
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    stats for the day:

    wahoo hrm not working, all applewatch-
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 13.28min, 13.1amph, 2.9mi = 160c
    SPIN CLASS- 45min, 88ar, 119aw, 11-17g, 19.4mi = 482c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 6.58min, 12.2amph, 1.4mi = 61c
    jog station 2 wk- 5.14min, 10.05min mi, .5mi = 52c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.34min, 9.39min mi, .4mi = 52c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 22.57min, 6.9amph,17mph winds!!, 2.6mi = 216c

    total cal 1023
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    We had a scary nite last night with straight line winds in Our community. A friend clocked the winds at 79 mph. Spent all day (literally) picking up tree limbs and branches. A lot of people had much worse damage with Hugh trees down and roof damage.
    Re-I look forward to your posts because you are so caring and real. You just do what works and it will begin to happen for you.
    Nite all
    SueBDew in TX
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends

    Heather, so happy to hear that you did some writing today. You know I want to encourage that as much as possible without being too pushy. (((Hugs)))

    Kim, great job on the horse blankets. Congrats on finding your FitBit.

    Chris, watch out or you will be in the girls sizes soon. Woo hoo.

    Charlene, how can that quilter work with that “thing” looking at her through the window? ROF

    KarenVA, your pups are sooooo cute.

    Rori, sounds like you will be busy after being home for a spell. We want a picture of you in your dress. Actually Heather is the only one I know that wears dresses a lot but then she goes a lot too.

    Katla, you said, “: I just reread my post and I am embarrassed that it was so negative about Keurig. I apologize. I am not usually so thoughtless. “ I certainly can’t imagine that anyone was offended. We each like and dislike different things. I occasionally use the K-Cups but I have three so I don’t have to rinse one out to re-use while it’s wet. We normally make coffee in our 10 cup pot and just don’t make it full. I’m due for my bone density test also. Mine have always been fine which surprised me after two different stress fractures in my tibia.

    Allie, sorry for your loss. I do hope you will be able to go to Minn for the services.

    Sarah, how nice to lose weight when you’ve been eating out and expected a gain. You must be doing something right!!!

    CarolGA, how exciting for your DGS in his baseball game. They are so much fun at that age.

    Charleen, your quilt is absolutely stunning.

    Lanette, I had to laugh at the cartoon of the garage. My DH just had a cousin pass away that was a collector and a hoarder. We can only imagine what his house, garage and storeroom look like. I sorta hate we don’t’ live near so I can see and help.

    Sarah, you are the bomb with your plank. Great going if you never get to 3 minutes.

    Rita, sooo sorry you got scammed. I’ve had a two occasions to try me on that but always go to the bank and ask them to call to verify the funds while I wait. Even if they did verify (which they don’t) I would wait a few days before refunding their money. But on Craig’s list I only take cash. I keep thinking I’ll get passed some counterfeit hundred dollar bills when making a large sale but so far so good.

    MicheleNC, I love your bumble bee. I think that might be my favorite.

    Janet#2, Mia is such a doll. I hope the oxygen is off soon.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Well I’ve been busy with the Moose and trying to sell some things on Craig’s list so I’m behind again. I just want you all to know I think of you often and wish you only the best. I also did a lot of sorting and tossing out things in my tiny office today. I’ll be putting some things from the guest room in here so that closet will be empty when DD moves back in. I’m glad to be getting things sorted and clean but needed the pressure to make me do it. Tomorrow I go to the next town about an hour away to pick up two clothes racks that I’m buying from Craig’s list to use at the garage sale.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited March 2017
    Pip! you burn those calories, Chickie-Baby!

    SueBDew - Aw, thank you. (Hugs!)

    Goodnight, Beautiful People! I am off to grab and eggplant so I can make the best spaghetti sauce ever... Step One in an experimental lasagna-like casserole with layers of Portobello Mushrooms, various Italian cheeses and some lovely eggplant meat sauce.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :'( Jake is still suffering so much from his cold that he saw the doctor this afternoon. She ordered a chest x-ray and confirmed that he doesn't have pneumonia and suggested several OTC remedies which he is following. He feels so awful and there's nothing I can do for him....so I took care of me and the dogs and did things to make us feel better:

    196 minutes walking Sasha and Bessie
    85 minutes riding the exercise bike while knitting and watching figure skating on TV
    line dance class
    15 minutes pulling weeds.

    meditation next and then off to bed.

