

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Ginger, I hope you can find glasses that work for you to read in bed at night. It sure does work for me. About planks--they used to be something I did regularly (I did a "plank a day" challenge once and got up to five minutes). Then I started having pain in my legs that made planks impossible. The solution for the leg pain was spine surgery so after the surgery I couldn't do planks because of the strain on my back. Now it is six months since the spine surgery and I found that I can hold a plank for one minute That's where I'm going to start and see if I can increase the time after awhile.

    :)Purl, welcome back. Taking your workout clothes to Mexico is a great way to get back on track.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    16,000 steps
    183 minutes walking Sasha and Bess
    175 minutes riding the exercise bike while knitting and watching figure skating
    19 minutes puttering in the garden
    one minute plank

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Today I started my "digital detox".
    • I've done one hour off, then one hour on.
    • I don't allow myself to take it into the bathroom with me.
    • And I didn't allow myself to grab it when I first woke up.

    At first I felt anxious - and kept checking the time. And I still do - but to see how much I can get done before the timer goes off and I can take a break with the internet. I have a list of tasks to do. So I'm getting things done too.

    I don't know if I'm ready to go to sleep without my Kindle. I've done that for at least 10 years. We'll see. I may lock-up these electronics in the kSafe tonight and read "The Chemist". I got this book for Christmas and haven't cracked it open yet.

    About to do more exercise.

    --Ginger in Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lisa – Has your son ever been deployed overseas? BPD – what do this initials stand for? Bipolar Disorder? I know that the younger it appears, something the wider the moods swing. I go for therapy 4x a year; basically, to make sure that the Seroquel, Clozapine, and Geodon I take for Bipolar Disorder are tweaked, along with my other meds I take for other reasons, namely my thyroid condition. I talk with the PsycheMD about how things are going for me. When I was in the hospital up there, I had a 'wonderful' therapist. I have a friend whose teenager/young woman daughter really had issues with it; she got help and got off drugs and alcohol; and, got her life back together. She’s back in school now, too. I was about 36 when I was diagnosed. Have a ‘good’ psychiatrist can make all the difference in the world about how you get through it and come out with some semblance of ‘normalcy’. I’ve been through the “Coo Coo’s Nest” before and believe me had my share of Nurse Ratchets. I've never watched the movie - could not ever get past the 2nd set of locking doors. I wasn’t abused by my parents; and, after several trips in-and-out of the hospital and getting the right type of medication cocktail – I’ve gone over 4 years since having an ‘episode’. I hope your son gets the ‘proper’ treatment and medication if they decide to go that direction. Sounds like he is ‘between a rock and a hard spot’ and that isn’t very good. It does ‘tend to run in families’. But, maybe BPD means something totally different in your son’s case. I just hope that it all works out for him. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for your son and for you and DH.

    Lanette – Enjoyed the saying. I thought I was going to have to ‘stop and throw my husband out of the car’ last week after his procedure. In a lot of pain and he is the ‘worst’ backseat driver ever! “Who’s driving this car, huh?”

    Kim from Augusta, GA – Across the state from me; but, it is possible that my DOGD and her boyfriend might be coming to Augusta (or Savannah), GA the first of next year. He wants to be a PT. He’d really like to go to University of TN; but, his GPA is just a tad under what it takes to get into that program there. He's one of these students that waits to the last minute and crams for tests. Unlike my DOGD, who uses cards to memorize the answers. She fussed at him all the time about his study habits. LOL!

    Pat Ce in Oh – I prefer women’s basketball (if I have to be subjected to it). Really proud of the MSU girls beating U Conn. My DYS graduated from MSU; now lives in Louisiana and loves it!

    Purl – Welcome back!

    Becca and Katla – Yeah that was a pretty good one! No pranks today; maybe, I was just outside when they call. I’ve had the most fun answering the phone – “Fire Department, where is your emergency?” My husband just laughs. We seem to be getting less and less calls. Did have one that asks for me by name; so I told them that "I'd get her to the phone." It was another 'telemarketer' and I told her that she had called the 'emergency number' and I was 'on duty', could I 'call her back'? NAH! She said she'd call again. I told her not to, she was tying up emergency lines and we could not get 'personal calls' while on duty.

    Michele – Wedding Day is the “Bride’s” day more than anybody’s; maybe a close 2nd is the ‘groom’. I agree, that she needs to pick out the dress that SHE likes, regardless of who is paying for it. I’ve seen this done before; because bridesmaids can be such different shapes; bride picks out a ‘color’ and has the Wedding Shop pull the dresses in that color and then the girls can pick the style they like. Sooner or later, Denise is probably going to ‘tire’ of her soon-to-be-MnL … sometimes it is best to just ‘keep your lips sealed’. She’ll learn to ‘stand on her own’ soon enough.

