Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Hey everyone, I feel guilty for not reading all the posts! I'll get back into it soon. So much good advice from you all & I'm grateful to share this journey with you all.

    I actually walked into the weight lifting area (no machines) and after looking over the weights, I'm not as intimidated. I even spoke to a trainer who gave me some great advice....schedule time with the trainer! I don't want to hurt myself.

    Pretracked most meals/snacks. Taking family & friends kayaking & picnic. My friend shared what she was bringing so I already tracked it!
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me this afternoon.
    30 min walk with dog in am.
    Aiming for 150g of protein.
    20-30 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    My binging is under control! Such a big challenge. Drink protein smoothie if necessary.
    Over planned, won't make gym today which is OK. Lots of activity with kayaking.
    NSV went to movies yesterday & didn't inhale a medium bag of popcorn! Enjoyed a diet soda instead & felt great after the movie.

    Have an awesome Sunday everyone.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    JFT, Sunday
    5. stop before I eat to think: Am I hungry, crave food, or just desire food. Then make the choice as to what to do, and what to eat
    6. Try and either get to the gym in the morning, but if I don't get out for a walk in the afternoon.
    7. work in the yard some weeding flower beds
    8. finish baby quilt for my great niece
    9. carry my water bottle with me and sip on water all day

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm trying to turn around the terrible day I had yesterday - trying to eat more protein today, and eat less calories
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @Bex953172 I had that same thing happen to me yesterday. My husband and I went out running around and I had to change 4 times to find a shirt that fit me correctly. I was so depressed about that. I got on the scale this morning and I'm up again. another pound. I am getting much more exercise so it's really upsetting me and I know that it is because I have been eating whatever the heck I want. Like last night...I ate really healthy all day but had a bowl of ice cream at 9:00 last night. I sabotage myself by thinking that since I only had a salad with chicken on it for dinner, and an egg and cottage cheese with strawberries all day, that it wouldn't hurt me. Well, for me, sugar is really really bad. So I know better but do it anyway.

    I think taking time every day to do self-care things, like makeup and hair, it would help us feel better about ourselves. Maybe a little body spray or fingernail polish. My husband recently shaved off his really bushy long gray beard (which I thought made him look 20 years older so I was happy). He has his old smile and twinkle back which I love. So, i think whether you are a man or woman, a little cologne/perfume, shaving, makeup, hair...whatever it is, can help a person feel better about themselves...and it helps give that extra push to take care of ourselves to feel even better! I'm going to pay more attention to this also. (Probably means I need to shave my legs...LOL!).

    I'm also going to hang an outfit where I can see it. A summer dress or something to give me motivation.

    I have been strugglying with an "I don't give a *kitten*" attitude, but the truth is that I DO care. So....thank you for your post. I needed to see that and I need to read the articles @joan6630 posted because I am in the same boat.

    I cannot blame anyone but myself. I am the only person who can fix this...and I CAN fix it. One day at a time.

    So....having said that...Just For Sunday:
    1. Eat only whole foods. No processed crap.
    2. Hydrate with decaf tea or water
    3. Exceed my step goal by 500 steps
    4. Meditate. Spend time getting my head straight and turning my attitude to gratitude.
    5. Sit down and make a plan for the week: Meal plan, schedule exercise, schedule quite time.
    6. Grocery shop for meal plan
    7. Stay in the green <75g carbs, <29 g sugar, >125g protein.
    8. Try not to rip my husband's head off when he irritates me today. Bwahahaha! :wink:
    9. Work on my quilt
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Sorry for posting so much but don't want to lose track of these either and this is the only place I feel accountable for my goals! LOL

    1. Pay bills :)
    2. Go through basement and both garages to get ready for rummage sale next weekend
    3. Run to Dollar Store to pick up stickers and things for rummage sale
    4. Get up early on Saturday and go to the first summer farmer's market downtown this year! Can't wait! :(
    5. Work on yard :)
    6. Meal plan for next week :)
    7. Fill serving size baggies to pack for lunches
    8. Wash and cut up fresh veggies for easy-to-grab snacks
    9. Go for first bicycle ride of the summer.
  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    @OConnell5483 you are ambitious!
    - My goal today is roger in one more serving of veggies (already had 3) and drink 8-10 cups of water.
    (I data lot of fiber and need all the water I can get!)
    - Also working on taking me time when I am overwhelmed with the kids!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited May 2017
    Thanks @OConnell5483
    Glad to know I'm not the only one!

    I've really turned things around today.
    Had a decent breakfast dinner and lunch and only 2 treats.

