Women - menstrual cycle, weight, and fitness matters



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    rainwife79 wrote: »
    I'm so happy to find this post today. Over the past few days my weight has gone up by 4 pounds. I've been tracking diligently, weighing everything and doing the same thing I have been doing and seeing daily results. My period just ended yesterday, so I'm assuming that I'm still retaining a little water (which I've upped my intake of significantly in the past few days as well).

    It's a little disheartening. This is the first month I'm weighing daily and actual seeing this happen. But I'm going to stay on track and wait for the numbers to start going back down

    Yep ... stay on track.

    This is one reason I weigh every day -- so I can see what's going on.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I ovulated a few days ago so I've hit the hormonal hunger phase. I went out for lunch and had a side salad with some crab and veggies crepes and I was still 'I need to eat more or I'm going to pass out' stupid hungry.

    I decided to try an orange... it did help. Not sure how long it's going to last and I'm having a cough drop now (cold) but it's much more bearable... so it's worth a shot if you have that issue.

    My GYN put me on the pill for my next cycle because of my heavy periods and low iron too so I'm really hoping it will help and not make things worse (and my cholesterol is too high already too). We'll see... cautiously optimistic but those hunger issues are why I keep binging 2-3 times a month.. . And why I can't reach the weight I want.
  • B4Rachael
    B4Rachael Posts: 155 Member
    For me, I am in the "so hungry I eat everything in sight" phase about one week before my period starts.

    I use the Life Period Tracker app and it is so nice, I add notes about my eating habits/cravings and any bloating/weight gain.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started the pill last night. Kinda worried about what it's going to do to my appetite, but it can't really get worse.. right?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited April 2017
    Ok so... pill experience anyone?

    I've been on it for a week, started the Sunday after my period started, like recommended by my GYN. My period started 2 days before that. I'm still bleeding (lightly, I just need small liners). It's been 10 days now. I got two days of appetite reprieve (the first 2 days after I started taking it) and been hungry since (the hormonal hunger type - cranky, feeling 'empty', lightheaded, and weak, until I eat).

    This absolutely sucks. Usually by now I feel satisfied on few calories and have a nice deficit and I'm not 2000 calories over for the week (granted, there's been Easter candy and cake around, but when I feel that way it's MUCH harder to say no). I also felt weak and extremely fatigued last week (but I have low iron, so between that and the period blood loss, and my puppy waking me up before dawn, it's not really surprising I guess).

    Someone tell me it's going to get better? I'm using Viorele, if anyone's familiar with it.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I'm not familiar with Viorele (then again, I live in another country/linguistic area and they seem to name things differently here out of principle). The one I use is called Elyfem 20 (a very low dosed pill to help regulate the cycle but it's to weakly dosed to be a reliable contraceptive).

    It has taken me close to 6 months for my hunger signals to normalize and my cycles are finally settling into what seems to be my new normal. Previously: 7 days of flood gates open with a snowballs chance in hell at predicting the start and HUNGER! Also included was at least 1 ER visit because I was in such a bad shape (4°C drop in basal temperature, diarrhea, vomiting and cramps at an 11 on a 1 to 10 pain scale. They confirmed that it was not a virus or bacteria but my body's reaction to my starting period...). Since November, it's varied between 2 days of spotting (and that was it for the month) to my old regular but with a predictable start. Now it starts at 8pm, the day after the last pill for the month and lasts for 3.5 days (it boggles my mind that it would be that precise!)

    The ovulation hunger seems to have completely gone. I quickly had to check my calendar.... Ovulation should have been last week and I had no hormonal hunger what so ever. Zilch. Low energy but no additional hunger.

    PMS cravings have gotten down to manageable levels and I can usually feed them with 100cals of my favorite chocolate and be done with it.

    During the last 6 months before reaching that point? I was a bottomless pit craving food like a dragon craves treasure... I had to white knuckle it at times because I would have eaten all the food and then some. So I'm actually quite proud of simply maintaining. I can now even slowly return to a deficit (very mild deficit mind you) without wanting to gnaw my arm off.

    Good luck!
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    such a great post! Thanks ladies :-) x
  • rainwife79
    rainwife79 Posts: 7 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    rainwife79 wrote: »
    I'm so happy to find this post today. Over the past few days my weight has gone up by 4 pounds. I've been tracking diligently, weighing everything and doing the same thing I have been doing and seeing daily results. My period just ended yesterday, so I'm assuming that I'm still retaining a little water (which I've upped my intake of significantly in the past few days as well).