    I made a manger scene in ceramics as a teenager. My Mother made all 3 of us a china manger. I think she got tired by the time she did one for me. It never really looked finished, so I took some of my ‘oil’ paint (a nice rich brown) and diluted it and rubbed the pieces all down with it. Let it dry just a little; then rubbed it hard. I could not believe how different it looked. I have one manger (that actually goes with the one I made). I have no idea where I got it. I need to get Louis to make me one for the other 3 I have. One for each granddaughter.
    We had a split-level when we lived in Macon; garage on the lower floor, a couple of steps down from the hall downstairs … I ‘hated’ it! Other than being able to keep the common area cleaned at all times. That’s what I like about the 2-story we had when we moved back to Albany from Macon. When it rained the garage had water in it. We ended up suing the builder (and the HOW) … Home Owners Warranty. If my Daddy had not been an attorney; we would have never been able to get it ‘repaired’. I dug up bulbs and petunias 4x during my pregnancy (I was 5 months along when we moved there). Never got far enough down (until we took them to court). Then they came out and dug down, below the foundation inside and outside and put drain tiles (locks of gravel and pipes with holes in them); then did it up the yard in about 4 spots. We had sold the house by that time. We just wanted it to be done RIGHT so they would not come back on us.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited April 2017
    Ginger, I was the same as you about reading in bed. You can't get the angle right with the bifocals unless you're sitting up. For a while the cheapies from the drugstore worked for me, but then they stopped helping. My eye dr said it was because my reading prescription was not the same in both eyes anymore. I got some prescription reading glasses in the cheapest frames he had. They were still $125 for the frames and lenses, but I can read so much better. My progressives still have my old prescription for reading, which works for most things, just not for the tiniest print.

    Kim, welcome! I'm a couple of hours from you, about 15 miles north of Athens.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa- so glad he is in the military and they are taking this seriously, and giving him help ! Knowing you care and have had, faced, and overcome mental health issues has to give him hope.

    Welcome Kim

    Today was really nice, I was home all day – walked Levi early but other than that I stayed home; I have not been home all day in weeks! I really get tired of go go go --- so while I gardened in my yard for a couple of hours and did a couple of hours of embroidery, it was nice to not run from one thing to the next – but tomorrow is back on the regular routine… 5:30 am walk, 8am – noon gardening client, noon -? Drive to my mom’s and deal with stuff there, then home…


    Kim from N. California
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Hugs for everyone

    Cooking turkey supper tomorrow for my family here, since I am going to see my daughter for Easter.

    The snow is melting here and we have a big pool of water in front of our house. Hope the City comes by and opens the drains in the next couple of days. A lot of the drains are still under the snow and are frozen up, so the water has no place to go and pools.

    Have a great weekend.

    Paula Y
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Lenora - I don't know if Denise will ever get tired of the soon-to-be-MIL. Denise is a very materialistic person, this S-T-B-MIL cosigned for their apt (because we wouldn't) TWICE (after they skipped out the first time leaving her owing thousands of dollars), a new bedroom set, comforter for the bed etc, gave them furniture that she'd had, bought them a truck. And that's only the things that I know of. she's been with him for over 10 years, we've tried to tell Denise that the mother is "buying" her affection and Denise just doesn't see it. Or maybe doesn't want to see it. The S-T-B-MIL was saying at the bridal gown shopping about how Denise was being so careful about her budget. Well..duh...that's because we gave her a budget that she had to work within. Now, when I went up there for the bridesmaids gown shopping, suddenly Denise was saying how she might be renting centerpieces from the place where the reception will be. Previously, she was going to make them. Well...if she doesn't have a budget...why not???? Which leads me to think that the mother is paying for the reception. The mother was saying how she never thought her son (the goom-to-be) would ever get responsible about finances. Then the groom was saying to me how he'd had a talk with Vince about finances and ever since then he'd been conscious of finances. Even from NC we helped him grow! I remembered him and Vince having that conversation! Now I get the feeling that Denise is feeling that she has to "hide" things from us. When the mother paid for the dress, Denise said to her "oh thank you, I love you" and you should have seen the mother beam from ear to ear. I told Denise that she should pick out dresses that SHE liked since everyone has different taste. Like I know that her taste and Jess' are different. That's OK. But this is HER wedding, she's the one who will have to look at the pics for (hopefully) years to come, no one else. Denise did do some looking online but I don't think she's thought of things like "can Jess and I get that gown near us?"

    To me, this whole situation with the S-T-B-MIL is sad..that she feels she has to "buy" affection.

    Oh, got the battery changed in my watch Fri after the CPR class. Vince was saying to me "boy, it seems like you go thru batteries a lot". When they looked up their records, the last time I had it replaced was TWO years ago. As you get older, time just goes by so fast.

    Michele in NC whose hot flashes are getting more frequent. Thank goodness for frozen grapes!
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Leigh - I would say losing 10 lbs. in a month is great progress.

    KJ - You make me laugh. Necking! haha. Enjoy the visit.

    Lisa - I am so sorry to hear about the diagnosis and the cutting. Praying for you and yours.

    Mary - Congratulations on your win.

    Meetings, training, sending people home, calling people in. The day was busy and the only thing I could think was "I want to be out of here". One day.....

