JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 7



  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6

    06/12 142.2 No alcohol yesterday and under carb limit
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 142.4 Stayed under 1590 calorie goal
    06/15 141.0 Only had 1100 calories and under carb goal. However protein is too low so need to focus on that.
    06/16 141.6 Too many carbs from late night snacking on chips. Why do I sabotage myself!
    06/17 141.8 My husband is the cook in the house and our meals are rarely healthy. So I try to make the best of it on a daily basis. Instead of 3 slices of pizza last night, I had one slice and a salad. Had too many drinks though so too much calories, carbs and sodium yesterday.
    06/18 142.4
    06/19 142.2 Researched the Keto diet this weekend which inspired me to try and keep my carbs down. Yesterday ended with 1332 calories, 20 carbs, 89 fat, 83 protein. My daily carb average has been 99!
    06/20 140.8 Yay! Day two of attempted keto. It was hard to not have pizza with the family. Had salad instead, and had wine instead of beer. 1242 cal, 30 carbs, 77 fat, 62 protein. Think I need to increase fat & protein for keto.
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member

    06/16 216.2 -- My lowest weight so far but Happy Scale says my moving average is 215.8 -- not sure how that happens. Yesterday was good; I had two pints, mindfully ate delicious enchilada suizas leftovers and still stayed under my target.
    06/17 216.2 -- Zumba today. Had a big old cheeseburger last night. I'd been craving it and fit it into my calories. Need to be on target all weekend as I have two food events next week.
    06/18 216.2 -- I would really like to not start and end these six days at the same weight.
    06/19 216.2 -- under calorie target yesterday. Ready for the scale whoosh already.
    06/20 216.2 -- At least the scale isn't going up. Under my target again yesterday. Worked out and took a walk after dinner. Abs are sore today.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,371 Member
    06/10 - 141.8
    06/11 - 141.6

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 142.4
    06/13 - 143.4
    06/14 - 143.4
    06/15 - 144.0
    06/16 - 145.0...yeah, way wrong way.
    06/17 - 144.2
    06/18 - 144.2...Father's Day..egads!
    06/19 - DH's b'day today...egads! to the power of 2
    06/20 - 146.6 ...well...so ugly!! take-out and salt everywhere.

  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    6/12: 171.4
    6/13: 171.0
    6/14: 171.2
    6/15: 170.8
    6/16: 169.6
    6/17: 170.0
    6/18: 170.0
    6/19: 169.8
    6/20: 170.4 - not surprised. Had hoped for lower, but yesterday I was over my calories, my sodium, my carbs, etc. I was way over Sunday as well. Just have been a rough couple days, but I'm trying to get back on track starting today.
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    SW - in March - 182.3
    GW- going to get to 150 and evaluate from there.

    06/11 - 160.0lbs - coming in from round 6

    06/12 - 161.2lbs - TOM gets the blame for this one as I know it wasn't my activity level and food yesterday.

    06/13 - 161.6 - I know I ate under maintenance calories yesterday...so once again it's all TOMs fault LOL. My rings are tight and my feet are puffy...so I'm sure the water will shed when TOM leaves. Because I weigh every day I know this is a typical fluctuation in my cycle.

    06/14 - 160.8lbs - on the way back down...the 150's are calling me!!

    06/15 - 160.6lbs - not bad considering I did some quality control on the oatmeal cookies I made for today's school fair bake sale....and finished my kid's fries last night...must have been the 14000 steps that kept me in check.

    06/16 - 159.6lbs - HELLO 150's!!! Worked my butt off at our School Fun Fair yesterday so even the bites of brownie and gelato I shared with my kids didn't make a difference (17000+steps and lots of lifting)

    06/17 - 159.8lbs - still in the 150's.

    06/18 - 161.4 - not sure what's up...sodium?...feeling a bit bloated and puffy so likely water retention. I did not eat 2 lbs worth of extra calories, not even one. Will drink lots of water today and flush this out.

