Do you find really thin/skinny women attractive or a turn of



  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    There is definitely a line where someone starts to look too thin and its not attractive. Actually - its not about 'too fat' or 'too thin' - its about looking healthy, which is why the toning comment is so spot on, toned muscle and curves look good on a girl - skin and bones don't.
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    turn off... depends how far though. Like the lead actress in Black Swan - turn off... basically if I can see a girls shoulder blades or her hip bones WHILE SHE"S STANDING or if her shoulders are so thin, the bone starts to look square - turn offs!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    shouldn't{totally} matter what we think, matters what you think. someone will always find something wrong w/ your body no matter how big, small, in-between we are.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    ME: Skinny and Slim is most attractive.
    BF: Skinny is ill-looking and curvy is sexy.

    If that's you in the pic, I'd say you're definitely skinny. If your boyfriend doesn't think you're skinny, I wonder what his definition of skinny is...hmm...

    I was thinking the same thing...
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    honestly, i like very slim, tiny physiques. think twiggy. or perhaps nicole richie back in the day.

    i have a very small frame and also prefer this body type for myself... though if you ask my fiance, i could be a few pounds heavier because i'd be more well-endowed in the chest area >_<;;
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    I like smaller women i.e. shorter with small frame. I'm not into the whole stick thin body type tho. If her bones are showing then it's a bit too thin for me. I know that there are men who like that...but I'm not one.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    shouldn't{totally} matter what we think, matters what you think. someone will always find something wrong w/ your body no matter how big, small, in-between we are.
    Well said, and I couldn't agree more! If you are healthy and happy and eating and playing and enjoying life....what else is there?
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    i like skinny girls - cheap dates! haha jk...?

    no seriously, OP you look great.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    :heart: the dress! Oh, and I'd say attitude, clothing (per body type), and confidence is sexy, whether she's rocking a 0 or a 30. :smooched:
  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    Interesting I read this tonight.

    This was actually the decision in my workplace today (I work on a floor with males, only 2 females occupy the whole floor)...

    The end result was that most of the males on the floor didn't like Skinny women.... it was noted that those women who lose weight but do no toning just look horrible.

    Toned women are the ones that catch their eyes.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I find curvy attractive. I find fit SUPER attractive. Like, really slim and fit is the best. Super bony skinny though I'm not a fan of, but that's just me.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    honestly, i like very slim, tiny physiques. think twiggy. or perhaps nicole richie back in the day.

    i have a very small frame and also prefer this body type for myself... though if you ask my fiance, i could be a few pounds heavier because i'd be more well-endowed in the chest area >_<;;

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    You're programmed to constantly be dissatisfied with yourself. All these companies couldn't sell you things if you were happy with your hair and skin as it is, your simple clothing, and just being an average woman who's ok with exercising to be healthy and making wise food choices. This is why there's a disparity between what men want and what women think men want.

    You want to be secure with yourself? Never pick up another fashion magazine (just shop and make your own choices based on your preferences) or any other magazine that gives you "advice" you don't need, stop watching TV for a while (if not forever). Just tossing 2 cents up in here.

  • rmoyer243
    rmoyer243 Posts: 23
    I like mine in the middle too skinny a big turn off same with too big. My wife is about 30lbs away from being perfect to me. the pants that she has been putting on OMG they are sexy as hell!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    What sunkisses said.

    But I do love really slender gals.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I think that hip to waist to chest ratio is important. If you are built like a rail that's not attractive. If you are built like a block, that's not attractive. If you are build like a basketball, that's not attractive.

    Hour glass? YUP, THAT's ATTRACTIVE. Even if you are a overweight you look pretty good if you have a relative hour glass shape.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member

    Kim Kardasian = curves/attractive

    Sekeleton/boney/anorexic looking models = GROSS
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    Heh... treading water carefully....

    I think there is a wide range of what looks good. I think that women who are very very lean look good if they lift weights and have muscle definition. "Supermodels" are too skinny with no definition and look like sticks. I also appreciate some curves.

    Every women looks different though and holds weight differently so I think its all about what you like and find a man who likes you that way :)
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Heh... treading water carefully....

    I think there is a wide range of what looks good. I think that women who are very very lean look good if they lift weights and have muscle definition. "Supermodels" are too skinny with no definition and look like sticks. I also appreciate some curves.

    Every women looks different though and holds weight differently so I think its all about what you like and find a man who likes you that way :)

    I love the very fit chicks too. Jamie Eason is a 10/10 fit chick.....I could look at her all day.

  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    PS. Be honest. I expect quite a few of you to prefer slightly more curves on a gal, but if some of you really do like the thinner ones, I want honesty even if you think it won't sound good or "supportive of natural women" or something. lol.

    Since you're giving us free rein to say exactly how we feel without any consequences, I really do like thin girls, but as cobaltis said, its important they exercise and have some muscle definition.