Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Welcome @DiaKid Thanks for joining us! We are a splendid group here! You'll see that we really motivate and encourage each other and share parts of our lives with each other!

    @jdelaroy Good for you ignoring the cake! I had a moment like that last night too!

    @Rachel0778 I'm glad your day got better! And it was the DH that got me into playing the game again!

    @gymprincess1234 Yay! 7 months! That's awesome!

    @clicketykeys I hope you had fun at the pool! I'm a lion for my first term!

    @janetay01 The weather broke for us finally. It was gorgeous yesterday and today. I love that I was able to get out in it!

    I had some good insight last night when I went to go pick up ice cream for the DH. I only grabbed $10 out of my wallet and left the wallet in the car when I ran into the store. I went to go pick out a pint of ice cream for the DH and went to go grab one for myself when I realized I didnt have enough for two so I grabbed my 1.49 frozen fruit bar. I did grab a small candy bar thing but that was definitely better than a whole pint of sugar and calorie loaded ice cream! And I stayed in my calorie range!

    Had a great morning today! Got a nice hour walk around the town. It was gorgeous out and just a really good time! Some much needed alone time.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Evamutt I'm so glad you found a class that works for you! I wish my gym did classes but I dont mind doing my own thing and they have trainers available to help with machines and weights and things. So that's nice! I hope your Hubby's neck is okay. I'll be praying!
  • lsoper123
    lsoper123 Posts: 10 Member
    @gymprincess1234 that is a huge accomplishment! Way to go!

    @Evamutt its good you found a class that works for you. My gym has glasses but they are mostly centered on the SAHM during the day my work schedule doesn't really allow for them. They are intimidating for me anyway. Happy birthday to your hubby.

    @janetay01 it is really warm here as well highs around 100 degrees.

    @clicketykeys I hope you enjoyed the pool. We have access to three pools but I never go I should try one of these days lol.

    Today I walked 3 miles but my gps tracker was way off because I was on a track I think It said I walked almost 6 so I adjusted my calories to what I typically burn on my 3 mile walks. I also bought a blender to make smoothies with because the thought of paying 5.00 every time I go to the gym is to much. Does anyone have any favorite recipes that do not include bananas or coconut they would be willing to share? I'm also meal prepping for the week today and over cooked my black beans :'( so I'm thinking of turning them into a black bean puree soup of something I found a couple low calorie recipes online. I am also trying to weigh everyday like I read on here hopefully I won't obsess to much.

  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited June 2017
    Thank you!

    Today, as I begin my 8th month, and also finish my current gym routine as I'm moving country, I feel like I need to switch things up.

    The first 4 months I only worked out and ate mindfully and clean without tracking food, which was amazing, cause I thought about food way less, it went from a source of happiness to a fuel for my body. Then I increased my workouts and got more hungry, hence hit a plateau and my trainer suggested I use food tracking.

    Now my progress has been slower, because I often have the mindset 'oh, I've got all these extra workout calories I can eat, and it doesn't mind what junk food I put in myself, it fits my calories!' :|

    so I have decided as of today to stop logging, get back to eating clean and mindfully, and listen to my body instead of an app! :) I use a paper diary for measurements and weight anyways, so going back to what got me the best results seems the most reasonable thing to do.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @gymprincess1234 - that sounds like a good plan. I am very guilty of thinking that I have all those exercise calories to spare and eating just to use them up rather than because I need them. Must do better on that - and actually, your comment has really made me think about something that I have been frustrated about earlier - which I will vent about later!

    Hannah - I like your insight that helped you to not buy the second tub of ice cream. I had a very similar insight a couple of weeks ago - although for different reasons. We've got a lot on financially at the moment and I try to cut costs by taking leftovers into the office to heat up for lunch. However, I was still tending to go out at lunchtime and end up buying extras to go with my lunch. It suddenly hit me (and it's so simple!) - just go for the walk but don't take money with you, that way you don't spend extra cash at London prices on generally unhealthy additions to lunch!

    @Evamutt - hope you enjoyed your husbands birthday outing. Glad that you had a better experience at the gym - it can be so daunting and off-putting otherwise.

    @diakid - welcome!

    Friday - yay! Working from home and my husband took Alistair to nursery as they were doing a 'Fathers Day Breakfast' thing there. So I jumped on the cross trainer and got a 45 minute workout in. And was ready to rant - my fitbit has only given me 92 extra calories for the workout - I guess because it only counts steps, not heartrate and effort. My heart rate monitor would have given me 300+. But I'm not going to rant any further - thanks @gymprincess1234 for making me look at this differently! I would have felt compelled to eat those 300+ calories so as to not have my numbers too low - now I won't be tempted to do that. And if I'm a little bit over for the day then it's not a stress because I know that I've probably got a bit of leeway. But it's fascinating how your psychology changes depending on the numbers in front of you. Going for my now standard lunchtime walk in about an hour which will set me up nicely for the afternoon.

    We've got a quiet weekend in prospect - going swimming with Alistair tomorrow and taking him clothes shopping on Sunday. Sunday is Fathers Day here in the UK so I'm going to be making waffles with greek yoghurt and fruit for him for breakfast. And in other big news, we will probably be taking the side off the cot tomorrow so that Alistair will effectively be in a big boy bed! I'm gearing myself up for a series of nights where we are constantly putting him back in! Can't believe how fast he is growing up :)

    Anyway, have a good Friday all and hope you have awesome weekends!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy Screw the scale, keep being awesome and the weight will come off. 60lbs in a year is an amazing accomplishment! Resisting cake at home is no joke!

    @janetay01 You can manually enter the activity too if you do want to see the higher payoff for your effort :) I hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend, congrats to Alistair for moving up to his big boy bed!

    @gymprincess1234 It sounds like you have a great plan in place for your future success, keep up the great work!

    @lsoper123 I do frozen peaches with 1/2 almond milk and 1/2 orange juice and a scoop of vanilla protein powder. It tastes kind of like and Orange Julius :)

    @HGSmith0920 Your walk sounds wonderful and relaxing! Great job putting a plan in place to not cave on the ice cream pint :)

    @Evamutt I'm so glad the front desk associate was able to direct you to a class with a more accommodating instructor. It's a shame the first one didn't assist with modifications, but I'm glad the second instructor took the time to make the class work for you!

    Welcome @DiaKid! Glad to have you in the group! Sadly, with weight loss, it is a lifetime commitment and it will go slow. But no matter how slowly you're losing, you're making way more progress than if you did nothing!

    Derby class was so much fun last night, I think I laughed the entire time! Today I am so excited because I have absolutely NOTHING planned after work (which never happens!). I'm going to take the dog for a walk, watch trashy TV, and finish my book. Tomorrow is the last derby game of the season :( I'm bummed it's over so soon but I am excited to get my weekends back. Sunday I am also not planning anything so I can actually clean my poor house and cook something for lunches this week! I have been so lazy on the cooking front and basically living off of frozen food. My poor sodium levels have been atrociously high! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    Happy Meme Friday!!!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I usually try to stay with in my original 1500 calories even when I do exercise. I read an article about a calorie deficit and since then I try to stay at that goal so that my deficit is larger! I think I would have a hard time not gorging on things if I didnt log though. I wouldnt be as mindful about what I'm putting into my body.

    @janetay01 I have a jawbone exercise tracker that I love! It shows me not only what I burn through exercise and steps but also what my resting burn is based on heart rate and weight and height. It shows me my total calories burned throughout the day so I can compare that number to the calories I eat and see what my deficit is! I love it! And I usually use the Jawbone app as a baseline to what I put into MFP. Lol

    So I really need to get the day started! I need to go grocery shopping and pay bills and take a walk all before 12pm...and seeing as how it's already 10:37am I dont think that is going to be possible. Lol. I think I'mn gonna take a walk with the dog and then pay some bills and do the shopping on my way home from work. There's a store right on my way home and it'll be later in the evening so it shouldnt be as busy as it would be if I go now. Lol. I need to stock up on more healthy treats! Did alright yesterday...but did it three small pieces of pizza and managed to keep all my numbers in the green!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @HGSmith0920 I will see how it goes, cause my first 4 months I was so not interested in food, not counting kcal worked perfectly, now with logging I think about it more. Will see
  • DiaKid
    DiaKid Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2017
    @gymprincess1234 @HGSmith0920 A friend of mine calls it "free weight loss" when he doesn't eat the calories of exercise back. I like the thought of that!

    Any suggestions on how to track weight training exercise in MFP? I did a whole routine today, but I'm at a bit of a loss on how to track it, especially because I don't know what to cll all the exercises (gym noob too!)...
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited June 2017

    I never do only weights, I do circuits (exercises using my own body weight, weights, ropes, etc. with a time limit - 45sec on each 'station' and 15sec break between). Depending how intense is your weight training, maybe you can track it as a circuit workout?
  • dflash33
    dflash33 Posts: 5 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I have decided to skip logging my exercise calories until right before bed. I am guilty of thinking of them as "free" calories, but really I had to work my butt off for them. I need to log my food or else a 1 cup serving turns into 2 cups, so for now I will log what I eat. Especially since I am just getting back into my healthy journey. So far I have found it's easier with the support from this group.

