
Welcome to TEAM PERSEVERANCE!!! My name is Lori and I am honored to be your Team Captain for Gary's "Kick The @%!*# Out Of August Challenge! I will be posting a new forum each week in August that way it will not get too long. We will spend an entire month being FAMILY! That means we will come here to uplift, encourage and motivate one another on to VICTORY!

I strongly encourage all 20 of you to message one another, post positive memos on one another's pages, and do everything possible to be a superb out of this universe team mate!

I chose our team name to be perseverance because I want us to be the team that NEVER GIVES UP!

Here are the members of your team:

Team Captain Lori_menorahlover

1 juleseybaby
2 sherrisloan
3 JulesWatkins
4 bonniehoskins
5 NeuroticVirgo
6 arielle0489
7 1beachteacher
8 Jack_mc
9 emilyahsmommy
10 boosmama98
11 trimom63
12 fitnhealthyccthatsme
13 catanzca
14 sumjoy
15 Lizb01
16 AmandaR910
17 kjnicol
18 rjsewell
19 Trans4mations
20 tanya7712

I will post more info on the challenges as I get the info from Gary. I look forward to an incredible month with all of you and getting to know each of you better.

I encourage you to post any before and after pics, bios and any other info about yourself that you would like in order for us to get to know you more!

Have a blessed and amazing day!



  • beforeandaftercollage-1-3.jpg

    A little info on myself. I am a single mother of 3 living in south central Missouri who has lost 110 lbs THE OLD FASHIONED WAY and on her way to losing 12 more to reach her final goal of 125. I know what it means to overcome obstacles. If you would like to read more about me and my weight loss journey you can read it here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/288403-before-and-after-pics-247-to-139-and-still-going

  • Jack_mc
    Jack_mc Posts: 28 Member
    Whoop lets do this!!!

    lol even though i really didn't read it i just signed up!!! time for fun!!!!

  • Hi Jack_mc!!! Glad you are excited! Looking forward to getting to know more about you!
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    So excited!!!!
  • Looking forward to the challenge. Also looking forward to meeting all of Team Perseverance and getting to know everyone. I hope I can be an encouragement. LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    I'm ready to go!!! Thanks for leading us, Lori!! :heart:
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Can't wait to start! I am very excited and look forward to getting to know everyone
  • Wow Amanda! You are one busy Mama! Congrats on the newest bundle on the way!!!

    You are most welcome Bonnie! It will be good for me and help me work on these last pounds I'm trying to lose.

    Great attitude rjsewell! What's your first name if you don't mind me asking?

    Me too Tanya! We will have a great time and I really want to encourage all of you to push yourselves next month!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Present and accounted for!! Happy to have a "reason" to push it to the next level this coming month!!
  • What's your first name trimom63? So glad you are here!!!!
  • Hi Team - would like everyone to know my name. Please feel free to call me: Robbie
  • Hello Team :)

    My name is Tiffany and I am 21 years old and I have a 7 month old. My heaviest has been around 180lbs from taking the depo shot after a year of taking it, I stop using it I went down to about 158 by that time I got pregnant with my daughter and I had gained close to 30 pounds. 7 months postpartum and I am 163.8. My goal is to be at 130, it is going to take alot of motivation and hard word to get where I want to be. But it is time to be comfortable and healthy.

    So let the challange begin, I am soooo ready :)
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    And I'm Jill!!
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Cheryl, I'm a 43-year-YOUNG, single mom of a teenager. She's a tremendous blessing and keeps me on my toes! In May, as I approached my 43rd b-day I knew I had gained too much weight and yet didn't know what to do. I didn't own scales and I stopped in a local truck stop to use their 25-cent scales. I saw a number that I hadn't seen since I was pregnant.... 181lbs & that was eons ago (pregnancy that is)! I served in the Army for three years and I am well aware of how to train my body to eat right and to exercise, yet, I had become lazy and I actually think I had gotten to a point of not caring. I was disappointed and ashamed of myself. A friend of mine was already using MFP and suggested it to me. I figured it wouldn't hurt anything to try it. MFP has been another blessing. I am a firm believer in hard work and dedication because I have seen the results in my clothing and in the way others look at me with disbelief and shock when I tell them how much I've lost since mid-May. I like being accountable to my actions so that I stay on track and MFP is perfect for that! I'm very much looking forward to our challenge and working toward my goal of 145... or 140... or 135... :-) I'm currently at 166.8 and aiming for 166 by this weekend's weigh in. I'm in it to win it!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thought this was fitting. :)

  • 1beachteacher
    1beachteacher Posts: 12 Member
    Nice poster Virgo!!!! I think that says it all! :D

    My name is Kari and I'm a teacher who has worked hard to lose about 30 lbs and has about 15 more to go. I've fallen off the wagon in the last couple of weeks but I'm ready to get back on and push through! Lori... lead the way!!! What a great team leader! We are so lucky!!
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Okay I have some time to post my intro now lol.

    My name is Amanda, I'm newly 23 years old. I'm expecting #4. I used MFP during pregnancy #3 and postpartum (lost all baby weight plus 22lbs in 6 months! thanks MFP!)

    My DR closely monitors my calories. I'm going to be honest here, I eat HORRIBLY without MFP. That's why I use it during pregnancy, to keep myself accountable, to keep the weight gain in check, etc. I usually keep my calories on maintenance but don't usually use all of them since I find myself filling up on more fruits and veggies versus candy...(I have a serious candy addiction). Today I decided to attempt to cut out Diet Coke, which is going to be very difficult for me.

    I also work out through my whole pregnancy, I found it REALLY helped my energy level last time. <3 Can't wait to get started guys!!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Tanya and I have never had issues with my weight until I was 25 and then little by little it creeped up on me. I also never exercised until now. My heaviest has been at around 160 and I have been yoyoing back and forth for a while. I know this is a lifestyle change and I want to eat right and exercise and stick with it throughout my life beacause its not just to loose weight but to stay healthy too. So far I have lost 5 pounds by eating right and walking/ doing the wii Biggest Loser almost everyday. I hope to get down to 135 and then we shall see.
  • catanzca
    catanzca Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Team!! I'm so excited..

    I'm 23 years old and am getting married on 9/17/11. I am currently 141 and hope to be down to 130 by the wedding. I joined MFP a few months ago but just started using in this week and I must say it is SUCH an inspirational site because of all the wonderful people. You guys are all so motivational and I can only hope that I can help to motivate you as well.

    Can't wait to get to know you all better..

    Lori, thanks for being our Captain.. you seem like you make a great one!

    Now let's kick butt!!!!!

    -Cat :smile: