

  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    megemrj wrote: »
    So sorry you are going through this. Hopefully, it will be such a short time of aggravation in the long run. It really seems she doesn't like being replaced as the number 1 in her son's life.

    I have been blessed with my Mil; thankfully, as we lived next door and with her over the years. My husband's ex-wife was a nightmare. His entire family hated her and vice versa. I had to prove very little as they were already aware I could be so much worse.

    We've been very close off and on and I consider her as one of my mothers. She loves me and has always treated me with respect, as I've treated her. If a quarrel occurred, (together 23 years) my husband has ALWAYS stood by me unwavering. We are a unit.

    Your so lucky. I have tried so hard with this woman but for example... I did whatever she wanted for an entire week. She made my sons life a living hell. She forced him to be in a carseat all day while she went shopping. He cried for so many hours but I let her do what she wanted... I cant do that any longer. I love my son too much! Not fair to make him suffer so she can shop all day :( If I go shopping its for 30 minutes AT THE MOST, mostly amazon shopping. He just doesnt like being dragged around. He wants to wander around and play. She only cares about her own happiness. For example one day she complained to my friend that I spend too much money BUT in the same arguement she started talking about how my husband is buying her a month long trip in Istanbul! WTF!!!!! He spoils her wayyyy too much. She just spends money. :neutral:
  • SoulRadiation
    SoulRadiation Posts: 1,060 Member
    megemrj wrote: »
    So sorry you are going through this. Hopefully, it will be such a short time of aggravation in the long run. It really seems she doesn't like being replaced as the number 1 in her son's life.

    I have been blessed with my Mil; thankfully, as we lived next door and with her over the years. My husband's ex-wife was a nightmare. His entire family hated her and vice versa. I had to prove very little as they were already aware I could be so much worse.

    We've been very close off and on and I consider her as one of my mothers. She loves me and has always treated me with respect, as I've treated her. If a quarrel occurred, (together 23 years) my husband has ALWAYS stood by me unwavering. We are a unit.

    Your so lucky. I have tried so hard with this woman but for example... I did whatever she wanted for an entire week. She made my sons life a living hell. She forced him to be in a carseat all day while she went shopping.

    That isn't cool. You should take control. You have powers...think about why she is in control of your son. Can you find an alternative? Can you personally change your routine? Perhaps you'll have to spend a little money but maybe that will make you, your son, and probably your mother-in-law happy.

    There is a resolution for these things that can make everybody happy. They're just not always obvious to us...because we are emotionally entangled in our own problems.
    He cried for so many hours but I let her do what she wanted... I cant do that any longer. I love my son too much! Not fair to make him suffer so she can shop all day :( If I go shopping its for 30 minutes AT THE MOST, mostly amazon shopping. He just doesnt like being dragged around. He wants to wander around and play. She only cares about her own happiness. For example one day she complained to my friend that I spend too much money BUT in the same arguement she started talking about how my husband is buying her a month long trip in Istanbul! WTF!!!!! He spoils her wayyyy too much. She just spends money. :neutral:

    Well, perhaps you're going to like that month. It sounds like a problem and a may need to develop some level of stoicism in order to deal with her. But, in my opinion, you should be proactive and think about your child-care...if she's not able to hack it for whatever reason...make a change.

    Good luck :)
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member

    Your so lucky. I have tried so hard with this woman but for example... I did whatever she wanted for an entire week. She made my sons life a living hell. She forced him to be in a carseat all day while she went shopping. He cried for so many hours but I let her do what she wanted... I cant do that any longer. I love my son too much! Not fair to make him suffer so she can shop all day :( If I go shopping its for 30 minutes AT THE MOST, mostly amazon shopping. He just doesnt like being dragged around. He wants to wander around and play. She only cares about her own happiness. For example one day she complained to my friend that I spend too much money BUT in the same arguement she started talking about how my husband is buying her a month long trip in Istanbul! WTF!!!!! He spoils her wayyyy too much. She just spends money. :neutral:

    I am blessed no doubt about it. Imo: Your mil takes advantage because she is allowed to. Take for example, I have a friend who married someone her mom did not like...At all. Not even a little. He wasn't abusive or anything but she didn't like him bc he didn't fit the type of man she wanted her to marry. The mom made so much trouble for them the marriage was in jeopardy. My friend told her mom she loves him, to be in her life she had to let up on him. The Mom didn't listen and now it's YEARS later and guess what...they are still very happily married but the Mom is not in the picture. It's not my friend's fault though. She gave her the chance. The Mom chose not to listen.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2017
    Nothing worse than having a crazy *kitten* for a mother in law. :neutral:
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    She ll break your marriage if your husband doesn't put a stop on her bullying
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Couple of times my mom said something not so nice about my wife she got an earful from me. And my mother was nice (my wife agrees with this, she loved my mom).

    Now her mom I avoid like the *kitten* plague. Self righteous religious twit is my nicest description of her.
  • jalyn413
    jalyn413 Posts: 15 Member
    I have had a miserable experience with my mother in law. Anyone ever wants to vent/swap stories feel free to message me. I know how hard it is when you don't really have people to turn to <3 Stay strong lovelies =)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Might be easier to get a new husband. Mexican men and their mamas cannot be parted.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    My mother in law loves me. She talks to me more than she talks to her son.
    Which is a problem..
    Anybody knows how to make your mother in law stop calling you?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    My mil was nice enough to me I guess but not as nice to my dh. She has hurt him a great deal so even if she is nice to me it doesn't make me want her around my family. She has dropped out of lives and it might be for the best.

    If your husband's family values condone or ignore abuse and harassment then you need to have a serious conversation with him on the future of your relationship. Marriage counseling therapy type serious. She isn't going to stop unless he makes it clear it is unacceptable and unwelcome.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I'm so sorry! :(

    I had the best Mother in-law ever! She always made me feel loved and welcome in the family and would literally light up when I came in the room! :blush: God Rest her soul :heart:

    Hopefully in time, your Mother in-law will open up to you and love you like a daughter!

    Im sure it's not personal. I have one Son and can't even fathom any woman being good enough for him!!! :grimace:
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Ya'll wont believe what just happened. The pediatrician sent me a text asking for me to do bloodwork on our baby... my husband says for me to f off and go to hel for taking our son to do mandatory bloodwork. He does this infront of his mom. His mother is poisoning him against me... she convinced him winston doesn't need the bloodwork and Im only doing it to watch ny son cry. If she is not out of my house tonight I am going to spazz out on my husband :s
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    This woman will not be happy until my husband gives her all of his money. I think she wants my husband to die so she can get all of his business's. She encourages my husband to get very drunk every single night. When I complain about his health being very bad and his ulcers he cant seem to get rid of or even his bloody stool she gets angry at me and says I need to shut up because a good wife does not complain about her husbands bad habits. Like I said, she only wants his money...
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    MeganAM89 wrote: »
    Ya'll wont believe what just happened. The pediatrician sent me a text asking for me to do bloodwork on our baby... my husband says for me to f off and go to hel for taking our son to do mandatory bloodwork. He does this infront of his mom. His mother is poisoning him against me... she convinced him winston doesn't need the bloodwork and Im only doing it to watch ny son cry. If she is not out of my house tonight I am going to spazz out on my husband :s

    Was he like this before you two got married and had a baby?

    She has always been a little loopy but lately she is much more loopy and very, very conniving. She may have mental illness because she shakes alot, very badly and is prone to wild temper tantrums.
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Or perhaps a health problem is causing her to behave this way? She shaking has gotten worse. She is obviously not normal. My grandmother is very steady. My husbands mom is covered in bruises and scratches from being so fidgety and clumsy.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    MeganAM89 wrote: »
    Ya'll wont believe what just happened. The pediatrician sent me a text asking for me to do bloodwork on our baby... my husband says for me to f off and go to hel for taking our son to do mandatory bloodwork. He does this infront of his mom. His mother is poisoning him against me... she convinced him winston doesn't need the bloodwork and Im only doing it to watch ny son cry. If she is not out of my house tonight I am going to spazz out on my husband :s

    Was he like this before you two got married and had a baby?

    She has always been a little loopy but lately she is much more loopy and very, very conniving. She may have mental illness because she shakes alot, very badly and is prone to wild temper tantrums.

    How old is she? Dementia causes personality changes and can be absolutely devastating. I've watched it steal people I loved long before they died :frowning:
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    MeganAM89 wrote: »
    MeganAM89 wrote: »
    Ya'll wont believe what just happened. The pediatrician sent me a text asking for me to do bloodwork on our baby... my husband says for me to f off and go to hel for taking our son to do mandatory bloodwork. He does this infront of his mom. His mother is poisoning him against me... she convinced him winston doesn't need the bloodwork and Im only doing it to watch ny son cry. If she is not out of my house tonight I am going to spazz out on my husband :s

    Was he like this before you two got married and had a baby?

    She has always been a little loopy but lately she is much more loopy and very, very conniving. She may have mental illness because she shakes alot, very badly and is prone to wild temper tantrums.

    Sorry, I was asking about your husband

    I dont see my husband very much since I had my baby. He likes going out alot and I cant go out with a baby...