    <3 Barbie

    It's time to review your resolutions and goals for March and plan some for April. :)

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – When my boys were younger we lived first in a split-level house, so all their toys were downstairs. They could bring up as many as 3; but, if they wanted something else, they had to replace one for the other. Later we lived is a really cute 2 story, with a high pitched roof that was over the ‘attic’ room. We had it sheet-rocked and that was their playroom. I'm not even sure we even got it painted; but, it opened off my DOS's bedroom and was a couple of steps up. Again, toys downstairs were limited to 3. By the time we moved to the house where they were teenagers, we did not have the ‘toys’; but, they had all the sports stuff … about as bad; sometimes worse, when they brought them in after a hard-fought game and smelled sweaty. Finally, they got the idea that dropping them in the carport outside was best. Oh, I’ve picked up a ‘lot’ of toys on the floor. Now, Cracker can’t stand anything that makes noise, she acts like we’re being attacked. I finally just end up either putting her outside or in her crate for the duration.

    KJ and Lanette – Seems like most kids of this generation have ‘withdrawals’ if you decide to ‘take their phones away’. My DMGD will move her thumbs like she is still typing. It is sort of sad that they do this.

    We don’t have basements in South GA; or should I say very few houses have basements. We’re on a bed of limestone, with a clay-base over it and it can sometimes be unstable depending on the rain, how much, whether it floods, many reasons. Pip – Luna, my DOS’s lab was bad about tearing up ‘everything that was stuffed’. I gave my son a pillow with ‘Dog Rules’ … she has never even tried chewing it up. In fact, they will put it under her head and she will sleep for hours. Cracker chews up any toys we have bought her. She can sleep in any position. If we got into the same positions, somebody would have to go to the chiropractor … if they could unwind themselves to get there.

    Beth – How I see some things; as someone who has a ‘mental disorder’ (manic/depression – “Bipolar” … call it what you will) is sort of like walking around with a red “M” on your forehead if you mention it. You find out 'who your REAL friends are. Like cancer was 50 years ago; as if the name the "C" word, it would suddenly become contagious. My ‘disorder’ can be ‘controlled’ by medication. Some are not so lucky. Some MDs treat people with a ‘mental disorder’ as if they are ‘stupid’. Whenever I start feeling like this, I Google “Famous People with Bipolar Disorder”. Quite frankly, although it is hard – I sort of ‘like’ belonging to such a well-heeled group. LOL! I think we all have our ‘quirks’ … we just have to find where we are comfortable and make the best of it. My favorite mantra is "I don't suffer from mental illness; I enjoy every minute of it!"

    My ‘middle’ sister says all the time that she ‘is scared of the world as it has become’. So far I am ‘not’ scared; just a lot more cautious and less trusting. I think the men and women we sent to represent us in Washington are not representing the people that sent them there - Democrats and Republicans, Independents, and RINOS. Tell your Congressman/woman to stop acting like children, grow up and put their big girl and boys panties on and get over it. It is the same no matter what side your on. We need a 9th Justice on the SCOTUS and personally I think a good Judge has been nominated - so 'confirm' him already. You in office do not represent just the Democrat or Republicans, you represent all of us! Do your job or 'get out';

    We’ve got a couple of generations who have never known a time without a hand-held computer/phone. I’d venture to say that some of us can remember a ‘time without a TV; or a B&W one, or one that had ‘test patterns’ from midnight until the first news (usually some farming guy) giving information about what to plant when. Then the color pictures came out. They don’t know what a telephone booth is; they laugh when you tell them when you were a ‘teenager’ … you took a $1 worth of quarters with you out on a date. We could call ‘collect’ and leave a message. While they still have ‘pay phones’ in some places, they are also getting few and far between.

