Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I'm struggling with sugar too!

    But I've started by reducing my cups of tea from two sugars to one!

    I've been thinking though and I'm going to get a jar and fill it with granulated sugar to the equivalent to what I eat per day/week or whatever
    And I'm hoping it will put things into perspective?

    Maybe you could try it too?

    Why not put Splenda or stevia in your tea?

    :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: didn't think of that!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    1. Be mindful of what I eat and journal every bite. Detox from sugar. :) Did really well until I hit the chocolate at 9pm before bed. WHY DO I SABOTAGE MYSELF EVERY SINGLE NIGHT? UGH!
    2. WATER! I need to be very mindful of this. My fingers are like little sausages because i haven't been drinking enough water. :/

    I have the same problem with sugar and snacking in the evening!! So frustrating! I do excellent all day - even with the sugar intake. But drinking water has always been my problem, and snacking (mindless eating!) in the evening. I ruin the entire day in the evenings.
    I see many of us have this problem. Maybe we can start posting or writing in the evenings instead of snacking? WHat do you guys think -- before we grab sugary snacks, get on here?
    Maybe somehow we can support each other to conquer this sugar habit!

    My partner has ate 3 twirls today, all I can do is glare at him lol
    Want one so bad!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey everyone! How was your weekend? We got a bit of sun here in Washington. My weigh ins are on Wednesdays, but I peaked this morning at saw that I got down to 268 (I was 283 Beginning of March!). Happy to see the scale go down, and it gives me more motivation to keep going.

    Great weight loss!!!!
  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    20 minute exercise video :/
    7000 steps :/
    Log and stay under goal (daughter is making cupcakes tonight just for the fun of it, now I have to keep from eating them! >:) ). Close to my goal. And I only had one very small cupcake.
    Read and study :)
    Carry water bottle around. Drink water instead of caffeinated drink. :/ Started off good but craved that caffeine around 1:00.

    I didn't sleep well last night. I was so tired today. When I had some time that I should have exercised I took a nap instead.

    4/4 let's try this again!
    20 minute exercise video
    7000 steps
    Log and stay under goal
    Read and study
    Carry water bottle around. Drink water instead of caffeinated drink.
  • bri150lbs
    bri150lbs Posts: 44 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    1. Take breakfast smoothie to work :smiley:
    2. Take lunch and snack with me to work :smiley:
    3. Go to Zumba :smiley:
    4. Be careful to not over eat at night :smiley:

    Woo hoo! A really good day today! I found out last week that I have a potassium deficiency, directly related to my blood pressure medicine. I started eating tons of high potassium veggies 4 days ago and I feel WONDERFUL for the first time in Months! I kicked butt at ZUMBA today. The last time I went to Zumba, two weeks ago, I was wiped out after the first song. If I can just get my potassium and thyroid levels correct at the same time, I will be unstoppable!

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    2. Go for a walk in the evening if the weather isn't too bad
    3. Be careful to not over eat in the evening

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    bri150lbs wrote: »
    I started eating tons of high potassium veggies 4 days ago and I feel WONDERFUL for the first time in Months!

    So glad you are feeling better - and are back! We missed you!! Yes .... you are unstoppable!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member

    I didn't sleep well last night. I was so tired today. When I had some time that I should have exercised I took a nap instead.

    When I am tired, it is hard to do anything, even eat right. You did great. And sometimes .... a nap is what you need!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited April 2017
    JFT, Monday
    1. scrub floors :)
    2. help hubby with work - been slacking the past few days :) Swamped, but made it to the UPS store 15 minutes before they close! WHew!!
    3. prepare to ship stuff this afternoon :)
    4. wash bathroom shower curtain and rugs :)
    5. vacuum and clean downstairs :)
    6. lay out gym clothes. Going to try and go to the gym before going to the airport to pick up DIL and grandsons! :/ Decided to skip tomorrow, as I am exhausted! I am hoping to get tons of exercise with the grandsons!
    7. log all food :/ I have been so busy today, and now, I'm just ready for bed!
    8. carry my water bottle with me :) Did better with this today

    I am posting my goals for the rest of this week, since I am unsure if I'll have the time to get back on here. All depends on if our grandsons sleep at our house or not .... if they do .... they get up at 5 AM! So I am sure when they go to bed ... so will I!. But they may stay in their hotel ... just not sure yet what they will do.

    but I am going to try and post my goals, and hope I can stick with these from now until saturday!
    SO.. JF the days Tues through Saturday
    1. if eating out, be mindful of what I choose. Just because I am eating out .... does not mean I should order french fries or dessert!
    2. remember to bring my water bottle with me wherever we go
    3. play with the grandsons, and just have fun. Be a kid again
    4. Send all the easter candy home with the grandsons -- no more eating this crap for me
    5. relax, and get to bed early, so I am not so tired
    6. do not stress out over my daughter. She does worse when they are here -- do not expect too much from her. She is doing the best she can .... remember that

    Hope you all have a great week! If I have time, I'll try and post!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Danced for 4 hours on Saturday night...live music! In heels and a semi-formal dress.

    Social dancing is much less of a workout than an intense Zumba class...plus you can sit out a song if you need to rest. :) I rarely do, but you CAN.

    I'm so glad that you have found a good Zumba class and that you are enjoying it! I think that the calorie burns are accurate if you are in an intense class (they vary a LOT by instructor) and if you are really doing everything and keeping up with the instructor. A lot of people stand in the back and kind of pretend to dance...those people are not burning 800 calories in an hour.