    I'm sick of looking in my reflection when I'm walking past a window to see how I look!
    I'm excited to see what I can achieve!

    I laughed at loud at the shaving your legs!
    I'm gonna start with my eyebrows, they're like caterpillars!
    ( (
    (0_0)( , )( , )( , )( , )( , )
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Beck Diet Solution Task for Day 11:
    Practice Hunger tolerance.
    She says to skip one meal, to prove to yourself that it is OK to be hungry - that you will survive - and that the hunger does go away.

    Is this Day 11 or 12 because I have Day 11 written down as Learn to differentiate between hunger, desire and cravings. And you say to make a monitoring chart to say how you feel before during and after eating.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Just had an AMAZING idea

    For those with index cards with reasons why they want to lose weight..
    Take a picture of it on your phone
    Save it as your wallpaper/screensaver
    And boom. You've read it multiple times a day!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited May 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Beck Diet Solution Task for Day 11:
    Practice Hunger tolerance.
    She says to skip one meal, to prove to yourself that it is OK to be hungry - that you will survive - and that the hunger does go away.

    Is this Day 11 or 12 because I have Day 11 written down as Learn to differentiate between hunger, desire and cravings. And you say to make a monitoring chart to say how you feel before during and after eating.

    You are right - I'm getting behind on my days!

    Day 11 was to Differentiate between Hunger, Desire, and Cravings

    Day 12 was to Practice Hunger Tolerance.

    Day 13, which is for tomorrow, is to Overcome Cravings

    Cravings usually peak within the first few weeks of your diet. But, once you limit or stop eating the foods you crave, your cravings fo those food diminish significantly.

    Some Anti-Craving Strategies:
    Label it -- tell yourself "this feeling is just a craving ..... its uncomfortable and intense, but its not an emergency
    Stand firm. Tell yourself you are absolutely NOT going to eat the food your cravings
    Don't give yourself a choice
    Imagine the aftermath of giving in -- how many seconds does it take to eat it, and how will you feel afterwards. How many seconds did you feel pleasure? Now visualize the rest of the picture- the part of the experience you don't think about until its too late. Picture yourself feeling weak and out of control. See yourself feeling upset, giving up, and continuing to eat more and more. Now that you see the entire picture - which seems better: Eating or not eating
    Remind yourself why you want to learn to withstand cravings

    Behavioral techniques:
    1. distance yourself from food
    2. drink a no- or low-calorie beverage
    3. relax
    4. distract yourself
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited May 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Beck Diet Solution Task for Day 11:
    Practice Hunger tolerance.
    She says to skip one meal, to prove to yourself that it is OK to be hungry - that you will survive - and that the hunger does go away.

    Is this Day 11 or 12 because I have Day 11 written down as Learn to differentiate between hunger, desire and cravings. And you say to make a monitoring chart to say how you feel before during and after eating.

    You are right - I'm getting behind on my days!

    Haha thought it might be a typo!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap last goal for Sat. 5/27
    5) Floss = Day 5 :smiley:

    Just for Sunday 5/28 - will be sedentary day, church service in a.m., then 2 1/2 hours round trip in car, watch niece's H.S. graduation ceremony...so proud of my goddaughter!
    1) Log all food = I did but numbers so red! After graduation, family decided to go out to eat, which I wasn't expecting. It was a grill & pub place, and I did not make good choices. And tbh, really wasn't worth it. I felt so bloated on drive home, knew I blew it after doing so well this week. Oh well, I logged everything (the best I could) and will move on from here. Except tomorrow will be another challenging day. :s
    2) Walk dog if time between rain showers = rain didn't end until late morning, not enough time before I had to leave, and returned home much later than expected, so no dog walk today. :(

    Just for M Memorial Day 5/29 - Thank you to all who serve! <3
    Another sedentary day, will be in car round trip nearly 4 hours. :o Family reunion / picnic...try to make decent choices, and remember how I felt after overdoing on Sunday.
    1) Eat in moderation, not just because the food is there
    2) Walk dog before driving if get up in time...no promises :wink:
  • vishalb08
    vishalb08 Posts: 14 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So not really been on here last couple of days
    Not properly anyway
    But I learnt something today

    We went out for the day today up north to Blackpool to go on the beach and on the piers, it was a great day, but I realised I couldn't help but feel self conscious
    And I realised I will always feel this way UNLESS I do something about it

    I need to stop kidding myself that having a "cheat day" is okay because I've gotten to a point where I have more cheat days than good ones!
    And getting ready this morning, I had 5 tops I wanted to wear but can't yet, and had to wear a top i didn't want to wear
    So I'm gonna give myself tomorrow, not to put out but to take time to refocus and carefully plan how I intend to achieve my goals and meal plan,
    Not just this though, I need a schedule for my life!
    I need to start doing my makeup and hair everyday again and really find ways to feel good about myself!

