JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 7



  • websterc1
    websterc1 Posts: 17 Member
    06/12 62.9. yesterday I was 61.9, the day before 63... it's funny how much water weight you can gain/ lose in a day, and how sad it can be!

    06/13 62.4. yesterday was supposed to be my 'fast day' for 5:2. broke, and had about 800 calories instead of the 500. i think that the 5:2 diet is not for me. Or maybe I need to buy a stack of celery.

    06/14 63.3 today, which is annoying! I walked 10km but didn't actually do any other exercise. i also saw a concert and had four pints. Probably deserve it. have my 3 gym classes tonight + 7- 10 walking, so hopefully tomorrow is better. If I drink tonight, I'll avoid beer...

    06/15 63 disappointing after such a huge amount of exercise last night, but did eat quite late.

    06/16 62.

    06/17 61.5 did three cardio classes today at the gym.
    06/18 61.3... SO CLOSE!
    06/19 62.5. So close... (go giving up.)


    06/21 62.

    Overall weight loss... nothing (considering I was 61.9 the day before I weighed myself last time) Buuuut, a girl did say i was looking lean lately. I'll take that.
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    6/11 I'm in again.
    Woke up at 150.4 today thanks to too many carbs and beers while camping.
    Let's see what round 7 brings. Nothing but the best.
    06/12 149.4 OK, some water weight gone. Under on carbs and cals. 30 on elliptical. Still 1.4# over from when I started round 6. Gain so easy, lose so slow, that's the story of my yoyo. LOL My goal for this round is to get in the 147's.
    06/13 148.8 Yahooooo. 35 Elliptical (interval), trained, made cabbage soup to get me back on track.
    06/14 147.5 Yes!!! Did 30 on elliptical, an hour of water aerobics, ate clean. 1/2 more pound off and I'm halfway to my goal weight of 132. I am soooo stoked. It's been slow, with ups and downs, but it's happening.
    06/15 148.4 Ah, the dreaded fluctuation. Over on carbs, had some corn and ribs for dinner. I didn't over do it though so yeah for that. Did Elliptical for 50 min. Don't think I had enough water yesterday.Today I go to gym. Here's to a day of virtue.
    06/16 147.8 Heading back down despite too many carbs yesterday = 1/3 of an Aldi's pizza. Doesn't seem fair that 2 smallish slices of pizza should pack so many carbs. Oh, but it was good. So happy that I'm logging food and drink and being so good to myself. I may be the turtle in the race but he did win.
    06/17 148 No exercise yesterday; allergies had me feeling tired. Gonna go early today.
    06/18 147 !!! Big drop for me that puts me half way to my goal of 132. I've lost 15 # since March. It has been slow and up and down but I am so thrilled to see continuing progress towards my goal. Happy Sunday.
    06/19 148 Crappola, and that's all I'm gonna say on the subject. Got in 45 on elliptical and then walked quickly for 1 1/2 miles.
    06/20 147.6 Not as much down as I'd like but almost 2# down since this 10 day start so I'm on track for mini goal. Did my work out yesterday and ate clean. I'm thinking that when we up our exercise it takes a day or two to show on scale. What do you think?

    06/21 147.6 No change. For a week I've been hovering here. Ate clean and beneath cals and just a little high on carb goal but still low. 50 min on elliptical. Come on, body!
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Goal weight 132
    Ultimate weight 130

    06/12 - 135.4
    06/13 - ... no scale, but being mindful
    06/14 - ... no scale, but homeward bound
    06/15 - 134.2 woohoo!!! It helps to have mindful eating even when there is no scale lurking around the corner. Plus, I am home and getting back into my usual workout routine. Winner :)
    06/16 - 133.6 don't think it's going to stay there. But love the downward direction of the scale. Logging and mindful. And getting back into my workout routine at home.
    06/17 - 134 I am very happy with where I am at. This is a great reinforcement to keep up what I am doing.
    06/18 -134.2 not sure why it's up again. As long as it doesn't keep trending up and stops, I'm good. My goal is to lose 1 - 1.5 lb/10 day challenge. Did 5 mile run today. Happy Father's Day to all the dads.
    06/19 - 134.4 Father's Day celebration kept me from being mindful and logging. I am hoping this little bit gained will be lost as quickly as it came. Goal by 6/21, the end of the challenge, 134# (I hope!)
    06/20 - 133.8 Although the bouncing up and down makes me a little crazy. I like the numbers I am seeing and it tells me that even though they aren't steady they are lower than I've been, so I am losing! Woohoo!!! Always trying to be mindful. No workout today, but will be at the gym first thing in the morning. Looking for a strong last day!
    06/21 - 134.4 1 lb down from the beginning of the challenge. I expected a little more, but I will take it. On to the next challenge.
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    edited June 2017
    Are you going to post the next 10 challenge? I am ready and loving it.
  • Meltingangel
    Meltingangel Posts: 128 Member
    Round 2 SW: 71.9 Kg
    Round 3 SW: 71.3 Kg
    Round 4 SW: 70 Kg
    Round 5 SW: 69.7 Kg
    Round 6 SW: 69 Kg
    Round 7 SW: 67.6 Kg

