What's for dinner???!!!!



  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    Last night was vegetarian sloppy joe sliders and tonight will be leftovers. May make roasted red potatoes as a side to add to the meal. It was easy and quick to make after a late evening gym run.

    I have some meyer lemons, and I would love to make a pasta or something fancy out of them, but I probably won't get home from the gym until around 8 p.m. or so. Those leftovers feel like a Godsend when I'm tuckered out and it's so late.
  • abbynormalartist
    abbynormalartist Posts: 318 Member
    Spicy avocado and egg sandwich with a side of steamed veggies or a salad.
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Last night: grilled lemony-marinated skewer chicken breast served over lime-coconut rice with grilled peppers/onions and a side tomato-cucumber salad. Tonight: Dad's (chef's) night out, LOL.


    FYI: MFP says this plate is about ... 946cal, 96g protein, 14g fat, 76g carb, 14g fiber, 22g sugar, 378mg sodium. All within my daily targets on 2000cal/day plan. Gotta beware of too much coconut, though; it can boost the numbers easily.
  • jimjim111
    jimjim111 Posts: 5 Member
    folks, what do you think about the low carb aka atkins diet plan? :#
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Chicken Kiev that ate a big chunk of my calories and I did not plan for :( with olive oil and rosmary roasted potatoes and salad.
    jimjim111 wrote: »
    folks, what do you think about the low carb aka atkins diet plan? :#

    It's a fine plan if you enjoy it and helps you stick to the calories.
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,118 Member
    mommymel3 wrote: »
    mjbnj0001 wrote: »
    MsDavis99 wrote: »
    Tonight....I'm sure another salad as I forgot to take meat out the freezer :(

    pressure cooker: from frozen meat brick to delicious in one step and very short time.

    Do u mean you put frozen meat in the pressure cooker????

    Yes. I don't need to do it often, especially as I have a harder-to-manipulate old-style (but still great!) "jiggle top" pressure cooker (vs. the new, electric, pushbutton ones such as the InstantPot). There's lots of hints/tips/etc. online.

    I use my pressure cooker 1-2/wk in the cooler months, and typically less during the summer.

    I had a bit of a learning curve: it's very easy to turn frozen meat/poultry into steamed shoe leather using a pressure cooker. Took a few tries before I started having consistently good results. The usual InstantPot infomercial (which I watched recently one late night), makes it seem real easy to, for instance, pressure cook to perfection frozen ribs, etc. - but maybe that's with their product, not my "ol' trusty." Depending on food type and "size" (how big a block of frozen stuff it is), you typically just need to cook (at pressure) for a couple of extra minutes with frozen meat. When done right, the pressure cooked frozen meal is better than a microwaved version (although I admit I freeze serving portions of stew I've pressure cooked for microwave quick meals on the run).

    There's a group here on MFP dedicated to pressure cooking.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    jimjim111 wrote: »
    folks, what do you think about the low carb aka atkins diet plan? :#

    Low carb isn't my thing but it's a fine plan if it keeps you on track. Nothing wrong with it, but it still all comes down to maintaining a calorie deficit. Whatever method makes keeping that deficit easiest for you is a good plan.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Homemade Pizza!! Can't wait!
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Emily3907 wrote: »
    Homemade Pizza!! Can't wait!

    Me too!!! And a couple of glasses of red wine:)
  • alicebhsia
    alicebhsia Posts: 179 Member
    edited October 2017
    yum-o! roasted jalapeno poppers
    i left out the onion and cilantro
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It's 4:32 p.m. and I have absolutely no idea what's for dinner. Everything sounds okay but nothing sounds great.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am very boring. I had the same as I have had every single evening (except Saturday evenings) for the last 4 months or so - roast chicken breast, baby new potatoes, a hard boiled duck egg and a mix of vegetables, usually carrots, broccoli, babycorn and fine beans. I am very much a creature of habit. A few years ago, it was poached salmon instead of chicken and baked potato.

    Saturday nights, however, can be anything from steak to pizza to chinese to pasta to a proper roast dinner followed by some rich dessert ... tiramisu or chocolate fudge cake preferably.
  • Washington
    Washington Posts: 2 Member
    Tonight was Turkey Breast stir fry. 100 gr chunked turkey, 4 chopped mushrooms, half a red onion, small amount of red and green pepper and a pinch of sweetcorn. All tossed in a dry fry pan with a little curry powder and herbs. Had it with a 6 grain wholemeal roll and a glass of water. Yummy and so low in calories.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    edited October 2017
    Tonight: 4 oz pork belly adobo w/a half cup steamed rice, 1 cup steamed zuchinni, a whole pear and a 12oz bottle of a whey protein drink.
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    Steamed tilapia and veggie lovers salad with thousand island dressing.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Tonight I had 300 g roasted root vegetables and 100 g roasted cabbage, with 1/4 cup, dry, of quinoa and brown rice blend, 45g beef and 55g kimchi.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    Last night, 7 oz poached salmon w/lemon juice, 3/4 cup steamed rice w/a sprinkle of furiyaki, 4 oz sauteed broccoli rabe w/garlic, a small banana, a 1/4 cup of mixed nuts and a 12 oz whey protein drink.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
  • MissTrina2017
    MissTrina2017 Posts: 75 Member
    Turkey meatloaf, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, and garlic rice :)