Why did you start trying to lose weight?



  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    I had always had good control over my weight then realized it was gone. Had always been within a 160 to 165 range but the creep caught up with me and my range started to grow. Memorial day I weighed in at 188 and said this has got to stop. Downloaded myfitnesspal and bought the Insanity workout and have not looked back.
  • ckspores
    ckspores Posts: 52
    When I went to my favorite store and nothing in their regular clothing department fit me anymore. I had to go to the plus-sized section and pretty much freaked out.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    I was overweight in middle school... you know how precious children of that age can be :/

    My peers proved to give me more than enough motivation to drop weight just so I wouldn't have to keep putting up with their s**t
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    Type 2 Dibetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, blood clots, and stage 3 renal failure from the blood sugar and blood pressure. Scared the crap out of me and I've dropped 50 lbs. since January. NOTHING tastes good enough to risk dialysis at 43!! I'm happy to add that everything is almost within the normal range as of 25 lbs ago-I'm hoping at my next check-up all the labs will be normal!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Saw a picture of myself, the one in my profile pics where I'm sitting outside with a can of diet pepsi or coke or something. I didn't even recognise myself.
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    Many realizations brought me to this point. I have always been overweight. I am tall and big boned and carry the weight fairly well so it never mattered.

    After a divorce and ending up with custody of my grand daughter, I finally realized that I needed to take control of me, my life, and above all my happiness. I discovered I am not happy when I can't tie my shoes because my belly is in the way. I am not happy gorging on unhealthy foods and then feeling like crap after...

    I am happy running after the little one, working out, and looking in the mirror and liking who I see looking back at me.
  • I started my journey to lose weight because I'm a 37 year old mother of a 3 year old. We went on vacation and I was in so much pain from walking. My feet and my knees hurt. I also had some blood tests done and found out that I'm boarder line diabetic. I want to be around for many many years and enjoy my life with my son. I want to be around to be a grandma one day. I want to enjoy our next vacation next summer and be able to walk and run. My husband seemed like he had more fun then I did. They rode go carts and I'm to big to get in one. So I sat on the side lines taking pictures. I wasn't in none of the pictures because I was taking them all from the side line. I refuse to spend another vacation or summer like I did this year.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Was in my boys house using the washroom, looked down, saw a scale, weighed myself, wasn't happy with the #, took a pic and have been at it since!
  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    I never had the motivation to do it. I knew I was (still am) fat, but I made excuse after excuse. Well at the end of December I stepped on the scale and I was at my heaviest. It scared me, I'm on 27 years old, and with my weight I could become sick and start to need to take medication. My very best friend, who is more like family, said she was going to start at the beginning of the new year. I decided why not? At least I will have someone to support me. 7 months later and 44lbs lost it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I also couldn't have done it with out the support of my friend or MFP!
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    My Doctor looked me straight in the eye and with a frustrated look said "Just Do It!" I think he was tired of my excuses. His words just triggered something in me because I walked out of his office thinking I could do it. Something clicked! I was ashamed of getting this big and just stuffing my face every chance I got. I was tired of being the BIG person everywhere I went. I was a very unhappy person.

    Being on MFP has kept me motivated to do more and push a little harder day after day. :bigsmile:
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    What a fantastic topic to post..........it all really makes you think........

    I started because of my health and didn't like the back fat. I want to be a healthy, happy, sexy person again:bigsmile:
  • msbeavert
    msbeavert Posts: 75
    When I went for my last physical and the doctor said "Hhmmm, you've really gained quite a bit of weight. As a matter of fact, your BMI is high enough now that you'd be eligible for lap-band surgery." Oh hell no! And I really hate my thighs rubbing together! That added with the fact that we're going on a group vacation to Jamaica where I'd need to wear a bathing suit, I didn't want the embarassment. So totally vain reasons, not even for my health so much.
  • My first grandchild was born in December 2010. I decided I wanted to be around for as much as her life as I possibly could and I didn't want to be the "fat" pop pop. I also want to be a better example to my sons. I've lost over 50 lbs and feel great. Don't want to ever go back.
  • kkbolin
    kkbolin Posts: 4 Member
    After my first 2 kids I was back to a comfortable me, then the unexpected but much loved last one came and played hell on my system. I want to be back to comfortable me again. I just have to stick with it and change it up every day or i won't be able to.
  • JustBreathSB
    JustBreathSB Posts: 103 Member
    I'm just tired of being fat. I've always been fat. I want to feel attractive. My husband would say he thinks I'm sexy, and I'd look in the mirror like, "how can you be attracted to this tub of lard?" So, I'm over it, I'm gonna be the hot wife.
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    I never get that when people are like "I don't like big people" or they won't even condider dating them. It's like, how do you know you won't like them??
  • When I had to start shopping in the plus size department.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    A couple of things. All through high school I had been between a size 9 and 11(which at the time I thought was kind of big anyway) and this last year I climbed up to a 13. Second, while I have been just on the highest end of my BMI scale my whole life, I got up to 185, in the "overweight" range and started to realize that if I didn't do something I'd soon be 200lbs and miserable. The last straw, the thing that really got me going, was a friend I'd known my whole life that had always been bigger than me for as long as I'd known her (since we were about 6 years old) lost a ton of weight, got skinnier than me and looked great. So I thought, if she can why can't I?
  • stinkabell519
    stinkabell519 Posts: 2 Member
    I recently found out that heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes run in my family. I almost lost my mom a few months ago & I don't want to put my kids through what my sisters & I went through seeing her like that. Plus, I just don't feel good anymore. Not to mention I refuse to by a whole new wardrobe.