When you live with people who never gain weight and eat all the stuff you cannot touch.



  • ellefox70
    ellefox70 Posts: 58 Member
    My husband runs marathons and when he is a couple of weeks away from one (like now) will just inhale food and still lose weight. We have the same meals I just adapt mine (and have a fraction of the portion size!) but it's the constant snacking in the evening which I find trickiest. No real tips but I sympathise.
  • whiskey5jda2008
    whiskey5jda2008 Posts: 115 Member
    What many people don't realize about people who are "naturally lean and fit" is they are either eating less at other times or their activity level is higher than most people's.

    While this seems to make sense -- I live with someone who defies this logic. My husband can't keep weight on. He is rail thin and looses weight at the drop of a hat. He has seen many doctors and has had numerous tests. He drinks ensure plus between meals just to maintain his weight. He will even wake up at night just to down an ensure and go back to bed!

    The doctors have concluded that he just has a naturally crazy high metabolism. Part of me is bitter - I have to fight for every pound i take off. However, i watch him struggle too. It sucks at both ends of the spectrum.

    I have a friend like that. She eats and eats and eat (usually garbage too) and never gains a pound. She actually had to get a Rx to slow down her metabolism so she could gain weight. I used to joke with her about trading metabolisms so she could gain and I could lose.

    My hunger fix is Veggies! You can eat a boatload of veggies and if you get hungry again, eat another boatload.

    Veggies are very versatile too. you can make soup, casseroles, salads, sandwiches.......just about anything with veggies - except hot dogs. Veggie dogs are nasty IMHO

    good luck losing weight
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2017
    My take on your situation, after years of observation and analysis of similar situations, is that your boyfriend eats as much as he pleases of any food he likes, while you try to adhere to a restrictive regimen that makes you physically and emotionally wanting. You are hungry, hangry, envious, resentful. This triggers you to overeat, in an attempt to fill your needs.

    My suggestion is - allow yourself to eat what you want. Pay attention to how that makes you feel. Aim to eat in a way that makes you feel good.

    You may experience that what and how you like to eat, changes a bit, or a lot, when you do that.

    Truly eating what and how you want will most likely lead to normal weight, just like is does for your boyfriend.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Just because he is slim doesn't mean he is healthy. It can be really hard but try cutting sugar from your diet. Its in everything and it can cause you to have cravings through out the day.

    A diet of protein and fat is pretty poor.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2017
    rouhnaz wrote: »
    Yes, I adjusted my goal so that it's a bit higher. Still, it's hard for me to just moderate and have a thin slice of pizza or a small helping of pancakes.. especially when I can make myself a more diet-friendly alternative.

    I lost a bit of weight and I used to eat fast food all the time. The less and less I ate it though the easier it was to avoid. I think you're better off as you said to eat diet-friendly alternatives instead. Once i focused on my diet and really ate well I lost weight pretty quickly.
  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    Wow this was a wonderful thread of support to wake up to!
    Thanks everyone.

    I'm just gonna stick to my diet and deal with it. He certainly means well. I guess in the long run, I'd feel bad if he stopped enjoying foods and all the stuff he craves for me.

    I did try to eat what I wanted and have foods like his -- this resulted in 10lbs of weight gain over 3 months. That's back when I though maybe I could eat whatever I like, too! Ha. Now I have 30lbs to lose instead of 20lbs.

    So I just have to get used to this. Diets suck, that's the truth for me. But I have to do it if I want to make a change.

    Thanks for all your support! This was really helpful.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Just because he is slim doesn't mean he is healthy. It can be really hard but try cutting sugar from your diet. Its in everything and it can cause you to have cravings through out the day.

    Nope. Wrong.
  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    @WinoGelato yes I hear ya.
    I am aware that my problem has been sticking to a diet. I try to do it for a while and then fall off track. So I lose rather slowly.

    Fitting his foods into my day, through, would be tough. He consumes meals and foods that are pretty heavy in fat and carbs, which works fine for him! But a bite of his Mac n' cheese would be worth 50 calories.

    When you are trying to make every calorie count, I say make your own Mac n cheese that you can have a proper serving of.

    I just have to deal with my plan.

    33 (almost)

    MFP puts me at 1200-1500 cal/day for loss of 2lbs-0.5lbs/week.

    Knowing me, my lifestyle, my job, etc... even when I try to fit in activities they aren't enough to offset the day.

    I'm a short-ish girl with medium body frame... but my appetite is that of a giant bear!

    This definitely takes some adapting. Seems harder every time I gain the weight back.

    But I am trying to make it somehow a lifestyle.

    Honestly, I wish I never learned about diets! When I was young I became overly concerned with my weight (especially being teased by family and strangers on all that). Then the diet roller coaster took off. Can't wait for that ride to end!
  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    @WinoGelato I think I missed a few questions..

    Goal Weight Range: 135-145lbs

    Yes I use a food scale.
    I log as accurately as I can but I know there are bound to be errors! That's why I try to goal myself lower than my actual recommendation. (i.e., if I wanna only eat 1500, I aim for 1300 for the day etc).

    I've lose and gained 20-30lbs since I was a teen, so I've been doing this for about half my life?

    I think I answered all the questions?

    Anyways, moving right along.
    Just gotta deal with the craving/hunger challenges ahead.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    That's why we're trying to tell you to stop with deprivation, over restriction, dieting and (yes) martyrdom. You paint a picture of sitting in a corner with your sad salad moping while you eat it. I'm assuming you don't spend all day together, so right away you have responsibility for your own breakfast & lunch - that's 2/3 of your day to weigh and log. Ask him what goes into his dinners, weigh out the ingredients and determine your portion that fits into your calories for the day. If the amount isn't satiating enough, add your salad or veggies.
    At your weight, you should, at the most, be set to lose 1 lb per week and you probably would have greater success with 1/2 lb. Re-read the replies you received and try to get a different mind-set that will help you succeed!
  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    amyepdx wrote: »
    That's why we're trying to tell you to stop with deprivation, over restriction, dieting and (yes) martyrdom. You paint a picture of sitting in a corner with your sad salad moping while you eat it. I'm assuming you don't spend all day together, so right away you have responsibility for your own breakfast & lunch - that's 2/3 of your day to weigh and log. Ask him what goes into his dinners, weigh out the ingredients and determine your portion that fits into your calories for the day. If the amount isn't satiating enough, add your salad or veggies.
    At your weight, you should, at the most, be set to lose 1 lb per week and you probably would have greater success with 1/2 lb. Re-read the replies you received and try to get a different mind-set that will help you succeed!

    Ha! Nope. No salad in that corner... just quiet contemplation and water. Sometimes tea.

  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    Anyways, thanks everyone for your insight.

    I honestly just needed to vent. I know what I gotta do, but last night was one of those tough ones. I read here that you can reach out to the community when feeling stressed or struggling so that's what I did.

    It's not every day, but some days are harder than others! Thanks to those of you who authentically related to me.

  • rouhnaz
    rouhnaz Posts: 62 Member
    Yup. Thanks for all that.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    rouhnaz wrote: »
    I'm just stressed a tad here. I live with my boyfriend who cooks amazing food, orders fatty deep rich pizza from restaurants, devours as much as he pleases and can never seem to synchronize meal time with me.

    It's so exhausting watching him inhale all the delicious bottomless meals all day, while I am 35lbs overweight and cannot lose for the life of me.

    He never gains anything. Naturally lean and fit.

    Life ain't fair, that's for d@!$ sure.

    What do you do when you are trying to stay at your calorie limit every day while the person/people you live with eat everything you can't in front of you?

    If nothing else, vent with me! Gah!

    I know what you mean! I have pity parties for myself every so often because of that, but I find that overall having an attitude of gratitude keeps me on a more even keel.