    06/19 - 161.2lbs- hrrmmmm.....long walk with the dog...kettlebell workout and perhaps a slightly smaller calorie deficit than usual - not sure why I'm up so much from Thursday. Patience and keep on track, that's all I can do.

    06/20 160.8lbs -down...but not where I was a few days ago. Pot luck at the last school council meeting of the year meant not so accurate tracking...and a little over induging as well.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,903 Member
    Your Round 7, My Round 1
    Starting weight 167
    Ultimate Goal weight 137

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 167
    06/13 167
    06/14 167 At least I'm not creeping up!
    06/15 167
    06/16 166
    06/17 166 (forgot to post yesterday)
    06/18 166
    06/19 166
    06/20 166.5
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    30 carbs, 77 fat, 62 protein. Think I need to increase fat & protein for keto.
    Drop your carbs and up your fats for keto. Your percents are 11% carbs, 65% fat, and 23% protein. For keto, traditionally one should aim for 5% carbs, 75% fat, and 20% protein.

  • obryckicupcake
    obryckicupcake Posts: 1 Member
    Trying this for the first time.

    06/12 181.2
    06/13 181.0
    06/14 Traveled
    06/15 Traveled
    06/16 181.8
    06/17 181.0
    06/18 181.0
    06/19 180.6
    06/20 179.0
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Goal weight 132
    Ultimate weight 130

    06/12 - 135.4
    06/13 - ... no scale, but being mindful
    06/14 - ... no scale, but homeward bound
    06/15 - 134.2 woohoo!!! It helps to have mindful eating even when there is no scale lurking around the corner. Plus, I am home and getting back into my usual workout routine. Winner :)
    06/16 - 133.6 don't think it's going to stay there. But love the downward direction of the scale. Logging and mindful. And getting back into my workout routine at home.
    06/17 - 134 I am very happy with where I am at. This is a great reinforcement to keep up what I am doing.
    06/18 -134.2 not sure why it's up again. As long as it doesn't keep trending up and stops, I'm good. My goal is to lose 1 - 1.5 lb/10 day challenge. Did 5 mile run today. Happy Father's Day to all the dads.
    06/19 - 134.4 Father's Day celebration kept me from being mindful and logging. I am hoping this little bit gained will be lost as quickly as it came. Goal by 6/21, the end of the challenge, 134# (I hope!)
    06/20 - 133.8 Although the bouncing up and down makes me a little crazy. I like the numbers I am seeing and it tells me that even though they aren't steady they are lower than I've been, so I am losing! Woohoo!!! Always trying to be mindful. No workout today, but will be at the gym first thing in the morning. Looking for a strong last day!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    06/11 starting weight 144.6

    06/12 143.4
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 143.0
    06/15 143.0
    06/16 142.8
    06/17 143.2
    06/18 143.4
    06/19 143.8... whoops
    06/20 143.0 - what a difference a day makes!
  • princesspea43
    princesspea43 Posts: 11 Member
    06/12 - 205.9. Yesterday was the first day that I've tracked my calories using MFP. I did pretty well, had about 150 calories to spare. I'm not following any specific diet, just eating what I would normally eat, which is a vegetarian diet, and watching my portion sizes, making sure to measure when needed. Today's weight is actually 3 ounces more than yesterday's weight. Hopefully it will start going in the opposite direction by the end of this 10-day challenge. Oh, and I exercised today. I did a beginners step aerobics dvd.

    06/13 - 205.7. Down 2 ounces. Yay for the downward trend! Today I had a crappy day at work and I ate more chocolate than I should have. Stress is a food trigger for me and I need to keep that in mind and make a point to change my behavior (turning to food) next time. I logged all of my meals today using the MFP app. No exercise today. I'm going to attempt to get up at 5:15 am tomorrow and do step aerobics before work. We'll see how that goes.

    06/14 - 205.8. Not the direction I was hoping for. I know from past experience with weighing myself every day that my weight fluctuates up and down during the week. On a good note, I did get myself out of bed at 5:15 am and worked out.

