Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2017
    Seeing pictures of what I used to look like, and inheriting my grandmother's furniture - lots of mirrors that I didn't have before!! I have a very active daughter, and I really miss being active myself, particularly mountain biking. It would also be nice to fit in an auditorium seat again, find clothes that fit right, and get some energy back!! I crossed a weight threshold that I never dreamed I'd ever see, so enough is enough!
  • JeffreyOC
    JeffreyOC Posts: 810 Member
    edited April 2017
    During my first week at my new job, a colleague at work asked me if my Facebook profile picture was recent because it looked like I had put on a lot of weight. I decided to weigh myself that day when I got home, 285Ibs!
  • shanaramadingdong
    shanaramadingdong Posts: 3 Member
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    Oooh, this is a good thread. I love reading about everyone's reasons to lose weight. For me I've been on a decade long journey of yo-yo dieting, I've tried every diet known to man kind, and gain it all back again. Everyone says "lifestyle change" and I heard it, but I didn't really hear it. This clicked for me last year. I cut added sugar out of my diet for 3 months and was losing weight, feeling great, and it worked. I gained it all back again though, because one day I fancied a cupcake then gorged on sugar and it took me
    A long time to get my motivation back.

    I am 31, turning 30 last year really shook me
    Up. I realised that the things I do now are going to start affecting my health long term. I gave up smoking (much easier than losing weight!) and now I'm back again here, I'm terrifed of diabetes, and heart problems, and don't want to be another statistic. I want to do this for my health as opposed to just looking better. THAT'S the difference this time round.....
  • astrochk08
    astrochk08 Posts: 5 Member
    My Grandma told me I needed to loose weight by doing sit-up's. That hurt my feelings, but was true.
  • ashbabe25
    ashbabe25 Posts: 173 Member
    I got seriously winded going up two flights of stairs plus my favorite jeans no longer fit. I'm tired of wearing my "fat jeans"
  • Tania_181
    Tania_181 Posts: 100 Member
    Turning thirty this year was a bit of a kick in the butt.
  • chris_james17
    chris_james17 Posts: 52 Member
    Had to for my job.
  • Akmauser
    Akmauser Posts: 51 Member
    Culmination of things really.

    About to graduate college (one class left) and my career field of choice likes skinny people. While there is some over weight guys working in the field, they are the old timers and weren't always that big. Also my wife is skinny and likes to be active when she feels well enough. My kids deserve a dad that has enough energy to take them hiking, camping, etc. Had gallbladder issues (surgery) last year and probably didn't need to have it removed if my weight was under control.

    I also have asthma. Was real lean and fit. Used to run track, ride BMX, water sports, etc, back in high school. Asthma was easier to handle when I wasn't so easily winded. I miss that running high I used to get every day.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    ArkMom35 wrote: »
    When my daughter became obsessed with food and wanted snacks constantly. I sadly realized she was mimicking me and I had to stop.

    I love this one. Good for you!
  • MissMaggieMuffin
    MissMaggieMuffin Posts: 444 Member
    I don't think there was a huge AHA moment; rather, a quieter realization that continuing to put on 5 or so lbs per year would negatively impact my health and my physical ability to actively participate in life!
  • rhianna1989
    rhianna1989 Posts: 0 Member
    I need to stop now before I get much bigger..
  • electricmeel
    electricmeel Posts: 2 Member
    I guess it's a combination between vanity and health :#
    I'm also very self conscious of my looks and got to a point I didn't like what I saw (big cheeks and wide hips), some self-criticism and binge eating worried me so I decided to give it a serious start.
  • katrinanne
    katrinanne Posts: 20 Member
    Couldn't fit into my fav jeans anymore....sob