    It's a little disheartening. This is the first month I'm weighing daily and actual seeing this happen. But I'm going to stay on track and wait for the numbers to start going back down

    Yep ... stay on track.

    This is one reason I weigh every day -- so I can see what's going on.

    It took a little longer than I would like, but sure enough I stayed patient and carried on and yup number are going the right way again :)

    And now I have peace of mind. The next time it happens it will be no big deal.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Okay I have some weird questions, and they're more out of curiosity. I have had Crohn's Disease for a long time. I am on an elimination diet AIP TO identify trigger foods, and it's been working so far...my energy levels and iron are up, I sleep better, etc. I still haven't gained weight, but all in good time.

    Anyway, I haven't had actual cravings for food in years. Last week I had a bad craving for pizza. Not the crust or anything I couldn't eat, but the idea of pizza. I made a compliant meatza, and it was delicious. Helped having that fix! Also, I haven't been "noticing" men in regards to attractiveness or desire up until recently. Is any of this related to working hormones? What is causing this change?

    The reason why I am asking is because I haven't had my period for a few years now. My doctors attributed it to a combo of low fat and the anemia. I am just assuming that the rest of my reproductive organs and hormones have been dormant as well. I hope my question makes sense.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    I'm not familiar with Viorele (then again, I live in another country/linguistic area and they seem to name things differently here out of principle). The one I use is called Elyfem 20 (a very low dosed pill to help regulate the cycle but it's to weakly dosed to be a reliable contraceptive).

    It has taken me close to 6 months for my hunger signals to normalize and my cycles are finally settling into what seems to be my new normal. Previously: 7 days of flood gates open with a snowballs chance in hell at predicting the start and HUNGER! Also included was at least 1 ER visit because I was in such a bad shape (4°C drop in basal temperature, diarrhea, vomiting and cramps at an 11 on a 1 to 10 pain scale. They confirmed that it was not a virus or bacteria but my body's reaction to my starting period...). Since November, it's varied between 2 days of spotting (and that was it for the month) to my old regular but with a predictable start. Now it starts at 8pm, the day after the last pill for the month and lasts for 3.5 days (it boggles my mind that it would be that precise!)

    The ovulation hunger seems to have completely gone. I quickly had to check my calendar.... Ovulation should have been last week and I had no hormonal hunger what so ever. Zilch. Low energy but no additional hunger.

    PMS cravings have gotten down to manageable levels and I can usually feed them with 100cals of my favorite chocolate and be done with it.

    During the last 6 months before reaching that point? I was a bottomless pit craving food like a dragon craves treasure... I had to white knuckle it at times because I would have eaten all the food and then some. So I'm actually quite proud of simply maintaining. I can now even slowly return to a deficit (very mild deficit mind you) without wanting to gnaw my arm off.

    Good luck!

    Not very encouraging... lol.

    It's been almost 3 weeks now... I'm still bleeding, I've actually had sore breasts for a couple days too now, been having to take advil for the cramps, and the bleeding is worse :( And yeah... I'm hungry most days. I'm honestly scared to look at the scale. I'm starting week 4 on Sunday and I'm afraid it's going to be even worse! My period is not even officially due for 10 days now. Right now I just want to cry. I'm going to give it a couple months but I'm just gutted at this point. So much for a fix, it's actually worse, I didn't get any 'not hungry' week this month and probably gained 1 pound already this cycle... when I've usually lost that by now.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    I'm not familiar with Viorele (then again, I live in another country/linguistic area and they seem to name things differently here out of principle). The one I use is called Elyfem 20 (a very low dosed pill to help regulate the cycle but it's to weakly dosed to be a reliable contraceptive).

    It has taken me close to 6 months for my hunger signals to normalize and my cycles are finally settling into what seems to be my new normal. Previously: 7 days of flood gates open with a snowballs chance in hell at predicting the start and HUNGER! Also included was at least 1 ER visit because I was in such a bad shape (4°C drop in basal temperature, diarrhea, vomiting and cramps at an 11 on a 1 to 10 pain scale. They confirmed that it was not a virus or bacteria but my body's reaction to my starting period...). Since November, it's varied between 2 days of spotting (and that was it for the month) to my old regular but with a predictable start. Now it starts at 8pm, the day after the last pill for the month and lasts for 3.5 days (it boggles my mind that it would be that precise!)

    The ovulation hunger seems to have completely gone. I quickly had to check my calendar.... Ovulation should have been last week and I had no hormonal hunger what so ever. Zilch. Low energy but no additional hunger.

    PMS cravings have gotten down to manageable levels and I can usually feed them with 100cals of my favorite chocolate and be done with it.