    06/12: 67.6 Kg
    06/13: 67.4 Kg
    06/14: 66.8 Kg
    06/15: 67.2 Kg
    06/16: 67 Kg
    06/17: 67 Kg
    06/18: 67.5 Kg
    06/19: 67 Kg
    06/20: 67.4 Kg
    06/21: 67.3 Kg
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    06/12: 135.6

    HOLY COW! I was so excited to log in and write this morning! Successes--I've been putting in at a calorie deficite pretty much every single day and when I'm not formally exercising I'm at least staying active. Failures--well I bought a bunch of pastries from my favorite French shop this weekend and chowed down so I had to work out hardcore just to burn them off.

    Hoping this pound stays off and it's not a fluke! *fingers crossed*

    06/13: 134.8

    I think this is one of those random dips in weight after coming off of a plateau for what seemed like forever. Also I've cut out a lot of dairy from my diet as it was a major source of excess calories.

    06/14: 136.2

    I'm constipated today. Enough said. :-(

    06/15: 136

    Didn't really exercise yesterday but I came in under calorie count. I'd like to think this is a sign that I'm headed back in the healthier direction. We will see.

    06/16 Stayed over at a friend's last night and she doesn't have a scale. I knew I was going to go over my cal count because it was a sleepover. Did 10 mins of HIIT though and am super sore today.

    06/17 Forgot to check in yesterday but my weight was 136.6

    06/18: 135.4

    Spent most of yesterday being active: went to an outdoor farmer's market, then to the pool with my neice (who is super active), then to a soccer game. Didn't eat great though. Got to get back into the mindset.

    06/19: 135.6

    That's ok. I went over to my Dad's for Father's Day and ate some country home cooking so I'm not too surprised. In an effort to spare myself some calories I made up for it with 30 minutes (!) of HIIT. The old me wouldn't have been able to walk because of my knees. Today they are just fine-just a little tired from the intense amount of lunges (still can't believe I can do those again!!!!)

    06/20: 135

    I am so sore today. I did Aqua Zumba-something I do regularly-yesterday. But that plus the soreness from the HIIT on 6/18 is just killing me. I don't really schedule rest days, I just take one or two a week on the days when I happen to be busiest. Well, I'm not busy today but I can tell my muscles need a rest. And a massage. So today I just really need to eat healthy!

    06/21: 135.4

    So yesterday I didn't eat healthy and I went a couple hundred calories over my goal. This is why I can't get below 135. I still went on a 20 minute walk because about half way through the day I knew I just wasn't even going to make it. Oh well. I'll take it! I'm still losing weight, just at a MUCH slower pace than I'd like. And I'm only about 5 lbs away from my goal!
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    SW:274 CW: 258 MGW1(mini goal wt): 249

    06/12: 262.4 (up .2lbs but it's expected as I did not do much exercising yesterday and ate a bit over my cals. Tomorrow will hopefully be better as it will be Tuesday and I usually eat better throughout the weekday vs the weekend.)
    06/13: 262.4 (More like Cal in Cal Out when your body wants it out...ugh. I wasn't that hungry yesterday and ate a little below 1200 (not on purpose) and worked out really hard. I guess my body is not used to it and is trying to hold on to every little carb and sodium I do take in)
    06/14: 260.2 (I couldn't eat that much last night but forced myself to eat an apple and pb2 to get to 1000 cals after working out for an hr...will try to eat a bit more today if I workout for a long time...on a positive note that's 14lbs down in almost 3 weeks eating on average at 1700 cals!)
    06/15: 259.4 (Awesome beans!)
    06/16: 259 (I couldn't workout last night due to the power going out...ugh but I still went down .4lbs so I am content...now here comes the hard part...the weekend)
    06/17: 257.8 (I was so busy yesterday that I barely had time to eat. Still managed to get in at least 70 mins of exercise in and 1200 cals (at least I think...I hope I am not underestimating my cals) though!)
    06/18: 259.2 (not gonna lie I am kinda bummed out about this number because I worked out hard yesterday and I was sick. I also ate pretty decent...not going over my goal. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days so maybe it's that or I overestimated. How many calories does Swai fish really have? Cuz thats the only thing I ate that I wasn't sure about in cals everything else was a no sugar added peach cup(35) brown rice which I measured to be 180 cals, stewed tomatoes (155) quest bar(190) banana(121) unsalted rice cake (40) with my 0 cal tea and an apple(130) and 2 handfuls of sea salt popcorn(105)...and all of this was during the day. Did not eat after 5 because I was really sick...dunno)
    06/19: 258.4 (did not work out yesterday...was too sick but I made up for it today! 18,657 steps and almost 2 hrs of exercise!!! Woot Woot!!!)
    06/20: 258.2 (.2lbs lost...I'll take it!)
    06/21: 259.6 (pms...ugh...i kind of snacked too much yesterday. But thats 2.8lbs lost in 10 days...so its better than nothing)

