Can't seem to lose the last 10-15 = Team up for success



  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    random question...what are your daily calorie goals set as? are you eating more as you get closer to goal weight?

    i am struggling with whether or not to increase my calorie intake. i have read that as you get closer to goal weight it is necessary to up your intake in order to keep losing weight. i want to try this, but i'm not quite convinced yet. feel free to share opinions:) thanks!
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    i should add that i'm at 1230 cals a day...eating back about half of my exercise calories

    oh and if you look at my diary, the last two days will look like i went over, but i was on vacation with friends and changed my goals to 0.5 lb per week so that i could eat more :)
  • mjp202
    mjp202 Posts: 50 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 196.6 lbs., down 6.4 from last week, 4.8 from the start of this thread, and 2.4 below my July plateau range (199-204)! I switched to a calorie cycling plan, and it seems to be working.

    SW 216 CW 197 GW 188
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Yayyy!! Weigh in for this tuesday 157.6!!!

    My weight loss ticker is finally correct again!!
    Awesome job thats 1.5% down from your initail weight!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Way to go!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 196.6 lbs., down 6.4 from last week, 4.8 from the start of this thread, and 2.4 below my July plateau range (199-204)! I switched to a calorie cycling plan, and it seems to be working.

    SW 216 CW 197 GW 188

    Holy cow!!! Thats awesome! Thats a loss fo over 3%!!!

    Keep up the great work! :drinker:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I am down 1 for the week which was nice to see that I kept off the 3 from the prior week! Down 4 so far!! Yay!!!

    May not be so great this week as I am at a conference all week :indifferent: therefore not making my own meals - have to eat smart and try to get in some exercise... maybe lay off the brewskies :drinker:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey group,

    Remember if you lost 1 or more pounds this week to add the cherry to your signature, if youhave lost two weeks running add the combined. Remember to make the IMG lower case to get the picture.





    This week's challenge is about incorporating physical activity into our daily lives. We have worked at hydrating and fueling our bodies to drive healthy changes, now we need to focus on increasing our activity to motivate our bodies to shed the last few pounds.

    This week is not about doing it up "Last 10 pounds bootcamp" style it is more focused on developing a healthy active habit that you can stick with going forward.

    Let's share what we have been doing, what we are doing - whats working or not and try to get eachother moving. Weight loss of more than 1 pound will get the following for their signature:

  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    I weighed 139 this morning. Down 3 pounds from last week and 2 pounds from the begining of the challenge. Does than mean I can add the water drop now? ;)

    7/12 141
    7/19 142
    7/26 139
  • sweettandb
    sweettandb Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry for the late post. Had some personal family matters going on today and was very stressed out indeed. Well much to my surprise I weighed in at 171.7 lbs today, which is a 2.5 lb weight loss from last week at 174.2. I was quite shocked since I didnt eat as well as I had intended to all week but I did try to keep up with the water intake. It almost feels like a dream so I may have to weigh myself again at work tomorrow just to make sure. Haven't lost that much weight in one week in a long time. Hope everyone has a great week and congrats to all the winners.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Way to go ladies :flowerforyou: both of you have done so well!

    Hope things are getting better, family matters are always difficult I hope everything is brightening and that you are starting to feel much better :smile:
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Sorry I haven't been contributing much but I hope I'm still part of this group! I couldn't weigh this week until today so....

    SW (when joined group): 152
    CW: 149! Yay!!!! I don't know how to put those things in my signature and don't even know if I qualify to have them. Keep on keepin' on people! 9 pounds to go for me!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Ok, so last week was a write off for me - (which is upsetting because I really want to add the colourful weights to my signature... you never know afterall I do technically weigh in tomorrow morning). Why was it a write off???

    Well - for starters I was away for the week teaching some of my collegues how to write their accounting exams (I know it sounds like a blast, you can all be jealous later) and the group of markers I was working with were pretty energetic... we went out every night and I drank every night... :drinker: bottoms up! No exercise was my downfall. I was constantly sitting (except for a couple long walks to the baseball game and a night dancing) so I am pretty sure the scale is going to hate me :sick:

    What did I do this week?