    Wish me luck ladies

    Anyone have any tips on how to refocus the mind?

    Your words seem so much like my own.
    I'm very self-conscious of my body.
    The problem with me is that when I am about to eat (something that will ruin my weight loss program) I say to myself that I'll work out & burn more calories the next day. But "TOMORROW NEVER COMES".
    So, I have decided to keep a cheat day after achieving a substantial loss in weight.

    The most important thing is to be able to maintain a resolute to stick to our diet & workout program.
    And this is where groups like this play a vital role.
    All the stories & incidents narrated here remind us of what the greater goal is.

    Lastly I wanna leave you with a great quote I copied from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
    We give the first two & earn the third.

    PS: I'm not a lady..... but I wanna wish you all the luck in the world.

    Have a great & productive day.
  • vishalb08
    vishalb08 Posts: 14 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    I found a couple of articles with lots of good advice. But the thing that I am trying to do, is to THINK like a thin person. A thin person eats healthy meals, knows when they are hungry, and knows the difference between emotional eating, craving, desire. It is a real eye opener for me, but very hard for me to stop eating, and think about those things. Today I didn't do so well, but I know it is one day at a time.

    Here's just a little of what I found that. I know for me this might help, and hoping it will help you as well.

    The time to start thinking -- and living -- as a thinner, healthier person is right now.

    Too often, people hold on to the belief that they can't think or act like a thin person until they reach their goal weight. But staying trapped in your old, unhealthy mindset can sabotage the very behaviors you're trying so hard to change. People who are trying to lose weight need to build an image of how they would not only look, but also how they would act and feel when they are thin.

    If you are a visual person, for example, hang a favorite outfit where you can see it every day, then picture how well the outfit is going to fit you. If you're a movement-oriented person, picture how it would "feel" to slide easily past the empty seats in the theater row, or imagine the ease of fastening a seat belt in an airplane.

    Pretend you are thin and live as if that's true. When we pretend something is true, a new pattern of behavior will eventually evolve. Acting as if you have a skill or a feeling eventually contributes to it coming true.

    Good Luck -- we'll all here for you! And I agree so much with what you said about putting on makeup, fixing your hair, etc. This helps me everyday to do this. When I was home alone, I used to even tuck in my blouse - which reminded me to eat healthy. But now since hubby is home all day - I won't do that yet!

    But here are the articles I found that might be helpful to you:



    This is something new.
    I'm really gonna give this a try.
    Sounds so simple.
    Why haven't I thought of this before.

    Thank you for the idea.
  • vishalb08
    vishalb08 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning to all.
    I hope I can give you guys a reason to smile today.
    A week ago I weighed 95.6 kg.
    1. I joined you all.
    2. Started logging my meals.
    3. Drank more water.
    4. Tried to keep my calorie intake as close to my target as possible (went over the limit all days).
    5. Decided to buy a bicycle to exercise everyday.
    6. Exercised on one day (today morning).

    I got up today....stood on the scale.
    94.0 kg

    I wanna say thank you for all your thoughts, stories & insights.
    They kept me on track for most part of the week.
    I know not all weeks will reap the same dividend, but I now believe that I can do it.
    So I'm gonna keep working hard.

    Just for today (29/05/17, Monday)
    1. Drink 2.5 liters of water during office hours.
    2. Stay under my calorie limit.
    3. Walk for 15 min after dinner in my balcony.

    Thank you.
    have a great & productive day.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @vishalb08 congrats on your weight loss!

    I find it hard to stick to my calorie intake too. But I've set a limit for if I do go over of 100. I can live with being 100 over and it won't affect me too much
    I love reading the success story page too! That helps me keep motivated and that what I want to achieve IS possible

    And sometimes I find the way we word things can be unhelpful without even knowing it
    For example: stay under my calorie limit, makes it sound that what were doing is restrictive.
    So I refer to it as 'Being in the Green' ... it sounds more positive than restrictive and I've found im more likely to achieve the goal!
  • R2che
    R2che Posts: 189 Member
    Morning all.

    It's the 29/5

    Yesterday I hit all my goals except the running. I did however walk nearly 6 miles so I don't feel too disheartened.

