
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Whew! It seems everyone is dealing with something or another! I just know all will come together and we will prevail (after all we did really well as a whole last week!) so I'm trying to remain positive here! lol:laugh: :laugh:

    I certainly look forward to reading your posts and it let's me know that I'm not alone in my struggles, not just things weight related but in life as an overall! Just getting paid and feel like I'm in the crapper till next payday since bf is still on unemployment. Where is the justice that we get paid around the same time and up to those times are a suffering! Will plan better for hard times once he's back to work!:drinker:
  • Jacque, I read somewhere on here that you should count the 30 Day Shred as circuit training under cardio and if you have a heart rate moniter just put in your time and calories burned. I just did it for the first time tonight. It wasn't as tough as I geared myself up for but it sure did kick my butt! I do think that at the end of the first 10 days I'll be able to move to level 2.

    Everyone work extra hard on your last chance workout before weigh in:happy:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Hi everyone! I am new here. My name is Ashley and I'm 24 years old. I am super excited to join this group.
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    HI GT!

    Well, a new day for us all. So far, mine is going better and I feel like I am in the right mindset again. Yesterday was better, until the afternoon, but not as bad as the weekend. Not sure what the scale will show tomorrow, and I know that I can improve in many areas of this's all up to ME!

    lynette ~ was the place you went to the Amana Colony's? About 1 1/2 hrs from here, and popular, haven't been there for a while, but love the food and shops! my dh & youngest ds are big hunters...I have 3 bucks mounted on my living room walls! :ohwell: awwww, enjoy your younguns! they grow up so FAST!

    n2dfire ~ hey, you made healthy choices even when going over....that is great! good job and keep it up!

    astarte09 ~ way to go on getting a walk in after taking in some superbowl munchies!

    jaque509 ~ stay positive, and get back on can do it!

    sassiebritches ~ yes, wt gain could be many things, but you are losing inches, toning and possibly gaining muscle wt. so glad to hear the tendon is better.

    kels0724 ~ i understand your stresses. we are all going to face challenges and experience is normal, and this is what we are learning about ourselves. you seem very motivated w/your workout plan! great!

    porka29 ~ yes, the financial crunch has hit many of us. we have been living paycheck to paycheck for a very, very long time here. my dh employer laid off 4 ppl last week. it is a worry for many. we have one in college and one to start in a little over a year.....i just try to stay positive and take one day at a time. hang in there!

    does anyone on the team use a heart rate monitor/calorie counter? any info would be appreciated!

    have a great day GT!
  • Hi Everyone. I hope everyone had a good Superbowl Sunday! Unfortunately, I got a stomach bug Sunday night which was no fun. :( I'm feeling better today, but I'll have to take it easy on the workout.
    Also, how do I create a signature?
  • Hi Everyone. I hope everyone had a good Superbowl Sunday! Unfortunately, I got a stomach bug Sunday night which was no fun. :( I'm feeling better today, but I'll have to take it easy on the workout.
    Also, how do I create a signature?

    Go to "My Home" and it's under "Settings":flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    HI GT!

    Well, a new day for us all. So far, mine is going better and I feel like I am in the right mindset again. Yesterday was better, until the afternoon, but not as bad as the weekend. Not sure what the scale will show tomorrow, and I know that I can improve in many areas of this's all up to ME!

    lynette ~ was the place you went to the Amana Colony's? About 1 1/2 hrs from here, and popular, haven't been there for a while, but love the food and shops! my dh & youngest ds are big hunters...I have 3 bucks mounted on my living room walls! :ohwell: awwww, enjoy your younguns! they grow up so FAST!

    n2dfire ~ hey, you made healthy choices even when going over....that is great! good job and keep it up!

    astarte09 ~ way to go on getting a walk in after taking in some superbowl munchies!

    jaque509 ~ stay positive, and get back on can do it!

    sassiebritches ~ yes, wt gain could be many things, but you are losing inches, toning and possibly gaining muscle wt. so glad to hear the tendon is better.

    kels0724 ~ i understand your stresses. we are all going to face challenges and experience is normal, and this is what we are learning about ourselves. you seem very motivated w/your workout plan! great!

    porka29 ~ yes, the financial crunch has hit many of us. we have been living paycheck to paycheck for a very, very long time here. my dh employer laid off 4 ppl last week. it is a worry for many. we have one in college and one to start in a little over a year.....i just try to stay positive and take one day at a time. hang in there!

    does anyone on the team use a heart rate monitor/calorie counter? any info would be appreciated!

    have a great day GT!

