Spring 2017 Dog Walking Challenge



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    So many adorable pups! <3
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    Walking Buddies: Reese & Neil
    Weekly Goal: Take at least one walk a day - aim for 5 miles a week
    How long/far did you walk this week?: Only managed 5 walks but got in about 6 miles
    Successes: met the distance goal
    Challenges: husband was away so the baby made getting walks in a bit difficult

    Overall a good week!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Walking buddies: Wick Artoo and Rose
    Weekly goal: 10 miles (five miles per dog)
    How far this week: 10 miles
    Successes: actually got some walks in with the whole family together :)
    Challenges: dogs outside with no fence/tie down running across the streeet at us and scaring the life out of all of us!!

    Overall we had a great week, excited to continue our routine.

    Us on one of our walks this week


  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Also I lowered my goals by half for now, I wasn't succeeding before, so I am going to see if working up to that helps.
  • julie8123
    julie8123 Posts: 12 Member
    Checking in for the first week!
    I started on Tuesday and my goal was one walk a day (about 3/4 mile each) I was so busy Thursday and Friday this week so I did miss two days, but I made up for it with an extra walk Saturday and extra milage.

    Maisy and I walked about 8 miles together this week.
    Challenges: I'm working with Maisy on her manners around strangers (she's so friendly so she always wants to jump up and say hello). I think we might have made progress but its hard!
    Successes: I'm feeling like I'm doing a much better job as a dog mom and she has certainly shown her gratitude.

    For this week, I'm going to aim for 7 walks and 8 miles total.
  • julie8123
    julie8123 Posts: 12 Member
    Side note: I downloaded an app called ResQwalk that not only donates money to the rescue of your choice based on how much you walk, but it also just makes it super easy to track your walks for the week. It uses GPS on your phone to tell you exactly how far you went for each walk but also for the week.

    Obviously it doesn't donate much but its something thats so easy to do and all the contributions add up! Not to mention how easy it makes it to track your progress and reach your weekly goals. I recommend it to you all!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Walking Buddies: Jen and April (Apes) - golden retriever-standard poodle mix
    Weekly Goal: Hit the long trail once or twice a week plus regular walks.
    How long/far did you walk this week?: about 8 miles or so
    Successes: Great weather B)
    Challenges: None this week!
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    Sadie takes me for a walk every day!

  • Lusitatissimum
    Lusitatissimum Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Checking in! Love to see all the great pics of cute doggies! Makes me feel motivated.
    I had a 3 day migraine this past week, but still made my very low goal starter goal of 1 hour, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. This week, upping the goal to an hour and a half for the week.
    I'll try to remember to take a pic of Bay on a walk to share!
    Great job everybody! Two paws up!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hi! Checking in! Love to see all the great pics of cute doggies! Makes me feel motivated.
    I had a 3 day migraine this past week, but still made my very low goal starter goal of 1 hour, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. This week, upping the goal to an hour and a half for the week.
    I'll try to remember to take a pic of Bay on a walk to share!
    Great job everybody! Two paws up!

    Yes to pics! Love to see everyone's dogs! :)
  • Bayluvr
    Bayluvr Posts: 115 Member
    Bayluvr wrote: »
    Walking Buddies: Bronwyn & Mommy
    Weekly Goal: At least 5 miles (aiming for 1mile/day not inc. short potty walks)
    How long/far did you walk this week? 4.5 miles
    Successes: Did better than last week.
    Challenges: Crazy weather, thunderstorms to mild, then cold again. We missed a day.

    Missed today (Mon) but aiming for every day for the rest of the week :)

  • ThinManRuning
    ThinManRuning Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2017
    my dog "Georgie" 6 month old "Bull Arab"...

    Goal: walk every morning or/and Afternoon 20/30mins..

    start date Today 11.04.17 in Australia, heading into winter now but in QLD so nothing in the negatives. i expect to get about 20km a week. 70ue8lesj7o9.jpg
  • valcherrin
    valcherrin Posts: 11 Member
    Ok. This challenge is harder than I thought it would be! Only got to 2 days last week. But here goes another week. Success today!!
  • Lusitatissimum
    Lusitatissimum Posts: 10 Member
    Aww! Georgie is too cute! Welcome.
    I've only got 15 minutes left for my goal this week! Pretty pleased with myself!
    Somebody yelled "come!" at the dog park and Bay ran up and sat in front of him!
  • HappyEight
    HappyEight Posts: 40 Member
    My puppers Finn
    I was really good on taking him for walks but got lazy and fell out of the habit -_-".
    Goal: 2 15min walks each day. One before work and one in the evening.
    Challenges: Making excuses on why I can't walk the dog. (It's cold, I'm tired, he doesn't need to go out right now, etc)
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @HappyEight Finn is SO cute!! I too fall into the trap of excuse making, this challenge group has definitely helped though! Nothing like people keeping tabs on how much I walk my dog to motivate me :wink:
  • tinawolak2
    tinawolak2 Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2017
    I would love to join this challenge. I have two fur babies.. We three would love to be a part of this.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    tinawolak2 wrote: »
    I would love to join this challenge. I have two fur babies.. We three would love to be a part of this.

    Sure but this club requires photos of said puppies! :smiley:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Walking Buddies: Jen and April (Apes) - golden retriever-standard poodle mix
    Weekly Goal: Hit the long trail once or twice a week plus regular walks.
    How long/far did you walk this week?: about 5.5 miles
    Successes: Had a trim this week, so not too many seed heads were getting stuck in the paws and coat.
    Challenges: My back was hurting, so I skipped out on a couple of opportunities to get in some good mileage with the pooch. I know I should have just done it, since walking doesn't even hurt my back, but I used it as an excuse to be lazy. Poor Apes. Better luck next week...
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Walking buddies: Rose,Wick,& Artoo
    Goal: 5 miles per dog
    How far we went: 6 per dog!

    Successes: finally got a car so we checked out a local state park
    Challenges: random allergies popping up yesterday for the human
