30 Day Low Carb (Keto) Weight loss Challenge - Start Monday May 8



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    palsky wrote: »
    Actually score negitive carbs -17 is that a thing? Had to have bits and pieces. Unexpected late nite out drank heaps of herbal tea. Standing on the scales was so confronting, 3 kilo improvement you can't be sad about that. Keep on keeping on.

    I might need to look into your use of Flax seed....
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    palsky wrote: »
    Actually score negitive carbs -17 is that a thing? Had to have bits and pieces. Unexpected late nite out drank heaps of herbal tea. Standing on the scales was so confronting, 3 kilo improvement you can't be sad about that. Keep on keeping on.

    Congrats on your improvements!

    I'm confused and interested in this negative carbs thing... do you just mean that you had more fiber overall than total carbs --- is that possible? What foods would have that high of fiber?

  • boelyn
    boelyn Posts: 90 Member
    Can I join please.......

    Been doing low carb for 3 days - average 25 carbs a day

    Down 5 lbs (I know it's water weight but good to see)
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    GorillaNJ wrote: »
    34 Total carbs and 19 Net... so pretty good day. Taking tomorrow off for a nice 4 day weekend. BBQ's will be a little tough for me, not the foods but the drinks. Guess im showing up with a bottle of whiskey and a case of diet ginger ale

    Alcohol is what kills me too. I often work a beverage or two into my plan (normally wine or 1 beer) but even working it in, it seems like a waste. Most of the beers I like are 14+ carbs per serving that's half of my goal! The liquor with a 0 cal/0 carb mixer is the only good option that I'm aware of unfortunately.

    So I only tend to drink a few times a year but my Doctor says my good cholesterol is low, and my bad is in normal range. I need to up my good cholesterol and WINE can do that (and is only about 4 carbs. Sooo...... I think I might try adding a bit of wine to my life! I keep reading about keto friendly alcohol and it doesn't sound like torture to me at all. I guess though if you are used to drinking other things socially it could be a challenge.
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member

    So I only tend to drink a few times a year but my Doctor says my good cholesterol is low, and my bad is in normal range. I need to up my good cholesterol and WINE can do that (and is only about 4 carbs. Sooo...... I think I might try adding a bit of wine to my life! I keep reading about keto friendly alcohol and it doesn't sound like torture to me at all. I guess though if you are used to drinking other things socially it could be a challenge.

    For me the challenge is limiting my carbs from food enough that I can drink and be within limit and drinking while at bars/restaurants/friends houses where a lot of the selections are not low carb, lol. Like, if my friends want to share a pitcher of margaritas at a restaurant, I have a hard time turning that down ;)

    In general, I don't have issues when drinking at home (normally liquor and low or 0 carb mixers or some red wine) but social drinking kills my carb count (not to mention, drinking leads to lower inhibitions which too often leads to having chips with that margarita lol).
  • katija1
    katija1 Posts: 3 Member
    Day 1 low carb...I notice beans carry a lot of carbs. So I have to find a different way to get protein. I do not enjoy shakes.
  • UNO77
    UNO77 Posts: 33 Member
    23 carbs today May 25, 2017
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    19 carbs today.
  • Cathietc
    Cathietc Posts: 66 Member
    May 25
    Total carbs 22g
    Net carbs 8g
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    total carbs: 21
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    12 total - 4 fiber = 8 net
  • palsky
    palsky Posts: 33 Member
    I did a dinner to dinner fast.
    Net carbs = 10
    What do you guys think of large calorie deficits?
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    palsky wrote: »
    What do you guys think of large calorie deficits?

    I'm trying to eat intuitively, so I don't mind going even 500 calories under so long as my macro percentages are right. My macro goal is 5% carb, 75% fat, 20% protein by calories.

  • UNO77
    UNO77 Posts: 33 Member
    74 carbs 5/26/17
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    20 carbs today.
  • Delusiondispeller
    Delusiondispeller Posts: 9 Member
    may I ask a question here? I have researched about Keto plans but could you please tell me how one can do these if one battles bad hypoglycemic attacks from lack of or too little sugar? Thank you.
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    I am super depressed since started thyroid and diabetes meds a few days ago. I was doing so great on keto, fibro pain was lower... these meds are kicking my butt. Caved and had a sugar free pudding tonight and ended up with 29 total carbs for the day. :(
  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    may I ask a question here? I have researched about Keto plans but could you please tell me how one can do these if one battles bad hypoglycemic attacks from lack of or too little sugar? Thank you.
    . Are you diabetic?

  • littlecrunchy190
    littlecrunchy190 Posts: 53 Member
    palsky wrote: »
    I did a dinner to dinner fast.
    Net carbs = 10
    What do you guys think of large calorie deficits?

    I have heard they can keep the body guessing and have read it can be helpful to go low one day and high another to get out of a stall.
  • Cathietc
    Cathietc Posts: 66 Member
    May 26
    Total carbs 8g
    Net carbs 4g