    06/15 - 205.1. Yes! Now I have to keep this up. Didn't get up at 5:15 am this morning. I was tired all day yesterday from getting up early. I'm going to try exercising after dinner tonight and see if that works better for me. I've tracked all my food and today I started tracking my water intake -- 9 cups so far today.

    06/16 - 204.6. I did a little happy dance this morning when I weighed myself. Last night I worked out, did one of the 2-mile Walk Away the Pounds DVDs, and that worked out better for me. This challenge is forcing me to evaluate what I'm doing as far as exercise and eating and tweaking as I go along. I like that. In the past, I'd never put a lot of thought into my weight loss attempts. I would just try to eat less or count points or sporadically exercise, and that's probably why I've failed in the past. This 10-day challenge keeps me focused and accountable, which is a good thing.

    06/17 - 204. 6.

    06/18 - 204.4. Down a pound and a half...yay! I'm pretty sure it'll be higher tomorrow, though. I haven't been to disciplined today.

    06/19 - 203.5. I wasn't expecting that this morning. In fact, I thought it would have gone up based on yesterday's eating, but I'm not complaining.

    06/20 - 204.2. I expected gaining a little bit. The past few days I've been off track, so trying to get myself back in line.
  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    edited June 2017
    Round 4 start (5/13): 179.0 CODE RED
    Round 5 start (5/22): 173.4
    Round 6 start (6/2) 172.2
    Goal weight 163, by July 4 and 157 by August 31.

    Round 7:
    06/12 - 18 - On vacation - no scale. Wishing I would have packed it.
    06/19 - 172.4. Could be worse. Looking to the 160s.
    06/20 -170.8 - Right direction. Keeping up my MFP calorie and nutrition counts. Need to start some exercising now just for energy and mental clarity. 160s coming soon, I hope! I don't think I will see 163 by July 4th; and this daily log is making me pretty ok with that.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,030 Member
    Initial 6/11/17 /final goal weight: 156.4 lbs | 98 lbs (?)--not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    Start/goal weight for this round: 156.4 lbs | 155.4 lbs

    4'11", female, 55 years old

    06/12 156.4 Felt lucky to get that! I finished my last food pretty late...
    06/13 158.0 Figured I had gained after stressful day, yesterday & then out of control eating. I'll do better before
    this round is done. :smile:
    06/14 157.4 Stuck with my meal plans, yesterday.
    06/15 157.4 Was okay with this... stayed right at about 1200 calories, yesterday
    06/16 158.8 Uh oh... heading the wrong way...
    06/17 159.6 Obviously, I'm having some serious issues. I'm not giving up, yet. :smile: :blush:
    06/18 158.4 Whew! Stopped that awful gaining trend! Actually, I followed my meal plan, yesterday... :smile:
    06/19: 158.4 I did great, yesterday... but I'm okay with staying the same weight as on the 18th. At least I have stopped the gaining trend. Yesterday, I stayed under in calories as I stuck with my meal plan, drank lots of water & exercised for the first time in a long time! (I'm very sore from, yesterday...)
    06/20 159.6 Yeah... I'm being brutally honest, here. I'm not giving up, yet! Just not a good 10 days for me. Next round, I really must do better.
  • epixa28
    epixa28 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 202.2 lbs
    Goal: 199 lbs

    6/12: 202.2lbs

    6/13: 199.6lbs Drank lots of water yesterday and also did my first day of Insanity. Not taking a diuretic or laxatives but finally getting a break through. Hopefully, my progress will continue but to reach the 10 day goal already, I may not be able to get my body to lose more. But day two of Insanity is later this evening.

    6/14: 199.6lbs A good day yesterday for diet and exercise, second day of Insanity completed. No movement on the scale but that's okay. I'm hoping to have lost something in my measurements by the end of the week. More than anything, I'm just happy my weight is staying down and not going up lol. I did have a late night snack of about 2 cups of cherries so good thing they did not effect me.

    6/15: 200lbs Insanity Cardio Recovery, plenty of water and decent eating intervals.

    6/16: 200lbs :( Had a bad day yesterday. I was running around and my eating schedule was thrown off. Didn't get to do Insanity, but walked around NYC for 3 hours sightseeing and shopping. I hope tomorrow is better.

