Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    Down 5 pounds from 8/3! Water weight in there, I know, but it's still good positive reinforcement for me having logged every bite of food in the last week :)

    Congrats on your 5 lb weight loss!! You are right, it probably is a lot of water weight, but a great kick start!!!! Great job!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/10 Thursday JFT:

    Physics Final Exam
    School Registration
    Leave and Check in at 3pm for "Weekend Get-Away" B)
    Relax and organize detox /diet ➡️ begins Friday!
    Dinner by 8pm
    Bedtime by 9pm

    Good luck on your final exam! You've been working hard, so I know you'll do great! And a weekend get away!! Have fun!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    No news here. Haven't gone over on calories yet, did exercise. Got kid to camp. Slept until about 3 then more until 6 am this morning so I am not as tired today. Maybe tomorrow for floor cleaning, iris planting, and who knows what else. Thinking an early night again.
    Okay--Friday, I will--
    stay within calorie allotment, go to workout appointment and exercise at 8:30, take/pick-up boy from camp, take boy swimming, and one more thing (weed-eat, floor, laundry).
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    One of my fails actually turned out to be a positive yesterday.
    I was miffed because I struggled to stay in the green. It was bugging me for ages because I was too tired to exercise from a busy day and the girls

    Then I realised!
    That I was basing it on 1200 cals! When I've set a new limit of 1800 to maintain.

    Yay pregnancy!
    More cake for me!

    I jogged today!
    With the dog as I can FINALLY let him off lead!
    Thankfully his breed means he will jet off at lightning speed and then after about 15 mins of stop-start running that's it. He's pooped.
    So to push him a bit further I do a small jog around the field to truly wear him out otherwise he keeps us up at night!

    Glad to see you're all keeping up with your goals!
    I've not written anything down but I have been taking my meds every day and drunk a little more water and stuff.
    Need to get my mind right before my physical.

    For some reason I have a complete aversion to anything healthy.
    Zoodles, out the window
    Even standard veg with our evening meal like carrots or brocolli I just feel sick looking at!
    Salad.. bleagh.
    All the stuff I used to love and you know.. is low in calorie!
    Although I could eat apples all day!

    @joan6630 well done on day 4 of closing kitchen! Keep it up! Beat your last streak!

    @MLHC1 good luck on your exam (although I'm pretty late posting so you've probs done t by now!!)

    @OConnell5483 it's good to see you back and posting :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    One of my fails actually turned out to be a positive yesterday.

    Then I realised!
    That I was basing it on 1200 cals! When I've set a new limit of 1800 to maintain.

    Yay pregnancy!
    More cake for me!

    I jogged today!
    With the dog as I can FINALLY let him off lead!
    Thankfully his breed means he will jet off at lightning speed and then after about 15 mins of stop-start running that's it. He's pooped.
    So to push him a bit further I do a small jog around the field to truly wear him out otherwise he keeps us up at night!

    @OConnell5483 it's good to see you back and posting :)

    Yay Pregnancy! More cake for me! :D Ha!!! There's my Bex chuckle of the day!

    Plus you jogged today? OMG, I can't jog when I"m NOT pregnant! What breed of dog do you have?

    P.S. Thanks! It's good to be back and posting! I missed you! B)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap R 8/10 - Challenging day with training, not sure about lunch, can't use my hourly "move" reminder. Fitbit count will be very low but that's ok on occasion. Ending the day by taking my best friend out for her belated birthday.
    1) Drink > 8 c water = great! 12 c :smiley:
    2) Take snacks to eat during training... I know none will be provided = done :smile:
    3) Make wise dining choices, wherever I end up eating = did great all day then blew it this evening...tried to log everything and I may have eaten more than double my calories! :s Oh well it's one day and not something I normally do. :p
    4) Enjoy 1 adult beverage with friend = 1 pint beer :)
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 & TV off = plan to :)

    JFT F 8/11 repeat R minus dinner with friend
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    One of my fails actually turned out to be a positive yesterday.
    I was miffed because I struggled to stay in the green. It was bugging me for ages because I was too tired to exercise from a busy day and the girls

    Then I realised!
    That I was basing it on 1200 cals! When I've set a new limit of 1800 to maintain.