    Today my Apple Watch has upped my 'move' goal to 460 calories. So that's my first goal for today to hit that.
    I will stay within my calories and also walk my 10,000 steps.
    I would like to try for a run again.

    7 weeks tomorrow until I go on holiday and my mini goal is to get to 140lbs by then. 6 lbs to go... that's my main focus for today :smiley:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    mmecraine wrote: »
    @OConnell5483 you are ambitious!

    Too ambitious! That's why I never seem to succeed I think. I need to scale back and focus on just really important goals. When I looked back at yesterday's and this weekend's goals, I rolled my eyes and thought "Good Lord, woman. Really????" BAHAHAHA! :D
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good morning all! Well, not really morning, it's 11:35 am. Lol

    Yesterday was a pretty good day. Got up super early and went food shopping. Like 6 am early. It being a holiday weekend and living in a shore town in New Jersey. The stores get packed super quick. But got most of what I needed. Just need to hit the other store tonight, after all the crowds clear out. My activity tracker isn't synching with my phone so I'm having trouble tracking my steps and things so I think I have to reset it today. It's a cruddy, cold, cloudy and rainy day today so I don't think I am going to go out walking today. This makes me sad because I haven't gone for a walk in a few weeks. And I'm really starting to miss it. I really need to get back to working out. I haven't been doing it at all. I've been pretty sedentary since I changed jobs. When I worked at my previous job I could usually hit my 8000 step goal super easily. But now, I still behind a counter most of the day so as much as I enjoy not running around like a maniac for 9 hours a day I do miss the activity level I was once at. So I think it's time to start changing that.

    Had a really great talk with my mom yesterday. When I was a teenager and into my young adult years, I got into some pretty seriously crazy things. My mom knew bits and pieces of it but I really felt that it was time to tell her about all of it. And I did. And I could tell that some of it really broke her heart. She knew or suspected a lot of it but there was a lot that she had no idea about. But I can't tell you how awesome it felt to get that off my chest. It was really freeing. And I knew that she appreciated that I was being so honest and trusting her with the darkest parts of my life. I actually refer to those years as my dark years. And so far the only ones who know about it are the ones who lived it with me, my mom and my husband. But I think it's time to start bringing that part of my life out into the open and sharing it with the world. If I can save one person from going down that road, or escaping that kind of life, then that is something that I can feel good about and makes living that terrible life worth it.

    But anyway! Sorry about the random nonsense that has nothing to do with getting healthy! Lol

    As for my goals for Monday, 5/29

    1. Log all food and stay in the green
    2. Go to the gym
    3. Do laundry
    4. Do some reading
    5. Drink 64oz of water
    6. Make a healthy dinner
    7. Finish food shopping tonight
    8. Watch the Stanley Cup Final!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    1. LOG ALL FOOD :)
    2. DRINK WATER :)
    3. EAT VERY LIGHTLY FOR LUNCH --- BUT SIT DOWN AND EAT SLOWLY :) Had McDonalds for lunch, and a chicken kabob for dinner. So my calories were not as low as I had intended, but still did OK.
    5. stop before I eat to think: Am I hungry, crave food, or just desire food. Then make the choice as to what to do, and what to eat :/
    6. Try and either get to the gym in the morning, but if I don't get out for a walk in the afternoon. :) Went for a 5 mile walk :)
    7. work in the yard some weeding flower beds :) 2 hrs of weeding my flower beds!
    8. finish baby quilt for my great niece :/
    9. carry my water bottle with me and sip on water all day :)

    JFT, Memorial Day
    1. remember our fallen heroes, and our loved ones who are no longer here. This is what Memorial Day is for.
    2. log all food
    3. drink water
    4. read my advantage response cards
    5. stop before I eat to think Am I hungry, crave food, or desire. Then make the choice I can live with
    6. remember what hunger feels like
    7. Overcome a craving today - do not give in

    Hope you all have a great day
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited May 2017
    Beck Diet Solution

    Day 13, is to Overcome Cravings
    Cravings usually peak within the first few weeks of your diet. But, once you limit or stop eating the foods you crave, your cravings fo those food diminish significantly

    Today's To-Do List:
    Read Advantages Response Card at least 4x today
    Read any other Response Cards as needed
    Eat slowly, sitting down, and notice every bite
    Give myself credit when I engage in helpful eating behaviors
    Do some spontaneous exercise
    Tolerate hunger
    Plan how to tolerate ctravings
    Tolerate a craving, and don't give in.