    6/17: 199.8lbs I did Insanity Pure Cardio and almost died, it was so hard, but I made it through to the end. Staying pretty close to my caloric goals and eating balanced meals.

    6/18: 199.6lbs starting a new fitness challenge today as well as doing Insanity. I think today is going to be good, since I already know the basics of each meal. I'm happy that I was able to make it through the weekend without any upsets.

    6/19: 200.8lbs I was confident about yesterday, and calorie and fitness wise, I had a great day, but I ended up eating like two hours later than I normally do and even feel a little full this morning :/ hoping for a good push to finish out this challenge.

    6/20: 200.4lbs I'll take it. Just started week 2 of Insanity, Pure Cardio today, and I definitely feel leaner even if the scale isn't showing it. Planning on doing a new body measurement at the start of July.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    I like the idea of putting in numbers from other rounds because it shows how far people have come. It's 'only' 10 days but they add up when you keep committing. Sometimes it seems like a daunting task when challenges last for months. So here goes:
    R2 SW 221
    R3 SW 217.4
    R4 SW 215
    R5 SW 212
    R6 Missed- Was away with no scale
    R7 SW 208.4 (June 11)

    06/12 - 207.8
    06/13 - 207.4
    06/14 - 207.6 Getting close to a mini goal, as usual I'm going to have to buckle down and fight for it :)
    06/15 - 207.2
    06/16 - 206.6
    06/17 - 205.8 <3
    06/18 - 205.2
    06/19 - 204.8
    06/20 - 204.4
    06/21 - 204.4

    YAY! Down 4 pounds this round! B) Bring on round 8!
  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Goal for 10 days - 132.5

    06/12 - 136.1
    I'm a little disappointed in myself. I maintained my weight Friday and Saturday (weekends are usually hard for me to eat within calories). Then last night was just a free for all. I went 1100 calories over for the day and it shows on the scale this morning. I've never weighed myself on a Monday. Back at it today though. Workout planned at 8:00!!

    06/13 - 136.4
    Well that went the wrong way ... had a good day though. Good workout and avoided temptation of food and beer at an impromptu get together with neighbors.

    06/14 - 135.3
    Good food day yesterday, just under 1200 calories. No time for my workout. Getting wo in first thing this morning!

    06/15 - 134.9
    Good day for exercise, bad day for food. I was around 700 calories over my 1200 net goal. To be exact, I was 3 full calorie beers, 1 m&m cookie and 1 serving of potato chips over :neutral: I'm hoping it doesn't catch up to me tomorrow because I have to weigh in for my biggest loser group.

    06/16 - 134.4
    Finally less than the day before this started ... but now the weekend. I have at least 3 meals out (my oldest son is graduating from high school tomorrow). I am more motivated than usual to stay strong this weekend, it will be interesting to see how it goes.

    06/17 - 134
    Moving in the right direction, but today is graduation day, dinner out and no exercise ...

    06/18 - 134.9
    Well I'm up a little, but not bad. We went out to dinner last night after my son's graduation. I have to say knowing I had to post my weight this morning totally made me order off the healthy section of the menu and it tasted good! Last Sunday I went a little crazy. Lots to do today, hopefully no eating out! No time for exercise though, we go straight from football to baseball so not home all day.

    06/19 - 135.1

    No where near my goal of 132.5 ... but from Friday to Monday I'm up less than one pound. Generally the weekend sees me up 3-4 pounds and then it takes all week to get back to where I started and that's why I have not been able to lose the last few pounds. Next 10 days I'm setting my goal based on day 1 of weigh in, not what I weighed the day before. I'm going to rock the next two days!!!

    06/20 - 134.5
    So I'm just .1 higher than Friday on Tuesday morning. That's a score for me!! The rest of the week my workout partner has training for her job and can't workout. It's going to be tough to get it done alone :/ I'm also in the car for several hours today and I have to eat out for lunch ... tomorrow is our last weigh in for my first 10 days and I want to make it a good one!!! Loving this challenge so far :)

    06/21 - 134.5
    And it's done! 136.1 on day 1 that's 1.6 down. I'll take it!! Looking forward to doing even better in round 8!!!
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    SW - in March - 182.3
    GW- going to get to 150 and evaluate from there.

