

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    KimK, I'm going to the Augusta area Saturday to teach a Methodist Polity class. I live a little north of Athens.
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good morning! Slept in a little bit and caught up on that lost sleep! My hubby isn't feeling well so I may have to take him to the doctors office. He's complaining that his stomach is hurting. He never complains if being sick so this is worrisome.
    Lisa in TX be safe in your travels! We saved up and planned to move from Austin to Hot Springs to retire. I love it up here even though my heart is s Texan!!
    We drove up for vacations for 12 years and always were looking around for retirement homes. It was 6 months before we retired we actually bought a house. We came back up to close on the property and met with flooring contractors to do work. Most if the work done was while we were back in Austin waiting for that retirement date since working for the state you have to declare your retirement date. So we retired at the end of the fiscal year so we had a complete year. I also had a woman clean the whole house for us. It was nice to move into it with nice floors and so clean!
    Since the move was 500 miles the movers gave us a local rate, we moved my mother too. I guess I'm rambling but I'm so excited to hear of your plan to move up to Arkansas!
    Drkatiebug I always take off my shoes. They add at least 2 lbs!

    Have a nice day!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to all. It’s grey and rainy here; coming to work some of the streets were actually flooded. Today’s a pretty quiet office day then I have my 12-step group. I have been looking forward to it for a couple of days so I guess that means it’s a good fit for me. Still no word from DD#1. I am so tempted to just cut her out of my life. I do not get her at all; I simply don’t understand how she can be so unfeeling and uncaring. Even the BF hasn’t returned any texts or messages.

    Michelle: I am surprised to hear you “slide”. You are always so consistent! I’m sure it doesn’t happen very often!

    NYKaren: We too have to put a brake on the spending with DH retired from his full-time job. His retirement hasn’t kicked in yet; he just got the payout check Friday so will be going to the financial advisor to put it in a distribution account.

    Becca: I think you are asking questions we have all asked. I find myself swallowing the last bite of something I didn’t even really enjoy or want and asking “why did I do that?” Then the pity party leads me to more bad choices. Hang in there! One baby step at a time.

    Feeeline: That’s the nice thing about our site; we all understand “bad hair days” when nothing goes right and we need to vent. Sometimes those bad hair days become weeks or months. We have all been there.

    Barbie: yes I have been very surprised at how much work Benny Beagle took…meds 7 times a day, nearly 200 pills a week, special food I had to cook, and on and on. We never minded really. But the last several week, his non-stop cough kept us up all night like before he was diagnosed. So it was really our honor to care for him until the end and ensure he was peaceful instead of struggling.

    Patceoh: I don’t think it was the cooking because the BF’s mother did it all (they don’t cook). This is the daughter with all the cognitive problems who has always been difficult. She specifically told me there were only having an Easter egg hunt when I thought it was dinner and offered to help. So somewhere along the line she changed her plans and probably thinks she invited us, but who knows?

    Joyce: did you just see the big research study on Parkinson’s disease and cycling? Apparently structured cycling really reduces the symptoms.

    Rori: yes we have 2 cats still. One “owns” me and sits/lays/sleeps on me constantly. He is getting to be quite the pest! And at 20 pounds, he’s a bruiser!

    Dana: I’m so sorry for your loss! But happy you lost in the good way too!

    Allie: hugs to you!

    Well I must get back to work. I keep trying to post a blog, but nothing will save. I’ve tried from 2 different computers and the help people have stopped responding to me. Any suggestions?

    Take care Meg from rainy Omaha

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Oh and welcome to all the newbies!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Oops, forgot:

    Becca - one time my son asked when I was going to stop worrying about him and my answer was "get used to it because when I die I'm coming back from the grave to worry about you. You will find that you will get involuved in lots of other things. Like now we're involved in bowling, the Newcomers, ceramics. I volunteer at the Green Room. Certainly any local theater would love to have your voice. The volunteer opportunities are boundless.

    Kim I always liked a low sodium ham, but I can't find one here. I'll certainly look for the Boardhead brand. I know I've seen Smithfield and store brands

    feeeline - It sort-of depresses me that my body just can't do some of the stuff it used to do or do it as fast. But that's part of getting older I guess

    Yvonn - When we're down in FL during the summer, I always wonder how people managed before the days of a/c
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Kelly – I walk Levi every morning and alternate arms – right on the way out, left on the way home… I’m way to sore otherwise.

    Sharon – Sorry to hear about your cousin… (((( Hugs)))

    Heather – I love the imagination entertainment you and DH do with the grands

    Yesterday was a trip to San Francisco with the camp staff at the Outdoor Education camp, where I am the gardener. It was to the Academy of Science, which has a ton of displays and great stuff, my favorites are an aquarium area and a 3 story rain forest – the rain forest has free flying birds/bugs and thousands of butterflies… I took a “ton” of pictures and plan on looking them over and picking out the best today, I’ll try to get them in a format to share some with you all.


    Kim from N. California
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited April 2017
    My hubby has the stomach flu, pray he gets better soon. He's worried I can't take care of Dolly our dog.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome! This group of women is amazing. I'm so glad they've been here to support me though my journey. I hope you will feel supported, too. Stop by often and get to know people. :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Hi all,
    Kids in bed. Last stories from DH. Salmon for dinner. It was a bit of a farce putting up the blackout plastic, but we managed it.
    Let's hope they drop off quickly. They are usually excellent sleepers. Going to put the salmon in the oven.
    Max is reading a hook I bought for him called "See inside your head" . He loves it. We were talking about brain diseases today as the book has quite a few. Do we have a future doctor in the house? His favourite was the man with a pole through his brain!
    They are still chattering up there. :D<3
    I feel very blessed.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Just popping on for a quick read while the kids nap. Took another walk today, but used the stroller, as I had only six kids and only two "riders". So...while I am still sore from pulling the wagon, pushing the stroller is much easier on my body, so I don't think I have done any more damage to my muscles.
    Heather- LOVE love LOVE the pic of dh and the grands. We play with cars that way, here, too! I have a couple of long wallpaper tubes and mailing tubes that the boys set up in the room. Another thing they like to do is this: We tape a segment of a drinking straw to the back of an army guy or one of those mini action figures (the little three or four inch sized ones) and we create "ziplines". We attach the top of the string to the wall or to the curtain rod and then stretch the string taut and secure it to the floor with tape or a shoe. The kids run their "guy" to the top of the zipline and let go! They like to set up two or three lines, side by side and have races. Good stuff for a rainy day! We have also taped the straw segment to the bottom of the army guys feet THEN blown up a balloon and taped it to the bottom of the straw segment. Keep the opening of the balloon pinched with your fingers until you get your guy to the top of the zipline and then let the balloon go! Fun to watch those little army guys go racing!
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Accountability Post
    Monday's Progress (4/17)
    1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B4, L5, D3, MS15, AS 37, BBS 62= 125g)
    ✔2. Fiber 30g (30g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes, 2 miles, 5000 steps. And the elliptical 5 days a week.
    6. No eating after 9pm.
    7. In bed by midnight.
    8. Declutter: Electronics, Craft Supplies, Pantry, ✔Fridge, Cooking and Baking, Dishes and Serving, ✔Linen Closet, Laundry Closet, ✔Medicine Cabinets, ✔Personal Care.
    ✔9. Digital Detox. Track daily usage.

    Carbs. Not a great day. Many more late night carbs from a cookie and chocolate candy fest that didn't get tracked. Binge night. Working on taxes and wishing I'd done it sooner. Need to finish it today. Lots of medical expenses to deduct this year - making it worth the work. Weighed again this morning. Up another 1.6 lbs. Ugh!

    Digital Detox. Much better than yesterday.
    • iPad usage: 2H 21M, 7 pickups. Longest times: 12:20@46M, 6:25@50M. (Income tax return prep)
    • iPhone usage: 4H 11M, 21 pickups. Longest times: 3:06@60M, 5:09@45M.
    • Kindle usage: all night. 3am to 10:30am. This morning I found a way to track usage using parental controls. So I'll set those settings today.

    I'm not sure where I'm going with the digital detox. I use technology a lot throughout my day. It's useful and necessary for my well-being.
    1. Facebook. I use 2 FB group as motivation for cleaning and decluttering. Though I have several more of these groups. 12 art groups. 5 food/diet groups. 5 family/community groups. I count 36 FB groups. I'll be deleting a few.
    2. MyFitnessPal - tracking daily and this forum for support and accountability.
    3. Fitbit - tracking steps.
    4. CareZone app for managing healthcare for our family.
    5. Messages. Group chat w/my 3 sisters throughout the day. Support.❤️
    6. Notes. Heavy use. Currently storing 45 notes. Need to declutter.
    7. Email. Obviously. But - I don't spend lots of time reading email. I make a quick run through each morning and clear it all.
    8. Banking apps. As needed on Wednesdays and Fridays... my desk work days.

    My goal with this detox is to step away from it and spend more time with my mother - engaging in other activities. I find myself sitting on the sofa - in front of the tv - zoned out. Half listening to tv and sucked into FB. Tearing myself away to spend time with her. I don't like that feeling. So... I think rather than prying myself away from devices - I need to get a project going with Mama. We have our family reunion coming up and we like to make things to sell in the auction. Baskets, jewelry, photo books, mosaics. And... perhaps I'll set aside specific times for device tasks. Hmmm... something to think about. I need to go back to my detox plan. It was a good plan - I'm just not working it. So maybe I've used this time to explore my usage and connected feelings. I may be overthinking this. ;-)

    Have a great day!

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Welcome new peeps from this old peep
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Pip's my peep B)