I'm devastated and need help :'(

Hello everyone,

I'm disappointed and devastated and need help. I'm 41 female 5' 7" and had my 4th baby 2 years ago. I lost 72 pounds before in 2010-2012 ( 235-160) and kept it off for 3 years before I get pregnant again. I gained more than 80 pounds in this pregnancy, I lost already 50 in 2 years now and I went from 258 to 200 and now I'm stuck. My weight fluctuates between 200-205 for over 6 months now. I have tried low carb, counting calories ( 1400/ day) and I workout 5-6 days a week. I do T25 and the Hammer and the chisel. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. My weakest point is the desserts and I'm trying to control it as much as I can but seriously losing this weight is killing me. It seems that I'm losing inches since ever one is telling me that, however, I need to see this on the scale. I will open my food diary to all of you to review and guide me. I will update this post every day if I found responses from you guys. I'm at a point where I think to give up so please help me. Thank you in advance


  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    Diary is not open.

    do you weigh all of your food on a scale? If not, I'm guessing you're eating more than you think you are.

    I just opened it now: smile:

    I weigh everything using my kitchen scale, however, I didn't record my food in the past few days. I will get back to record my food here starting tomorrow Wednesday.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Sending you a friend request.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    Sending you a friend request.

    please check your inbox :smile:
  • HonestNikki
    HonestNikki Posts: 14 Member
    If dessets are the problem, then maybe just leave the room before they're brought out? It might suck to miss out, but it works. Sometimes stuff sucks. If you're the main cook, then tell someone else to do the sweet stuff for you. Put your own health above other people's sweet tooth.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    If dessets are the problem, then maybe just leave the room before they're brought out? It might suck to miss out, but it works. Sometimes stuff sucks. If you're the main cook, then tell someone else to do the sweet stuff for you. Put your own health above other people's sweet tooth.

    Yes, you are right. But I can control this most of the times. The problem is that I don't know what am I doing wrong ? Is it ok to have sweets as long as they are in my calories budget?

  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Check with your health insurance to see if a nutritionist is fully covered. I didn't know for years mine was. I think Obama passed something that covers it under most plans. Worth a fiver minute call.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    sunsweet77 wrote: »
    Check with your health insurance to see if a nutritionist is fully covered. I didn't know for years mine was. I think Obama passed something that covers it under most plans. Worth a fiver minute call.

    I'm in Canada and the nutritionist is not covered by insurance. However, there is one dietician who does and he follows low carb diet. I did that for few months and it worked and then I had this plateau for several months after. In addition, I found that following low carb diet is not my thing any more. I need something to stick with it for the long term and not just for few months.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    If desserts are the problem, then maybe just leave the room before they're brought out? It might suck to miss out, but it works. Sometimes stuff sucks. If you're the main cook, then tell someone else to do the sweet stuff for you. Put your own health above other people's sweet tooth.

    Yes, you are right. But I can control this most of the times. The problem is that I don't know what am I doing wrong ? Is it ok to have sweets as long as they are in my calories budget?

    For weight alone, it is. Calories in, calories out. Many times sweets have much more milk or butter than people are aware of. It's also surprising how much can be in just a little extra cake frosting. It's safest to stay away, but if you really crave sweets, the best bet for accuracy, I've found is those little prepackaged snacks. It's not that they're any healthier, but you have a better chance of logging your food correctly in this case.

    Yes, I agree with you.

    I will do this

    Thank you
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    Also meant to add if you make your own desserts you will know exactly what's in it and can work it into your calories. Happy days you can have your cake and eat it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,366 Member
    I agree with Francl27 - if you aren't accurately logging all your food, there is no way to know what you're doing.

    I would add - don't believe the database on this site, the items are (mostly) user-entered. Check and verify items against the USDA database and use the most accurate means of measurement. If in fact you were eating 1400 calories, you would be losing at a steady rate. On those exercise days, you can eat a couple hundred more for each hour you exercise. Enter your exercise in the "Exercise" page and eat some or most of that amount earned by exercise.

    It's not as fast for any of us as we would like, but it does require discipline.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    ...My weakest point is the desserts...
    In certain amounts (not sure the exact amount) sugar will increase my appetite. I went through an ice cream phase and most recently a crunch and munch phase. During those phases I was always over my calories; sometimes a little and sometimes much more.
    Last week I limited dessert to the weekend and was down 2.6 lbs and had not gone over my calories.
    Sugar is killing you in more ways than one.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    It seems now that I'm not logging my food intake properly, so I will try to do it right this time. I weighed this morning and will update this post with my daily status, activities and other questions. Thank you all for your support, help, encouragement. You guys are AWESOME
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    ...My weakest point is the desserts...
    In certain amounts (not sure the exact amount) sugar will increase my appetite. I went through an ice cream phase and most recently a crunch and munch phase. During those phases I was always over my calories; sometimes a little and sometimes much more.
    Last week I limited dessert to the weekend and was down 2.6 lbs and had not gone over my calories.
    Sugar is killing you in more ways than one.