    Mummoid – Sweet letter, you should definitely have it framed!

    Joyce – She still hasn’t had that baby???? My goodness, let’s hope she isn’t an elephant; you’ll have another year to wait.

    Re – And ‘thank you’ in return for the exact same reasons!!!!!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wow, weird thing. When I get on each time I click on the MFP site, go to Community and then bookmarks so that it takes me to my last post. Well, it took me to a spot where it is the empty space where we type. It had a post in it that I suppose went poof into cyber land. It was dated way back on the 20th.

    I am going to have to U-tube Canticle of hope and see what it is. I'm so glad you have a song that gives you such peace.

    Choir practice tonight. We are finishing up our music for Easter. I asked if we can sing the special from Easter Sunday every Sunday. The tenors said a very loud NO!!! It is a very high song for them. Our pastor has suchh a wonderful tenor voice. I just love sitting in front of him and listening. But sometimes I think our choir director needs to sing a difficult tenor song without him singing. I think they depend on him to much.

    I know it has made national news earlier but I don't know if the latest has made it. We had an amber alert last July when a disabled teen went missing. She used a power chair, could not walk at all, barely feed herself. When she went missing, her power chair was at home and all her medicines. After numerous tips that proved false, it went cold. This Monday a call came in of a decomposed body in an abandoned building. This morning it was confirmed it was this teen. Now it is a murder investigation.

    Got our boxes from our United Health Care of our Essentials order. We got 4 pair of diabetis socks, Neopsorin, Antifungal ointment, Cortisone cream and 3 bottles of saline nasal spray. All free!!!!! Can't beat that. We get to order every 3 months. Last year I lost the username and password and I think we ordered the first 3 months and lost out on all the others. That was $300 I wasted!

    ODD called as usual this afternoon. Her girls are thinking about the summer and wanting to make money. The 15 year old will work at Zaxby's which is a chicken place I hope they never want me to go there. Sky high in sodium! But the 10 year old can't do things like that. So she has 2 clients already that she will start immediately as a pooper scooper for them. Her other job that she is going to do is to read for hire. Now for me as a Mom I don't think I would want my kid to charge for reading to people even if the person agrees to it since she is such a cute kid. This daughter is the one who is still job searching even though she has a good job. Her employer provides her with a cell phone and laptop. So if she takes another job there goes her phone calls to me almost every day.

    Joyce, Indiana beautiful tonight but will be stormy tomorrow

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    edited March 2017
    Here's what I'm planning for a digital detox as one of my April goals.

    Digital Detox Action Plan
    1. Estimate my current usage. Get a realistic picture of my usage now.
    • Almost 24/7. Includes bathroom breaks, bath time. I fall asleep with ear buds listening to something... video or audio book.
    • I get antsy when I don't have my iPhone or iPad at my fingertips. Watch the clock when I decide to set it aside for an hour.

    2. Make a list of essential digital tasks. Estimate time needed to do these.
    • Clear text messages
    • Clear email
    • Pay bills (Wed and Fri as follow-through back-up)
    • MFP - Track my food and post accountability
    • Check in with my 3 sisters via group text

    3. What will I do instead?
    • Analog art
    • Work with DM90 on crafts
    • Spend time outside tending to plants and enjoying the space
    • Exercise - go for walks
    • Journal
    • Practice mindfulness
    • Get more done!

    4. Create a daily plan... time allowance.
    • I'll lock (in the kSafe) my 3 main gadgets: iPhone, iPad and Kindle.
    • Set a time period for morning and evening to cover the essentials and a bit of play time - perhaps after I get my chores done and during DM's afternoon nap. Thinking about this.
    • I'll create a "taper down" time table. Amount of time for the gadgets to be in timeout.

    5. Create my chart of new analog habits for all my triggers/cues by 3/31.
    • Identify my triggers.
    • Create my chart. When I ______ (trigger/cue) I will ____ (new behavior) and this will make me feel ___ (reward).
    • Print chart and place it in my command center station.