    Have a great weekend everybody!!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @dflash33 that sounds like a reasonable option, I think I might do that too
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 I change my exercise calories to 1 on MFP so I don't feel like I need to eat back all those extra calories. It cracks me up. The treadmill at the gym will give me 100 calories, MFP will give me 200 calories and my Fitbit gives me 300. So none of them are close to one another. I usually stick to what MFP says. I know the treadmill doesn't take into contact my weight or heartbeat.
  • Leroux2008
    Leroux2008 Posts: 1 Member
    Okay I feel like I need advice. Not sure where to even start. Went to the doctor two weeks ago and I've sneakily blossomed up to 211lbs on my 5'3 frame. =( I really LITERALLY have no motivation or drive to push me through. As of the last few years depression has really taken a toll on my life and I feel like I just don't care anymore. Like the fight is gone in me. I know I need to lose weight, this is the heaviest I've ever been. I feel like a constant yo-yo with my food choices between trying to battle my craving for constant carbs and my absence of exercise. I asked my dr. if she could maybe provide me with information on eating better so she pointed me this way. I've had myfitnesspal for a long time but I have never really stuck to tracking progress or joining the community.
  • Tarek_81
    Tarek_81 Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2017
    Feel free to af me
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,399 Member
    leroux2008 so glad you're here. what gemwolf said is great advice. I would just add to find things & focus on what you already like about yourself. All the positive, not necessarily the physical things but all your attributes & on the ppl in your life who love you. To me that's more important than the physical & it really helps get you motivated when you feel good about yourself . If you have a friend who may want to join you, that is good too
  • jsoko1
    jsoko1 Posts: 17 Member
    The names Jacob, and I'm back with a thirst and hunger greater than I've ever had before. I started excersising back in 2011 as an obese, 110kg, twenty year old, who used to get teased and picked on in high school and later on in work. I started my journey ironically after falling through a ceiling at work.......

    This would be the biggest turning point in my life. I started off walking, in which i lost 2 kgs in one week!!! Not only did this assure me that I had begun my journey to a happier healthier me, it also steered my eating habits into a whole other direction. I chose healthier options, smaller meal portions, and finally gave up my obsession with high sugar energy drinks. In the following weeks I continued to walk, which eventually turned into short sprints, losing a further 14 kgs in 8 weeks.
    I then started the next chapter, weight training..... At the time it was very daunting but I knew in order to reach my goals I would have to overcome my fear of exerting my self infront of others and just do it!! (no nike endorsements here). Over time I watched videos, learnt from people around me and continually grew my arsenal of knowledge in which I would need to crush my goals. A further 20 weeks down the track I did it, I reached 79.5 kgs. I never felt happier, stronger or more confident in my life.
    After my goal I did slack, work picked up and I slowly stopped going to the gym I would get into little fitness blocks of about 2 months then fade off again as work picked up.
    Now, 2017, i have set my self my next big goal. I applied and have succesfully been accepted in to the Australian Army. For the last month I have been training (weights and cardiovascular) and have lost a total of 6 kgs. My start weight was 94. so currently sitting arouund 88 kgs. Im doing a far bit of weight training but am also heavily focused on cardio and endurance training as of course this will be a major obstacle in joining the armed forces.
    So follow my journey for the next couple months as i continue to fullfil my dream, getting stronger, faster, fitter and healthier again.
    I will post weekly, for anyone whom wish's to follow along, but ideally for my self to keep my self accountable.
    Happy Training Fitfam.

    Please add and like my blog if you feel the inclination too :D
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't posted much. It's going to be pretty busy for the next few weeks. I've agreed to help out with the school musical on my days off, which may mean pretty much no time off :P but I'm nothing if not stubborn and I do my best to keep my word, sooo there you have it.

    Yesterday was a really good day at the park. A little bit hectic, because several people on our team had asked to leave early today due to conflicts, and then after they'd headed out a couple of others had various emergencies. Hopefully everyone is okay, and we were able to hold down the fort, but yeah, a little frazzled. I got in about 18k steps on an 11-hr shift. Today will be 13 hrs. Wish me luck! ;D
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @jsoko1 I'm really sorry, but that falling through a ceiling part made me laugh so much! :D Welcome!

    Hello, everyone!

    The UK is so hot today I will have to do my run around midnigh :# Really happy, today got to know where in Europe I'm moving, and the new location is amazing for hiking!