    Went to do some shopping with my niece, sister, sister -in- law and a cousin. My niece was in full blown bridezilla mode. We did find the material for the flower girls. They will be so cute.

    We went to supper at my DD's, her in-laws cooked. The kids were excited to see us as was Boss ( the pit bull).
    I thought my DGD was doing wonderfully with her reading but her report card says differently. We had a very good visit and the chicken was delicious.

    Going to try to set some goals
    1/ Move more, whine less

    2/ Continue to shred, declutter the office.

    3/ Find a reason to laugh every day.

    4/ Continue on the No Sugar adventure but get stricter with it and let people know about the challenge.

    5/ walk/swim 5 x week.

    6/ Write

    -Sharon in Lethbridge (where the wind blew and my hair was wild)
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    HI all,

    Thanks all about my sons meds I did forgive myself it's not often that I forget, anyway he got them last night and slept really well my concern more was for his epilepsy meds but his blood levels must be high enough to carry him through.

    Lisa, ((hugs)) gald he is getting help that is half the battle.

    Katie, I have considered Canabis oil the low THC stuff as it would be good for my sons epilepsy as well
    but at $130 for an oz bottle just way too expensive for us.

    Pat, the french doors are looking great!

    There are a lot of beautiful ladies here been through tough times and come out the other side. Have to admit things got really hard in our lives. I have lot's of stories with our son funny good and hard. A time when I ended up in the fetal position in the bottom of our shower sobbing my heart out. But I am still here and thankful for the dark times that make the good times seem so much better.

    exercised today got over my fear of it, as before I ended up with terrible fatigue after. Now it's good to be feeling good doing it.

    Charlotte from Albany, Western Australia, beautiful sunny warm autumn day, where the pelicans are flying.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Morning all

    Welcome newbies

    Hugs and good vibes to all who need them

    Really missing the gym but eye op seems to have gone well. Seeing a blue glow when using the eye that's been done, but googled it and apparently it's common and will probably be ok when my brain catches up, aren't our bodies wonderful machines.

    Weigh in today haven't lost or gained so happy. Will go for a walk later

    Kate UK
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited April 2017
    Lisa: So sorry to hear about your son; I hope he will be able to get the help he needs to finish out his term.
    Chris in MA: Congratulations on the loss and the new jeans size!
    Mia: Congratulations on signing up for the 5K.
    Ginger: Really like how you track your goal progress!
    Re: Love the eggplant lasagna!
    Penny: Thanks. I had not noticed the day!

    Have to admit that I looked a little enviously at my DH's blueberry pancakes this morning, especially as the blueberries coming into the markets are really sweet this time of year. I thought about and then remembered that I have a couple of special outings coming later in the month. I decided I would save my splurges for then.

    -Leigh in France
  • Hogerda
    Hogerda Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. It is inspiring to read what you are doing for yourselves. I found myself a little aimless after leaving my farm home of 20 years, my teaching jobs, and moving to yet another country. After 50, starting life over is more challenging than before. Kids on a different continent, menopause, friends all elsewhere, going on with their lives. Focusing on fitness and weight is a good crutch until I find my bearings and enough like-minded people to have a new social circle and group of friends. Thanks for sharing in the meantime... My goals are to stop overeating out of discontent, get back to a weight which will allow me to enjoy cycling again in the hills here, walk a lot so I can add some red wine calories occasionally and fit into my clothes comfortably again. Not too ambitious, but in the past 5 kilos shed meant 8 kilos gained afterwards. That is what I am not going to do this time! (fingers crossed, eyes on the calories) Good luck to us all. Gerda, France
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Welcome Gerda! I guess you're in France now, but where did you move from and what continent are your children on?

    /Penny at the North Pole, far from my parents and sisters in the US and my children and grandchildren in Sweden
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    well the dinner with my friend and her mom was just lovely. baked eggplant,salad, broccoli ,and some seafood dish with shrimp and pasta, I had a taste of everything and a glass of red wine and some sparkling water, and wonderful conversation.. she is my age and is VP of financial endowments at Berkley college of music in Boston. so she travels alot and gets to meet wonderful people... she is just a gem... and love her to pieces..you might remember we had them here for Thanksgiving this past year..
    gonna go feed DFIL and then come home and do some work around here..
    the reason I bought the Easter candy is because I had coupons.. and will mix it all together and put it in snack bags and leave some for the DGD, but will keep them with me and randomly hand them out to brighten someones day..
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Good morning everyone, it is a bright sunny day here so hopefully more snow can melt so I can see my crocuses that are trying to come up!

    Going to visit an old friend in Montreal today, she is in her late 80's but has more energy than most young people. So we'll take
    her out for lunch and then grocery shopping.

    I just asked my DH to do a Leslie Sansone video with me fully expecting him to laugh but he is going to do it yeah!

    Have a great day everyone.

    <3 Sarah, Ontario
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi Gerda, where in France do you live? I am in the Pays de Gex, just across the border from Geneva, Switzerland. What brought you to France?