Recomposition: Maintaining weight while losing fat



  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    Ok so what is reasonable weight range for maintenance? Say I want to maintain on 100kg. What would be my minimum and maximum weight range?
    It's very individual, my weight often jumps around a couple of kilos day to day.
    On the other hand my colleague hardly varies by a few grams day to day or even week to week.

    Plus of course you are a big guy at 100kg so small percentage changes give a bigger number.
    Would suggest you just track for a month and try to see what is natural for you.

    (PS - congrats on that impressive weight loss!)

    Awesome thanks :) My weight doesnt very all that much although before Easter weekend it did go down to 99.2kg and after Easter it was at 100.7kg lol I figuere 1kg eiher way is ok with me.

    Thanks for the compliment :)

    Up to 3 kg is fairly normal. If you hit 5kg above where you normally are and it doesn't drop within a few days it's time to make adjustments.

    Thank you very much :)
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    @mom23mangos You look fantastic! I think it looks like you put on a tiny bit more muscle mass! Your waist looks more muscular to me.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Wow @mom23mangos you look absolutely fantastic.. your definition is amazing. I think you look more lean in the most recent photo.. but both look great.. you are rocking it!
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    @mom23mangos I agree with the above posters. Looks like you have added some mass and retained your amazing definition. Super awesome!
  • Jezreel12
    Jezreel12 Posts: 246 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    I'm getting frustrated and don't know if I can recomp or not because I can't keep my weight steady. I'm always gaining a few pounds. Then I'm back in a deficit to lose a few pounds. I can't drop fat if I keep gaining weight, and the deficit is doing me no good!

    I feel like I should just bulk/cut because I can gain and lose weight but seem to have issues keeping my weight steady enough. Think I'm just spinning my wheels.....

    I did something similar during my year of recomp. As long as you are lifting and progressing with the lifting you'll make progress on lean mass gains. Swings of 20 pounds or more is time to reconsider how you plan to maintain weight long term. way to twenty pounds! I go up and down 3-5lbs, but I'm not talking fluctuating weight. It sticks and then I'm in a battle to get it back off. Overall I've been maintaining for a year so I'm proud of that, but keeping myself at a stable trend weight without having to flip back and forth has been hard.... I'll keep pressing on though.

    Interesting to hear you say that all you did was track protein because I was toying with the idea of trying it myself. I'd love to be able to be more flexible with that. I'm wondering if it might help me with adherence too. I think I tend to overeat sometimes because I'm feeling held too tightly to everything fitting macros perfectly.

    I think you should try that to see how it goes. Nothing to be afraid of right ? This is a lifestyle of health and fitness and trial and error is welcome. If something doesn't work then you recalibrate and try something else. I had to do the same thing believe me.

  • hungrylittlehousehippo
    Hi everyone..
    I just want to mark this to come back to later. I've read most of the thread, and am kinda sorta recomping presently. I'm within 5lbs of my ultimate goal weight, but reducing BF% has become more of a priority for me these days as I recognize that that is the way I will look better. I have just started heavy lifting with my trainer, which is a change for me - before this I had been focusing on running, soccer, yoga, and the occasional strength or HIIT class at my gym.
    Thanks to everyone for the great information in this thread :)
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    edited April 2017
    laurenj915 wrote: »
    This is so helpful!!! I am working my way through this 60 page thread. ;)

    I keep saying I need to lose weight or need to lose fat but the I am 105 pounds. The same 105 pounds that I was 5 years ago before I had 3 babies. But this 105 is completely mushy, skinny fat, unrecognizable to me. I think need body recomposition!

    I have been doing a very low carb thing but it has made my workouts, lifting, running, HIIT days, all of if, miserable. So eating at maintanace and finding my personal macros are going to be key? Do you keep up HIIT workouts or just focus on lifting? I know, go read the whole thread. I'm just excited about this

    I alternate Insanity Max30 and lifting at the gym. I'm still new to this myself but it seems to be working. I'm down inches around the waist and up a little on my biceps and calves.
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Lauren, upping your carbs will help w/endurance @ the gym. You need them for energy; just make sure you select good ones (limit sugary/white ones). I use whole wheat bread and frozen veggies (they keep better) and fix a salad every night for dinner. I do splurge on the occasional pizza, burger & fries, etc., but consider them a treat. I'm working on recomp and have managed to lose some body fat--it's going to take me longer as I'm over 60. Good luck on your journey! B)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    laurenj915 wrote: »
    This is so helpful!!! I am working my way through this 60 page thread. ;)

    I keep saying I need to lose weight or need to lose fat but the I am 105 pounds. The same 105 pounds that I was 5 years ago before I had 3 babies. But this 105 is completely mushy, skinny fat, unrecognizable to me. I think need body recomposition!

    I have been doing a very low carb thing but it has made my workouts, lifting, running, HIIT days, all of if, miserable. So eating at maintanace and finding my personal macros are going to be key? Do you keep up HIIT workouts or just focus on lifting? I know, go read the whole thread. I'm just excited about this

    I am the same weight as you, but much older.
    Get on a good lifting programme, ( see the 'which lifting program is best for you' thread in the gaining forum) have your protein around 80-100g fat around 35g and fill the rest of your calories with carbs- mine go from cake to oranges, totally indiscriminate.

    I find a 40 protein, 30 fat, and 30 carb percentage split works well, a bit off the above numbers, but works well with my eating preferences.

    Do make sure you are eating back enough calories. I got burnt out, and lost weight fast because I wasn't paying too much attention, long term maintenance and no longer logging.

    I also find I benefit most from my lifting when it is my main focus and I drop my cardio to alternate days and something simple- rowing or walking.

    You are just going to have to see how you react.

    Doing a recomp can be slow, but totally worth it.

    Cheers, h.
  • emilyallen873
    emilyallen873 Posts: 7 Member
    Can I do a recomp with at home bodyweight exercises? I mainly focus on my abs and butt and hold weights while I do them.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    The next week-and-a-half is going to be challenging as we are going away and there will be all the wrong food and an awesome mother-in-law who loves to spoil me.
  • Xymheia
    Xymheia Posts: 65 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi, I'm wondering whether a recomp would work for me or if it's better to cut first. As I've been sedentary for a while my bodyfat is probably around 28 at a BMI of 22.4, so I've got a long way to go - ideally I want to get near 20. I intend to do weightlifting (2 times a week), martial arts (2 times a week) and I want to be able to run 5 km. Right now just weightlifting to get used to training again.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Xymheia wrote: »
    Hi, I'm wondering whether a recomp would work for me or if it's better to cut first. As I've been sedentary for a while my bodyfat is probably around 28 at a BMI of 22.4, so I've got a long way to go - ideally I want to get near 20. I intend to do weightlifting (2 times a week), martial arts (2 times a week) and I want to be able to run 5 km. Right now just weightlifting to get used to training again.

    If you have been largely sedentary, then if you get onto a structured program, you will more likely see improvements, which is why noob gains are a real thing. Just actively stimulating muscle fibers will cause for improvements.
  • Davelfc08
    Davelfc08 Posts: 12 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    There's a lot of talk about recomposition through the boards, so I wanted to have a place where we can compile research on it and experiences with it.

    When is recomp appropriate? When you are at a decent weight for your height, but your body fat is still at a level that is undesirable to you recomposition is probably a good option. It's a way to maintain your weight, eat well and still lose fat. This is a slow process and can feel like spinning your wheels, but it can be less mentally stressful than bulk and cut cycles.

    The keys to recomposition are:

    1. At the end of the week you have eaten at about your TDEE. You may choose to cycle calories or eat at a flat rate every day, this should fit your personal preference. If you have a consistent workout schedule using a TDEE calculator should place your goal fairly close to your actual maintenance. The only way to know for sure is to monitor your weight and calories over time while adjusting calories when you have an up or down trend.

    2. Getting adequate protein. Protein is a building block of muscle. The goal of recomposition is to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Protein, carbohydrates and fats play different roles in the muscle building process, so make sure that you keep to a macronutrient set up that works for you. This may need to be adjusted over time.