    Welcome your feedback.
    --Ginger in Texas
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just listened to Canticle of hope. Beautiful. And such a meaning to it and the story behind it. I will have to tell our choir director about it. But our pastor has his whole sermons planned out for the entire year and alll music, congregational and choir is planned around the sermons. But I think that song could be used with anything. I listened to one that must have had a full orchestra behind it. We use a lot of songs with CD accompany and some of it is quite elaborate. I would hope there is a CD with less.

    Lenora, how long is an elephant pregnant???? I don't know how in the world anyone human can go over due date much less 15 months.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: Anyone can do regrettable things when under unbearable stress. Be kind to yourself and let the past stay in the past. (((HUGS)))

    Sue in WA: Our yoga room is in a cold area in the basement of the sports club. We put two portable in there to take the chill off before class begins. Often it is a student who gets there early and makes sure the heat is on. :smiley:

    moreclan9: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Several of us are from the PNW. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: I hope everyone in your community is safe and damage is slight or non existent. :star:

    We have satellite TV and it is currently showing some channels but not local channels. I hope they get it fixed soon. I'll check and see in the morning. Tomorrow DH gets to go to the eye doctor and be fitted for new glasses. Yay! We're almost done with this cataract surgery adventure. Getting new glasses should be the final step. We both are looking forward to him being able to drive again.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2017
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla. My voice of reason.... Prioritizing myself to the TOP of all this here baggage! Sheesh, (throwing it off to the side of this forum) phew!!
    Smiling Becca
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,005 Member
    Morning ladies~ ended up working 7:30-6 yesterday.. didn't check my email,because I have it turned off on my phone..Tom asked when I got home if I got his email. No..
    So he has been watching Velocity which is a channel that shows about cars, one is a local guy here..
    Soooo he is flying down to Florida tomorrow and buying a 2017 Chevy Camero SS (super sport) he has the money in his 401k and if he wants to take a small loan out fine...but gee isnt that swell..
    I dont know if he has gone off the deep end or what..
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    Kim - you may possibly be the strongest person I have never met. :) There is a bone-deep goodness in you that I can only aspire to, and admire at levels I can't possibly begin to express in a few words here.

    Allie - I'm stomping all over the cynical side of me at Tom's latest decision. Anything I find myself able to say would be untactful, and in the end, not useful. Just know you're loved, and held up in spirit.

    Welcome to those who are new--it's a very supportive place, this thread, and will begin again for April, so we can wipe the slate clean and start with a glad heart. Watch for Barbie's post with the link tomorrow night that will lead you back to us.

    I love all the pictures of creativity, and of children, grandchildren, places, and each other.

    Have you ever seen a giant flock of innumerable birds in flight that turns and swoops, dives and rises, almost as if of one mind? They look like a beautiful, joyful quilt hung on a moving line of breezy sky that doesn't just encourage their movement, but shapes it in ways we cannot see.

    That is us.

    Corey's X-ray of that broken wrist is today. Hoping his results are as good as mine were for my thyroid.

    Loving y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Good morning, wondering if anyone's had any login problems with MFP. Suddenly, I just could not login using my iPad yet it works fine on my phone. I reset the password, deleted and reinstalled the app, still not working so I emailed MFP.

    I don't like using my phone to read all the posts so hopefully it will work later. Have a good day everyone.

    <3 Sarah, Ontario
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited March 2017
    Morning ladies. I found the discussions of digital detox interesting. I freely admit, I am a digital addict, in my case primarily addicted to my ipad.

    Lisa. Love the imagery of the flock of birds. I agree it is an apt description of this group. I had the pleasure once of watching a flock of birds interacting with balloons. About 100 colorful balloons were released as part of a special celebration in nearby Lyon, France. The balloons were tied together to form a long column and were released just before the flock of forty or fifty birds approached. The birds passed, turned back, and proceeded to spend the next fifteen minutes diving and circling the balloons, spreading out and coming back together, almost as if they were dancing in synch. It was amazing.

    -Leigh in France
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited March 2017
    Sarah, The forum works okay, but I cannot log in to my food diary.