Healthy Weight Loss - 1 Year Transformation



  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    I will check my weight tomorrow. Good luck everyone :)
  • brentleyann1
    brentleyann1 Posts: 37 Member
    Start weight: 230lb
    Goal weight: 160lb
    Loss so far: 3 lb
    I've only been on mfp for 2 weeks. I haven't longed in 4 days so hopefully I've lost a little more.
    I need to buy tape measurer and a scale. I weighed myself at my parents house.
  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    29/7 SW 204
    2/8 204.8 ( hopefully this will change direction )
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Starting weight: 258 lbs
    Current weight: 238.4
    Goal weight: 140 lbs
    Weight to lose: 98
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Starting weight: 258 lbs
    Current weight: 238.4
    Goal weight: 140 lbs
    Weight to lose: 98

    08/11/17: 233.6
  • Breeli0519
    Breeli0519 Posts: 63 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'd like to join! I've been off and on MFP for the last 5 year. Totally off this last year with a major family crisis. Unfortunately, I gained back everything I had lost (40#.) So time to buck up and start again!

    I don't know my measurements, will add those later. But as of this morning:
    SW/CW: 234
    GW: 130
    Weight to lose: 104
    HT for reference: 5'2"
  • curvylicious369
    curvylicious369 Posts: 61 Member
    I had a damn donut today and a piece of pizza. Spent all day in er with someone and succumbed to the cafeteria food grrrr. Well.... tomorrow another day
  • curvylicious369
    curvylicious369 Posts: 61 Member
    Yea I have a BBQ this weekend I hope I don't go nuts at
  • curvylicious369
    curvylicious369 Posts: 61 Member
    Yea I have a BBQ this weekend I hope I don't go nuts at. I've been trying to keep my calorie goal at 1200, but I seem to usually end up around 1500. I figure that isn't too bad. I guess I said we'll see this weekend how the weight-loss went.
  • Lone_wolf46
    Lone_wolf46 Posts: 2,709 Member
    Enjoy the BBQ. Focus more on the lower carb meat than the sides.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Starting weight: 258 lbs
    Current weight: 238.4
    Goal weight: 140 lbs
    Weight to lose: 98

    08/11/17: 233.6
    08/18/17: 233.6
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi team,

    I've been thinking... I'm super motivated by collecting badges (this app used to do that years ago but they did away with it and I really miss them!!!). I like having visual representations of change, so I'm going to start making my own! I'm going to change my profile pic once I reach each new step in my goals. My goals are the following:

    1. Be happier! (Badge ideas include: # Weeks/Days of Low Stress, or, # of Weeks/Days Without Emotional Eating, etc.)
    2. Lose 60 Lbs (So my profile would change in increments: ex. 5 Lbs gone!, 10 Lbs gone!, 15 Lbs gone!, etc.)
    3. Get active! (Badge ideas include: I worked out 3x a week this month! etc.)
    4. Drink more water (I don't care to have a badge for this one).

    I got started already. Here are some examples...
    Feel free to copy/use any of the badges I create!

  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Hi team,

    I've been thinking... I'm super motivated by collecting badges (this app used to do that years ago but they did away with it and I really miss them!!!). I like having visual representations of change, so I'm going to start making my own! I'm going to change my profile pic once I reach each new step in my goals. My goals are the following:

    1. Be happier! (Badge ideas include: # Weeks/Days of Low Stress, or, # of Weeks/Days Without Emotional Eating, etc.)
    2. Lose 60 Lbs (So my profile would change in increments: ex. 5 Lbs gone!, 10 Lbs gone!, 15 Lbs gone!, etc.)
    3. Get active! (Badge ideas include: I worked out 3x a week this month! etc.)
    4. Drink more water (I don't care to have a badge for this one).

    I got started already. Here are some examples...
    Feel free to copy/use any of the badges I create!


    Totally stealing these!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    I got to use my 1st badge today!!!! Feeling good and ready for the weekend!!!
  • alterone1982
    alterone1982 Posts: 18 Member
    Just the inspiration and support I need! Thank you PrincessAly23!
    Starting weight (7/30/17) 222 lbs
    Goal Weight 170 lbs
    Weight to lose 52 lbs

    Upper Arms: 14.75"
    Waist: 38"
    Stomach/Hips: 46.5"
    Thigh: 29.5"

    We may be taking a vacation (swimsuits involved) in March and I have a goal to get to 180 by then.
    Weighed in today at 215 today which was encouraging.
    I decided to make shorter term goals for myself of 10 pounds every two months.
    So Sept 30th goal 212
    Nov30th 202
    Jan 30th 192
    March 30th 182
    May 30th 172

    I feel like I'm starting to get into a groove of eating better. Now I need to stick with it!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm just checking in to say that August is almost over!!!! Goodbye sweet summer and hello beautiful fall!!!

    I'm sending you all lots of happy thoughts and encouragement!

    I'm a bit nervous about my journey through Sept... I go away for my birthday, then a 2 week vacation in France, then a 2 week business trip! One word sums it all up... Resturaunts! They ALWAYS make me blow up. too many hidden sugars & salts.

    I promise to keep you posted!!!