Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @joan6630 Thanks for sharing your motivation thoughts. Sure did hit home, and I appreciate you reminding me of all the things I'm striving for also. Including clothes I never got to wear! :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    Wow I guess I'm kinda lucky with plenty of time on my hands as I'm only 25!
    Your posts are really inspiring and thank you for sharing it with me!

    I have sooooooo many clothes I don't fit in
    My jeans that I love so so much now have stretch marks in :(

    At this age I guess I don't have much experience with loss due to health reasons ect.
    And my family are weird in that someone could have a leg chopped off and no one would even notify you *eye roll*

    But I do suffer from mild depression and hypothyroidism so probably why I find it so hard!

    Am I too young to say life is strange :sweat_smile:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    Grrr I'm already 700kcals over!

    Goddamn M&S tart!
    It wasn't even that nice! Wish I checked before I ate it!!

    Im gonna have to burn 500 cals to be less than yesterday!

    In fact, f@?k it!! I'm gonna do it! Goddamn tart is not going to get the better of me!
  • Becky_p1972
    Becky_p1972 Posts: 25 Member
    Can I just say I love this thread so much!!! Y'all add me, I'm in need of some like minded friends that will check in with me and that I can check in on.
    Just for today: Eating at or a little under my calories, do some type of movement for 30 min.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Grrr I'm already 700kcals over!

    Goddamn M&S tart!
    It wasn't even that nice! Wish I checked before I ate it!!

    Im gonna have to burn 500 cals to be less than yesterday!

    In fact, f@?k it!! I'm gonna do it! Goddamn tart is not going to get the better of me!

    You can do it!! This is just Monday -- you have the rest of the week to average out those 700 extra calories!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    Can I just say I love this thread so much!!! Y'all add me, I'm in need of some like minded friends that will check in with me and that I can check in on.
    Just for today: Eating at or a little under my calories, do some type of movement for 30 min.

    Love to have you join us!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,597 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    So don't wait until you have a holiday or vacation planned! Don't wait until that special occasion comes where you can look nice. I want to look nice all the time. I want to feel healthy. And when those special occasions show up, or a unplanned holiday or vacation, you will be ready, and not have to try and lose 20 lbs in a month...

    I also lost 38 pounds on weight watchers 8 years ago. I never felt better. I was riding my bike for 30 mile stretches easily. I loved going places, because I knew I looked nice. I had more energy. This is what I want to be like again.

    Like you had said --- we are all someday going to have our own "success" stories to share !!

    Well said, so very true!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Track breakfast and lunch
    2. 5 freggies
    3. 2+ hours of salsa
    4. 10+ cups water
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    Get a nap in when I can. :)
    Eat carefully. I have some pre measured out meals. I'll stick to them today. Even if I don't take the time to log them I'll be ok. :)

    Exercised 20 minutes
    7000 steps :)
    24 ounces water. :)
    Took mother in law to her heart doctor. She has to get her pace maker battery replaced in the next two months. We went out to lunch after the doctor office. She did pretty good for the trip. You just gotta love those pain killers!

    7000 steps
    24 ounces of water
    Take MIL to the bone doctor tomorrow to get a follow up with the specialist to make sure she has the same diagnosis and treatment plan as the emergency room doctor had with her
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi All !

    Today is Day 1 of my new beginning and I'm so glad I found this thread. What a great idea: "just for today" fits with my approach - just for this moment, just for today, one step at a time, one ounce at a time! I have over 100+ pounds to shed and there's no time like now to start. :)

    As for goals, I'm happy I achieved my primary goal for today: getting started. I was surprised to see my daily calorie goal - missed that one already, but am relieved I'm not too far off for the first day. Things I'm working on changing are the amount of water I drink (not much), my activity level (desk job + couch potato when I get home) and how frequently/much I eat (usually a snack + 1 meal in the evening).

    Tomorrow's a new day so I'm setting the following goals just for the day:

    Motivation - Stay the course for a 2nd day
    Water - Drink 2 containers (40 ounces)
    Food Choices - Eat 3 meals + snacks
    Activity - Do more steps than I did today (and make sure I carry my phone with me!)

    Thanks for being here!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    JFT 27 Mar Monday:
    1. Log and stay w/i cal limits-- :#
    2. 3+ pints water/tea-- :)
    3. abs challenge day 6-- :o missed the abs but I did go for a walk
    4. Pick bathroom paint color/order color samples-- :) still have to pick, but I got the samples ordered!
    5. Peacefulness (esp. in taking care of at least 3 sick children :/ )-- :) went fairly ok.

