

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather. So sorry for your loss <3 hopefully you will both skip getting the virus, take care. NYKAREN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Hello July! Hard to believe it is here. Well except for the temperature.

    PIp, when did Kirby start letting is hair grow longer. The curtains match your personality. Enjoy.

    Blood pressure a little high today. Got up and the usual house habit is that the cats immediately come in and sit on my bed until I turn the sound machine off. I guess I could just go ahead and get up but I want to train Mr Mozart that the day doesn't start until my sound machine is turned off. Melody knows that and is very good about it. MR Mozart is doing pretty good about staying on the bed and not bothering Melody. I have no idea what he does during the night. But this morning was different. After I got up, went to the bathroom and got back on my bed, Melody came but Mr Mozart did not. I went about the usual morning routine, opening drapes, putting out fresh food, sales ing the litter box. But still no kitten. I opened Charlie's closed bedroom door and wasn't there. I even opened every closed off room including the laundry room and looking in the sump pump. I did that because I could hear my girls taking in my head. We lost one of our little pets when they see younger, it looked like a drowned rat in the sump pump. So finally I opened the front door and called his name. And there is my handsome kitten came running from out from underneath the minivan. We guess when Charlie came in last night from Karaoke, he went out. He doesn't look like he got into any spats with animals, was very hungry and wanted t use the litter box. His paws are really dirty like he was sitting on an oily driveway.

    I know in my heart I should let this affect my decision to have him front declawed. And I also have done much research on the process of declawing. MIchelle is about the biggest animal advocate I know and has told me all about it. But the vet said there are some circumstances to consider when declawing. The main one is the health of the owners. You should see Charlie's arms and legs where he has scratched him. Mine aren't as bad but he has done a job. My dermatologist says that every time I have a cat scratch is a potential place for psoriasis. I will be going off of my blood thinner next month but Charlie's is forever. His nail caps are not working. He just scratches until they come off. I have tried taking him to the scratching post immediately when I see him scratching the furniture. My spray bottle does not stop it either. The vet that my vets office uses has a very tiny incision and then does a laser treatment the following morning to help with healing. We will be using a special litter after it is done.

    Joyce, indiana

    He started growing his hair out when I told him to.
    He's my boy toy, he does whatever I tell him to, he doesn't care. I was missing his long hair
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    But he looks good with short hair too. I'm also letting his gray hair grow out to see how it looks. I was having highlights put in before
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Heather so sorry about your DBIL.

    Dana thank you for the carnation fix.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Pip ... I love your hair short! Very sassy! Kirby looks good too!

    Heather ... sorry for your loss ... hope you and DH are able to avoid the bug.

    Rori ... until you said it, I didn't think in terms of the year being half over! Where does time go?

    Husband and son gave up on the tree stump planter for this year ... my plants were getting too droopy, so I potted them and put them on top of the stump. I suspect that the partially hollowed out stump will rot this winter somewhat. Might make it easier to dig out next year.

    I've been working on a menu plan for the week. Still trying to eat out of our freezer, but we're getting down to things that I don't care for ... like venison. I used to eat venison with no problem, but I've been put off by it lately. And I'm just bored with cooking. I tried making several new things in the last couple of weeks, and everyone just turned up their noses ... babies.

    Did not get much done today... :/ ... but did pay attention to my food choices!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day

    other- skip/sidestep/scissors- 43.40min, 137ahr, 179mhr = 411c
    Plyometrics exercises- 12.32min, 2ets of 10each, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches w/8# weights, push-ups, hamstring leglifts w/8# weight, crunches, sit-ups w/8# weights, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, all 4's elbow to knee, 143mhr = 116c

    total cal 556
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Pip ... I love your hair short! Very sassy! Kirby looks good too!

    Heather ... sorry for your loss ... hope you and DH are able to avoid the bug.

    Rori ... until you said it, I didn't think in terms of the year being half over! Where does time go?

    Husband and son gave up on the tree stump planter for this year ... my plants were getting too droopy, so I potted them and put them on top of the stump. I suspect that the partially hollowed out stump will rot this winter somewhat. Might make it easier to dig out next year.

    I've been working on a menu plan for the week. Still trying to eat out of our freezer, but we're getting down to things that I don't care for ... like venison. I used to eat venison with no problem, but I've been put off by it lately. And I'm just bored with cooking. I tried making several new things in the last couple of weeks, and everyone just turned up their noses ... babies.

    Did not get much done today... :/ ... but did pay attention to my food choices!


    thanks for the short hair compliment. having short hair went out the window when I got 2 family members telling me how I looked like my mom w/short hair. from that moment, grew it out
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited July 2017
    Drkatiebug … You asked about carrageenan a while back. I did a lot of reading about this when we were looking for migraine triggers for my son. Carrageenan had nothing to do with his headaches, btw.

    Carrageenan is a food additive that is extracted form red edible seaweeds and is used for gelling, thickening and stabilizing food. When you purchase heavy cream … you’ll see pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized. Check the expiration dates… pasteurized is usually only good for a few days but the ultra-pasteurized is good for weeks. How is that possible with a fresh food product? Carrageenan is found in everything from baby formula (although it’s been banned outside of the US by the WHO) to ice cream and is very prevalent in almond and soy milk.

    The controversy and misinformation comes from understanding degraded carrageenan and undegraded carrageenan. The International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1982 determined that degraded carrageenan (also known as poligeenan) is carcinogenic to humans. Undegraded carrageenan, however, is considered food safe. Here’s the kicker …both come from the same seaweed … the difference is whether it’s processed in an acidic or alkaline procedure … and the difference is literally just a few degrees of ph.

    Degraded carrageenan is well known for its inflammatory properties and is commonly used in drug trials to induce inflammation and other diseases in lab animals. But even the undegraded … or food-grade carrageenan … has shown to cause gastrointestinal inflammation and higher rates of intestinal lesions and ulcers in some animal studies. While most of the studies have been in a petri dish, it makes you pause.

    Obviously, there’s a lot of hype and scare tactics about food additives. But I think it’s telling that many legitimate medical sources are suggesting that while small amounts of carrageenan are “probably” ok, we should still make a point of avoiding it when we can. So I do.

    Personally, carrageenan in food causes me stomach grief. I’ve experimented with this a bit. Ice-cream, for example. Nearly every brand of ice-cream uses carrageenan and depending on how cheap it is you can almost taste it … it’s a mouth feel … sometimes gummy tasting to me. But there are some high-end, all-natural brands that don’t use it. If I eat the ice cream with carrageenan … sick all night with stomach cramps. The all natural without the additive … no problem at all … except for the extra calories that find their way to my hips!

    Wow! Almost as long as one of Lenora’s! LOL!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Pip ... you've shown us pics of your mother ... hair length is not the reason you resemble her ... just sayin'
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Now, now, Beth ... I am 'trying' to cut them back; just not 'way' back. LOL!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Pip ... you've shown us pics of your mother ... hair length is not the reason you resemble her ... just sayin'

    but it doesn't help, just sayin
  • rdlewis123
    rdlewis123 Posts: 106 Member
    June was a disaster! I allowed stress and anxiety to win. Re-dedicating myself to good habits:
    10000 steps per day
    30+ minutes of exercise per day
    Stay in calorie range per day

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Kate - good luck Tuesday

    Dana - good luck on your MRI

    Lenora - I didn't know that the love bugs had come up to Georgia now!

    maddiepr - welcome!

    Beth - you sure know your additives!

    Michele in NC