    I have an older model HRM that I bought years ago and never used till now:mad: but the main thing is I'm using it now. Point being is that it doesn't register calories only heart rate and a timer along with age and resting/target hr, etc. So while playing around on here, I found the following link to check out the calories burned in comparison to what mfp says for the same thing, often I'm underestimating from mfp.
    Also, thanks for the kind words regarding finances. I swore I would never live paycheck to paycheck, but have found us living this way and I'm broke, just got paid!!!! I told bf about my worries and he indicated that at least the bills are paid........still very stressful to think no money until next week!!! I way overshot my budget and some things may bounce, you know how those bank fees are - thanks for listeining! :sad:
  • Just stopping by to say goodmorning to everyone! Yesterday was a big stressball for me but today.... so far is quiet thank goodness :) Ive still been doing pretty good with the eats but not so good with the excercise. I planned on doing my wii yesterday but my 8 hr workday turned into a 10 hr workday out of my control. Ill wiggle out some time today though :)
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Kellya: It was those times!!
    Porka: Hang in there....Found out my DH is not getting his raise this year (first time)...I told him don't worry about it!! YOU HAVE A JOB!!!

    I was at the gym this morning for 2 hrs!!! I worked out with PT and then did some cardio. I want to see 1 lb. loss again for tomorrow!!!

    Everyone do some sort of exercise today!!! WEIGH IN TOMORROW!!! :wink:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Kellya: It was those times!!
    Porka: Hang in there....Found out my DH is not getting his raise this year (first time)...I told him don't worry about it!! YOU HAVE A JOB!!!

    I was at the gym this morning for 2 hrs!!! I worked out with PT and then did some cardio. I want to see 1 lb. loss again for tomorrow!!!

    Everyone do some sort of exercise today!!! WEIGH IN TOMORROW!!! :wink:

    You're right, at least I do have a job too and I should be getting my bonus in the next two months as I made my goals in 2008. So I have things coming, the bonus, a raise (hopefully but we did see that senior management will not be getting who knows) and my income tax refund but that doesn't help me out until they're in hand :frown: am I being debbie downer today or what?:laugh:

    Maybe I need to go work out!:drinker:
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Porka go work out!! Get a good work out in....that always helps my mood. :heart:
  • Someone help me please - I have no motivation to work out today, the last day before our weigh-in....I'm not sure if I worked out too hard yesterday but my body is just exhausted today. Is it ok to take a day off????:sad: :sad:
  • ABSOLUTELY, it's ok to take a day off!! In fact, it's almost required. You've been working out very hard and probably haven't taken a day off in weeks. All this does is gets you to the point you're at now, tired and wore out. You need days off to let your body recuperate and heal itself. But, if you're going to rest today, make sure your calories stay low.

    Count down - one more day to weigh in
  • Thanks yeahbuddy - that makes me feel a little less guilty. Good Luck to you and everyone tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • No problem, smendek. Anything for the team:love:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Porka go work out!! Get a good work out in....that always helps my mood. :heart:

    I took your advice! Okay, I knew I was stressed when I had a minor freak out at the gym locker room, thinking I had lost my lock :laugh: :laugh: But I wrode that stationary bike for 7 miles in 30 minutes!!! Feel alot better and somehow my situation doesn't seem as bleak!

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow!:drinker:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Porka baby, you will be ok. It is amazing how excercise can will have to adjust on your income situation and yes its true be thankful you have a job.....that the bills are paid....and your getting in shape...and eating better......we all have to have a breakdown once in a while, not designed to take it all in stride all the time..

    Hang in there baby!

  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Good job to all of you!! This team really is motivating me! I cant wait to see the numbers this week!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all, so I am gonna weigh in tomorrow either 2 pounds over my original or back to my original weight tomorrow. And yes it is my TOM, I am atributing to some of this weight thing to on a flip, my body is changing belly is starting to actually look different...this might sound gross, but I have gotten some stretch marks over the last couple years, they are looking skin is sagging a bit...which sucks I know, but doesn't cause I KNOW I am losing...if not pounds at least inches!!!!!!!!...So although I had the 260 cals over yesterday, I am losing......

    Thanks all for the encouragement.......

    I am at 13 days and this is acutally getting easier...........I AM SOOOOOOOO Excited............

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey all, so I am gonna weigh in tomorrow either 2 pounds over my original or back to my original weight tomorrow. And yes it is my TOM, I am atributing to some of this weight thing to on a flip, my body is changing belly is starting to actually look different...this might sound gross, but I have gotten some stretch marks over the last couple years, they are looking skin is sagging a bit...which sucks I know, but doesn't cause I KNOW I am losing...if not pounds at least inches!!!!!!!!...So although I had the 260 cals over yesterday, I am losing......

    Thanks all for the encouragement.......

    I am at 13 days and this is acutally getting easier...........I AM SOOOOOOOO Excited............

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey if you are two over, don't sweat it as I was told when I went from five lost to three lost last week (my friday weigh in started that stress :angry: ) PLUS you've lost all those inches! I too see changes, or rather notice them, my bra is less tight :noway: and my workout pants I bought at Target a few months ago look a little looser (is that a word?:laugh: ).

    BTW - I still am feelin better (still) from my workout and I really appreciate all the feedback from everyone. So porka29 was officially led through her first rough day, albiet not food related, but because of this site, it didn't become food related as a result of said problem!!! That's pretty big for me being an emotional eater (happy or sad) :flowerforyou:
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