    Yay pregnancy!
    More cake for me!

    I jogged today!

    You are doing SO great!!! I am so happy that you are staying with us during your pregnancy!! :). You have wonderful goals - and like @OConnell5483 said - I can't even jog, and I'm not pregnant! And of course, take advantage of those benefits of being pregnant - eat those 1800 calories!! That little person inside you needs them :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited August 2017
    1. close the kitchen - going on day 4 :):) This is especially hard today.... its been a very trying day.
    2. log all food :) At least I kept within my calories!
    3. concentrate on my glass of water!! :/
    4. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning :/ Can't do this again, because hubby has to get up in the attic before it gets too hot, to fix the lite. I missed getting to the gym this morning for the same reason
    5. TRY and go to gym tonite or for a short walk :/ This didn't happen either - helping to hold the ladder, hold the light while he screws it in ......

    JFt, Friday
    1. go to fish fry, and yes, have that beer!
    2. drink water
    3. log all food
    4. lay out gym clothes, and go saturday morning for sure
    5. try and go to the gym in the afternoon. Even though it is not when I normally go, hopefully hubby will be finished with the light project, and I can go.
    6. try not to worry or get upset about my daughter. Just be there for her, no matter how terrible she treats me.
    7. try and understand my son has his own family, and is busy. Do not take it personally
    8. close the kitchen except for planned snacks. Going on day 5

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    One of my fails actually turned out to be a positive yesterday.

    Then I realised!
    That I was basing it on 1200 cals! When I've set a new limit of 1800 to maintain.

    Yay pregnancy!
    More cake for me!

    I jogged today!
    With the dog as I can FINALLY let him off lead!
    Thankfully his breed means he will jet off at lightning speed and then after about 15 mins of stop-start running that's it. He's pooped.
    So to push him a bit further I do a small jog around the field to truly wear him out otherwise he keeps us up at night!

    @OConnell5483 it's good to see you back and posting :)

    Yay Pregnancy! More cake for me! :D Ha!!! There's my Bex chuckle of the day!

    Plus you jogged today? OMG, I can't jog when I"m NOT pregnant! What breed of dog do you have?

    P.S. Thanks! It's good to be back and posting! I missed you! B)

    He's a whippet cross. But mostly whippet!
    So a running dog lol!
    When he was younger we were trying to train him for recall and someone said "find something he loves more than running"... there was nothing he loved more than running.

    But it's been 8 months but I've laid the groundwork of leaving birds and cats and stuff and so far he's not chased any because that's normally what sets them off at speed lol!
    But because he's been on lead for so long he just always comes back!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I actually read through the posts and you all s/b proud! I think it's so great that we lift one another up when one of us is down and offer a little advice or encouragement. You're all a part of this journey.

    Walk park with dog & DD.
    Drink water-9 or more cups.
    My exercise will be housecleaning instead of gym. Too much coughing to be at gym.
    Grocery shop for Boy Scouts as they're going directly from campsite to an air show to camp out for 2 nights.
    Track everything.
    Take rests when needed.
    Get a good night's rest.

    When I catch myself comparing my situation to someone else's, I have to remind myself that this is my journey.

    OConnell5483, I'd love to see your bouquet!! :smile:
    Junodog1, great words of encouragement.
    HGSmith0920, you're very kind to make DH's lunch :smile:
    Bex-I've been checking for your comments after your last post. Hope all's well!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    When I catch myself comparing my situation to someone else's, I have to remind myself that this is my journey.

