Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-July 2011



  • biokim17
    biokim17 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I've been on MFP for about a year now; I started using it while I was training for my first half marathon (May 2010). I just found out that I am pregnant with our first (about 5 weeks I think)! I was so excited to find this message board, because I am scared to death of losing all of the progress I have made in my eating and exercise over the past 2 years. I can tell that I'm having trouble settling in, I'm very tired, and sometimes I'm starving and can eat anything, and other times, I don't want anything to eat at all. I have my first appointment on Wednesday, so I will be talking to my doctor about calories and exercise, but its good to know there are so many ladies out there for support!

    Here's to everyone's healthy pregnancies!
  • jennamom
    jennamom Posts: 12 Member
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I have a question for you ladies...what are your thoughts on Maternity pictures? I wasn't sold on the idea because I'm not one for "sexy here's my preggo belly" pics, but I found a photographer that I absolutely love and is doing Charlee's pics (yes, I know...I've already scheduled pictures for a baby that isn't even here yet, but she books up fast so I've got her for 3 shoots in the first year!). Her style is amazing and I love the pics she has done with other couples and expecting mommies. I don't want to regret not doing them, but I don't know what I would do with the pics once we did the shoot. Not like I'm going to hang it in the living room or anything.... What do you ladies think? Are you going to do them?

    Are you talking about bare stomach pictures or just ones where you're wearing a form fitting shirt? I think some of the bare stomach ones are okay, but sometimes it can be a bit much. Have you looked through pictures on the internet to get ideas? I used to do a little bit of modeling here and there and that's what I always did to get ideas on poses and such. I mostly like the black and white maternity pictures. The bare stomach ones look best in black and white, in my opinon.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Thank you Heather, every little bit helps!!

    Name: Denise
    Age: 35
    Location: Dallas, Tx
    Baby #: 1
    Due Date: unknown
    Baby Sex: unknown
    Baby Name: If a girl "Isabella" and if it's a boy "Joaquin"
    Occupation: hhmmm, depends on the day and the time of day you ask
    Husband Info: Arthur, Restaurant biz
    Best thing about being pregnant: I'll let you know, I think I'm still shocked?
    Worst thing about being pregnant: all this darn burping!!

    We had blood work done last week, our first doctors apt is this Friday. So I'm excited to find out all the details!!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    At the docs still but just found out we are having a... Girl!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    At the docs still but just found out we are having a... Girl!

    How exciting!! Awww, congrats!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Yay Nichole!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Congratulations! How are you and the hubby feeling about a girl?

    Kristy I was thinking mostly just a regular photo shoot with cute dresses, some tighter fitting shirts, and a few bare belly ones. I don't do the "sexy maternity" offense to anyone that gets them done but they just aren't for me. I don't want a half naked pic of me naked floating around! lol! I'm just not convinced I need to spend the money on it...I think I will regret it if I don't, but I don't even know what I'd do with them if I do get them done. I'm just not sure what I want I guess.

    Hope you all had a great weekend. My trip to the city was nice. The bed was a bit firmer than what I'm used to which made my hips throb from sleeping on my side and made me not get much sleep, and the temps were well over 100*F which made for walking around the shops miserable....but I got to spend time with my hubby (and my parents came to dinner/dessert with us and that was fun).

    I didn't get any exercise in this weekend so I got up at 7 this morning and went for a 30 minute walk with my pup. She loved it and I was sweating immediately. By 730 it was in the 90s...ugh. I am going to walk on the treadmill for an hour and then go do Tracy Anderson method with my workout buddy! As much as I don't like Mondays...I love them for my regular routine (if that makes any sense).

    Hope you all have a great day and make lots of healthy choices!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    At the docs still but just found out we are having a... Girl!

    Congratulations!! :flowerforyou:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! :o)
    I had a great weekend, can't believe it's Monday already! Got to go swimming with my 2 1/2 year old nephew Jack - was such a blast and then went to see Wicked on Sunday with my mom & sisters, such a blast!! Thankful for a short week - taking an extra long weekend this weekend :)

    Today my goal is to eat some veggies! I'm drinking a V8 fusion as we says it has 1 1/2 servings of fruits/veggies in it! and I brought some carrots to snack on today!
    I have a workout with my personal trainer tonight and I'm very excited - I didn't do so well with working out last week. Hoping to get at least 3-4 workouts in this week!

    Random question for you all - has anyone done or is thinking about doing the 3D ultrasound? If so when would you do it? I read that it's best to do it between 12-24 weeks. thoughts?

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!
  • Pieces_of_Me3
    Pieces_of_Me3 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all! I'm so happy to have found this group! This August 29th will be a year married for my husband and I and were oficially going to start trying after the one year this is a lovely surprise! I ended up gaining about 15 lbs after I got married and was trying to lose that before I got pregnant, but now I'm pregnant!
    I just found out on Tuesday that I'm 6.5 weeks along and am soooo excited! I am a bit freaked out as well, my first and I've never done this before!
    I really want to be the healthiest mama I can be for me and my growing babe. I have so many questions regarding excersise limits etc but I will get some of those answered I'm sure at my first doctors appointment this week. Does anyone know anything about running and pregnancy? We bought a treadmill a few months ago and I'm running about 40 km a week. I have continued to run since I found out....I did some research and found out that apparently if your body is used to running you don't need to stop, just decrease the intensity as it gets uncomfortable further along in pregancy. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    I just have to say that Shakeology REALLY helps with it blew my mind how much energy I had. I got to free samples from my Beachbody coach and tried them and was going till 11 at night! It's completely safe and very high in nutrients and actually aids brain development :) It's a bit pricey but worth it if you're battling severe fatigue, not to mention a super healthy baby! Just thought I'd throw that out there.

    Thanks for listening ladies and congratulations to all you mammas out there!

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all! I'm so happy to have found this group! This August 29th will be a year married for my husband and I and were oficially going to start trying after the one year this is a lovely surprise! I ended up gaining about 15 lbs after I got married and was trying to lose that before I got pregnant, but now I'm pregnant!
    I just found out on Tuesday that I'm 6.5 weeks along and am soooo excited! I am a bit freaked out as well, my first and I've never done this before!
    I really want to be the healthiest mama I can be for me and my growing babe. I have so many questions regarding excersise limits etc but I will get some of those answered I'm sure at my first doctors appointment this week. Does anyone know anything about running and pregnancy? We bought a treadmill a few months ago and I'm running about 40 km a week. I have continued to run since I found out....I did some research and found out that apparently if your body is used to running you don't need to stop, just decrease the intensity as it gets uncomfortable further along in pregancy. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    I just have to say that Shakeology REALLY helps with it blew my mind how much energy I had. I got to free samples from my Beachbody coach and tried them and was going till 11 at night! It's completely safe and very high in nutrients and actually aids brain development :) It's a bit pricey but worth it if you're battling severe fatigue, not to mention a super healthy baby! Just thought I'd throw that out there.

    Thanks for listening ladies and congratulations to all you mammas out there!


    Welcome! :flowerforyou: Congrats on your pregnancy & your upcoming anniversary!! My wedding anniversary is August 29th too! :happy:

    I will have to look into this shakeology thing you speak of!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Hi, I've been on MFP for over a year now, finally got into my pre-pregnancy clothes (though not at my start weight) and found out I'm expecting Baby #2 in March.

    My doctor told me to eat 1500 calories a day and to watch the carbs and gain only about 15 lb throughout my pregnancy, so that is my goal!

    So glad I found this group!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome Maria and Sabrina!

    Rayna I will be 29 1/2 weeks and when I get my 3d/4d ultrasound and I can't wait! We were told that between 28-31wks is the best time because the baby is completely developed and has baby fat but not too smooshed that you can't see anything.

    Sabrina, that is pretty strict and I'm not sure I could follow a 1500cal diet through pregnancy! And to tell you to limit carbs...that is something I had never heard either. Carbs are vital for brain development and energy during pregnancy. The only time I've ever heard of a doctor telling a patient to restrict their weight gain to 15lbs is for someone who is morbidly obese and by your ticker that doesn't look like the case. Not trying to discredit what your doctor told you...just seems odd to me is all. For a woman with a healthy bmi the weight gain should be between 25-35lbs (but more importantly is the quality of the food you are eating and the exercise you are doing with the weight gain). All of us on this board have our calories at maintenance during the first trimester and then slowly add (200-300cals) during the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

    Maria we have several avid runners on the board and it is true that what your body is used to doing pre-pregnancy you may continue to do at your comfort level during pregnancy! So keep on running as long as you can! :) Congrats on the baby and welcome to our group! I'm sure you will love it!
  • februarybug
    i have not been on MFP for a while now...this past weekend was my good friends wedding that i was in along with a number of my friends...and it was a great time! HOT ... but a great time!