    06/11 - 160.0lbs - coming in from round 6

    06/12 - 161.2lbs - TOM gets the blame for this one as I know it wasn't my activity level and food yesterday.

    06/13 - 161.6 - I know I ate under maintenance calories yesterday...so once again it's all TOMs fault LOL. My rings are tight and my feet are puffy...so I'm sure the water will shed when TOM leaves. Because I weigh every day I know this is a typical fluctuation in my cycle.

    06/14 - 160.8lbs - on the way back down...the 150's are calling me!!

    06/15 - 160.6lbs - not bad considering I did some quality control on the oatmeal cookies I made for today's school fair bake sale....and finished my kid's fries last night...must have been the 14000 steps that kept me in check.

    06/16 - 159.6lbs - HELLO 150's!!! Worked my butt off at our School Fun Fair yesterday so even the bites of brownie and gelato I shared with my kids didn't make a difference (17000+steps and lots of lifting)

    06/17 - 159.8lbs - still in the 150's.

    06/18 - 161.4 - not sure what's up...sodium?...feeling a bit bloated and puffy so likely water retention. I did not eat 2 lbs worth of extra calories, not even one. Will drink lots of water today and flush this out.

    06/19 - 161.2lbs- hrrmmmm.....long walk with the dog...kettlebell workout and perhaps a slightly smaller calorie deficit than usual - not sure why I'm up so much from Thursday. Patience and keep on track, that's all I can do.

    06/20 160.8lbs -down...but not where I was a few days ago. Pot luck at the last school council meeting of the year meant not so accurate tracking...and a little over indulging as well.

    6/21 - 159.6lbs-Well...got back under 160. What a weird 10 days! Lots going to make things bounce up and down a bit but at least the overall result was a small loss.

    looking forward to the next round to keep this going!!
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    Starting Weight: 171
    10 day challenge weight - 168
    Goal Weight: 139 by October 31st

    06/12 - 171

    06/13 - 172.4 - grrrr that's annoying. I came in under calories and spent 30 min on the elliptical yesterday.

    06/14 - 172 - better than yesterday but still discouraging. Again came in slightly under calories but no time for exercise yesterday. Determined to keep it up and see better results tomorrow.

    06/15 - 171

    06/16 - 170 - Yay! No exercise yesterday, but continue to meet my calorie goal daily. Doing the elliptical this morning. Typically do 30 min. Will try for 35 min today.

    06/17 - 170 - did 35 on the elliptical yesterday and 36 minutes this morning! 4 days of exercise this week up from 3 last week. Did a lot of walking as well...well, a lot, is relative. My job keeps me pretty sedentary but had to walk up 6 flights of stairs due to a broken elevator.

    06/18 - 170.7 - Ate sodium and fat laden fried catfish with a couple of hush puppies and fries yesterday... :-/ but already did 37 min on the elliptical and will try to stay at calorie goal and burn some extra calories doing housework today.

    06/19 - 171.6 - I knew my weight fluctuated day to day, but I expected it to be going the right direction overall at least. I have been sticking to calorie allotment daily and increasing my elliptical workout time and days for the last 2 weeks. Maybe I'm underestimating my serving sizes...think I'll get a scale and start weighing my food. I won't lie it's a little discouraging, but I am not giving up!

    06/20 - 170.8 - Silly scale...hopefully it will be in a good mood tomorrow so I at least finish somewhat lower than I started! Continuing to come in at or below calories on the regular. No exercise yesterday or today due to long work days, but back on the elliptical tomorrow.

    06/21 - 170 - under calorie target but no exercise and pretty sedentary yesterday. Enlightening to track daily like this, maybe I overshot what I could accomplish in 10 days, but overall happy that I'm down. Looking forward to the next challenge!