~*Sexy for Christmas*~



  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    sorry im late on the weigh in...312... up two but down 10 inches..so yay i guess???:indifferent:

    A "Yay" for sure!! I'll take inches loss over loss on the scale any day!! Congrats :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So I was on the spreadsheet and then disappeared. I weighed in and everything so not sure what happened...

    Damn, sorry, I knew I was going to mess SOMEONE up when I did my cleanup. I'll fix it when my raid is over (I'm sloooowly catching up on it during breaks)
  • xomakaxo
    xomakaxo Posts: 86 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I'm late for the weigh-in again, I had a tough week.

    Week 2 weigh-in: 173. :(

    I went up. Probably gearing up for TOM. Gross.

    Didn't do the whole situp challenge this week, I was busy with new job stuff and other errands.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Damn, sorry, I knew I was going to mess SOMEONE up when I did my cleanup. I'll fix it when my raid is over (I'm sloooowly catching up on it during breaks)

    Sooo ... What sever are ya on & how's your progression? :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So I was on the spreadsheet and then disappeared. I weighed in and everything so not sure what happened...

    I didn't mess up afterall - but I DID move people around as I removed inactive people, you're up near the top now.

    Sooo ... What sever are ya on & how's your progression? :)

    Lothar, we're 5/7 right now. not great but not too bad I think, we only raid 2 days a week for 3 hours per day. We didn't get to Sinestra last tier and I was a little disappointed with that but I think we're doing decently for a basically casual guild.
  • blcotton
    blcotton Posts: 43
    I am sorry I haven't replyed to anything recently but I just now got a chance to weigh myself today because my scale has been broken...unfortunately I am still at 185 though I have been working my butt off but apparently not hard enough:( hopefully I will see some changes soon!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    238.4 this morning

  • I would love, love ,love to be in on this if it is not to late.... cw: 171 gw 145
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Hey there I am on the spreadsheet!

    Today's weigh in 212.8 lbs. that's down 1.8 lbs. this week and 5.2 lbs. total for the challenge.
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    weigh in tomorrrow! pretty exciting! i received my HRM today so hopfully i'll start getting more accurate calorie burns :)
  • epalone2
    epalone2 Posts: 8
    Today's weigh in:
    SW: 194
    7/21: 189.8

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • starting weight: 350
    1st week weigh-in: 344
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Totally want to join !!! Starting weight 181, goal is 150 !
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    So not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. There was a pot luck today at work and thats my down fall. Make it through breakfast and lunch reasonable then afternoon snacking happens. I just wish people would eat and have it put away by like 2 but no it stays out till 6. Lesson learned I will have to take my lunch and not touch the pot luck food.

    Husband started to do the 30DS with me. He HATES it! Not sure how to support or motivate him. Any suggestion?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. There was a pot luck today at work and thats my down fall. Make it through breakfast and lunch reasonable then afternoon snacking happens. I just wish people would eat and have it put away by like 2 but no it stays out till 6. Lesson learned I will have to take my lunch and not touch the pot luck food.

    Husband started to do the 30DS with me. He HATES it! Not sure how to support or motivate him. Any suggestion?

    I did that last time we had a potluck too, there was yummy pesto pasta salad and I just kept eating....and eating... ugh. Hope your weigh in tomorrow is good, I'll be weighing in too.

    For your husband, try getting something else - I'm not interested in 30 day shred myself but I was showing my boyfriend Chalean online since he said he wanted to do strength training instead of play dance central and walk (those things are stupid and boring!) and he was like "....this is for girls"

    And I mean of course the exercises would work just fine for him and he's flabby and weak so I doubt he's going to dive into 100 pound bench presses, but I think he'd be a lot happier with something that had a lot of visible men in it. Its stupid - you and I know its all exercise and its all good, but it doesn't feel manly enough in his heart.

    Why don't you guys try doing something like Insanity or P90X? I have heard that you can modify them if you are not quite fit enough to do them yet, and those have a lot more male imagery.

    Also if you have an xbox, you could get a Kinect and get UFC Trainer / fighter and Your Shape Fitness Evolved. I haven't tried either (I love me my Dance Central) but my BF expressed interest in the UFC trainer game and other guys in my guild online have as well.

    Its all packaging dammit but thats what they want.
  • zbjs
    zbjs Posts: 4 Member

    Just a little over half a pound, but I'll take it. Started a new class today that is a little intense. Normally I eat when I am stressed, but today I took my reading homework to the gym and read while I biked instead!
  • checking in at 250....devastated :explode:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Weighing in at 188lb, that's down a pound this week, am pretty pleased as I had four full days off exercising (although did keep in my calories for those days so must be learning something!!)

    Wickedmilly- don't be upset, just channel the energy into doing better next week!!

    Also, have been doing the sit-ups challenge, let it slide for a day or two but should still get week 4 finished this week.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Me me me - may not always be able to do a Thursday weigh if I have to travel to work, but will post my weight at most recent weigh in on a Thursday. I don't have goal weight as such for Christmas as much as UK size 12 - let's do it :-) 193 this week.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    last week - 216.8
    this week - 214.6

    week's loss - 2.2 lbs. :drinker:
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