Beautiful Behaviors - May 2017



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @jessiquoi - How did you do? Hope you had a great weekend
    @CT0526 - Don't I know that feeling, it rained here for it seemed like 2 weeks straight some roads were closed because they were under water! But this weekend was sunny and loved it.
    @katadx - That's awesome. I need to add more stretching into my week. I always stretch before and after my workouts but I know that my body would benefit from yoga or a whole session of stretching. OhmyDelicious - I love pineapple ---haha, now I want pineapple :blush:
    @KimF0715 - So, really if you look at it from a different perspective - Truly you could have bombed both days, pizza night and sangria + rice night. BUT instead you only had 1 night of splurging?! See, I allowed myself some treats yesterday, however the rest of last week was on track. And you are aware of what you want to change and you can work toward that.
    @aleahurst - I am glad that you were able to enjoy mother's day and the food. I agree, food tastes so good :neutral: This being aware and working toward what we want thing, is hard lol

    Update: Friday I completed 100 minutes of James Grage Rewired back and treadmill incline. I had to meet my bf at the gym that night because I wanted to get my cardio in and the gym closes early on Fridays. This was the main reason I did so much cardio, I don't want to sit and wait on him so I just extended my cardio session. (I guess that's kinda good) Also, I need to eat more earlier on in the day on training days because I was feeling a little woozy and low energy.
    Saturday I completed 70 minutes of Legs! Again due to a sudden schedule change in my day, I didn't have time to eat lunch before my workout. Again, I felt low energy and it was hard to push myself in my workout. Lesson learned, more fuel for my workouts, better timing with my eating and always carry protein bars with me!!! (normally I do have protein bars in my purse, but ran out) I immediately stopped at Chipotle after and got double chicken, lettuce, veggies with salsa!
    Sunday - I allowed myself small popcorn at the movies, but didn't eat it all. And then late last night I didn't feel like cooking so we had Five Guys, cheeseburger and fries. It tasted so good!
    I read over my carb cycling (I couldn't find the information last week). I actually should be doing a 2:1 with one flex day, so I will be practicing that this week. Depending on your goal and how much you have to lose effects which carb cycle is best for you. So having the Five Guys and popcorn was my flex :smiley:

    Thought of the day: Don't give up pursuing what's going to make you feel most alive! **I cried and was very sad Sunday morning because I was remembering my mom. I made a healthy breakfast, I did not eat my feelings. Also today I've already had feelings of 'why am I trying to eat healthier, why am I trying to lose this little bit of weight. why can't I just be like everyone else here and buy pancakes, hashbrowns, muffins, cinnamon rolls, etc for breakfast, why do I care so much about this goal'. Then I snapped out of it, because I'm worth it! I don't want to just let myself go - that's giving up on myself. I actually enjoy the challenge and I know I can do it. -Beautiful Behavior

    Hope your Monday is stress free :smiley:
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, everyone! i did great for five days low carb, and then exploded again on the sixth day which was mother's day. back under control again, and i decided i'm definitely going to start planning for a high carb mean every 5 days or so to avoid exploding. so maybe friday, we'll have pizza, and i'll do low carb until then.

    have a happy monday,
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    This week i am contemplating taking a few days off from my normal exercise routine, or at least cutting it in half for a week. I'm moving on Thursday and going to be joining my new gym joining classes there and really want to be rip-roarin and ready to go. Here at school, I've been feeling a little lack of inspiration at the gym lately. Maybe I'm just burnt out from being away at school and missing my family. Do any of you think a few days off could help me feel re-energized and help my mental state towards exercising? Have you tried this? I'm a little nervous to take time off or lessen my routine.

    Hope everyone has a quick and painless monday! <3
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    @aleahurst - the dog is my wiener dog, Gabbi, she is a little chunky, but she is the best dog I have ever had, I am the lucky one, she wakes me up every morning and hugs me when I am sad - literally hugs me - like throws her paws on my shoulder and throws her head on my neck
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    @jessiquoi - you are super inspiring! I think what you said to @str8bowbabe was straight on! I love that you asked her what she could do differently
    @str8bowbabe - I think a conversation with your hubby is in order before this happens again so that it doesn't happen again - I like Jess's "always believe he has positive intent" then once you speak your mind and discuss this should NOT happen again and you can order the chicken and salad - or have one slice of pizza and skinless baked chicken or some combo - and please learn to forgive yourself - think about what you would tell your best friend if he or she did what you did - then tell that to yourself
    @aleahurst - use that oxygen! we don't want to lose you dear
    @happysherri - I love that you both inspire each other - that is what partners are for!
    @KimF0715 - I wouldn't worry about eating the french fries - you stayed under calories - I ate chipolte twice last week and stayed under calories - you made other good choices that day

    So I got to spend some quality time with my son that turns 18 on Wednesday! We went to an all you can eat brunch. I did okay. I ate a little of this and that. Stopped eating for a bit and then had a piece of roast beef. Yummmmmmy. I just threw a bunch of calories on my food intake and didn't bother measuring. Had some shrimp and a few baked fries for dinner. Weight wasn't too bad this morning.

    I had my MS infusion this morning and I don't feel too bad like I did last month. I should be able to swim tomorrow morning.

    So I put on this dress yesterday and I noticed that my shoulders and arms are skinnier. They are still super muscular, but not as fatty as they have been. My tummy is still fat, my swimsuit is rolling up a little in the middle. I wonder if my tummy will ever go away.

    Have any of you ladies put on a lot of menopause weight and then lost it in the stomach? I have always had a tummy, but menopause made it bigger.

    I am in my in between clothes. I went through my jeans and shorts yesterday and put big ones away and tight ones in my older son's room since he doesn't live here any more.

    Here is a picture from yesterday.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - You look gorgeous! That's a great pic. Ugh, I need to go through my clothes. Sounds as if you have a great balance with enjoying the food, awesome :smiley:
    @katadx - Take time off, if you need it just don't stay there lol. I take time off every now and then, meaning: I will take a whole week off from exercising and the nutrition plan. I use it as a "reset" button. Good luck
    @jessiquoi - sounds like a good plan, I added in 'flex' days. I think this will help with preventing binging or making everyday 'bad' choices. We're human and this is for the long haul. We can do it!
    @str8bowbabe - Whoa, man! You were a busy busy bee. However, sounds like mostly fun busy. I need to follow in your foot steps and hike more and my yard needs tons of tlc!
    @aleahurst - how you doing? Was thinking about you and how it's getting warmer here and wonder if you're using your oxygen? Keep up the positive thoughts and actions :blush:

    Update: The bf and I completed 87 minutes of shoulders last night. My dinner was a bunch of randomness, mainly to made sure I got in my protein and my calories. (cheese, meat, peanuts, oats - that doesn't really go together) My stomach was cramping (mother nature) but I still powered through my workout and completed it.

    Confession: I may seem positive on here but lately I've felt down. I feel like I'm in a funk and a little sad lately. My plan is to 'shake' things up a bit and actually start making plans and going out more. I sit in my house a lot on the weekends because I feel like after running all week I just want to relax. *And while there is certainly nothing wrong with that, I feel I do this a little too much. I end up isolating myself from a lot. This summer I vow to get out more and to make more plans with friends and family. (I hate making plans because I'm the type that won't break them.) My beautiful behavior is this.

    Thought for the day: Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. **Get out there and have some fun. This pretty much is self explanatory. B)<3
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    @nickiphillips1 Your dog sounds amazing! I can't wait to get a dog. Some days I still wander onto and just browse all the dogs in my area and I drive myself crazy! Also, congrats on your arms!!! I can't speak from experience with menopause, but I still have tummy fat and I'm underweight. I guess I've just started to trust that it's there for a reason!
    @happysherri Awesome! Thats a lot of shoulder work! Way to power through :smiley: And haha I think random meals made of bits and pieces are some of the best and most satisfying. Going out more sounds like an excellent beautiful behaviour to practice! What kinds of things do you want to plan?

