Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • pwabs68
    pwabs68 Posts: 8 Member
    Please add me. I'm looking for friends to share successes and frustrations with.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Hello! Friday was crazy!

    A kind of bad day at work, and a confusion with the surgicenter. So DH couldn't eat from 12 am until 5:30 pm. It was pretty terrible. I was at work and he was constantly texting me because he was so hangry(hungry/angry Lol), My DH is a definite eater. He has hypoglycemia so he kind of has to be. So yesterday was a definite test, but he made it through. And so did I! I was able to take him as well. I got out of work at 2 pm and he had to be there by 3:15. We actually even got their early. Lol. But the doctor said that the medication he is taking is working. He has inflammation from his stomach up until right about his Adam's apple. It's better then it was though because he's not swollen all the way up to the back of his mouth. So the doc said to keep taking the medication. I'm gonna call the office on Monday and set up a follow-up. The anesthesia kind of kicked his butt though. Lol

    The last two days have been terrible food days. I didn't even end up logging my dinner last night because it was just so busy and I was doing okay until about an hour ago when I decided to eat a PBJ sandwich after dinner. Lol. And I didn't get any serious walking today. Just a short stroll with the DH which was nice. Lol.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    @HGSmith0920 ---you can always back log...sounds like a rough day. Hope things continue to improve.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    So I think I hit rock bottom - 5 days off track eating, only 2 workouts and a cold, but now I've finished a day with 1,5h of tennis and didn't even eat all my workout calories, and the cold is gone. Baby steps, but I will get back to my 5 workouts and 1325kcal/day.
    Glad I haven't gained any weight, but this stagnation has to stop, it's been too long and is messing up my mood.
    Hope everyone had a productive weekend !
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    great to hear from you melaniedscott. You have been busy! I'm kinda like you, I do read everything but don't always respond. Tho it's been 3yrs since I got laid off, my last job that lasted 5 years was incredibly busy all day, every day. I won't go into details but I'm telling you, it did damage. I even went to counseling a few times during that time. I used to be an avid reader but It's really hard for me to read for more than 5min at a time & also write much. My mind raced so much for those 5 years, I'm barley recovering this year in other ways from it. I can't seem to do one task for too long.It helps me to be on here & read thru everything & I play a word game on my ipad. I got up twice while writing this cause I couldn't hold still that long, ugh
    Well todays a frustrating day, not food wise but in personal ways. I've been spending too much time at home (I keep on the go a lot) because of the heat wave but yesterday & today are a few degrees cooler. Picked up my best friend from across town (she doesn't have a car)& we went to the mall. I don't like the mall, but it's somewhere cool to go to. I got unsweetened iced tea & Penny's was having a big sale so we looked around. I wasn't planing to buy anything till next pay day but I bought a work out shirt for $5 & a sports bra for $10. Was happy with my find. I tried the bra on & got panicked because I couldn't take it off. It was so hard to get it over my head. My dtr said they are like that & you get used to it lol. Took dogs for an hour walk today at 7:30 & haven't decided what to do with rest of day since & it's already noon. When I can't decide I just don't do anything & am in a limbo state, so I'm going to the gym. Treadmill for 20min mile then the pool then home & play my game I guess. I usually go to church then go volunteer at animal rescue but I felt so disturbed this morning I didn't do either of those. I did decide to go back to setting mfp to loose 1 lb/wk instead of the .5 I've been on for a while now. I thought with the added HIIT, I'd start loosing again but I've been at this weight for almost 2 months. Hope everyone's having good week end. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Dog park then animal rescue then HIIT in eventing.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt Sports bras are the worst sometimes! I usually have good luck with the Victoria Secret ones, but I have to wait until the semi-annual sale to stock up since they're so expensive

    @gymprincess1234 Staying on track while sick is hard. Glad you're feeling better and back on the wagon

    @HGSmith0920 I hope the rest of the weekend went better for you! I oftentimes go back in time to log a bad day. I always figure it's better to know what the damage is

    @clicketykeys We do practice year round, but this is considered our off season so no one takes attendance. We're a rec league so we honestly don't care who wins or loses, it's just more about having fun with friends :)

    @melaniedscott Good to see you! Your week sounded absolutely amazing. I would have eaten the crap out of those doughnuts, amazing job resisting that temptation! We saw Wonder Woman on Friday night and I highly recommend it

    @dflash33 Congrats on the loss! Why would you not be happy by that?

    @jdelaroy Sounds like you had a great day on Friday, holy activity batman! I hope you had a great weekend!