    During the last 6 months before reaching that point? I was a bottomless pit craving food like a dragon craves treasure... I had to white knuckle it at times because I would have eaten all the food and then some. So I'm actually quite proud of simply maintaining. I can now even slowly return to a deficit (very mild deficit mind you) without wanting to gnaw my arm off.

    Good luck!

    Not very encouraging... lol.

    It's been almost 3 weeks now... I'm still bleeding, I've actually had sore breasts for a couple days too now, been having to take advil for the cramps, and the bleeding is worse :( And yeah... I'm hungry most days. I'm honestly scared to look at the scale. I'm starting week 4 on Sunday and I'm afraid it's going to be even worse! My period is not even officially due for 10 days now. Right now I just want to cry. I'm going to give it a couple months but I'm just gutted at this point. So much for a fix, it's actually worse, I didn't get any 'not hungry' week this month and probably gained 1 pound already this cycle... when I've usually lost that by now.

    Go to the doctor!
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Since I had that polyp removed in early 2015, I've been going for ultrasounds every 6 months to monitor the situation surrounding and in particular to see if any further polyps develop. I was told that if others developed, they could indicate a worsening of the pre-cancerous situation.

    Well ... yesterday I was informed that another one has developed. So I'll be in surgery next Thursday to remove it + a D&C + treatment of the other pre-cancer they found.

    They move quick! One minute I'm sitting in the Drs office ... next minute I'm filling out a massive pile of forms and stuff for surgery!

    Anyway, again ... if things are wonky, don't just suffer through it. See someone. Ask questions. Go for tests. There might be a reason for it!

    @Machka9 - Really sorry to hear this :( Hope that the surgery goes well and that the post-op treatment isn't too horrendous.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Since I had that polyp removed in early 2015, I've been going for ultrasounds every 6 months to monitor the situation surrounding and in particular to see if any further polyps develop. I was told that if others developed, they could indicate a worsening of the pre-cancerous situation.

    Well ... yesterday I was informed that another one has developed. So I'll be in surgery next Thursday to remove it + a D&C + treatment of the other pre-cancer they found.

    They move quick! One minute I'm sitting in the Drs office ... next minute I'm filling out a massive pile of forms and stuff for surgery!

    Anyway, again ... if things are wonky, don't just suffer through it. See someone. Ask questions. Go for tests. There might be a reason for it!

    @Machka9 - Really sorry to hear this :( Hope that the surgery goes well and that the post-op treatment isn't too horrendous.

    Thanks ... I won't know what, if any, post-op treatment there will be until a couple days after the surgery, once my insides have been processed by pathology.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I mentioned this in the perimenopause thread ...

    For a long time I would have periods that builds up gradually for 3 or 4 days, then heavy for 3 or 4 days, then it tapers off for the next week. Then I'm free for a week. Then I spot for 2 or 3 days. Then I'm free for 10 days. Then I have a 2 week, fairly heavy period which begins to feel like it is never going to end. Then I'm free for 2 weeks ... woo-hoo! Then I gush for 3 or 4 days. Then I'm free for a week. Then I'll have one that kind of spots for 10 days.

    I never know when they're going to start or finish or how heavy they'll be. But at least once a month I'll have a couple days of flooding among all the other stuff.

    I got fed up with it all in late 2014 and saw a Dr who rushed me into a gynaecologist who rushed me into surgery. Apparently I had a very large polyp which turned out to be pre-cancerous. It was removed and things kind of settled a bit, but about a year ago, things were really wonky again. On an ultrasound, they found a cyst and a fibroid which may be causing some of that ... or it could just be perimenopause. Then a couple months later they discovered more pre-cancer.

    So ... if you're bleeding for extended periods of time or spotting between periods ... see a Dr. I really thought it was all just a normal part of perimenopause but it wasn't.

    Since I had that polyp removed in early 2015, I've been going for ultrasounds every 6 months to monitor the situation surrounding and in particular to see if any further polyps develop. I was told that if others developed, they could indicate a worsening of the pre-cancerous situation.

    Well ... yesterday I was informed that another one has developed. So I'll be in surgery next Thursday to remove it + a D&C + treatment of the other pre-cancer they found.

    They move quick! One minute I'm sitting in the Drs office ... next minute I'm filling out a massive pile of forms and stuff for surgery!

    Anyway, again ... if things are wonky, don't just suffer through it. See someone. Ask questions. Go for tests. There might be a reason for it!


    I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.

    Here's to hoping that nothing funky turns up once your "insides have been processed by pathology"
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2017
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I mentioned this in the perimenopause thread ...