    Today I felt a little more energized at the gym. My final exam today wasn't until 10:30 so I got a little bored and ended up going to the gym and told myself I'd go for just a 3 mile elliptical session. Well, once I got to 3 miles I felt like going my complete 6! I had the right music going and I decided to take advantage of my good mood and do it all. It hardly felt like work! I just wish I could make all my workouts feel this way. The first 20 minutes is always the hardest. Does anyone else have experience with this difficulty too? The first 20 minutes I'm exercising I'm thinking 'Oh heavens why am I even here why am I paying for this' but by the time I'm 2/3 done I'm like 'WOO THIS IS THE LIFE I LOVE THIS FEELING' and it's so frustrating some days. I always feel great afterwards though so thats what I remind myself of. I also practiced my beautiful behavior and took enough time to properly stretch today. It really helps with the soreness to take time to slow down and care for my body with stretches.
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    I was under 180 today for the first time in a few years! Yay!! I keep wondering if my scale is broken and I weigh more.

    I talked to someone from swimming this morning that told me she still hasn't lost her belly from menopause, yet her belly looked awfully flat to me.

    I know we all are hard on our bodies. Does it bother you when people that are really skinny call themselves fat?

    She told me that I looked like I lost weight in my face. That, I can tell. And my suit is rolling a little, because it has been stretched out. I may need to find a new suit. It also rolls a little in the butt, which is weird because I didn't think I had gained weight there.

    I took a selfie for the dating app.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - I would love to be able to swim at least 2 - 3 times a week. I miss it so much. I am part fish or so my momma said. I don't really have a pool close to me but soon the lake at the farm will be warm enough and I can get some swimming in there.

    @katadx - I feel that way most of the time when I am on the treadmill but when I am outside I am fine.

    Goal for today - heading home to do more rock moving. Hoping to get in a nice long walk too. Maybe I go for the walk first...

  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    Sounds like most of you ladies had a good Mother's Day. Mine was a mixed bag. It's the first Mother's Day without my mom, so that was rough. But my boys were so sweet. Breakfast in bed, a movie and a healthy dinner. Then we splurged on gelato. It was wonderful and so worth going over my calorie goal!

    This week I'm trying to keep to my calorie goal. My youngest has a swim meet in Chapel Hill, NC so i'm planning healthy foods to pack for the trip. This meet is always a great time but there is usually a lot of eating out. Wish me luck in budgeting the calories!

    Hope everyone has a great week of Beautiful Behaviors!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.
    - Confucius
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Happy Humpday!!!

    @happysherri - I always have a random dinner. When you get older, the doctors like to ask what last night's dinner was, just to check your memory. Um. I had five bowls of coleslaw. I got my fiber! I love love love the way you are dealing with your sadness. Get out, get busy, give someone your love, and you will get through. We never really "get over" sadness, but with encouragement, we get through.

    @katadx - there's nothing like activity to get through a tough, boring, or stressful day! You are taking good care of your body, mind, and spirit!

    @nickiphillips1 - I'm jealous. Under 180!! I try not to make my journey all about the numbers. I try not to encourage others to make their journeys all about the numbers. BUT - don't you love it when a plan comes together????!!! You're so cute in that pic!

    @str8bowbabe - rock moving? Hmmm. Sounds like good strength training!

    @CT0526 - it sounds like Mother's Day was bitter and sweet. Family is so important. Hang in there. I will keep you in prayer.

    @happysherri - I'll keep you in prayer as well.

    Yesterday, I gave Mom the second half of her mother's day gift. The first half was a few flowers for her front yard landscape. The second half was three hours of the two of us digging, planting, hacking at roots, watering, hanging pots...

    I was so tired that I barely ate. I made up for it today!!!. I made coleslaw. I've been craving coleslaw for a week. It was the yummy creamy high fat kind. I put cabbage and kale and cucumbers in it. It was soooo good. It should fuel me for a while. I might put an apple in it next time because it may have needed a little sweetness.

    Love to all!

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    good morning all! what a busy week, in the office a LOT more than I want to be. eating pretty ok, started tracking again today after missing the last few days.

    just popping in between meetings to say hi. hope to catch up more over the weekend.

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @katadx - That's beautiful behavior, stretching is very important. I love those days where you feel energized and kill the workout! I am planning on possibly hikes, volunteering at pet shelters, mini roadtrips (day trips), swimming (leisurely, not like ya'll :smiley: ), also my daughter and I are going to start painting (I used to paint all of the time)
    @nickiphillips1 - Woot Woot! Under 180!!! Love it! That picture is Fire! Foxy <3
    @str8bowbabe - Rock moving - whew, that sounds exhausting. Keep it up
    @CT0526 - Aw, happy mother's day to you. Enjoy the swim meet and do your best on the other. :smile:
    @aleahurst - Good Golly! 3 hours of hard yard work, I know you melted some calories with that! I bet the yard and flowers look fabulous! Cole Slaw - blech, I just don't like cole slaw, never have no matter how it's made. However I did have some on a spicy sandwich and could barely taste it and liked it then. Hmm. Enjoy!
    @gophermatt - Thanks! I really do love it too. Obviously after focusing on weight and nutrition and exercise, it's good to talk about and think of other things that add to our health and mental well being. I love positivity and try to practice it.

