Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    GBOH – what thread did that happen on? We should all go over and give her a great big :angry:!!! She sounds like a real peach.
    So when is(was) AF due to show? I’m not sure if I could restrain from testing – I’m not very good at that! I’m a pee-pusher for sure!

    it was a 'childless by choice' thread. i really should not have wondered in there at all but i was surprised by the number of response so i wondered if it was a debate. it wasn't, but the many comments about how they knew so many people who 'wouldn't do it over again' forced me to comment that i thought that was sad and all of the sudden i'm being insulted about not knowing how to use birth control and rethinking about having kids. honestly, i think parents should want their kids, so if they know they don't want kids and don't have them, more power to them. i am glad my first child was an accident and second one a surprise because i had never planned on them originally and i would have missed out on so much!

    based on a 28 day cycle, aunt flow should arrive sunday/monday, but i've never had a 28 day cycle (even before going into premature menopause) so i don't have a clue. if i am not pregnant this month, we have to wait until the end of october to try again. :(
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    GBOH- were u only marriage breaking crazy while on the pills or did it carry thru until the manic-crazy turned normal crazy when u O'd? The good thing is my husband will only be able to be reached via email while I'm actually taking them. Although my poor MIL will be on town for a few of the days I'll be on it...but I'm hoping by preparing myself for what could possibly be, I can politely remove myself when I feel a crazy moment coming on...haha us she knows I'll be heavily hormonal and I have already expressed my love and gratitude to her and my husband and have apologized in advance for wht I may do/say!

    Ashley - that acupuncture sounds interesting! Can't wait to hear about ur next session!!

    So I booked a photographer to take "homecoming" pictures on the pier (when I get to see/hug/kiss my husband for the first time in 7months) and she's also doing a beach/sunset photo session for us all for $35!! I am SOOOOO excited!! I think we're going to hike up diamond head too! I want to do lots of active stuff while we're there! When we're home our normal "couple" activities include food and booze so it will be nice to walk on the beaches and swim and hike! Ahh!! I get butterflies just thinking about getting to do all of that WITH my husband!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Sorry ladies Im still a newbie, just wanted to say Im having some major frusterations. I couldnt track my LH surge last cycle but did it on my fertile days. So I dont even know if I ovulated. Now Im 5 days late no sign of my period, no symptoms and neg preg tests. Frick I just wish it would come so I could get it over with.
  • Devon_Bates
    Devon_Bates Posts: 17 Member
    Well I lost 2 lbs since last week but still having pregnancy symptoms and no period since before I got pregnant last time. Wish I knew what was going on. Well not sure what I am doing since I am a newbie to the forums but I hope everyone is doing good.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all. Had my pre-treatment bloodwork and sonogram today--ironically, the sonographer couldn't find one of my ovaries very easily. Luckily it's the same one that seems blocked, so I still have one side that is rockin. Just took my first of 5 days of Clomid--100 mg. My husband asked me if that meant I'd be cuddly for the next week or two. I told him it would probably vacilate between that and wanting to bite his head off and eat everything in sight. But, that pretty much covers it.

    Yeah, about the Clomid--my advice is, don't go in expecting bad side effects, but if you notice that you are more irritable, emotional, eating, etc, then you can probably chalk it up to that. A lot of people don't have any trouble with it at all, so don't set yourself up to expect things that may never come, but at the same time, be prepared. I don't get crazy crazy, but I just lose most of my self-control. I say things I wouldn't normally say, and I want to eat everything. I call it Clom-ID, because I just feel like it makes my ID run rampant--my ego and superego have no input. It brings out my inner-Hyde, when I'm usually a Dr. Jekyll.

    But, I know what to expect this time, so I'm trying to keep my expectations realistic. Some people say that it takes 4-6 weeks for the clomid effects to go away. I'd agree--it wasn't like I ovulated and it was done. I was just glad when I stopped taking it because I gradually felt more like myself again after that.

    We are out of town tomorrow for a cousin's wedding reception--so It'll be a few days before I'm back. Toodles everyone!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Weighing in a couple of days early since in about 15 minutes we're leaving for HAWAII!!! We've got lots of active stuff planned, so here's hoping the damage won't be too bad.

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 26: 183.4 (-1.4)
    Calendar week 27: 181.4 (-2.0)
    Calendar week 28: 179.6 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 29: 178.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 30: 178.8 (+0.2)

    Holding steady this week. My water intake has been abysmal this week, so I think I'm probably feeling the effects of that. I made my 60 min exercise goals every day except yesterday. There was just too much other stuff to do. Anyway, goal for this week is TO HAVE FUN!

