, so long as you are including fish, meat, eggs etc. which are real foods. The key is in your mind. It must be a positive change that creates positive thoughts and feelings, not dread and anxiety, otherwise it's just mental torture. The rest, not so much. 1200 is an arbitrary figure. I'd rather see something based on your actual size, weight loss goals etc. I have no problem with cutting out sugar, I've done it myself, beyond the odd use of honey or maple syrup. Not a fan of drinking my calories to replace a meal, I'd rather eat. I do use protein shakes, homemade, and only after a workout for specific reasons. I can't drink 80 pounds of water. Don't believe in superfoods nor repetitively eating the same foods. Variety is king.

    what are fake foods?

  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    Well, it's been two weeks since I started tracking my calories and reading and researching here on MFP and I'm happy to report that I've lost 5 lbs! 5 lbs even though I had 3 slices of pizza this past weekend and nachos and beer the weekend before!

    The biggest thing this thread taught me was that I can eat and be nourished and still lose the weight. I don't have to take such extreme measures to lose the pounds. Now, I'm not eating pizza and nachos every day and I AM eating a LOT more clean options. I've learned to be aware of what I'm eating and to make sure that I REALLY want to eat it before shoving it in my mouth.

    Thanks again to everyone who commented and gave me advice! I really do appreciate it :-)

    There is the "AHA!!" moment everyone wishes for everyone else to find. Its the moment when it all makes sense and is validated. Its the moment that you discover you can do this for the rest of your life. Congratulations, let the angels sing!!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    midpath wrote: »
    Maybe its been said...but how did you find a protein shake that has no added sugar?

    Also...what is amazing grass? Sounds weird.

    She said a vegan one, so maybe Vega, but in my experience lots of the whey ones also don't have any (talking about the powder, not whatever pre-made ones might exist). I'm actually surprised you would think they were hard to find. Biochem is one example that has no added sugar, but there are others.
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    @midpathmidpath The protein shake I was using is by the company 'Spring of Life' and let me tell was GROSS. Very gritty and horrible flavor. Amazing grass is a powder you can add to juice or water, it's full of super foods. I don't think the Amazing grass is helping with my weight loss but it's more for a health benefit however, I won't buy it again...
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    I bet you feel tired eating at under 1200 calories! Try protein packed things- cheese, nuts, etc. If you can, go to a nutritionist. They can help make a plan that isn't' quite so extreme.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    @midpathmidpath The protein shake I was using is by the company 'Spring of Life' and let me tell was GROSS. Very gritty and horrible flavor. Amazing grass is a powder you can add to juice or water, it's full of super foods. I don't think the Amazing grass is helping with my weight loss but it's more for a health benefit however, I won't buy it again...

    glad you can tolerate the amazing grass lol,I tried several flavors and couldnt gag them down, they to me were that nasty.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    Well, here I am at the heaviest I've ever been. I haven't tried every diet out there, haven't yo-yo dieted, never taken a diet pill but, I have been REALLY LAZY about my health and fitness! What can I say, I'm a super wife, busy mom-of-three, I work full time, you know the drill. It's time for a change!

    So, here's what I'm doing so far:

    1. Eating only 'real foods', nothing processed.
    2. Tracking what I eat here on MFP (1200 calories or less)
    3. Cut out sugar
    4. Replacing 1 meal a day with a protein shake
    5. Drinking half my weight (or more) in water
    6. Taking 1 serving of Amazing Grass each day

    I've only been giving this approach a go since last Sunday. I have no problem with the food and I've been feeling pretty good, until yesterday. I think I might have hit a wall or something but...I'm exhausted! Any recommendations on things I can incorporate into my routine to help me feel more energized? Also, any tweeks or changes I should do with my 'plan'? Thanks so much for reading!

    I'm a big fan of 1, hard to go wrong there, so long as you are including fish, meat, eggs etc. which are real foods. The key is in your mind. It must be a positive change that creates positive thoughts and feelings, not dread and anxiety, otherwise it's just mental torture. The rest, not so much. 1200 is an arbitrary figure. I'd rather see something based on your actual size, weight loss goals etc. I have no problem with cutting out sugar, I've done it myself, beyond the odd use of honey or maple syrup. Not a fan of drinking my calories to replace a meal, I'd rather eat. I do use protein shakes, homemade, and only after a workout for specific reasons. I can't drink 80 pounds of water. Don't believe in superfoods nor repetitively eating the same foods. Variety is king.

    what are fake foods?


    well played...
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    @midpathmidpath The protein shake I was using is by the company 'Spring of Life' and let me tell was GROSS. Very gritty and horrible flavor. Amazing grass is a powder you can add to juice or water, it's full of super foods. I don't think the Amazing grass is helping with my weight loss but it's more for a health benefit however, I won't buy it again...

    glad you can tolerate the amazing grass lol,I tried several flavors and couldnt gag them down, they to me were that nasty.

    Yea...I'm with you, they are pretty nasty tasting. I mix them with grape juice and then I have to take a HUGE gulp at once to get it down.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    @midpathmidpath The protein shake I was using is by the company 'Spring of Life' and let me tell was GROSS. Very gritty and horrible flavor. Amazing grass is a powder you can add to juice or water, it's full of super foods. I don't think the Amazing grass is helping with my weight loss but it's more for a health benefit however, I won't buy it again...

    glad you can tolerate the amazing grass lol,I tried several flavors and couldnt gag them down, they to me were that nasty.

    Yea...I'm with you, they are pretty nasty tasting. I mix them with grape juice and then I have to take a HUGE gulp at once to get it down.

    I couldnt do that even with juice.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I eat nothing but real food. I find imaginary food very unsatisfying.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Does "bonking" have a different meaning outside of the UK?!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Does "bonking" have a different meaning outside of the UK?!

    In the endurance exercise world bonking is basically running completely out of steam because you deplete your glycogen and therefore being unable to complete a ride or run or doing so way slower than you should have.

    So yeah! ;-)