    I totally agree with you. I have tried this several time but now if I want t, I will do it as long as it fits my calorie budget.
  • Meli7Ann
    Meli7Ann Posts: 2 Member
    I just looked at your diary. Your calories for the day are great. However since you're asking, I would cut the high carb high sugar foods. Replace the bagel with perhaps more eggs and a lower-carb fruit like strawberries. I would not have any high sugar fruit like pineapple and do away with potatoes and replace that with a salad with a little bit of dressing, no sugar though, look for sugar and everything you're eating. If you cut out carbs and cut out sugar I have no doubt you will drop weight.
    I had a gain this week but I'm reading it might be because I just started a workout routine I hate when I gain it's frustrating.

    Good luck! :)
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    You can do it. You've done it before. So have faith in yourself that you can.

    It takes accuracy, honesty and patience. Accuracy to take the time to log what you've eating, how much of it, use correct database entries, etc. Honesty (with yourself) to log everything, every day. Including a bite of this, a taste of that, etc. (Or avoiding misc. random bites/tastes.) And patience. A realistic goal is 1-2 pounds a week at most. Its not going to happen overnight, and you'll need weeks (really, months) to see the results you want. Meaning you can't give up.

    Set a realistic calorie goal. If you're lightly active, working out occasionally, 200-ish pounds then the suggestion above of 1600-1700 makes sense. PReplan/prelog your day so you know what room you have for treats. Bulk out your meals with lower calorie items like lean meat, veggies. You can eat anything, but higher calorie items (bread, pasta for example) would need to be in smaller increments. As for sweets, plan for small portions of them on a regular basis so you don't feel like you're missing out. And look for lower calorie alternatives as well. Things like frozen grapes in whipped cream can be a good sweet fix for not much calories.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm also a 5'7" female who turns 41 next month. <3 I think pp's have given you some really solid suggestions. Very careful logging is a really important first step. Also see if you can identify if there are specific foods/desserts that tend to lead to craving/binging vs ones that will satisfy you in smaller amounts.
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    Hey, I just thought I would share what works for me. I usually pre-log all my foods. Which both makes my day easier and allows me to eat a couple squares of chocolate each day. I am a stress eater, and I have a huge sweet tooth, but knowing that for "dessert" or in a moment of weakness I can have 3, 6, 9, 15, whatever I have pre-logged, squares of chocolate allows me to not feel like I am punishing myself for trying to be healthier. Sometimes my healthy snack of an apple and peanut butter gets deleted for more chocolate, but that's my call and I keep under my calorie limit :)

    Thank you for the suggestion, that is very helpful and gives me hope that I can eat whatever I like in moderation without deprivation myself. Have you noticed a significant weight loss with this way of logging?
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    Meli7Ann wrote: »
    I just looked at your diary. Your calories for the day are great. However since you're asking, I would cut the high carb high sugar foods. Replace the bagel with perhaps more eggs and a lower-carb fruit like strawberries. I would not have any high sugar fruit like pineapple and do away with potatoes and replace that with a salad with a little bit of dressing, no sugar though, look for sugar and everything you're eating. If you cut out carbs and cut out sugar I have no doubt you will drop weight.
    I had a gain this week but I'm reading it might be because I just started a workout routine I hate when I gain it's frustrating.

    Good luck! :)

    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, you are right, when I looked at my diary at the end of the day yesterday, I found that I had a lot of carbs. that's why today I will try to minimize them as much as I can. Please keep looking at my diary, I appreciate your input :).
  • Finallyfit1976
    Finallyfit1976 Posts: 154 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I'm also a 5'7" female who turns 41 next month. <3 I think pp's have given you some really solid suggestions. Very careful logging is a really important first step. Also see if you can identify if there are specific foods/desserts that tend to lead to craving/binging vs ones that will satisfy you in smaller amounts.

    Waaaaw, my birthday is next month as well. Yaaay 41. Thank you for your suggestion. But my ultimate favorite dessert is cheese cake, how can I eat this in moderation?????? It seems that it is impossible. Once I eat only one bite I feel like I want to eat the whole cake and I know I can do this. But may be Ineed some dicipline to be able to reach my goal