    I can't imagine dancing for 4 hours!! And in a semi-formal! Wow , would love to watch you! I bet you are good.
    I did have a lot of fun, and I was able to really keep up. People that noticed I was new told me I did a really good job. It was fun! I was bummed though saturday - I went to the class, but the instructor was sick, so the class was cancelled. And grandsons are in town this week. but hoping if I go 2x a week until I get used to it, and am no longer sore!~ But ... that hour went by so fast!
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Mondays results:
    1. Was below my calorie goal!
    2. Went to a park and walked around
    3. Ate green beans!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Danced for 4 hours on Saturday night...live music! In heels and a semi-formal dress.

    Wow! Did you log that :sweat_smile:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Question for you all again!

    Do you base everything in the calories?
    Or do you try be under in everything?

    For example some days I can be under in my calories yet over in the amount of fat or sodium or carbs.

    Do you try stay under in everything or just the calorie intake?
    Also will being over in these areas affect my weight loss goals?
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Just for today

    1. Drink 2 liters of water
    2. Log everything I eat and drink
    3. Workout for at least 10 minutes when I get home.
    4. Think happy thoughts.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Goals for Monday
    - Weigh in! (Already done)
    - Be in the green today! - nooo
    - Exercise today (any kind will do) - noooo
    - 4 glasses of water minimum - nooo
    - Get the house fully tidy from top to bottom - and no

    Okay don't know what happened there, okay I do, I forgot what my goals were and forgot to check :sweat_smile: Lets try again!

    Goals for Tuesday
    - Be in the green! (Must put more effort in!)
    - MUST do some exercise today! (If I don't please please please someone tell me off!)
    - 4 glasses of water! (I've bought a bottle of volvic so I can keep reusing the bottle now!)
    - Get house tidy and get OH to get the washing done!!
    - Clean rabbit today

    April Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Just for today: Monday

    Stretch-sort of, quickly
    Water 8- :# 6
    Cook a healthy meal for family- :)
    Tidy house. Will be twice as bad today....-dishes laundry trash. Been really lazy

    Just for today: Tuesday

    Water 8
    Stay productive
    Compliment coworkers

    Break the tree limbs kind of snow last night... Be safe and happy wherever you are!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    edited April 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Question for you all again!

    Do you base everything in the calories?
    Or do you try be under in everything?

    For example some days I can be under in my calories yet over in the amount of fat or sodium or carbs.

    Do you try stay under in everything or just the calorie intake?
    Also will being over in these areas affect my weight loss goals?

    For me, and I'm no expert, it's calories. I've tried fiddling with the macros, but presently coming close to the recommended by just being mindful. I log everything everyday. Sometimes I go over or under. Really watching protein though. A lot of the cravings and excessive calories just went away on their own. Not losing as fast as I could, but not binge eating as much either. I pretty much eat what I want. Sugar is a downfall for me too. Now I will count out my kisses or whatever, sometimes have a couple more and get on with it. Good luck! I simply cannot have high sodium for a day or two before I weigh, I will absolutely be discouraged on the scale. I have learned so much this time around, now that I am serious about losing.
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    Just for tuesday...
    1. Stay within my calorie limit again.
    2. Eat a serving of vegetables
    3. Stretch while at work tonight. Gotta keep doin it!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Question for you all again!

    Do you base everything in the calories?
    Or do you try be under in everything?

    For example some days I can be under in my calories yet over in the amount of fat or sodium or carbs.

    Do you try stay under in everything or just the calorie intake?
    Also will being over in these areas affect my weight loss goals?

    Calories are my main focus, and I am trying to lower my sugar intake b/c sweets are a weakness of mine. To help with sugar cravings, I count out 10 M&Ms or eat a mini Hershey bar (and log). For snacks and every meal, I try to have something with protein, per my nurse practitioner, but I can't remember why! If I eat filling food during the day, and drink my water, it keeps me from snacking at night. Evenings can be bad for me, if I'm tired and/or hungry, then I make really bad food choices. To keep my bp in check, I try to limit my sodium, but if I have too much, I just drink extra water to flush it from my system. Good thing I like water! I aim to lose 1# per week, and my goal is 145lbs. Currently in the low 180s.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Yesterday M 4/3/17
    1) Keep total calories w/i 100 of daily goal - No, almost 500 in the red :s
    2) Stairs > 25 flights (rainy day, staying inside & no treadmill plans) - Yes 27 :smile:
    3) Evening, do laundry and at least one more item on to-do list - Yes, making progress :smile:
    4) Floss - No, the streak has ended :(
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 and TV off - No, in bed at 10:38 (no TV) :(

    Just for today T 4/4/17 - keeping it simple
    1) Eat fewer calories today than yesterday
    2) Evening, remember to vote in spring primary, and walk dog...rain/clouds are supposed to move off this afternoon
    3) Floss
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off
  • dwntwn5
    dwntwn5 Posts: 69 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Question for you all again!

    Do you base everything in the calories?
    Or do you try be under in everything?

    For example some days I can be under in my calories yet over in the amount of fat or sodium or carbs.

    Do you try stay under in everything or just the calorie intake?
    Also will being over in these areas affect my weight loss goals?

    I JUST do calories. I have protein and carbs show on my log but am just monitoring calories. I have a tough enough time meeting that goal each day. I tell myself that once I get to maintenance I'll start to try to hit macros but for now, its CICO for me.