    For a long time I would have periods that builds up gradually for 3 or 4 days, then heavy for 3 or 4 days, then it tapers off for the next week. Then I'm free for a week. Then I spot for 2 or 3 days. Then I'm free for 10 days. Then I have a 2 week, fairly heavy period which begins to feel like it is never going to end. Then I'm free for 2 weeks ... woo-hoo! Then I gush for 3 or 4 days. Then I'm free for a week. Then I'll have one that kind of spots for 10 days.

    I never know when they're going to start or finish or how heavy they'll be. But at least once a month I'll have a couple days of flooding among all the other stuff.

    I got fed up with it all in late 2014 and saw a Dr who rushed me into a gynaecologist who rushed me into surgery. Apparently I had a very large polyp which turned out to be pre-cancerous. It was removed and things kind of settled a bit, but about a year ago, things were really wonky again. On an ultrasound, they found a cyst and a fibroid which may be causing some of that ... or it could just be perimenopause. Then a couple months later they discovered more pre-cancer.

    So ... if you're bleeding for extended periods of time or spotting between periods ... see a Dr. I really thought it was all just a normal part of perimenopause but it wasn't.

    Since I had that polyp removed in early 2015, I've been going for ultrasounds every 6 months to monitor the situation surrounding and in particular to see if any further polyps develop. I was told that if others developed, they could indicate a worsening of the pre-cancerous situation.

    Well ... yesterday I was informed that another one has developed. So I'll be in surgery next Thursday to remove it + a D&C + treatment of the other pre-cancer they found.

    They move quick! One minute I'm sitting in the Drs office ... next minute I'm filling out a massive pile of forms and stuff for surgery!

    Anyway, again ... if things are wonky, don't just suffer through it. See someone. Ask questions. Go for tests. There might be a reason for it!

    I'm sorry you're going through this! I hope this one is fine.

    Yeah it turns out I have ovarian cysts, that's why I tend to bleed around ovulation too, and why exercising was making my cramps worse.... I was supposed to get another ultrasound this month to see how they are now (I ended up in the ER a year ago when one twisted) but I never stopped bleeding this month so I wasn't able to. I got my period 3 days ago and having horrible cramps, starting the second month of the pill on Sunday and hopefully this month is better.. or I'm probably going to give up on it. Just NOT worth it. Yeah my period is a bit lighter but bleeding all month long is just not my idea of fun, and my hunger didn't decrease by one bit either.. if anything, it was worse (I must have gained 2 lbs). And yeah, the cramps are as bad as my worst ones without the pill.

    So disappointed.
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »

    Yeah it turns out I have ovarian cysts, that's why I tend to bleed around ovulation too, and why exercising was making my cramps worse.... I was supposed to get another ultrasound this month to see how they are now (I ended up in the ER a year ago when one twisted) but I never stopped bleeding this month so I wasn't able to. I got my period 3 days ago and having horrible cramps, starting the second month of the pill on Sunday and hopefully this month is better.. or I'm probably going to give up on it. Just NOT worth it. Yeah my period is a bit lighter but bleeding all month long is just not my idea of fun, and my hunger didn't decrease by one bit either.. if anything, it was worse (I must have gained 2 lbs). And yeah, the cramps are as bad as my worst ones without the pill.

    So disappointed.

    @Francl27 - Ovarian cysts sound unbelievably painful :( I'm sorry that you're going through this. Being a woman really is rubbish at times.

  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Excellent resource.

    I personally find I gain 1-2 pounds just before my first flow day but not around ovulation. If I continue to eat according to my plan, that bit of weight gain, plus anything I normally would lose, disappears when my spotting stops at the end of menstruation. It's just a false increase and I've learned to ignore it. I don't adjust my intake based on ToM because if anything I'm less hungry not craving all the things as some women say they do.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    edited May 2017
    I often (but not always) become super hungry during TOM.

    I also need to poop frequently, like every hour or even twice an hour, which is annoying. But it does give me a chance to dump the menstrual cup frequently so I guess it's not all bad??

    Menstrual cups are the greatest invention ever, BTW. God I love not having to feel "the drop" of clotted blood.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I often (but not always) become super hungry during TOM.

    I also need to poop frequently, like every hour or even twice an hour, which is annoying. But it does give me a chance to dump the menstrual cup frequently so I guess it's not all bad??

    Menstrual cups are the greatest invention ever, BTW. God I love not having to feel "the drop" of clotted blood.

    I tried the Diva cup and let's say I didn't have a good experience. I never managed to get it placed properly and I scratched myself raw trying. I just gave up after that...