    I'll catch up with y'all in a week. Here's wishing everyone luck with their weight loss goals and lots and lots of baby dust!!

  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Hi, there. Would like to join your group. Have been having trouble TTC for about 3 years and looking for some people who can relate and won't tell me to "just stop thinking about it".
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi, there. Would like to join your group. Have been having trouble TTC for about 3 years and looking for some people who can relate and won't tell me to "just stop thinking about it".
    Hey Mighty! You won't get that here - we're all advocates of "tell me to relax one more time and I'll knock you on your @ss." LOL - Well, not really, but you get what I mean.
    Welcome! Care to share some of your background with us (you by no means need to)?

    For everyone new, I'll introduce myself.
    I'm Jalara, I'm 30, ex-military, now a nursing student who lives with DH in Nova Scotia. We've been trying for 13 months for #1. I have a bicornuate uterus, mild endo, a suspected Luteal Phase Defect (bloodwork to confirm recently got lost :grumble: :grumble:). In my past I've had 2 miscarriages (before I met my husband) and since trying we've had 1 chemical pregnancy. Twins run in my family (both my mother and maternal grandmother had twin boys) so I'm a little nervous about that (I'd LOVE twins but with my uterus it's not a great idea). I'm on my 5th month of Clomid and moving to COH & IUI in the fall (see previous entries for the last couple of days - I've been in total breakdown mode).
    I look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Sunday! Hope everyone is ready for the week!

    Yesterday my best friend flew in from virginia beach! It's so nice to have her here. We have been best friends since we were 13. We haven't seen each other in 2 years yet now that she's here we've picked up right where we left off! She flew into San Francisco (about 3-4 hours north of where I live) even though there is an airport abut 45min from my house bc A. It was about $100 cheaper and B. We knew that if we flew her in closer to my house we would talk about going some place like LA or San Fran but would never make the time to go. So I picked her up at the airport at 11am and immediately went to a resturaunt I have been DYING to try. It's called Wich'Craft and it's owned by Tom Calliccio(sp) one of the head judges on Top Chef on bravo. It's a gourmet sandwich shop. I got a pork loin pressed sandwich that had brazed kale and provolone cheese. Very simple but OMG the best thing I may have ever eaten. I shared mine w P (my 5yr old son and he loved it!) My girlfriend got a marinated zucchini pressed sandwich....between the two they were amazing. Hers had marinated sautéd zucchini and onions w mozzerella cheese, again simple but amazing. Then we decided we wanted to see the golden gate bridge but we didn't want to take my car out of one paid parking lot just to pay for parking somewhere else. So I plugged golden gate park into the GPS on my phone and we walked. 3.7 miles to goldengate park (1 mile was COMPLETELY uphill) only to realize that golden gate park is NO WHERE near the bridge...with blisters on our feet from walking and having 3 kids (ages 8,6 &5) we called a cab to take us back to the parking garage. When we told him what happened he took us by the bridge and Alcatraz and gave us a person tour of the city. It was awesome! I did really good eating in the city! I was ready to gourge! But I only ate half my sandwich and half a cheese burger for we hit up olive garden and we were ready for a hard core cheat meal but filled up on soup, salad and our sampler platter appetizer that we brought our meals home and are planning on eating them for dinner.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Hey Mae! You won't get that here - we're all advocates of "tell me to relax one more time and I'll knock you on your @ss." LOL - Well, not really, but you get what I mean.
    Welcome! Care to share some of your background with us (you by no means need to)?

    Well, we have been off the pill since April, 2008. When nothing happened month after month I went to see the OB/GYN. She was rather dismissive and told me to lose weight. Then I lost my dad to cancer. I guess from the stress and then the grief I began having several health problems including panic attacks, heart palpatations, and my periods stopped altogether. Went back to the doctor after a few months and we "jump started" my periods. She fussed at me for not losing weight and basically said she wouldn't prescribe Clomid until I lost weight. So, I started trying to lose...joined MFP. Have lost 26 lbs. so far. (Yea!) My cycles have gotten shorter and more regular in the last year and I think maybe I might be ovulating now, though I'm not sure. So, I'm still trying to lose weight, taking my temperature every day, and praying. Last time I went in to talk to my OB/GYN she referred me to a fertility specialist, but my insurance doesn't cover that, so I haven't followed through on the appointment. So, I kind of feel like we're at a stand still, and it feels to me like my doc dismissed me because I'm overweight. Also, all my friends are pregnant (two of them for the second time since we all went off the pill in 2008) and it's become "a hard knock life" for me. :ohwell: I appreciate that there are others on here who are struggling with both weight and TTC.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Alisa--Golden gate park is no where near the bridge--you are totally right! I learned that one the hard way too--sans kids. I lived for a year across the Bay, so we'd take day trips into San Fran. I love that city.

