Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @jdelaroy and @HGSmith0920 - woohoo, back in Gryffindor! Like Jen, this is only my second term but you get into the swing of it pretty quickly
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good morning all!

    Wanted to stop by really quick as wish everyone a good day! I hope all of you are well! Wishing all of us who are working today a great, stress-free shift and all of you who are off, wishing you an awesome and relaxing day!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Morning all - and the same to you Hannah! Not much to report here - I'm working - hope we all have a great day!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @HGSmith0920 Quitting smoking is an amazing accomplishment! Great job rocking it at the gym today, you're doing a great job getting back at it and kicking butt and taking names!

    Morning @janetay01, congrats on getting into Gryffindor! I hope you have a great day!

    @jdelaroy I may be biased, but I think he's pretty amazing ;) Glad your day yesterday went well!

    So this morning was a little rough. I only got about 6.5 hours of sleep because our derby meeting ran long last night. This morning, a black lab with foam rolling out of his mouth charged me and my dog off leash. I was terrified he might have rabies and bite my dog so I had to position myself between the two. Luckily I was able to fend him off long enough until a car came by and the driver saw my situation, stopped, and distracted the dog long enough for me to get away. Not the way I want to start my morning! And to top it off, I forgot half of my lunch in the fridge so now I have to pay money to go out to eat for lunch, grrr....

    I hope everyone else's mornings started better than mine!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    A heavy heart today for those affected in London.

    I've been very, very tired last couple weeks, which makes me less productive in my trainings. :( I don't have the speed in my cardio workouts and can't handle higher resistances, and with weights I do less reps. Just feel so much weaker than just a couple weeks ago. :( I'm on holidays now, sleep pattern is good, should probably eat more greens, but otherwise I don't understand, what's wrong with me
  • lsoper123
    lsoper123 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, I was hoping I could join in on the group. I'm two weeks new to MFP. I am 37 year old wife and mother to 3. I work full time as a hotel group coordinator which means I spend a lot of time sitting/ standing in front of a computer. I am 5'2 and 156 (as of today SW was 159 lbs). I some times look in the mirror and wonder what the heck happened 10 years ago even after 3 kids I was 110 lbs. Then I gained about 10 lbs by 30 and the yoyo train began and obviously did not get better. I had a lot of excuses but mostly it falls back to that I am lazy. I never had to worry about my weight I was naturally thin and did not develop good habits. 30 really punched me in the face regarding that lol. Now I recently had my 37th birthday and am the same age my grandmother died of a heart attack and my youngest daughter is the same age as my mom when she died. I know it's totally morbid but I don't want that to be me or my kids growing up without me. It sounds silly but feel ready to jump of the yoyo train and onto a path of a healthy lifestyle. I am just hoping to find some people to encourage each other to reach our goals :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @HGSmith0920 I didn't get any of your messages. I did get your friend request though. I had hoped Janetay01 would be back in our house but I wasn't sure. The challenges are pretty easy. There is one to eat under calories either 4-7 days of the week. (this one is voluntary) They do a lot of Darbe exercises, try a certain food, water intake for a week. There are HP questions every week. You can usually just google the answers. They are a lot of fun. Plus we have awesome team leaders!

    @janetay01 So glad we are on the same team together. I sure hope we have some people who are big competitors.

    @rachel0778 You should be biased. I am sorry you had a rough start, glad you got away from the dog. Hopefully, this day goes better.

    @gymprincess1234 If you continue to be really tired all the time and you know you are sleeping enough, go to the doctors.

    @lsoper123 Welcome! Good job on the weight loss. Pretty much everyone is welcome. Just post whenever and how often you like to post.

    Well yesterday I didn't make most of my goals, and all I wanted to do is eat. I managed to stay close in calories. Today is starting off the same way as well. Gah I hate it when I want to eat everything.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @jdelaroy I'm so sorry you're having a bad day! I've been going through that a lot recently too! Last night I managed to keep the munchies at bay but a stay intake of water. I used to fast fairly regularly so I'm using those techniques I learned to try and stay away from the totally unhealthy and sugary cravings I get at night!