    Update: I have not worked out in 2 days. My stomach has been cramping and I just couldn't pull through. Monday night I was holding my stomach in between sets. I will survive (with a little Midol haha). I have been doing okay on the carb cycling. Yesterday was my high carb day and I added an extra piece of texas toast and a handful of m & ms that I could have left off and it would have improved my stats. However, I didn't feel well and Gosh, darn it, I wanted that bread and chocolate LOL! :blush: I still ended up in maintenance calories and due to the prior 2 days being low calories, it all balances out. Yay!
    A plus was that I did stay home from work yesterday and toward the later part of the day I felt up to going to the grocery (I always put this off until we only have mustard left ha). I meal prepped last night and ended up vacuuming - it was so dusty!!!
    Beautiful Behavior - I reached out to my sisters (I have 4!!!!) to make plans for this weekend, I never make plans. So, I am putting my plan in action.

    Thought for the day: If "plan A" didn't work. The alphabet has 25 more letters, stay cool. **Obviously no one is perfect, we all make mistakes and things don't always work out the way that we plan. We have options, stay down and continue to feel defeated. Or look at it as a journey with bumps in the road and keep going or take the other road and find our way. Life definitely hasn't worked out the way I pictured it, with - divorce, depression, loss of different jobs, loss of some friendships, disappointments, etc... Truth is I did stay with my head down for a little while (partly because of the depression), but after a while of 'woe is me'. I raised my head and thought I can still have a fabulous life, maybe just not with the people I thought were going to stick around (-meh, their loss). Now, I feel like a strong warrior who can take the tough times when and if they come!!!

    Happy Thursday.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,965 Member
    I was under 180 today for the first time in a few years! Yay!! I keep wondering if my scale is broken and I weigh more.

    I talked to someone from swimming this morning that told me she still hasn't lost her belly from menopause, yet her belly looked awfully flat to me.

    I know we all are hard on our bodies. Does it bother you when people that are really skinny call themselves fat?

    She told me that I looked like I lost weight in my face. That, I can tell. And my suit is rolling a little, because it has been stretched out. I may need to find a new suit. It also rolls a little in the butt, which is weird because I didn't think I had gained weight there.

    I took a selfie for the dating app.

    Great picture! You have a beautiful smile, and I love that shirt.

    I've really been enjoying this thread (and April's). It's nice to see so many supportive people posting and sharing. :)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @gophermatt - Hi! Yeah, this is an awesome bunch of people! You are welcome here!

    @jessiquoi - Good Friday morning to you! Hope your week was wonderful. Jess, have you thought about carb cycling? Well, carbs or no, you are still a brave and beautiful person. Love you. Keep fighting!

    @happysherri - Strength happens in all kinds of areas of our lives. I get depression as well. Sometimes, when others find courage from your words, you can stop and remember that, yeah, you are a warrior. You have been tried, and you have proven yourself. You've been a real encouragement here!

    @KimF0715 - Ouuuu. Skin care and exercise? You are going to look terrific! Maybe post a pic?

    @SaraKim17 - Yes. Yes. Yes. Come here, get encouraged! Welcome!

    Now. Today and yesterday, I have felt rebellious! So, I am rebelling against dieting by not recording my food for two days. I'll get back on it tomorrow. I still measured and observed. However, I just felt the need to rebel! HA!

    Love to all.

  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    I just came across this thread, how lovely!

    A kind thing I did for myself yesterday was skip the ice cream social I helped throw yesterday at work. Skip in the sense was pass on eating the ice cream.

    Today I aim to get a walk in at lunch
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @spdaphne - Welcome! Here's to hoping it is as beautiful where you live as it is here! A walk at lunch is a great idea to keep your mind and spirit fed. Good for you!