

  • RunningOutOfMyMind
    I got the signature banner thing to work....first time ever!

    Thanks for sharing it!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Done with Work out and squats for the day. Feeling pretty great!!!
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    Do you have room for more members?
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    anyone hear from lprunty today? Hope she is ok, I don't have any responses from her today.
    she did report her cardio and strength exercise for yesterday. Hope your still with us lprunty!

  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Done with Work out and squats for the day. Feeling pretty great!!!

    awesome, gottcha down for the day!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I got the signature banner thing to work....first time ever!

    Thanks for sharing it!

    ok, and i copied and pasted and nothing happened? what am i doing wrong?
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Completed my workout challenges for today!

    Squats - while chatting with a good friend
    Jogged 25 minutes - about 2 miles - took it easy... it's friggin HOT.
    30 Day Shred for about 20-30 long does that workout last? LOL

    you the bomb!! an ORange bomb that is!!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I should also report that I have done my squats and walked 50 mins for the day!! woo hoo! its been awhile, but you all are so inspiring to me!

  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Good night everyone. Busy day tomorrow.
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    good night all! great work today.

  • RunningOutOfMyMind
    I had to go to 'signature' and paste it there and be sure to change BOTH the "IMG" to img. It should automatically pop up for you.

    I did my squats and managed to just run and play in the yard with the dog and girls for my last few minutes of exercise.

    Did my shopping for my anniversary weekend away, and bought super cute panties (you all wanted to know that, right?!)

    Good night everyone!!! I am in my kitchen (where my laptop is plugged in, but I am not in the fridge and I have a super sized glass of ice water! Woo Hoo!

  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    I have to apologize to you guys. I thought I had posted on the thread this morning, but apparently not! Guess my brain really doesn't work at 5:30am! I hope you all had a fantastic day. And thanks to those that responded to my status query about whether to eat or not this afternoon. I did end up eating about 1/4 of my lunch and then had a nice dinner after my daughter's swim class. I have also gotten in my workouts for today and I feel good about that.

    I love having you ladies to support me and hold me accountable. It helps a lot.

    Emotional challenge:
    I have no clear reason why I have maintained my weight. Untill my first son was born in 1997 I was thin (well my friends said so anyway, I didn't see it). I lost about 1/2 of the preggo weight, but had two more kids after him and just kept gaining without losing much after birth. So here I am. I try to work out, but I don't have much support. My mother always says that she doubts I'll keep it up...thanks mom. And I have always been self conscious about my body because I started puberty at an early age...How many third graders do you know that need to wear an A cup? There was some teasing going on because of the size of my chest (not in elementary school, but Jr. High and High School). So I took to hiding my body so it wouldn't be the focus of attention. I think putting on weight and keeping it on became a substitute for wearing baggy clothes. There was nothing stand out about me anymore, and I liked that. I still have fears that when I do lose this weight and reach my goal weight that I will look top heavy. But really at this point, I have to put my health above my looks. My cholesterol is going up, my knees hurt all the time and I have no energy. It's not a good thing to have 3 kids and no energy. I have to grow comfortable with my healthy weight body, and I think I will.
  • lprunty
    lprunty Posts: 108
    Good morning Ladies!! I hope you have a great Friday!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    happy friday everyone. Hopefully I can check in with everyone tonight. Saturday i will be away from the internet so you will not hear from me. I hope to hear fabulous results on Sunday when I check in.
    Make sure to post AND send me a message so I can give you credit for all you accomplishments.
    My scale looks good.. how is yours gonna look?
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    happy friday everyone. Hopefully I can check in with everyone tonight. Saturday i will be away from the internet so you will not hear from me. I hope to hear fabulous results on Sunday when I check in.
    Make sure to post AND send me a message so I can give you credit for all you accomplishments.
    My scale looks good.. how is yours gonna look?

    Would you like a daily message, or one at the end of the week summing up all of our progress? I haven't sent you an one yet, but I can shoot one off with Wed-Fri is you would like. =D
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    So, today I am just not feeling it. For some reason I just want to sit in bed all day. It could be because my son has been cutting two molars the last few days, and I am starting to feel the fatigue of dealing with that. My scale is being kind to me though, so I know that all of my hard work is paying off!
    I think I am going to go to the gym today instead of trying to go for a walk or do my workout video. Maybe a little Mommy time will be good?

    Any suggestions for fighting the slum?
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    TGIF everyone! I will be away from the computer tomorrow so im checking in tonight. Squats done for today. Spending tomorrow at the zoo with the family. Should be doing well with my exercise tomorrow, going to be walking my but off in the super hot weather. Lol
  • CrayonsNCoupons
    Will also be off on Sunday. Its my daughters birthday and we are having all the family and friends over. I will check in Monday morning. Oh and im staying away from the cake and ice cream. Desserts are ny weakness.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I did my Work out and my squats for the day. I also closed the kitchen last night before 9:30pm. How is everyone else feeling today?!?! Go orange team!!!!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    doing well! it was my exercise day off, but tomorrow I will be chopping wood and doing enough exercise for 2 days.
    did my squats!
    Looks like we are all doing well.

    What would each of you like to do? tell me at the end of the day that you did your exercises or give me a summary that I can post on the message boards. I would like to keep the finally tally for the week in one post.