    @Rachel0778 That had to have been scary! I'm glad you and your doggy are okay! Thank goodness for that driver! I hope your day gets better! Maybe when you get home your SO can do something nice for you!

    @lsoper123 I'm 28 and in the same boat you are! About four years ago I was 105lbs. Then meet my DH, got married, turned 25 and quit smoking. All that totally killed my waistline! Now four years later, I was 185lbs! Two months ago I started again with MFP and so far have lost 10lbs. Just 50 more to go! We are a GREAT group here. If you need support and friends to share this journey with you, hop on board!

    I'm not sure if any of you play pokemon go. Lol. I work in a little shore town that has a very popular beach and boardwalk. My bank is about 3 blocks from the beach. All over town are poke-stops. There's probably 15 within four block radius of my bank! So from now on, I'm bring my sneakers with me to work and waking whenever I get the chance! Lol I'm super excited about this!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @jdelaroy You mentioned doctors and I realized the tiredness might be cause of the medication I'm taking, maybe will take a little break and see if anything changes.

    Otherwise, I feel so happy today. Tomorrow is my 7 months 'new life' anniversary. :) I've gone from 109kg to 85kg , got so much stronger, confident, found 2 new physical activities I love and now call my passion and hobbies, made new like minded friends, got fit, and only have 7kg to lose to be in my perfect weight (BMI, fat % and my own views for my height 5'11).

    For a really long time, probably the first 5 months, I didn't allow myself to feel pride in my achievements, cause I believed that I was obese and just HAD to lose the fat, hence was not allowed to be proud of it, because it was something that just NEEDED to be done. Now, with the mental coaching of some good friends, I realize, that I have worked SO hard for this I deserve to clap for myself!

    I'm so happy I found this forum as well, cause I use another food tracking app, and 95% of my friends and family don't struggle with weight or are not interested to discuss fitness and fat loss related things, but for me, at this point, fitness is my main mission, my project I've been working on for months and will be working for a long time.
  • dflash33
    dflash33 Posts: 5 Member
    I think this is just what I need...some motivation. I feel it's time to get serious about my health. I'm 52 and having a hard time losing this weight - I need to lose about 35 lbs to get to 155 lbs. I've already lost the first 40, but drifted off track for a couple years. I'd love to join this group. I will try to check in 2 to 3 times a week. Time for my journey to continue.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Dollywood was fun. Sooo much walking. And oh, sweet baby Jesus, the HILLS. Didn't log while away - had minimal internet, plus ate at a restaurant breakfast buffet.

    Back on track today!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @dflash33 Welcome!!! Feel free to stop in whenever! We are a fun bunch who support each other, not only in out weight loss journey but also in life.

    @clicketykeys Welcome back! I'm glad you had fun! You probably walked off all the calories that you ate at that buffet breakfast. Lol.

    About to hit the hay! Have a great night everyone! Be back in the morning!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Morning! 7 month weight loss today! Wow, it's more than double the time I've lasted before! So happy o:)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    WTG @gymprincess1234 :D That's stellar!

    Doubt I walked quite THAT much @HGSmith0920 but thanks for the vote of confidence, hahaha! About to head to the pool with my mom.

    See you all again soon!

    Oh! Also! Got my owl.

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @lsoper123 and @dflash33!

    Congrats on the loss @gymprincess1234!!! You have accomplished a lot in the last 7 months and deserve to be proud!

    @HGSmith0920 I don't play it, but my significant other does. My dog loves it because it greatly increases the amount of walks he gets lol

    @jdelaroy Great job resisting the urge and sticking close to your calorie goal. It may not feel like it, but you're doing a great job!

    @clicketykeys Glad to hear you had a wonderful time during your vacation at Dollywood! It sounds like you did a great job staying active!

    The rest of yesterday went A LOT better! I went to my pole dancing class and felt really strong about my invert prep leaving the class. When I got home, it was still gorgeous out so the dog and I sat out on the porch and read for awhile. I need to find time to fit more reading into my day. And for lunch I went to the local Mediterranean place for kafta and tabbouli and it was delicious! While I don't love spending that much money on lunch, at least I was able to support a local business and have leftovers for a second meal :) And I finally heard back from my team and they switched me so that I don't have to worry about coming up with a blue shirt by Saturday, phew! Thank goodness this week is starting to turn around!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @hgsmith0920 I don’t play. My daughter started it, but gave up when she couldn’t get internet signal at school. Might have to check into it.

    @gymprincess1234 You should be proud of yourself. Losing weight and becoming a healthier, fitter person is a great achievement. I am glad some of your friends made you realize this.

    @dflash33 Welcome! This is a great place for support and motivation. I just absolutely love the people on here. Some people stop by for a brief hello, others pop in and out when they can, and some of us are here almost every day. I wouldn’t have been able to lose as much weight, or make such strides in my health. My MFP friends were cheering me on in my head the first time I ran 20 minutes without stopping, and I am sure they will be cheering when I run my first race.

    @clicketykeys I bet you had a blast. 

    @rachel0778 I am so glad it got better! Good job staying positive, and finding the silver lining in your day. You impress me daily with your energy, and commitment to a healthier you.

    Yesterday, I managed to stay right at calories, and I said no to the damn cake at home. I was so mad, I wanted it so bad. I did no actual exercise, but still managed to keep up on my steps. The scale this morning said I gained 2.4 pounds over the day before (which was the same weight for 3 days.) So I laughed, flipped it off and told myself I am retaining water. No way did I eat 8750 extra calories. Then 5 minutes later the BF was cussing at the scale because it said he gained 3 pounds. I have almost reached my year mark, and I am between 2-4 pounds to 60 lost. I think I have 8 days to make it there. I want to reach 60 pounds lost in a year! That would be fantastic.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Jen - well done for staying away from the cake, I'm struggling to avoid ice cream right now. Great attitude with the scale as well - they lie!! 60lbs lost in a year would be a fantastic achievement - hoping you can shift those last few lbs :)

    Rachel - glad you had a better day. Good news about the shirt as well for the team - one less thing to worry about!

    @clicketykeys - welcome to Hogwarts! Glad you made it in.

    @gymprincess1234 - that is a really impressive achievement, you have every right to be proud of yourself.

    @dflash33 and @lsoper123 - welcome!

    Not much to report here - so warm I'm living on iced water and ice cream! Found a really nice looking recipe for apple cake which I'm going to make this weekend. It's on a website for childrens food so it's also fairly calorie friendly - looking forward to it. Hope today has treated everyone well.
  • DiaKid
    DiaKid Posts: 6 Member
    Hi folks! I'm hoping I can join in on this conversation! I'm VERY new to MFP, but not new to weight loss attempts. I've unsuccessfully been trying to lose weight for almost 10 years!

    I need to lose 125 lbs, but haven't been able to for one reason - I have commitment issues. I get hyped up, and excited about new attempts, but when I don't see results quickly enough, I lose motivation and get lazy. So this time, I'm trying to keep it simple - calories in, calories out. I want to be consistent with tracking my calories, and I've joined a gym too, and I'm working on getting my weight down to a point that I can run without injuring myself - I want to run a 5K!

    It would even just be helpful to be around motivated people. So if possible, please also add me as a friend :)
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Thank you, guys! :)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi everyone, today's hubby B-day, so just wanted to check in quick, since we're going out the Dr. Yes, hubby's neck has been bothering him. Did want to share that after Monday's gym class, I wanted to quit. There were so many ppl in there & looked like they were all in their 20's & fit, so the class went pretty quick plus there were things I didn't think were a good idea for me to do. So Went in Wednesday to talk & the guy at desk was so nice. He asked me if trainer walked me thru where the class will be & modified things for me, I said no, altho he did modify some things during the class, so he told me I should pick a different time that's less busy & they'll show me what their doing that day. So I picked 7pm, went & the other trainer was so encouraging & nice. Asked me my limitations & showed me a different way to do them.(I'ts mainly push up type things cause of tendonities in my wrists) There were a lot less ppl, maby 12 & it went great! It was even fun AND I jumped rope!! I haven't jumped rope for like 30yrs, didn't think I could. I probably couldn't when I was 40 lbs heavier. I'm a little sore but didn't injure anything, so I'm motivated to be able to lose these last 15 lbs. I'll catch up with you all later, going out on date to Dr with hubby & maybe yogurt after