21 days 2 shakes a day, Apr 18- May 9



  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited April 2017
    Detoxing feel GREAT! I went on an all natural diet of fruits veggies and very little cheese and dressing with nothing else for a week and it was amazing. I'm sure shakes or juicing is a similar idea. I also lost 5lbs in 4-6 days and no it did not come back.
  • Candibar520
    Candibar520 Posts: 29 Member
    I fully support you in this journey and would love to try it someday. Good luck and I hope you get the results you are looking for!
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    OP, I'd just make sure you are getting adequate levels of protein and fats in your diet, as they are essential macronutrients and support things like metabolism (P), muscle retention (P + resistance training), good hair and nail health (F) and hormone regulation (P+F). Carbs, while highly nutritious, are non essential.

    ETA: Protein levels during weight loss are recommend to be .6-1g per lb of lean body mass (maybe more if you are athletic or lean) and fats are recommend to be .35-.6g per lb of lean body mass.

    Yep, I'm closer to the .8 g protein, but at least it's covered. And getting those fats in as well, since the point is nourishing myself of what my body needs most for the next 3 weeks, not what it wants (seriously, chocolate eggs, they're like crack. Had to say, enough is enough!)

    Thanks for cleaning up the thread. This stuff happens a lot, sometimes in the best interest of the poster, and in cases like this, just to be defiant. Rather difficult to have a voice or support with others needing the same encouragement when the bulldog mentality and shaming becomes the priority rather than open communication and dialogue.

    And I'll be more apprehensive about defending myself, it's good to know I too can flag responses that are abusive even if the poster has 6,000 posts to date.
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    With traveling, holiday, family and friend functions, I need to reset. For the next 21 days I'm having 2 shakes a day, and a sensible meal. I feel like it will be just as much of a mental relief as a physical one.

    Anyone interested in a 21 day reboot? I'm also using this weigh in template that someone else shared, if anyone would like to utilize it as well


    ^not sure why it won't let me link it, but the spreadsheet is there nonetheless.

    Looking forward to it!

    I started reading some responses and decided just to reply to you. I will try it with you. Thanks for the inspiration, and support. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you, today has been great so far! Just the fact I am focused, and mentally prepared myself for change. I've had to book a flight out of here in the next 3 hours, so even though the world keeps spinning, I can't tell you how much more in control I feel just have a plan in place. Especially with the traveling and inconsistent schedule, it's easy to fall into whatever is effortless and comforting.

    I hope you keep in touch, I'd love to hear how it goes!
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    I fully support you in this journey and would love to try it someday. Good luck and I hope you get the results you are looking for!

    Thanks candi, appreciate the support! As I've mentioned, today has been great so far, it's the mental comfort that provides the most relief right now. In a couple weeks, with ridding the bloat, and getting better sleep, I'll feel revived. I couldn't have done this without getting to the completely fed up point though. And it's not that it's hard, it's just being in the mental place to commit. And, boy am I there :)
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    It sounds fine good luck the good thing is you're eating food with it as well.

    Thank you! Yah, getting in food, and drinking my food, I feel like I'm just pumping myself with FOOD right now haha. But, no complaints, it's really delicious, and I actually prefer it to the heavy stuff. But, hey life happens :)
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    OP - you do you. What people were concerned about and responding to are a lot of times newcomers come to the forums to answer questions they have. Many don't post but read. It's a long time belief that you can detox and "reboot" your system. They just wanted to make sure that type of information wasn't being advocated or provided. I'm not saying you were, I'm just trying to put in to perspective of why this thread went how it did.

    There are a lot of fantastic people who do respond to questions or voice concerns when something looks unhealthy/dangerous. As with ways of the internet, it's hard to interpret language/tone through text.

    It would be terrible if someone who was just starting out losing weight was derailed by misinformation.

    Maybe take this as a learned moment in future posts - be more clear and provide as much information as you can so people don't get the wrong idea. There's no need to be defensive, you just have to remember that, at the end of the day, the people responding are trying to provide the correct information vs. wrong that could influence a newcomer.

    I'm not opposed to shakes for meals on occasion. I make the best protein shakes, IMO, but they usually have the same amount of calories a meal would have. Sometimes it's nice to drink your dinner. I totally get the mental break aspect of what you're trying to do. I think I'm due for a dieting break myself.

    Good luck to you.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    MrsSeager wrote: »
    MrsSeager wrote: »
    MrsSeager wrote: »
    what I want to know is what toxins are being cleansed and what bowel issues are being fixed from doing this?

    My biggie was sugar. I had a wicked sweet tooth, once I started the twice daily shakes my carb and sugar cravings virtually disappeared. I have more energy, I sleep better, and my skin is clear.

    if you are juicing you are still getting sugar. fruits and veggies have carbs(aka sugar).so how did those cravings go away? and how are you ridding your body of sugar/carbs? the only true way would be to not even include those and thats not healthy to do.

    I don't juice. I have two GNC Total Lean shakes a day with 8oz of 1% milk. I have one healthy meal, usually for dinner. I have a piece of fruit in the afternoon as a snack. I meet all my macros and am right on with my calories most days.

    it has sugars and artificial sweeteners in them too though.but hey whatever floats your boat lol

    Yep the powder for the shake has 3 grams of sugar. I haven't completely cut out sugar and carbs, I just don't consume in excess like I did before. Not sure why you are trying to argue with me about it. I've been doing it for 4 weeks and my cravings have decreased, drastically. Might not have worked for you but it has worked for me. I know that I sleep better at night and have more energy during the day. And I know I have lost weight and feel awesome.

    not arguing and I never tried it, so you cant say it didnt work for me. I sleep well enough,I lost weight and feel better and have clear skin.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited April 2017
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    So if you're going to go back to your already normal sensible diet after your reboot, won't you just go back to the way you felt before the reboot also? A reboot isn't really a reboot if your habits don't change, and doing something for 21 days and then stopping isn't going to help form new habits either. It seems like you'd be better off doing something more long-term. Also, I'm not jumping down your throat, just a logical assessment from the perspective of a computer engineer who knows if I don't fix a problem before I reboot the computer, the problem is just going to come back after the reboot.

    I have a long term normal eating lifestyle that got derailed this past couple months. And rebooting is an expression like resetting. Just going to focus on good nutrition for 21 days for the mental and physical benefits, then get back on my normal healthy balanced routine. Like when people get out of their workout routine, which happens. Sometimes a plan for the next couple weeks is exactly what they need to get back to a good routine again.

    you guys are way over thinking this.

    Oh - I see

    So this IS actually a lifestyle change. Your normal eating lifetyle isn't sustainable as it makes you re-gain the weight. So your plan is to diet for 21 days (while using meal replacements) and then repeat that same cycle over and over again every time you need a "re-boot."

    Because 21 days of meal replacements isn't you focusing on nutrition. Meal replacements help you avoid all the fuss of actually tackling portion control and learning about nutrition for regular food. These aren't quick fixes.
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    Don't need to do it with you, but as long as you're doing it healthy, wanted to wish you the best of luck! :)
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    brittyn3 wrote: »
    OP - you do you. What people were concerned about and responding to are a lot of times newcomers come to the forums to answer questions they have. Many don't post but read. It's a long time belief that you can detox and "reboot" your system. They just wanted to make sure that type of information wasn't being advocated or provided. I'm not saying you were, I'm just trying to put in to perspective of why this thread went how it did.

    There are a lot of fantastic people who do respond to questions or voice concerns when something looks unhealthy/dangerous. As with ways of the internet, it's hard to interpret language/tone through text.

    It would be terrible if someone who was just starting out losing weight was derailed by misinformation.

    Maybe take this as a learned moment in future posts - be more clear and provide as much information as you can so people don't get the wrong idea. There's no need to be defensive, you just have to remember that, at the end of the day, the people responding are trying to provide the correct information vs. wrong that could influence a newcomer.

    I'm not opposed to shakes for meals on occasion. I make the best protein shakes, IMO, but they usually have the same amount of calories a meal would have. Sometimes it's nice to drink your dinner. I totally get the mental break aspect of what you're trying to do. I think I'm due for a dieting break myself.

    Good luck to you.

    I can see why someone might not understand exactly what I'm doing from 1 single post in a thread, that's why it's important to ask question, rather than completely insult, assume, and belittle someone. It's appalling behavior of people who genuinely believe they are here to help and support. Whether I recognize someone or not, doesn't mean it's okay to assume what they do or believe is idiotic and wrong, and then make condescending jokes about them. Children or adults, it's pretty ridiculous. I was even apprehensive to come back, but I'm glad I did.

    I appreciate your thoughtful response, and I'm hoping to get to the point of the post and connect with others who are ready for that mental reset. Team work makes the dream work they say. And spring seems to be a good time for me to clean the slate.

    Thanks for your response.
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    msalicia07 wrote: »
    So if you're going to go back to your already normal sensible diet after your reboot, won't you just go back to the way you felt before the reboot also? A reboot isn't really a reboot if your habits don't change, and doing something for 21 days and then stopping isn't going to help form new habits either. It seems like you'd be better off doing something more long-term. Also, I'm not jumping down your throat, just a logical assessment from the perspective of a computer engineer who knows if I don't fix a problem before I reboot the computer, the problem is just going to come back after the reboot.

    I have a long term normal eating lifestyle that got derailed this past couple months. And rebooting is an expression like resetting. Just going to focus on good nutrition for 21 days for the mental and physical benefits, then get back on my normal healthy balanced routine. Like when people get out of their workout routine, which happens. Sometimes a plan for the next couple weeks is exactly what they need to get back to a good routine again.

    you guys are way over thinking this.

    Oh - I see

    So this IS actually a lifestyle change. Your normal eating lifetyle isn't sustainable as it makes you re-gain the weight. So your plan is to diet for 21 days (while using meal replacements) and then repeat that same cycle over and over again every time you need a "re-boot."

    Because 21 days of meal replacements isn't you focusing on nutrition. Meal replacements help you avoid all the fuss of actually tackling portion control and learning about nutrition for regular food. These aren't quick fixes.

    Uhm no. That couldn't be further from accurate.
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    Don't need to do it with you, but as long as you're doing it healthy, wanted to wish you the best of luck! :)

    Thanks, and glad you're in a good place :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Verity1111 wrote: »
    MrsSeager wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    if youve been here for years why do you still believe your body needs resetting like its a broken machine? Not only will 2 shakes a day suck (youll lose your motivation fast everyone starts out all excited for any new diet) but you wont learn ANYTHING about how to feed yourself long term, Youll likely cause more damage to your body thn good with lack of nutrients, And in 21 days youll just end up putting weight on from not learning anything about how to feed yourself.

    why so defensive if you don't like being told your being needlessly silly dont post on here, No ones attacking you just telling you the truth. Many of the people responding have lost huge amounts of weight and gained a ton of fitness/health. We know our stuff. Learn how to eat. Eat at calorie level. Stop complicating it

    Wrong, there are tons of shakes out there that have all the nutrients you need in a day, Ensure, Herbalife, GNC Total Lean...to name a few. In fact, a child of a family friend has many health issues and cannot eat regular food, and his doctor told him that Ensure is the way to go. Many individuals in treatment for anorexia will also drink a shake similar to Ensure because it has all the nutrients you need to survive. If a reset is what she thinks she needs, who are you to say otherwise?

    [post edited by MFP moderator]


    If you do replacement shakes, I'd highly recommend looking at www.labdoor.com . Most of the ones names are really poor quality (ironically Herbalife is one of higher rated ones) and one even failed the heavy metals testing (looking at you GNC).