The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Good to see this thread is still active. I'm hanging out here until I get kicked out for hitting the upper age limit. ;)

    I put in a focused effort this spring in order to get leaner. Made some tweaks to my diet with the help of a RD, and as a result, I managed to drop 14lbs since mid April. Now I hope it shows in my race results. First test is Saturday.
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    41 and holding. :-)
  • katys_workinforit
    katys_workinforit Posts: 30 Member
    In that middle age group, looking for active friends who have a lot of weight to rid themselves of... and get fit!!!
  • cariduttry
    cariduttry Posts: 210 Member
    i'm 38 and struggling with accepting i'm part of that "middle age" definition LOL! anyone feel free to add me. i don't log every day, don't always meet my calorie goals, and haven't lost the weight i'd like to. i'm still trying though!!!
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 42, and not happy that with middle age my body has seemed to want to hold on to those pounds with an iron grip! I'm just taking it day by day, though, and love that there are so many of "us" on MFP!
  • healednfree73
    healednfree73 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi feel free to add me- i just turned 44 and i am in better shape and healthier than i was in my teens and 20s - i've battled weight my whole life but have the discipline and life experience in my 40s to reach these fitness goals- life is not over at mid-life its just beginning
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    Is 30's middle aged?!? When did that happen? :s lol
  • AliciaRenee1
    AliciaRenee1 Posts: 21 Member
    At 35 can I please be accepted? I can deal with the "middle aged" tag as I do tend to associate more with people in this 30-60 bracket :)
  • LaRelicHunter
    LaRelicHunter Posts: 38 Member
    55 years old.
    Starting weight Jan 15 265lbs
    Today 190.

    Add me if you want.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    Rob_in_MI wrote: »
    I'm still stuck on being identified as "middle aged"!

    I was thinking the same thing about myself! 35 I count?
  • rissa49
    rissa49 Posts: 8 Member
    39 here. Just started week 4. Feel free to add me :-)
  • PackPariah
    PackPariah Posts: 75 Member
    Lets see 2017 - 1987...nope. Too old for the young group and too young for the old group. Where is the middle group?
  • PeteRead2910
    PeteRead2910 Posts: 5 Member
    47 here (although i have the mentality of a teenager), uk based, over 4st lost and happy to accept any more mature members.....feel free to add :-)
  • MichWolverine55
    MichWolverine55 Posts: 10 Member
    Just turned 55 this past Tuesday! Please add me.
  • rd2change
    rd2change Posts: 6 Member
    54 here... and will take all the help I can get. My goal is 50 lbs, and I'm planning to keep it off for the long haul! Friends welcome... add me!
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    45 and feeling great!
  • Benjmon
    Benjmon Posts: 3 Member
    New to the big 40! Would love to be added. Thanks!!
  • _bee_8_
    _bee_8_ Posts: 7 Member
    36 here ☺
  • MrsGillion
    MrsGillion Posts: 1 Member
    36 and proud !!!!!