Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)



  • smilewithkatherine
    smilewithkatherine Posts: 82 Member
    7/25/2011 Points
    Sleep: 1
    Water: 0
    Exercise: 0
    Food: 0
    Daily Total: 1

    Sorry everyone the past few days haven't been good for me at all. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I'm going to have a brand new attitude. Have a great night everyone.
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Weekly Points: 65.25 (are we doing quarter points or just half?)
    Weekly Weigh In: 207.2 (-1.6 lbs)
    Question of the Day: I want to lose weight so I can start living the life that I fantasize about living. I'm tired of being fat and holding myself back because of it. I want to wear whatever I want. I want to run a marathon. I want to go places with my friends and know that I'm not the token fat friend. I want to go out into the world and be confident instead of shy. In 2012 I will have finished my master's program and I will be looking for a job, and I feel like being fit and healthy and energetic and confident will push me so much farther into the job process than I could go now. I also want to inspire my parents to be fit - my dad has Type 2 diabetes and my mom has expressed concern about her weight gain as well, but their eating habits are less than ideal and are ultimately what started me down the road of obesity as a child (no one cooks, take out and fast food all the time, skipping meals...). Now I'm just rambling, but basically I want to be the best version of myself I can be!
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Mondays points

    sleep 1
    water 1
    exercise 5.5
    diary 1
    total- 8.5

    didn't weigh in because I forgot when I woke up this morning, and I ate, and with my water intake it throws my weight off during the day, so I will weigh in first thing tomorrow. Scared :( Had a very bad weekend emotionally which turned into affecting me diet/ and exercise wise. I could really use some support and encouragement right now. :(:(

    AND!! TO CONTINUE THE NEGATIVITY OF THE WEEKEND, AND DRAGGING IT IN TO THIS WEEK......I went to the pool to go to water aerobics, to find the pool to be closed because SOMEONE POOPED IN THE POOL!!! UGH. I just wanted to exercise! So I had to do Zumba longer
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
    Monday points:

    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise 1.5

    Exercise plan this week...
    Monday-walk/jog 30 mins
    Tuesday-rest day, will do strength training and walk or bike ride with the kids
    Wednesday-walk/run 30 mins and biking
    Thursday-biking and strength training
    Friday-walk/run 40-60 mins
    Saturday-walking (will be at my sons baseball tourney in Frankenmuth, Mi, but will find the to do something)
    Sunday-biking and strength training

    I like this planning thing:)
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    So my weight this week is 233. Which is a gain, this weight is what I was when I stopped taking oral contraceptives for health reasons and I was afraid I was going to gain when I stopped...so if next week is more I think I have my answer. However when I hadn't lost for a few weeks I started measuring my waist to see if there was difference and I am down a half of an inch this week, so I 'm not sure where to go from here. I read a couple of posts on here about how many people plateuaed for weeks when they first started then began to lose so we will see. As far as my weekly exercise plan I worked 12 hours yesterday so that was exercise itself! Today I will be doing 60 minutes of elliptical, wed is a late work day again, Thursday will be an hour of elliptical, Friday an hour of elliptical and sat will be either and hour of elliptical or a half hour of free ten minute work outs on my tv. My goal for working out is 45 minutes three times a week so I have been exceeding that unfortunAtely I may need to boost it to lose. As far as my food I was about 400 calories under my weekly goal, and my daily allowance is less then my BMR so I should be losing something! Anyway trying not to be frustrated but it is quite hard.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Monday's Points

    Sleep: 0
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 2
    Food: 1

    Looks like I'm back to missing my 7 + hours of sleep! I need to stop staying up to watch television shows (especially when they show a re-run of the episode on the weekend), and use that time for working out instead!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    didn't weigh in because I forgot when I woke up this morning, and I ate, and with my water intake it throws my weight off during the day, so I will weigh in first thing tomorrow. Scared :( Had a very bad weekend emotionally which turned into affecting me diet/ and exercise wise. I could really use some support and encouragement right now. :(:(

    You know, this is a new week. :) Put the weekend behind you and do your best this week. It is really hard to go from emotionally eating to eating for sustenance only. I still struggle sometimes, even after years of therapy and habit changing.

    For instance, last night, my husband and I got into an argument about buck wheat flour. lol. It seems silly now, yes, but I was SO very angry with him because he fails to be open minded about trying new things. I mean, when I switched the house to HFCS-free ketchup, you would've thought the world was ending. Anyway, following this argument, instead of turning to food like normal, I went for a run (I hadn't gone on my 15-minute planned run yet, but I probably would've even if I hadn't). By the time I got back, I was cool headed again and the argument was dropped.

    Basically, you have to figure out a way to channel the emotions and release them instead of burying them with food. *hugs* I know it isn't easy, but it is possible. Keep up the great work! Recognizing that you do it is the hardest part!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Monday's Points

    Exercise -4

    Total - 7

    I actually went to bed by 11 last night (after I slept on the couch for awhile). 8 hours of sleep. Go me, lol.