    Monday - nada :drinker:
    Tuesday - 6 + km walking to and from the baseball game and a crap load of stairs to get to the cheap nose-bleed seats :drinker:
    Wednesday - nada :drinker: and then :sick:
    Thursday - dance the night away :drinker:
    Friday - a couple mini (30 minute) walks with my dog
    Saturday - Kempenfest (Barrie waterfront festival) 5km walk
    Sunday - nada
    Yesterday - vaccuumed, 5km walk with my awesome neighbor for a sundae at McD's with our dogs

    How do I get back on track? I am not entirely sure as I plan for a mini (9 day) vacay to Florida - which likely means more booze :drinker: and less exercise :explode: except for walking the parks. Any advice?? I really want to make it through next weeks challenge (ps any ideas what it could be?)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Sorry I haven't been contributing much but I hope I'm still part of this group! I couldn't weigh this week until today so....

    SW (when joined group): 152
    CW: 149! Yay!!!! I don't know how to put those things in my signature and don't even know if I qualify to have them. Keep on keepin' on people! 9 pounds to go for me!

    Congrats on the weightloss - to add the images just find the post they were initially included in and copy the link in your signature - make sure to put the in lowercase
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Supposed to weigh in yesterday but all day I was convinced it was Monday so I weighed in this morning. Recorded one of the 4 pounds it says I lost because I'm almost certain it lies LoL that and I feel like there is NO way that the scale is correct given the amount of alcohol I had last week. That being said - recording the -1 put me at the right number in terms of my scale... I don't recall jumping on my scale at a heavier weight but last week I did and wiped it out of my mind :laugh:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Below are for this weeks 1 pound losers - keep up the great work (Remember there are a number of options based on your many successes just copy the link that best reflects your great work!) Remember to copy the link below the picture that represents your success and change the capital IMG to lowercase img














  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    Haven't lost weight yet since joining this group...actually gained a lb or two despite efforts to drink tons of water, eating semi-healthy and exercising tons this past week.

    But thought I'd share an article by JM that's pertinent to this group:

    Sassy_Cass has already got us on 3 of the 5 tips mentioned (1. drinking plenty of water, 2. eating more fruits and veggies while cutting out processed foods, and 3. physical activity "bootcamp" style). The other 2 tips in the article are cutting sodium to 1,000mg daily and abstaining from alcohol, which may prove really difficult for some of us.

    Good luck everyone in losing those last few pounds!!!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    That is an excellent article - all about living a healthy BALANCED lifestyle that is maintainable and enjoyable.

    Sorry I haven't been posting, I went on vacation and have yet to step on the scale - two and three beers a night have kept me from confidently getting back on the scale before putting in a solid week of getting back to pre vacation shape :laugh:

    That being said, we need updates, progress and stories to keep ourselves and our group members motivated to stay in shape
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey team,

    We've gone dormant and after 5 weeks I got to wondering where everyone was at on thier 10-15 goals? I have lost 5 of my 10 (tops 13) and I am pretty happy, I took almost one week off to go to Florida and refused to check the damage when I got back but tomorrow it is judgement day for me and the scale and we will see what the verdict is.

    So we need a challenge - MOTIVATION, log on, say something on here at least twice this week. Hold yourself accountable to sharing your progress (good or bad) because we have all been there and we all need a hand or word of encouragement once in a while!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I seem to have hit a plateau. I have been at the same weight (with up and down of 1/2 pound) for the past 2 weeks. In general I have still been eating the same amount of (mostly healthy) calories, exercising at least 1/2 hour per day and drinking plenty of fluids.
    I am starting to get a little frustrated. I think my body likes this weight. It isn't a bad weight but I was hoping to hit at least 120. I am at 123, 5'2", 41 years old and have lost 24 pounds.