    As for me: Today will be day 4 of Clomid--one more tomorrow. So far I'm not feeling out of control, which is good, but I am getting dizzy spells every once in a while, which the meds warned me about. I'm taking it at night before bed, and I am not sleeping well at all. I'm just tossing and turning, waking up every hour or so. I don't know if it is the Clomid or what, but I have been very careful the last two nights to cut out all of the usual sleeplessness culprits for me: caffiene, chocolate, etc. So, I dunno. We'll see. Last time I took it, it was in the morning, so maybe it is affecting me differently. It might all be in my head too. Haha.

    Hope everyone is staying cool--it is hot as heck here, and humid too---trying to exercise in this weather is just a complete excercise in insanity. I got up this morning at 5 to get some in in front of the TV and air conditioner. I'm not attempting anything else today, unless it involves jumping in a pool!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Happy moday everyone!

    Just got my period yesterday, finally after 7 days of being late. But that just means we are ready to try again soon!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Welcome mightymae, this is a great group full of very supportive women. I’m sure you’ll get lots of support and encouragement on both the weight loss and TTC process.

    Alisa, Sounds like you had a great time with your friend, you deserve it! I’m glad to see the taxi driver was super helpful, you’d never find that here in Montreal :tongue:

    Karen, wishing your sleepless nights to be over! Maybe you should attempt to work out in the heat, you’ll be so tired afterwards that you’ll just pass right out :laugh:

    AFM, I weighed in this morning at basically the same weight as last week. This is a bad thing for me because up until Friday I was down another almost 2 lbs! But with the wedding on Saturday and the busy Sunday filled with eating out, I seam to have put it back on. I’m really hoping its water weight and will be re-weighing myself tomorrow to see. It would really such to have worked my butt of (quite literally) all week, just to have it ruined by two days of bad eating!
    Oh and by the way, my new profile pic is from this weekends wedding, first good picture of DH and I in a really long time.
  • BronzeLady
    BronzeLady Posts: 13
    So sorry to post and run, but I'm in the middle of packing now!

    Just wanted to let you all know I've busted my plateau and finally lost an additional 2 pounds after almost 2 months of no weight loss. So now that's 11 lost since joining MFP, but 15 total! 24 to go!

    This week's goal for me is to get in some solid workout time despite boxing up, packing, throwing out, cleaning...I'm soooo tired!!!
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    So sorry to post and run, but I'm in the middle of packing now!

    Just wanted to let you all know I've busted my plateau and finally lost an additional 2 pounds after almost 2 months of no weight loss. So now that's 11 lost since joining MFP, but 15 total! 24 to go!

    This week's goal for me is to get in some solid workout time despite boxing up, packing, throwing out, cleaning...I'm soooo tired!!!

    Packing sucks!!! But, it could be the packing that has pushed you past your plateau. Hope everything goes okay. (Did I mention that I hate packing?) :-P
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Welcome mightymae, this is a great group full of very supportive women. I’m sure you’ll get lots of support and encouragement on both the weight loss and TTC process.....

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    still negative and no symptoms. :( my hope diminishes more each day. plus, another friend announced their pregnancy on facebook this morning.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    GBOH- I am sorry it's still negative....but I hear ya on the FB preggo posts...if I see ONE MORE BFP test photo on Facebook I may start deleting ppl...I've had 4 in the past month! Only one I was able to feel excited for bc she has SEVERE endo and was told she couldn't get preggo so I related w her.
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    still negative and no symptoms. :( my hope diminishes more each day. plus, another friend announced their pregnancy on facebook this morning.
    Aww boo. Was really hoping for a BFP. I also hate the FB preggo posts make me so angry!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Welcome Mighty!

    Steph- Hope you are having a blast in Hawaii
    Abeare- Great pic! I hope it drops right back off for you too!
    Bronze- Congrats on the break through! Keep that trend rolling!

    AFM- Just got back from a 2 day bike trip with my Mom and Dad for my Dad's birthday. Our first day was awesome and today we got rained on 11 times, one time was for 85kms straight, I was not impressed ha. Bad news about the bike trip all my meals for the last 2 days have been on the run in restaurants although being on the bike all day meant I couldn't be snacking. Felt like after battling the wind I have also done a major upper body workout but didn't get any designated workouts in while gone. 7 more days and I'm done my prednisone hoping for some faster weight loss after that time! That's all for me. Wishing everyone loads of babydust!