    @janetay01 Glad you found your calling with the coaching, it sounds like you're making great strides towards your certification!

    Happy Monday Everyone! I had an amazing weekend but I ate ALL the chocolate so it wasn't great on the food front. Why do I keep forgetting how overeating makes me feel? Where did my moderation button go? Ugh. My SO and I are doing our final weigh in on the challenge and while I've been on track more days I honestly don't think I've lost any weight so he might end up winning it all which is frustrating. I guess we'll see on Thursday. I'm not excited to step on the scale. I at the very least hope I've been maintaining around 150. I'd be happy to stay there, but I have this constant fear it's creeping up. I'm also being hit by hormones right now which isn't helping :/
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Good morning! My weekend was full of visiting family and spending time away from home, which always makes eating a little more difficult. I don't think I did too bad, though. A couple of splurges, but nothing over the top. I weighed this morning, and finally, after 8 days, I lost .2 lbs. I'll take it! I'm hoping to see more losses this week. For some reason, I always lose the most the week before my TOM. Is anyone else that way? I've done some reading, and most people say that they gain that week, so it's kind of strange. But, there are worse problems to have. :wink:

    Due to the craziness this weekend, I missed my first workout in 11 weeks. We have been going 6 times/week that whole time. In all honesty, we could have made it, but we were traveling Friday night and would have been running on little sleep, plus had to work our second jobs right after until 6 pm, then travel again to see my fiance's family after that, so we decided to stay in bed. I feel really guilty about it, even though I know I should cut myself some slack!

    I'm in a weird mood today. Just feeling kinda crabby and off. I'm definitely looking forward to getting back to the gym tonight! I hope you all have a great day!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited June 2017
    Thank you everyone for your kind support!

    Had my ultrasound and my thyroid has gotten bigger. Now in 3 weeks my doctor will tell me if I need a new biopsy, an operation or something else. I'm stressed and upset, cause 3 weeks is a long time and I have to move country in 10 weeks to start my masters, I'm terrified it could affect it. Oh.. :( I feel perfectly healthy otherwise, this was the first cold in a year, so will just focus on the good things in life. Will do a new blood test soon too.

    Otherwise, today I stuck to my calories, walked quite a bit and will do 1,5h of cycling later.

    Hope everyone had a good day :)

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @rachelbachel32 I always gain the week before so I'm jealous you lose! It sounds like it was a good idea to miss that workout, and it's the first time in 11 weeks so definitely cut yourself some slack!

    @gymprincess1234 On the bright side they must not be too concerned if they scheduled it that far out. You could always ask to be on a waiting list for sooner if someone cancels their appointment. I hope you have a good day!

    Yesterday was fabulous. It was a beautiful 75 degrees and sunny with big puffy white clouds. I met up with a few friends for an hour and a half trail skate. It felt amazing! This morning I woke up to do a workout video before work. I have a heck of a time motivating myself to do those, but I know it's good for me to do HIIT training since most of my other activity is steady state cardio. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Rachel0778 No, the 3 week wait is to see my endocrinologist, she's so booked, but I don't want to change doctors, as she's already familiar with my case. But I do feel completely fine, it doesn't affect my life, so even if she chooses operation, it's to prevent risks, not because it's life threatening at the minute. So I decided to stop stressing out :D:)

    I'm slowly, but getting my average calorie intake down ,woohoo :)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Hey everybody. Right now I'm feeling kind of down because I'm not losing weight. I've been back and forth around 178 for six weeks or so. Probably need to tighten up my logging, which means weighing packaged items. It's already a pain in the butt, and apparently it's still not enough. People are like "it only takes five minutes to log!" Screw you. I call bullkitten on that. I spend sooooo much of my time planning, prepping, and packing meals, cleaning up, weighing, logging. I'm friggin' sick of it.

    Hugs to all. Thanks for listening.

    @gymprincess1234 - don't forget to let your doctor know where you'll be moving to; chances are pretty good she can recommend someone good for continuation of care.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I think I'm this grouchy because I made a smoothie for my DH yesterday and it took like no time at all. Throw in some bananas. How much? Who cares! Next, mangoes. More of them because I want the mango flavor to come through. Greek yogurt for protein. Weighing? Recording? Tare? Don't have to worry about that at all. Hm. Probably need some liquid. Grab the milk, splash some in. Blend.

    Weighing and logging mine EASILY tripled the time required. And that's with knowing how much of each ingredient I want in it.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Oh @clicketykeys I totally understand you! I've been stuck at 173 for about a month and cant seem to move past it! I record pretty much everything I eat and all my exercise but I still cant get it to go any lower! I'm not great at portions at meals but I always portion out my snacks and the food I prelog. And I completely agree that it is super annoying! The DH is heavier than I am but doesnt really seem to care. He knows he's overweight and complains about it but he eats so much crap and just doesnt care. And doesnt really understand why I care so much. He says he thinks I'm beautiful and that's all that should matter. But I just cant stand how I look when I look at myself in the mirror and remember how I used to look only a few years ago. It's just so disheartening!

    But I guess that if we ever want to see results we have to put in the work, right? Maybe one day we'll have such a fast metabolism that it wont matter anymore, but for right now we have to keep pushing on to make it work!
  • hotjot88
    hotjot88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, Its really hard to stay motivated after week 5 but I will try and encourage everyone trying to lose weight and stay positive. Thank you, jo
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    I haven't lost for 2 months. That's why I joined the HIIT class. I wanted to do something different I'll see how it goes...down I hope
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @clicketykeys I SO feel your pain. Logging, meal prepping, calculating macros for meals, etc. take so much time and effort. That's why I find stuff that I know I can eat and repeat a lot of the same meals and snacks. It can be boring, but I'm lazy and would much rather do that than put forth the effort most of the time. And I hear you about making stuff for your SO, too. I can easily whip something up for him without worrying about numbers too much, but it's a whole different story for me.
  • BlueStarBoi
    BlueStarBoi Posts: 81 Member
    Always looking for more motivational friends, ones who are serious. And ones who will interact. I've logged in for over 1,000 days, in total i lost about 92 pounds regained 15 so i'm trying to rework that off. Feel free to add me anyone.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    Had a great golf session yesterday, will do 1h again tonight. Good to move different muscles than usually :) The weather's great, so will go for a bike ride this afternoon.

    Really happy that I've managed to increase my protein intake lately and found a new spin studio I'll join starting September. Will try aqua bike and a local outdoor poor as well. As I'm on holiday it's a bit tricky not to eat all the time and it takes more effort to burn calories without having to walk places, but I'm determined to get through this plateau stronger than before!
    Have a great day eveyrone!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @hotjot88!

    @clicketykeys I feel your pain. My scale hasn't gone down since Christmas :( Every time I try to kick my butt into gear I just get ravenous and crabby and binge. But I'm still logging and I refuse to give up completely

    @HGSmith0920 Aren't guys funny like that? Mine does care that he's overweight but is pretty stubborn about his habits

    @gymprincess1234 Golf sounds like a fun change of pace. Glad you found a new spin studio!

    @BlueStarBoi Welcome! Glad to have you in the group!

    @rachelbachel32 I'm always just amazed at the volume my SO likes to eat. 1500 calories for dinner, that is a lot of food to prep!

    @Evamutt Keep us posted on how it goes!

    So I got the great news yesterday that a new Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym is opening up in town. They are doing a free class tonight, and I'm going to go, but I'm super anxious about it and I'm having a hard time pinning down why. I love training in that sport and miss it, but the last time I started training my group disbanded within 6 months. I'm worried it won't be a good fit or that I'll get invested and the same thing will happen. Ugh. And of course I'm going to be the only girl there, as always, so there's always that awkwardness to get over.

    Then I wonder, if I do love it, can I do both or would I have to consider giving up roller derby? I've debated giving up roller derby since it's hard on the knees but I like the sport and being on a team (I've never done team sports before). But then what if I stay and get injured or it hurts my mobility later in life. Ugh, too many decisions :( My brain feels like it's going a million miles an hour, all over 1 free class.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    The scale finally moved 1 lb. yay. I don't record it till it's stable for 1 week in the mornings. With a break from the heat wave I'm able to be more active. took dogs out for 1 1/2 hrs, including bike run for one of them then worked kind of hard at animal rescue for 4 hrs & tonight's my HIIT class. I'm so tired I don't feel like going but I will. Tomorrow my best friend is coming over to spend the day together. We'll probably go to the pool at the gym, besides that I'm taking tomorrow off.Can hardly wait to get paid Saturday & go grocery shopping. We had extra expenses at beginning of month so didn't buy too much meat for freezer so we're just eating up the few things that are in there. Fortunately, I stocked up on frozen veggies. Rachel0778 I wish I could do a team sport. I'm not good at sports but it would be fun. I'm not a ppl person but I do like the group classes at the gym