DITR Round4 Week2



  • journey2size10
    Wow, Palollis, you have overcome a lot! You are awesome!!! I am impressed by your strength!

    thanks partner! I tell myself that I can do anything, I just have to stay positive and keep going!
  • journey2size10

    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. What is one of your greatest accomplishments in your life thus far?

    Overcoming leukemia and being paralyzed at the ripe age of 14!
    I have been in remission for 19 years now and noone can ever tell I was not able to walk, let alone had any health problems. My legs are strong now and I can walk with the best of em and finally able to run!!!

    This is an incredible story! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!

    Thanks for letting me share...I tell myself, I am one of the survivors, I am still here for a reason and try to stay positive and be a good influence and inspiration to others to stay strong.
  • journey2size10

    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. What is one of your greatest accomplishments in your life thus far?

    Overcoming leukemia and being paralyzed at the ripe age of 14!
    I have been in remission for 19 years now and noone can ever tell I was not able to walk, let alone had any health problems. My legs are strong now and I can walk with the best of em and finally able to run!!!

    This is an incredible story! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!

    I agree! That is so awesome that you were able to overcome those things! It makes me think that if you can do that, why can't we overcome our issues with weight.

    okay, I'm blushing now...you guys are great!!! good luck to everyone and like I said...let's SWEEP this challenge! DITR will win EVERY WEEK..I want one of those damn diamonds though, lol. Let's go blue!
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    okay, I'm blushing now...you guys are great!!! good luck to everyone and like I said...let's SWEEP this challenge! DITR will win EVERY WEEK..I want one of those damn diamonds though, lol. Let's go blue!

    Yes, DITR all the way!!! Except, let's go Yellow!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Since its related to yesterday's question -- http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2011/07/26/the-financial-cost-of-obesity/

    Nothing we haven't all heard before but it was timely.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    have I faced prejudice?

    Yes much more when I was younger, I eat little an often always have and I had a manager who was serverly obese used to make comments on my eating habits and weight. I almost got to the point of filing a harassment, but fortunatly my head of department stepped in and dragged him over the coals and made him appologise to me.

    I lost 2 stone with stress of exams and my parents divorce and other happenings, but at the same time I gained 3 cup sizes on the ladies! I have to say these have caused me more grief with being unable to purchase bras big enough to fit, lots of people who hold conversations with them rather than me, serious back pain and self confidence issues.

    Greatest achievements?

    being able to marry my best friend. and managing to stay together and friends through the stress of 10 years of fertility treatment.
    and having our children after it. Especially as DD1 we needed to have treatment to concieve and DD2 came along as a little miracle, we were told we could never concieve naturally!
  • twistedsista0408
    My biggest accomplishment was actually in business: I won the greatest trainer award at Walgreens Customer Care Center in 2005. It got me promoted to Quality and Training Manager and 12k more money annually!
  • sistermooooon
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I'm only in my second week, so no differences noticed yet for me, but I CAN'T WAIT for that day to arrive!!!!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I actually hate it when people do that. They wouldn't have said to me "I notice you gained a few pounds!" so I don't really want them to say "I notice you lost a few pounds". I find it creepy and vaguely insulting - the fact that someone noticed I LOST means they noticed I was FAT. My coworkers have noticed and I HATE it, the ones that are trying to lose weight have to comment on what they eat and what I eat or didn't eat CONSTANTLY ("How were you this weekend, were you good") and frankly its just plain irritating. I don't give people on MFP a minute by minute of every bite I eat every day (although I guess you can go look at my diary if you REALLY care) and I certainly don't want to stand around at work and do it when I could be working.

    And the ones who are fit and comment on it I just like ... what are they trying to say exactly? I prefer people not comment on my body at all in a professional setting. I kind of feel like its inappropriate for work.

    Phew. Had to get that off my chest.

    I don't mind when my boyfriend says something nice though.

    Er and to answer the original question, people started noticing around 20 lbs lost.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    I have not experienced any prejudice from other people due to weight but I have experienced insecurity due to my own self-image and self-esteem.

    I think this applies to me too except I've had a harder time trying to change the way I think. Most of the time I believed my own self-talk and it wasn't very kind. I realize it's my own insecurites that hold me back. I guess the ways I've tried to combat it is here on MFP and guided meditations. I tried therapy for years and identified my core belief but didn't do much in the way of healing. I still don't think I can be fat and happy. The wires just don't connect for me.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. What is one of your greatest accomplishments in your life thus far?

    Gosh, I sure love my kid but I feel so lucky to be his parent that it doesn’t seem like an accomplishment. I’m satisfied with my career and education. In fact, I feel pretty accomplished in most areas of my life except weight and relationships. Sometimes it’s frustrating to feel so confident in certain areas and so crappy in others. I wish I had more of a balance.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Monday QOTD:What problems have you ever experienced with prejudice due solely to your weight? What did you do to combat it?

    I wouldn't exactly call it a prejudice, but my mom has always made comments to me about my weight. My highest weight was 148, and she told me no daughter of hers would weight 150 lbs. I cried, and felt like crap, and I still do. Then for some reason, I use food for comfort. It's a vicious cycle that is so hard to break for me!

    Isn't it crazy how these snide comments stick with us and really rock our world? I've got a few beauties from my dad. It is a vicious cycle and I'm sorry you' feel stuck in it. Just know you're not alone.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I'd have to agree that it's around 20lbs that people really start noticing. I love it when people notice... it makes me feel like my hard work has paid off.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I guess around 20lbs is when people started to notice my weight loss. The only reason I notice it is because I've gone down in clothing sizes :)
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    I've only lost nine pound so far and noones noticed! Though since eating healthy my stomach hasnt shrunk as such but it doesn't bloat out anymore unless i eat something really unhealthy (pizza) :D
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    I would say around 20lb to but I get a bit embarrassed when people mention it. My friends mum who hasn't seen me since I September when i had just given birth was really shocked she just didn't stop talking about it. I have been big my whole life so i find the compliments weird.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Well my hubby is my best critic & since he said hey R U losing that means it's noticeable hehehe

    I just lost 10pounds & I feel really motivated & happy if someone sez hey U lost or Look at U in appreciating tone.:bigsmile:
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Tuesday 7/26/11 QOTD: When co-workers, family, and/or acquaintances start noticing our weight loss and physical fitness improvements it's the ultimate compliment and encouragement. How soon, or how many pounds lost, did people start noticing how your lifestyle change was changing your body?

    I began having people comment once I lost around 10% of my weight, and it was a great motivator. Now I am beginning to feel uncomfortable when people ask how much weight I have lost. I feel embarrassed when they get that shocked look; like OMG you were THAT fat?!
  • twistedsista0408
    I've had a few people ask me if I have lost weight, which is nice. I get to tell them what I've been doing and they encourage me to keep going. I told one lady from my church that I was going to the park every morning at 7:30am and walking two miles, and she actually showed up yesterday...in her car and "drove" around with me LOL. She wasn't there today sad to say...maybe she was just checking up on me!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Well at the moment i've lost 30 pounds and no one has noticed, but i am 5ft 11.5 so there is a lot of me. :bigsmile: I think that i'd find it creepy if people started giving me compliments or asking how much i'd lost. :indifferent: