Artificial Sweeteners?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Artificial sweeteners have always made me feel bloated and crappy...

    Avoid them at all cost, there terrible for you...

    They might be terrible for you, but they are not terrible in general. ;)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    filbo132 wrote: »
    You'll be fine with artificial sweeteners as long as your whole diet consists of drinking just stuff with artificial sweeteners.

    I don't understand this statement.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    To the original poster...

    Learn to live without the sweeteners, you don't need them. They're just a crutch, soda and refined sugars are terrible for you whether artificial or not...

    Do you really think companies like Coca-Cola give a damn about you... No they don't, diet soda is just a scam to take more of your money as cheaply as they can...

    The is good old-fashioned fear mongering, and certainly not a fact.

    Anybody who sells a product wants your money, and CC is no different.
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I personally can't stand artificial sweeteners in my coffee so I find a way to fit the sugar into my daily calorie count. I do like Stevia in things like my oatmeal and tea though. For some reason, coffee just doesn't taste right to me without regular sugar
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited April 2017
    My coke zero has aspartame in it.. I drink at least 2 cans of that stuff a day, sometimes more. I've lost 200+lbs.. and all of my health markers are great. It helped me by still allowing me to get the taste of a coke, without the calories that I would get if I drank a regular coke. You can pry my coke zero/cherry coke zero from my cold dead hands.

    I've been drinking artificially sweetened beverages since they were first introduced. My grandfather was a diabetic and he stocked his refrigerator with Tab and Fresca (sweetened with saccharin) back in the 60's.

    Aspartame was a revelation in good taste compared to that, but I loved the bubbles in soda and enjoyed the Tab and Fresca back then.

    I like them all, though Stevia has a bit of an aftertaste and I don't like the cooling affect that erythritol and xylitol seem to have in the mouth.

    I really think the debate about artificial sweeteners is all just silly fear mongering, and will continue to use them.

    Am I the picture of health? Not entirely. I suffer with several autoimmune illnesses. Funny thing, that.

    So did my great-grandmother. She had the very same ones I have.

    A diet soda never passed her lips.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Revisit the plain coffee. Hot and freshly brewed, it's actually wonderful. At Starbucks get a black Americana. It's a latte made with water instead of milk.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I didn't read the whole thread so I don't know if someone mentioned this:
    There has been some interesting research that indicates that regular use of artificial sweeteners disrupts the microbiota and leads to glucose intolerance.

    Stevia is a good alternative. There is even flavored liquid stevia: coconut, caramel, chocolate, lemon. They're good in coffee or water.
  • AntoinetteAngus
    AntoinetteAngus Posts: 58 Member
    I used to use diet drinks many many years ago. Artificial Sweetners are not the greatest for you hence the 'artificial' in the name. I actually noticed changes in my vision after using them consistently. I would highly recommend that you stay away. Honey is a great sweetner. It's a way better alternative and because it's natural your body not only processes it better than sugar or artificial sweetners, it's also harder to convert to fat :)
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I used to use diet drinks many many years ago. Artificial Sweetners are not the greatest for you hence the 'artificial' in the name. I actually noticed changes in my vision after using them consistently. I would highly recommend that you stay away. Honey is a great sweetner. It's a way better alternative and because it's natural your body not only processes it better than sugar or artificial sweetners, it's also harder to convert to fat :)

    You noticed changes in your vision after using artificial sweetness so no one should use them. OK. Do you have any scientifically valid studies to back up your contention that having "artiicial" in the name automatically renders a food "not the greatest"?

    Not everyone is interested in "scientifically valid studies to back up your contention." Opinions and personal anecdotes should be just as welcome here as scientific studies. IMO
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I used to use diet drinks many many years ago. Artificial Sweetners are not the greatest for you hence the 'artificial' in the name. I actually noticed changes in my vision after using them consistently. I would highly recommend that you stay away. Honey is a great sweetner. It's a way better alternative and because it's natural your body not only processes it better than sugar or artificial sweetners, it's also harder to convert to fat :)

    You noticed changes in your vision after using artificial sweetness so no one should use them. OK. Do you have any scientifically valid studies to back up your contention that having "artiicial" in the name automatically renders a food "not the greatest"?

    Not everyone is interested in "scientifically valid studies to back up your contention." Opinions and personal anecdotes should be just as welcome here as scientific studies. IMO

    Well, in that case I suppose I should advise everyone to avoid wheat, barley and rye, since they all contain gluten which makes me really sick, so they must be bad for everyone.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Honey is a great sweetner. It's a way better alternative and because it's natural your body not only processes it better than sugar or artificial sweetners, it's also harder to convert to fat :)

    LOL. Honey is composed mostly of the sugars glucose and fructose, and sugar makes up about 95% of honey's weight.

  • TheRambler
    TheRambler Posts: 387 Member
    I can see right through someone if they are being artificially sweet. psht
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I like sugar in my coffee. I can barely stomach it plain. But it adds more calories than I'd like to see. I'm looking into artificial sweeteners and I'm finding very conflicting information about its benefits/harmful effects.
    I'm not looking for scientific data - but, rather personal experience stories.
    Have artificial sweeteners helped you, or hurt you?

    The OP asked for personal experience stories. I actually made the mistake earlier in posting scientific data. Scientific experiments are often begun because of people's personal experiences, to either prove or disprove what individuals believe. So IMO it's a mistake to keep your personal experiences hidden away as if they are taboo.

    PaulaWalla: You make a very good point. However, it's such a natural and human response to want to warn others against something you strongly believe to be true.

    Nutrition/health science is ever-evolving and, IMO, it's short-sighted to think there are any ultimate truths to be settled upon. If we stop questioning and challenging then we'll get stuck in today's dark ages of food science. We all need to take a breath and stop taking "scientific facts" so seriously! Seriously!