"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    I just realized I didn't do a bio.

    So here goes. I am a stay at home mom of 2 wonderful little girls. Riley is 5 1/2 and is going to kindergarten in the fall. Ava will be 4 Aug 16th and will be in 1/2 day preschool again this year in the fall. We lived in Haverhill, Mass about 20 mins north of Boston. I am 32 going to be 33 on Aug 10th. I just changed my activity level to "light Activity" last week. I was always hungry and have been doing more with the girls since working out at the gym. I have not been hungry this week and have been under my calorie goal.

    Although today was my weigh in and I gain 0.9 lbs.:sad: so now I'm 148.6. It is TOM and I usually gain something on those weeks. I am hoping that with the working out everyday will help. I was only working out 2 days a week.

    Today I didn't get to the gym. The girls and I got our hair done the went to visit my grandparent who live about 10 mins from the hairdresser. I did get about 20 mins of walking in but not like my hour and half workout at the gym. I have stayed within my calories.

    Tomorrow we have the March for Babies walk which is a 3 mile walk. We do this walk because my oldest daughter Riley was born 4 weeks early. She only need to be in the incubator for the first 24 hours and a bit of oxygen right after birth.

    Hope everyone is staying cool. We are in a heat wave here.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning, ladies and HAPPY SATURDAY!!! I love weekends that I don't have to work! Started my day with a 3 mile run which felt great! Indoors of course, since it is super hot and humid here in North Carolina. Hope you guys are all doing great!
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    Happy Saturday! Let's have a great weekend ladies!
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend. I am off to go to the March for Babies Walk it is a 3 mile walk and the whole family will be there. My hubby, my 2 girls, my mom and dad, my sister, her hubby, and my niece and nephew. The kids love going on this walk with their cousin too. Have a good day and for those on the East Coast here the USA stay cool.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Sarah-Your March for Babies walk sounds like fun! Stay cool!

    Heather-I'll HAVE to try those veggie sticks! Sounds like something hubby wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole! Lol. They're certain to last longer than PopChips :)

    Just checking in. I didn't "workout" per-se yesterday because 1.) I was SOoOo sore from all the stuff earlier this week and 2.) I literally busted my *kitten* all day long painting the rest of that darn living room! Just reconfiguring and moving around that behemoth of a "genie" ladder (does A-frame, straight, expands to double length on both sides) was a workout in itself! Lol. I was bone-weary and just collapsed when I wrapped up around 11pm again. Got in a GREAT circuit weight training session today: 938 calories for 78 min on my HRM! :D It's kinda motivating when hubby calls just before I walk in the gym to ask about how I feel about eating out tonight... now I have a very forgiving calorie budget to work with! The coolest part is that I did honest-to-gawd pullups on the cable tower at the gym today and cranked out FIVE in my first set, then split-set those with 10 full pushups. The 2nd & 3rd sets I think I could only crank out 2-3 pullups, but it's a start! On track to my personal best of 8 :D
  • jackies620
    jackies620 Posts: 37 Member
    Well, I had my first weigh-in this morning, and.....I LOST 2.3 POUNDS!! I now weigh 148.8!! Guess this new-found cardio is really paying off!! Gosh, I sure hope this downwards trend continues!! Hope everyone is doing well with their workouts!
  • jackies620
    jackies620 Posts: 37 Member
    That's awesome!! I am still struggling with my pullups!! I can do about 5-6, with a chair!! I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to do them on my own!! I'm thinking of joining a circuit training class at my Y, but haven't decided fully on that yet. But, seeing the calories you burned during your session sure makes it more appealing!!
  • jackies620
    jackies620 Posts: 37 Member
    That's awesome!! I am still struggling with my pullups!! I can do about 5-6, with a chair!! I'm hoping eventually I'll be able to do them on my own!! I'm thinking of joining a circuit training class at my Y, but haven't decided fully on that yet. But, seeing the calories you burned during your session sure makes it more appealing!!

    Oops, this was meant towards Izzie!! I hit the wrong button! Still trying to learn this "system", LOL!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Had a good time yesturday at the bday party, but did have 2 to many beers. Feeling a little under the weather today lol. I don't log food on the weekend, but try not to go crazy. And I haven't worked out all weekend. Was contemplating going for a walk/jog today, but very windy today, and I am somewhat tired and lazy. Will get back on track tomorrow once we get home. I am sure I am going to over indulge tonight after supper with a small double chocolate cookie dough blizzard. yum, yum. But then remind me of that when I weigh in this week.