    Forgot to post my weigh in yesterday. I am up .8 pounds! But I had 2 meals out over the weekend and the sodium was awful.

    Hopefully I'll be back down to my starting weigh tomorrow since I am drinking lots of water. (BTW, I never record my water because I drink water all day long and am always over, not a problem or focus point for me.)

    Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying the "cooler weather" for now :smile:
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Monday Points
    Sleep- 1pt
    Water- 1pt
    Excercise-4 pts
    Water- 1 pt
    total 7pts
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    My weekly workouts

    Monday--- Weight circuits and Swim Aerobics
    Tuesday-- Swim Laps
    Wednesday--Weight Circuits and elliptical
    Thursday--Swim Laps
    Friday-- Weight circutis and elliptical
    not sure for the weekend yet

    QOTD---Why....I just want to get healthy and feel comfortable in my own skin. I am done having kids now so i know i can keep it off now! i want to be a better mom to my kids too!
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    AND!! TO CONTINUE THE NEGATIVITY OF THE WEEKEND, AND DRAGGING IT IN TO THIS WEEK......I went to the pool to go to water aerobics, to find the pool to be closed because SOMEONE POOPED IN THE POOL!!! UGH. I just wanted to exercise! So I had to do Zumba longer

    Gross! But good for you for being flexible and continuing to get in a poop-free workout when someone threw a wrench in your plans!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Gross! But good for you for being flexible and continuing to get in a poop-free workout when someone threw a wrench in your plans!

    This totally made me LOL.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Goals for the week

    Monday - Zumba (done)
    Tueday - Pilates & Zumba
    Wednesday - Zumba or yoga (Zumba is near my office, but not until 7:00)
    Thursday - pilates & zumba
    Friday - Rest day
    Saturday - Cardio Boot Camp Dvd or Biggest Loser Dvd
  • indigoangel86
    Tuesday points:

    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 4
    Sleep - 1

    Total - 7
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    exercise 3
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 6
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    My points for today were 6, I have been having trouble with sleep points because I have been having asthma attacks every night when I lay down. Sometimes this happens for a couple days in a row then I am fine for a while, so hopefully it clears up soon and I can get my sleep points In.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I earned 41.5 points last week.

    My plan for the week:
    Monday: walking 65 minutes at 5 mph complete
    6 points
    Tuesday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 15 minutes strength complete
    6.5 points
    Wednesday: walk 65 minutes at 5 mph
    Thursday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 15 minutes strength
    Friday: walking 65 minutes at 5 mph
    Saturday: I'm picking up my daughter so I don't know what I can fit in
    Sunday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 20 minutes strength
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I started level 2 of 30DS today and OMG it was WAY harder than I thought it would be. I'm going to have to rethink my runs and make them walks instead, at least for tomorrow. My legs aren't as sore as they were after L1D1, but they are freaked out again! lol. I don't need to risk injury via extreme muscle fatigue (which for me is always multiplied because I already function at a certain level of fatigue on an average day).


    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Total: 4

    Total points last week: 34
    Total points this week: 10
    Total points overall: 44
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! I will have to catch up later b/c I left the house @ 9AM this morning - was home for 30 minutes to shower & change - then back out until a few minutes ago (it's now 11:07pm).

    This week's challenge is working for me, because it turned off my "excuse" button, and I got in the workouts as planned! This required me getting up early (I am not queen of the morning - more of a 7AM-7:30 kinda girl)... and, even though the afternoon got crazy, I still managed to get that PM workout in! Yay :)


    try to get as many pushups in today as you can... they can be millitary, "girl" form, wall push ups, chair pushups - whatever manner of push up works for you. Post your results tomorrow when you're done & we'll crown our "pushup champ!!" (post the type of pushup you did, as we may have winners of different categories) :)

    PS - I have very wimpy upper-body strength & my 5 year old girl can do full on "man style" pushups up on her toes - I can't do a single one maintaining proper form!
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Tuesday points.....

    well first of all weigh in. 261.6 (down 2.2 from the beginning)

    Ok Tuesday points....

    sleep 1
    water 1
    exercise 3.5
    diary 1

    total 6.5
    weekly total 15

    Found out that my grandma is in the hospital today :( So I am kind of down. Went to see her at the hospital so I didn't go to water aerobics today. I did Zumba and rode my bike.
    It is supposed to rain tomorrow and I have to go grocery shopping, so I don't think I'll get the lawn mowing in. I am planning for Thursday. That poor lawn, I'm going to need a combine to mow it pretty soon. Ugh can I just rewind to last week Wed, and start all over again.

    I don't think there will be any push ups for me, I have a bad knee and back.......unless someone has some other ideas. Are the wall push ups just leaning into the wall and pushing your body weight?