    Ready for the next round. May I be in the mid to early 250s by the end of the next round!
  • Mccloud74
    Mccloud74 Posts: 788 Member
    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 189lbs (day back after a very indulgent Hen weekend)
    06/13 - 188lbs
    06/14 - 187lbs
    06/15 - 186lbs
    06/16 - 185lbs
    06/17 - 184lbs (weekend's here, aim is to not blow it!!)
    06/18 - 184lbs
    06/19 - 185lbs (ooooops, was worth it though :smile: )
    06/20 - 185lbs
    06/21 - 185lbs

    4lbs, I'll take that :-)
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    ck2d wrote: »
    30 carbs, 77 fat, 62 protein. Think I need to increase fat & protein for keto.
    Drop your carbs and up your fats for keto. Your percents are 11% carbs, 65% fat, and 23% protein. For keto, traditionally one should aim for 5% carbs, 75% fat, and 20% protein.

    Thank you!
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    6/12: 171.4
    6/13: 171.0
    6/14: 171.2
    6/15: 170.8
    6/16: 169.6
    6/17: 170.0
    6/18: 170.0
    6/19: 169.8
    6/20: 170.4
    6/21: 170.4

    I'm down a pound from 6/12 but my lowest weight out of these ten days was 169.6 lbs. My eating has been terrible these past few days, but it is what it is. I'm looking forward to the next round and doing better.
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6

    06/12 142.2 No alcohol yesterday and under carb limit
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 142.4 Stayed under 1590 calorie goal
    06/15 141.0 Only had 1100 calories and under carb goal. However protein is too low so need to focus on that.
    06/16 141.6 Too many carbs from late night snacking on chips. Why do I sabotage myself!
    06/17 141.8 My husband is the cook in the house and our meals are rarely healthy. So I try to make the best of it on a daily basis. Instead of 3 slices of pizza last night, I had one slice and a salad. Had too many drinks though so too much calories, carbs and sodium yesterday.
    06/18 142.4
    06/19 142.2 Researched the Keto diet this weekend which inspired me to try and keep my carbs down. Yesterday ended with 1332 calories, 20 carbs, 89 fat, 83 protein. My daily carb average has been 99!
    06/20 140.8 Yay! Day two of attempted keto. It was hard to not have pizza with the family. Had salad instead, and had wine instead of beer. 1242 cal, 30 carbs, 77 fat, 62 protein. Think I need to increase fat & protein for keto.
    06/21 140.6 Down 3lbs yay! Tried to stay focused on reducing carbs.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    Hillcrestbaby hasn't been on for a couple of days. I hope everything is okay! If she doesn't post round 8 by tomorrow when I get up I'll post it for her.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,956 Member
    Your Round 7, My Round 1
    Starting weight 167
    Ultimate Goal weight 137

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 167
    06/13 167
    06/14 167 At least I'm not creeping up!
    06/15 167
    06/16 166
    06/17 166 (forgot to post yesterday)
    06/18 166
    06/19 166
    06/20 166.5
    06/21 166 We're going out of town tomorrow for a couple of days then on vacay.
    I 'll try to get internet where we're going but won't have a scale most days
    for the next 3 weeks.
  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    Try this again.
    Round 6 Total -.6lb
    Goal: To beat last round total lost.

    06/15=195.6 Wasn't as careful with what I ate yesterday. Working outside in the heat, a lot of snacking.
    06/16=196.2 Had the last two days off. Need to commit more to cooking than fast food.
    06/17=197.4 Late Chinese buffet dinner.
    06/19=198.0 And this is why I never succeed. Forgot to eat all day yesterday so by 7pm I was starving and binged on treats. Added it up after and I think my dinner was around 3300 calories. Not good.
    06/21 =197.2 I'll take it. Baby steps.
    Total= -1.6lb.
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    edited June 2017
    06/16 216.2 -- My lowest weight so far but Happy Scale says my moving average is 215.8 -- not sure how that happens. Yesterday was good; I had two pints, mindfully ate delicious enchilada suizas leftovers and still stayed under my target.

    06/17 216.2 -- Zumba today. Had a big old cheeseburger last night. I'd been craving it and fit it into my calories. Need to be on target all weekend as I have two food events next week.

    06/18 216.2 -- I would really like to not start and end these six days at the same weight.

    06/19 216.2 -- under calorie target yesterday. Ready for the scale whoosh already.

    06/20 216.2 -- At least the scale isn't going up. Under my target again yesterday. Worked out and took a walk after dinner. Abs are sore today.

    06/21 215 -- finally! Yesterday was a mess calorie-wise. I had (lots and lots of) drinks with a friend. Made good food choices, though, and had a great time.

    Total: -1.2 lbs

  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    Is there going to be a next round?
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    Is there going to be a next round?

    Yes, if Hillcrestbaby doesn't start it in the morning I will start it for her. I would rather wait for her. :)

  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    I think Hillcrestbaby posted that she was on vacation a few days back...
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    rdevol wrote: »
    I think Hillcrestbaby posted that she was on vacation a few days back...

    Yes, she posted she would be traveling this week.