    JFT 28 Mar Tuesday:
    1. Log and stay w/i cal limits
    2. 3+ pints water/tea
    3. abs challenge day 6
    4. Plan weekend trip to visit son???
    5. Peacefulness (esp. in taking care of at least 3 sick children :/ )
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,597 Member
    Yesterday M 3/27/17
    1) Keep w/i 100 of daily goal / smart evening snacking - Close -109.....with late supper, no evening snacking except a cup of tea :|
    2) Walk dog after work - Yes 3 mile route :smiley:
    3) Work on updating financials - Nope. After dog walk and late supper, sat on couch for short break and Kitty climbed on my lap and went to sleep. I didn't have the heart to shift her, so I read the paper instead and got sleepy.
    4) Floss - Yes Day 2 :smiley:
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 no TV - Another close one 10:33

    Just for today T 3/28/17
    1) Keep w/i 100 of daily goal / smart evening snacking
    2) Beautiful spring day, the sun's finally out = walk dog after work
    3) Update financials...this needs to get done, stop procrastinating!
    4) Floss
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 no TV
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Actually, now that I went back and sort of "back-logged" my food from yesterday, I wasn't as over as I feared...peanut butter creme pie at bible study sort of blew it, but I did get out for a walk--finally looking like spring up here in Northern WI. I'm hoping to get outside today too!!!

    Have a super day! :smiley:
  • wendyron3
    wendyron3 Posts: 91 Member
    JFT goals- exersize after 4 days off:(
    Drink lots of water
    Get back on plan after a crazy eating weekend out of town

    JFT Wednesday 4-29
    Drink water
    No sugar
  • dwntwn5
    dwntwn5 Posts: 69 Member
    This board is exactly what I need! I'm 39, and have between 15 and 20 lbs to lose.

    JFT Goals
    - Stay within daily calorie goal.
    - No alcohol (not a problem, just an easy calorie cut)
    - Bed at 8:30 (Bon Jovi concert last night. Need to catch up on the lost sleep).
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Just for today: Tuesday
    Drink 24 oz of water
    Exercise 25"
    Keep within calorie limit
    Declutter office for 60"
    Practice 20"
    Write two letters to friends
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Yesterday's JFT my goals

    1.5 lt water- YES
    eat fruit and veggies that I brought to work NOPE
    only eat HALF of the chinese left overs I brought YES
    30 minute walk (maybe try for an hour) - YES
    record all food - YES
    STAY WITHIN CALORIES. (was over this weekend... turns out Denny's is a "share your meal because the calories are half a day's food) - YES
    do some planking - OOPS
    squats when I get up to use the washroom. - YES

    Good job everyone!!

    DIDNT get that all done!!!

    JFT Tuesday

    1.5 lt water
    Eat fruit and veggies left from yesterday
    sushi for lunch???
    record all food
    don't buy CANDY at the movie tonight
    Walk 10,000 steps

    let's get'er done

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Monday:
    1. Eat only what I packed for snacks and lunch today. :) Actually didn't even eat all of that. Made up for it when I got home and ate a ton of popcorn though.
    2. Water - at least 60 oz :)
    3. Hold my head up at work today and try not to allow myself to show how hurt I am by recent drama :) Things are starting to settle down which is a GOOD thing!
    4. Activity today. of some sort. just do it. get off the ol' derriere and move. :/ Well, I got more steps in but once again let myself sit down on the couch after work and once I do that, it's all over... But in my defense, nobody was home when I got home from work and it was just so nice to sit and soak in the quiet for a minute...
    5. Get Phase I of my current work project done. :/ Ended up teaching until after noon and then had meetings. Today I will get busy on it.
    6. No complaining or crying about work tonight when I get home. Leave it at the office. :)
    7. Random act of kindness, at least one. :)
    8. Gratitude journal tonight :)

    If anyone has any tips as to how you motivate yourself to get your activity in, I'd love to hear them. I have never been an athlete or an exerciser, so I'm really struggling with this.

    I'm SO HAPPY to hear from my fellow Wisconsinites on this thread that it looks like spring today in Wisconsin! I work in the basement of a medical clinic so I had no idea the sun was out and it is nice! I need to wander upstairs at some point soon...

    Just for Tuesday:
    1. ACTIVITY, at least 30 minutes.
    2. Healthy whole foods only
    3. Water intake increase from yesterday's total
    4. Complete pre-copy tasks for project and get users built in training environment (work stuff)
    5. Take a real lunch break. Leave the basement for at least 30 minutes.
    6. File our taxes tonight. Stop procrastinating!
    7. Read from Simple Abundance... tonight and write in gratitude journal
    8. One random act of kindness

    Have a great day everyone! I sure do enjoy checking in to see what everyone's up to each day. :)
  • dwntwn5
    dwntwn5 Posts: 69 Member
    @wikkidwanda Great plan on the candy for the movie. I went to a Bon Jovi concert last night and had pre-planned and logged for 3 drinks. Turns out, I had to trade a drink for gummy bears b/c the section I was sitting in had them just sitting out! There was no way I was going to avoid that! :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @wikkidwanda Ha! I didn't eat my veggies packed in my lunch again yesterday either! I finally threw them away last night. They were getting pretty old. LOL