Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Kim - is ur doc not doing bloodwork to check ur progesterone levels while on the clomid? My doc wants me to do CD21 bloodwork next cycle when I do my first round of clomid to see if I O'd when I was supposed to...or at all to see if we need to up the dosage.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Kim - is ur doc not doing bloodwork to check ur progesterone levels while on the clomid? My doc wants me to do CD21 bloodwork next cycle when I do my first round of clomid to see if I O'd when I was supposed to...or at all to see if we need to up the dosage.

    I went in to see her on CD21, but she didn't do any blood work... That would make sense. I didn't even think of that. She just wants to see my charts and she "felt around" to see if I had any large cists. She said if it doesn’t happen for us this month, then I should just refill the script and try the same dose again (she says she likes to try 50mg 2-3 months first). If it doesn't work again then we will look to increase the dosage. I think she is very confident that it will work. We'll see. I'm in no rush to get more tests and have to pay for more tests if I don't have to. I know things happen for a reason and it will happen when it happens. But it would be helpful to know... Thanks for the input. Maybe I will ask for that for next month if this month doesn't work.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    bump for lurking purposes :flowerforyou:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Alisa & Kim - I just wanted to give you a head's up about the CD21 bloodwork. Most docs intend for that to be DPO7 bloodwork and just work off the 28 day cycle, so be sure to talk to your doc to see which it is that s/he wants since you know when you O.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Thanks jalara!! But if I start the clomid on cd2 (as instructed by my GYN) then wouldn't that semi-guarantee me to O between CD11-16? which would make cd21 5-10DPO and be within the window enough to tell if ovulation occured?
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello all! I don't know when I ovulate but I have always had a 28 day cycle. I plan on getting the ovulation strips as well.
    When talking to my doc, I asked about going off the bc before actually trying and she said my best chances of getting pregnant right away would happen in those first few weeks after going off of the bc because most women are most fertile the first month after bc. Really hoping it works that first month. Fingers crossed! one month until I stop taking it!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Thanks jalara!! But if I start the clomid on cd2 (as instructed by my GYN) then wouldn't that semi-guarantee me to O between CD11-16? which would make cd21 5-10DPO and be within the window enough to tell if ovulation occured?
    Not necessarily, but that may be the generally accepted window for your doc. The only reason my OB needed it to be strictly DPO7 is that she was testing me for a progesterone defect, not just to see if I'd ovulated.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Jalara! Hugs girl! You are on Clomid right? Be gentle with have a lot of really emotional stuff going on anyways, and the clomid is only exacerbating it---what a kick in the gut, huh? I always thought it was extremely unfair that the meds that are supposed to help just help put you through the emotional wringer about a topic that is already hard enough anyways! Hang in there---and I think it's good that you and hubby are working through it together---as hard as that can be sometimes.

    I ate like crud today--Ben and Jerry's, pizza, and lots of other yummies. I was down a pound from last week...but the last time I weighed in, I was up by three or four, so I'm still at a net gain. Blergh. Dr's appt tomorrow to find out if my follies are big enough or if I need more meds. I just seem determined to sabatoge my efforts right now. Maybe tomorrow will be better.....
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi all--had my RE appt today. I have one follie that is ready to go! Good news: No chance of multiples. Bad news: Only one--it's our only chance this cycle. Just got the call telling me that I am trying to "O" early, so they bumped my IUI up to tomorrow, instead of Monday. OY! Good news: Hubby doesn't have to take time off of work. Bad news: The clinic we have to go to is about an hour and a half away. So we are running around trying to get someone to watch our son while we take this unexpected day trip tomorrow. Wish us luck.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Good luck!!! How exciting!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hi all--had my RE appt today. I have one follie that is ready to go! Good news: No chance of multiples. Bad news: Only one--it's our only chance this cycle. Just got the call telling me that I am trying to "O" early, so they bumped my IUI up to tomorrow, instead of Monday. OY! Good news: Hubby doesn't have to take time off of work. Bad news: The clinic we have to go to is about an hour and a half away. So we are running around trying to get someone to watch our son while we take this unexpected day trip tomorrow. Wish us luck.
    Wishing lots of good thoughts!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Well everyone......... I got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart:

    Today is DPO 11 and AF has been playing peek-a-boo with me the last couple of days. And my temp was down one day and back up yesterday and today.

    Here's the pic - the line is faint but there - I had to do 4 so DH would agree that they were actually lines. We're in a state of serious shock right now. Especially given the way our month has gone.

  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Well everyone......... I got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart:

    YAY YAY YAY!!! I know how rough the last few weeks have been on you. I hope that it's a sticky one! The 2 BFP's have actually made my week. (Which is completely opposite from my normal reaction.) For some reason I am so happy when people that have a difficult time TTC get preggo because it reduces my anxiety about not being able to get pregnant. I hope to join you soon in the pregnancy forums!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    As for my dress: (notice that the link shows "Maternity Appropriate" I guess hope springs eternal!!!) I'm not looking for a "wedding dress" My theme is Winter Wonderland. So everything is white and silver and stuff with only DH and I in bright red (I figured red was appropriate since a. it suits me, b. it does complement the white & silver decor c. it's good luck to wear red at your weddingg in some cultures).

    I too am a Christmas fanatic and think this is a great idea. Love the dress!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Well everyone......... I got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart:

    Today is DPO 11 and AF has been playing peek-a-boo with me the last couple of days. And my temp was down one day and back up yesterday and today.

    Here's the pic - the line is faint but there - I had to do 4 so DH would agree that they were actually lines. We're in a state of serious shock right now. Especially given the way our month has gone.

    Congratulations! Exciting news!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    So you know that meltdown I was dealing with last week? I'm still dealing with it. It seems that every day I end up crying about not having kids yet and I'm having a hard time getting past this rough spell. Having a solid plan helps a lot, but it's no where near enough. And DH is suddenly having a visibly hard time with it as well, for the first time. He's been very sad about it lately, and we just cry together every couple of days. I know we'll get past it but it's a rough couple of weeks right now.

    And AF just showed today. Crap.

    i can so relate. hugs.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I’m very excited to have started clomid. I am hoping it starts working. My temps have been a little funky, so I’m hoping it’s just my body reacting to the meds. I’m in the 2ww at this point. I hope this month goes by fast for you, so you can get into the fertility clinic and get onto the next step. **HUGS**

    baby dust your way.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hi all--had my RE appt today. I have one follie that is ready to go! Good news: No chance of multiples. Bad news: Only one--it's our only chance this cycle. Just got the call telling me that I am trying to "O" early, so they bumped my IUI up to tomorrow, instead of Monday. OY! Good news: Hubby doesn't have to take time off of work. Bad news: The clinic we have to go to is about an hour and a half away. So we are running around trying to get someone to watch our son while we take this unexpected day trip tomorrow. Wish us luck.

    luck. :) *fingers and toes crossed*
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Well everyone......... I got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart:

    oh my gosh! that is exciting! awesome news jalara.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Karen - glad that have at least one good follie! Good luck on ur IUI tomorrow! Crossing fingers!

    Jalara - CONGRATS!!! I'm soooooooo excited for you!!! That is amazing!!