    3. Lift! Following a good lifting program is the key to the entire process. It's where the magic happens. Pick a program that you will enjoy and that is going to challenge you. Continue to focus on improving.

    4. Take pictures and measure. It's a slow process and you may feel you are making no progress. Your measurements will help you see that you are making progress.

    Feel free to share stories of recomposition and any research you have seen on it. Ask questions if you have any.

    Hi Im 40 year old male 6ft 1 and weighed 236 ! ive lost 17lb and would like to lose another 33lb ! ive been doing the stronglifts 5x5 and IF for the last 6 weeks eatting really healthy ! Could really do with some advice as im knew to any kind of diet or training ! do you think i should keep doing the 5x5 and IF ? any advice would be really helpfull ! thanks
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Davelfc08 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    There's a lot of talk about recomposition through the boards, so I wanted to have a place where we can compile research on it and experiences with it.

    When is recomp appropriate? When you are at a decent weight for your height, but your body fat is still at a level that is undesirable to you recomposition is probably a good option. It's a way to maintain your weight, eat well and still lose fat. This is a slow process and can feel like spinning your wheels, but it can be less mentally stressful than bulk and cut cycles.

    The keys to recomposition are:

    1. At the end of the week you have eaten at about your TDEE. You may choose to cycle calories or eat at a flat rate every day, this should fit your personal preference. If you have a consistent workout schedule using a TDEE calculator should place your goal fairly close to your actual maintenance. The only way to know for sure is to monitor your weight and calories over time while adjusting calories when you have an up or down trend.

    2. Getting adequate protein. Protein is a building block of muscle. The goal of recomposition is to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Protein, carbohydrates and fats play different roles in the muscle building process, so make sure that you keep to a macronutrient set up that works for you. This may need to be adjusted over time.

    3. Lift! Following a good lifting program is the key to the entire process. It's where the magic happens. Pick a program that you will enjoy and that is going to challenge you. Continue to focus on improving.

    4. Take pictures and measure. It's a slow process and you may feel you are making no progress. Your measurements will help you see that you are making progress.

    Feel free to share stories of recomposition and any research you have seen on it. Ask questions if you have any.

    Hi Im 40 year old male 6ft 1 and weighed 236 ! ive lost 17lb and would like to lose another 33lb ! ive been doing the stronglifts 5x5 and IF for the last 6 weeks eatting really healthy ! Could really do with some advice as im knew to any kind of diet or training ! do you think i should keep doing the 5x5 and IF ? any advice would be really helpfull ! thanks

    people on the other posts have given you advice and links, follow what others have said.
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    So looking for a bit of advice because once again I'm flitting between thinking I should cut down 10lbs and bulk back up or just recomp at my current weight.

    I'm 36 year old male, 5'7'' and 151lbs. Before Christmas I was down to around 145lbs, I then put on around 10lbs from just eating "junk" food and the gut and moobs started making a re-appearance.

    My sport of choice is long distance running, I have a 60 miler booked in for September and am going to start training properly for that at the start of June.

    Current plan is 5x5 Mon/Wed/Frid, running Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sat/Sun, with the weekend being my long runs.

    I know the whole weights and cardio are never great together, with general advice being, pick one and focus on that but I know I can't just keep on slacking of the strength stuff, which is always the thing that gets left behind.

    So, what I guess I'm asking is what do people, and I guess this thread may be a little bias, think is my best option. Do I just stop with the deficit, go to maintenance and stick with my planned routine or would I be better cutting down another 10lbs, doing a slow bulk back up to 150 and then move in to maintenance.

    Thank you in advance!
  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    I'm getting frustrated and don't know if I can recomp or not because I can't keep my weight steady. I'm always gaining a few pounds. Then I'm back in a deficit to lose a few pounds. I can't drop fat if I keep gaining weight, and the deficit is doing me no good!

    I feel like I should just bulk/cut because I can gain and lose weight but seem to have issues keeping my weight steady enough. Think I'm just spinning my wheels.....

    OMG....This is me! I rock at losing and gaining weight...but keeping weight steady? Forget about it! So frustrating!