Cell reset diet



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Just the name sets off the woo alarms!

    Care to explain what it is and how it's supposed to work?

    I was going to say that all these names of various plans and whatnot crack me up and I don't know how anyone can actually take these things seriously.

    OP...if it sounds like woo, it's probably woo...if you're going through things and things seem to be getting more an more complicated then this is a clear indication that you are on the wrong path...weight loss may not be easy, but it is simple...when things get so complicated that your head is spinning then you know you're not in the right place.

    Yeah . . . why do so many of these involve supplements or exercises named with misspelled normal words, or with random capital letters or sounded-out numbers some where in the middle, or both?

    Activ8! NRgize! MaxCardio! NutRichen! BStrong!

    Am I ripped yet? Am I? Huh?
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This is a German company trying break into the Diet Grifter market in the US. (I mean, who wouldn't--the potential is limitless.

    They were at a race I attended a couple of months ago. The women were actual German natives--like we don't have enough diet scammers of our own.

    All I could think of was a play on words "German Woo Girls".
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    kazminchu wrote: »
    I have quickly learned to never trust anything that has "the XXX diet" as the title. Unless it's "the eat less than you burn diet".

    How about The ELLM* Diet????

    *Eat Less Move More
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Azdak wrote: »
    This is a German company trying break into the Diet Grifter market in the US. (I mean, who wouldn't--the potential is limitless.

    They were at a race I attended a couple of months ago. The women were actual German natives--like we don't have enough diet scammers of our own.

    All I could think of was a play on words "German Woo Girls".

    I'm embarrassed that I got this joke.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    wolfe1234 wrote: »
    LinserSE wrote: »

    Look muchacho,

    Youre going to be able to find 'bad' in all foods: salads, chicken, pizza, ice cream, you name it. Its youre attitude toward food, defining its contents as 'bad' and 'scary' thatS really scarry. Food is what we need to survive…,

    Other things you're going to be able to find 'bad' in foods include organophosphate pesticides, PBDE flame retardants and phthalates. Particularly if you're in the US or Canada where the FDA requirements aren't as strict as they are in other places. Enjoy, muchacho!

    This would give food babe nightmares, lol
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    kazminchu wrote: »
    I have quickly learned to never trust anything that has "the XXX diet" as the title. Unless it's "the eat less than you burn diet".

    How about The ELLM* Diet????

    *Eat Less Move More

    Ooooh sounds interesting...does this involve posting selfies with shakes in hand on social media? I'm so in if it does!

    oopsie. I just realized I typed ELLM when it is supposed to be The ELMM Diet. Yes selfies with shakes (or in my case wine) in hand is a requirement. each selfie makes you lose 1 additional lb.
  • bamakaitlyn
    bamakaitlyn Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 and after my daughter i got up to 225 I'm down to 157 but i cant seem to loose the last . I'm naturally curvy and i love that but just so insecure over this pooch i feel I'm stuck with ( its not loose skin tho) i hide it well thank goodness. I eat veggies and protein no carbs and no dairy. I occasionally attend t tittle fitness ( boxing) but my body always feel like i got ran over by a train and then i stop going. So cell reset is not good according to everyone's comments. Thanks so much for all the replies i sometimes feel alone in my journey to get my body back after having babies.
  • bamakaitlyn
    bamakaitlyn Posts: 6 Member
    Confused at why some people say think of the children me getting my self heathy is good for my children, was just wanting advise on it that's all so thanks for that .
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 and after my daughter i got up to 225 I'm down to 157 but i cant seem to loose the last . I'm naturally curvy and i love that but just so insecure over this pooch i feel I'm stuck with ( its not loose skin tho) i hide it well thank goodness. I eat veggies and protein no carbs and no dairy. I occasionally attend t tittle fitness ( boxing) but my body always feel like i got ran over by a train and then i stop going. So cell reset is not good according to everyone's comments. Thanks so much for all the replies i sometimes feel alone in my journey to get my body back after having babies.

    Congrats on your success so far! Hang around here, read the success stories and you'll get a lot of information and support.

    And, honestly, people were just having a little fun in this thread. Questions are constantly asked about "X diet" and the truth is they all work the same no matter what they say. You take in less calories than you burn and you lose weight. You don't have to pay for a program or a book, MFP is free. Just start logging your food (get a food scale if you don't have one) and you'll get the hang of it.

    Best of luck to you!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    Lets see. "De-acidify your body" woo... your body is naturally acidic.. and should stay that way.
    “white week”
    Remember, you have to eat 4 meals a day. Don’t skip any of them.
    Right when you wake up, drink 300ml of cold herbal tea Herbaslim with 1 packet of Aktivize Oxyplus and 3 capsules of ProShape Amino

    10-15 minutes later, eat 2 eggs boiled or scrambled eggs.

    Make sure not to add any salt!

    Noon /afternoon, evening:

    150g of chicken/turkey/tofu (without salt, boiled, baked, roasted, no salt)
    200g of fish (without salt, boiled, baked, roasted, no salt)

    Please keep in mind, you can choose whatever protein you like for lunch, dinner but remember to only eat 2 eggs max a day.

    After each meal, drink water with 1 packet of Restorate.

    Take once again 3 capsules of ProShape Amino at noon.

    HP LC/LF

    High Protein/Low Carb/Low Fat/Low sodium

    I'd bet between Keto and low sodium water weight losses, a 200 lb person drops 6+ Pounds week one...

    ...making you feel like a sun-bleached dog turd...

    Sounds delightful. Where do I sign up?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Confused at why some people say think of the children me getting my self heathy is good for my children, was just wanting advise on it that's all so thanks for that .

    It's a joke.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 and after my daughter i got up to 225 I'm down to 157 but i cant seem to loose the last . I'm naturally curvy and i love that but just so insecure over this pooch i feel I'm stuck with ( its not loose skin tho) i hide it well thank goodness. I eat veggies and protein no carbs and no dairy. I occasionally attend t tittle fitness ( boxing) but my body always feel like i got ran over by a train and then i stop going. So cell reset is not good according to everyone's comments. Thanks so much for all the replies i sometimes feel alone in my journey to get my body back after having babies.

    You certainly aren't alone. There are lots of us on the same journey and lots of good help on this sight. Also, weight loss is entirely about energy balance which means only 1 thing causes weight loss and that is a calorie deficit, period. Also, congratulations on your great progress so far. As far as getting a really flat stomach, just maintain a modest calorie deficit and ideally add in some strength training. The combination works wonders.

    Confused at why some people say think of the children me getting my self heathy is good for my children, was just wanting advise on it that's all so thanks for that .

    Just messing around since your question was already answered.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 and after my daughter i got up to 225 I'm down to 157 but i cant seem to loose the last . I'm naturally curvy and i love that but just so insecure over this pooch i feel I'm stuck with ( its not loose skin tho) i hide it well thank goodness.

    If that's your main concern, perhaps the info in this thread might be useful to you? :)


    Also, this might be of interest.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