    Which reminds me, are you going to just get our weights off of here or do you want us to send you a message with our weekly weights.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone I was at a family BBQ today. I got in 30 mins of swimming with the kids. But haven't gone to the gym in 3 days. very busy. I got in some small workouts but not like going to the gym. I was also over in the calories yesterday and most likely will be today. I will be back in to the gym routine this week. We did have a blast with family the past 3 days.
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    My goals for this week is to staying within my calories/points and excerise at least 20-30 min a day. On Sunday I had a great workout to make up for my pigging out on Friday. The scale hasn't budged but my clothes are very loose. So I'm happy. I'm committed to sticking with this.

    I'm rotating betweetn the 30ds, my elliptical, and my kickboxing DVD
  • jackies620
    jackies620 Posts: 37 Member
    I have a question....I do my weigh-ins on Sunday mornings. Do I post my weight on this board, or am I suppose to send a private message with my updates??
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Mine was lazier than normal, which was nice. Unfortunately the laziness carried over into this morning, and I just couldn't get out of bed. Oh well--I guess two rest days in a one week period never killed anyone. I'll be back at it tomorrow though!

    I was wondering about the weigh-in as well. I always weigh in before the weekend, so I just posted mine on this board, but I'm happy to send to Chari if that is better.

    Hope you're all having a great Monday! This is a good week for me--heading out of town after work Friday for a week of vacation, woo hoo!!!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hi Girls,

    Oh Boy! I haven't signed in since last friday :o! The things is that since I am studying for my last exam. I was convinced by a friend who is taking a course for this exam to join this Study Review group. We had to travel many hours and now I am crazy busy with this Study Sessions. It is very exhausted. So I wont be able to sign in here as often as I was planning to do it :ohwell:

    Heather, you know how important is this exam and since you are a captain too of this group, Please I beg you to take the lead. Because I was really planning to stick to the daily report and checking on you moms, oh well.

    I don't want to quit my fitness goals even now that I am studying so hard but I sure can't be here so often.

    Another thing. I think it would be better to weigh ourselves on FRIDAYS like Heather and some of you Moms do. Weekends are always hard but we can do our best during the weekdays which is easier and be encouraged by the results on Friday.

    I started with 151Lbs and now 1 week later I am 149, was hoping to lose a little bit more but got uncontrolled over the weekend, so is 2 pound less.

    This road is not an easy one, we have to program our mind and it will do to our bodies to get ready for the action


    Okay Future Hot Moms, Let's bring it on! I will try as much as possible to stick to the group.

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Got home today so was busy unpacking and such. Will have to admit I have been really really crabby yesturday and today. Started TOM today so I am blaming that. Haven't ate well today but have stayed within cals. Did a 40 minute 5km walk/jog tonight and burned 445 cals. It felt really good.

    Chari, Good luck with the studying. I know how important it is, but still try to stay with the fitness as much as you can, it will help your brain think and make you feel good. And congrats on the weight loss.

    I am going camping on Wednesday and also sending my computer in for warranty work, so for the next few weeks, I am not sure how much I will be on. As long as I am at home, I should be able to log in from my blackberry, but while we are at the lake Wed - Mon, the service is very patchy there, so not sure how well that will work. So for this week I also won't be weighing in till Tuesday since we won't be home on Friday.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Chari--keep studying!! I'm glad to take over collecting weights for the group and making the chart--I think you said you had an easy way to do it. I'll send you a message to get more info. Shall we say that the "official" weigh-in day will be Friday, but you can post anytime up until Monday at noon, and I'll try to have the chart up Monday or Tuesday?

    I was definitely over my calories some this weekend, but getting back on track now. Trying to be good since I'll be out of town on vacation next week. Fortunatley we'll be staying with family and friends, so won't be forced to eat out every meal, but we will eat out some.

    I got my 2.5 mile run in this morning and it felt great. Had my shoulder checked out yesterday and I have a supraspinatus tendinopathy so need some PT to get that better. I was just getting ready to start P90X when I injured my shoulder so I'm anxious to get that healed so I can jump right in!

    Better get to work. Have a great day ladies!!! :bigsmile:
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Chari, thanks for the directions. I've created an excel sheet to track our weight loss, and under Chari's detailed directions have tried to upload to an image sharing site so I can paste is on here. So here goes!!!

  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    SUCCESS!!! Thanks for the fantastic instructions, Chari! Negative numbers in the loss column indicate a loss, the others are a gain. But the folks who had a slight gain will get it next week!!! Izzie and Ken--whenever you weigh in I'll add you to the chart. I think the general consensus is for weigh-in at the end of the week--so Friday can be the target, but I won't create the chart until Monday or Tuesday to allow some of the stragglers to weigh in.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Chari good luck on your studying.

    Today I had a dentist appt. and then my family from Pa is staying over tonight so no workout today. I will get in a good one in tom. my sister is coming to the gym with me. I am hoping to stay under
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Great job everyone this week.