    so i have to say...i have cut down weighing myself to once a the begining i was weighing myself like every morning and just obsessing about the lbs that i was gaining. so i figure that this needs to come to an end. i am just having a really hard time with my cravings. i can not get enough pasta and bread...its really bad! i feel like i have become my husband!!!! and i am still not fond of veggies. but i have made it a goal to get them in at LEAST once a day...then i will go from there. this is just a whole new world to me because i used to have a salad every day for lunch and now i cant stand the thought of them!

    for all the ladies who are further along in their the cravings go away? did you feel like your 'normal' eating habits came back? i really hope so for me...because i dont know how much pasta this girl can take!

    hope everyone is having a great monday!!! i am going to be 10 weeks this wednesday!!!! our plan is to 'tell the world' via facebook at the 12 week mark!!
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks Heather, for pointing me in this direction, I was wondering where everyone went! (I was still on June's page!)

    Well, it has been a couple of weeks since we have all talked, but I am happy to announce that I am officially 1/3 of the way done! 13 weeks today, and out of my first trimester. I went for my second appointment on Friday, and my doctor was impatient to find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler. So we popped into an ultrasound room and got another ultrasound. It was super cool to see the baby kicking and opening and closing it's mouth. It really made an impression to my husband, he just couldn't get over it. Neither of us had seen any of our other baby's at this stage, and we got very excited, seems like this is now more real to him!

    We went camping this weekend and did a little kayaking, it was a fun day, but I am hoping to get a lot more kayaking in before my life jacket stops fitting!

    After all was said and done, I finished my 1st trimester only 3 lbs heavier, which makes me very happy. I gained almost nothing the first two months, then about a pound a week these last three weeks! Hoping to stay right on track with my weight gain, I am shooting to only gain what I lost on MFP before getting pregnant, 25lbs. I have been keeping my calories at about 1500-2000, excersizing about 20-60 minutes per day. I am craving fish and eggs like no tomorrow! Funny thing is, I have never liked my eggs any way but scrambled, and now I eat a over-medium egg sandwich every day for breakfast!

    Showing a little bit, but only my closest friends have noticed, but my wardrobe has, I am officially in my maternity clothes! Super comfy and fun to be able to switch up my look. It sure is hot here in Reno, so I am really enjoying my maternity shorts!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • biokim17
    biokim17 Posts: 21 Member
    Based on one of the recommendations from this message board, I went to check out the website for Fit Pregnancy magazine. I found this fantastic article, and thought I would share (my apologies if the link has already been posted and I missed it). And in the spirit of exercising during pregnancy, I just finished a 30 minute felt FANTASTIC!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

    Maria - I've been running four-five days a week for the past seven or so years averaging somewhere in the 18-25 mile per week range. I've run my entire pregnancy so far, but have to say I have gotten much slower and cut my mileage. Somewhere in the second trimester I cut down to three days a week. I've been in the 10 mile per week range, but think this week it might end up closer to eight as I normally do 3.5 on Mondays and Wednesdays, but could only manage 2.5 today. My bambino seems to be growing like crazy right now and I feel that my lung capacity has diminished greatly. My doctor has continued to support my running and says as long as I can still comfortably do it to keep it up. To be determined how much longer I can do this.....

    Nichole - very exciting on the girl news!

    Autumn - happy to see you back and yeah on the move to the second trimester.

    Someone new asked about cravings - I didn't have too many in the first trimester (hummus was my one craving), but find now as I near the end that all I have been craving are vegetables and fruit. This is making it really tough for me to get all my extra calories in at this stage of the game.

    Welcome to all the new faces, this is a wonderful group of fit, fabulous and pregnant ladies!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Did anyone have cramps in the beginning? I'm a little over 5 weeks now and have had random dull cramps (like period cramps) for the past couple of weeks. It's not bad and only lasts maybe 5 minutes usually. I haven't spotted at all so that's good. I usually only get them once or twice a day. I worry because I've had 2 miscarriages before, but with those I started bleeding before cramping and those cramps were pretty intense.
  • SLD0125
    SLD0125 Posts: 22
    I got the random cramping it was pretty much in my ovaries and it was on and off for a few weeks but only a minute or two at a time. Usually from your uterus growing :)
  • princesspurple
    Kristy-I am almost at 33 weeks and still get cramping sometimes:)

    Nichole-okay we know it is a yet????

    I forgot who asked but 3D ultrasounds-they freak me out:)