    Great words that I need to follow myself!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    Just for tomorrow 8/10

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Keep in the green :/Only over by something like 41 calories though! So that's something right?
    3. Only have a cup of coffee before 11 :/Had two. I got up early and didnt have any tea so I made coffee instead and then had another cup on my way to work a few hours later
    4. Keep drawer balanced at work :)
    5. Ask for help if I need it :)
    6. Go to gym after work(no matter how tired or angry I am) :DI wanted to! I really did! But Mom asked me to pick up a rat and I just couldnt bear to leave in the car alone while I was at the gym
    7. Dinner at 7 :)6 but close enough. We were hungry and the food was done anyway. Lol
    8. Wind down by 9:30 :'(
    9. Bed by 10:30 :/Not exactly sure when...I dont think it was too much later then 10:30 but I know it was after

    Yesterday was kind of a bust. Lol. Had a good/short day at work and am going to have another one today as well. Got all my food shopping done this morning. Ran to the Atm, made the DH lunch and put dinner in the crockpot! Woohoo! Lol. Just posting this really quick because I have to get in the shower. Lol

    Just for today 8/11

    1. Log all food
    2. Stay in green
    3. Make to-do list
    4. Keep drawer balanced at work
    5. Ask for help if I need it
    6. Divvy up snacks into portion bags
    7. Finish dishes
    8. Take a walk!!!!
    9. Research new activity trackers
    10. Spend time with the DH
    11. Wind down by 9
    12. Bed by 10.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited August 2017
    Recap: Just For Today 08-10-2017
    :| 64+ oz of water - think I was a little light
    :joy: Eat enough calories (I've been low with exercise) Got to eat peanut butter on celery last night!
    :D C25K W6 D1 yep
    ;) Finish Federal Invoice reconciliation - nope, because other big items got done so it's OK
    :) Create year over year pivot table for positions yep
    :| Clean upstairs bathrooms nope because I went to bed early for me, so it's OK
    :) Clean horse trough

    Just For Today 08-11-2017
    • 64+ oz water
    • Eat the step calories
    • Finish Federal Invoice reconciliation
    • Fix crock pot meatballs for dinner
    • Finish Ilvemorny challenges today

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Thursday:
    * Hydrate :)
    * Stay in the green :(Only in the red by 119, so not too bad I guess.
    * NO CANDY :(
    * Do 3 positive things today to address each of Body, Mind and Spirit :)Gave myself a facial yesterday, read inspirational book and listened to podcasts.
    * Redirect my thoughts if I begin to think about work or family drama :s I cannot shake the family drama no matter how hard I try. This is my biggest challenge right now.
    * Journal 5 things I'm grateful for at the end of the day :)
    * Unplug. Have a social media-free day except for MFP. :(
    * Be in the present moment and be grateful for this day :)

    I woke up thinking my vacation week was over and that it was Saturday morning. I looked at my phone and it is only Friday! This is probably the only time I've ever been excited to have the day be Friday rather than the weekend! Still have 3 days before I go back to work! LOL!

    Today it is cloudy and gray outside. I missed the news this morning but I'm guessing there won't be any fishing in our plans.

    I've been doing some research on natural holistic approaches to wellness and ordered some essential oils yesterday. I might go to the library and look for a book to learn more about those. I need a way to reduce stress and anxiety without pills. I don't see it going away anytime soon between work and our GD who lives with us getting in trouble. Like @joan6630 said, I have to try to not take it personal when things get tense around here. But it sure is hard. Hoping the oils will help with that.

    JFT - Friday:
    * Hydrate 64 oz
    * Journal every bite. Don't worry about staying green right now. One habit at a time.
    * NO CANDY
    * Take three different moments throughout the day to address each Body, Mind and Spirit
    * Redirect my thoughts when they turn negative or I start to feel anxious or upset
    * Unplug today. Only MFP or Pinterest.
    * Eat 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit
    * Write on gratitude whiteboard on fridge to remind everyone of our blessings
    * Journal tonight
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited August 2017
    @Saragirl2 I will try to upload a pic of the bouquet. No luck with my phone so far. :)


  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2017
    Whenever I try to quote my own list and remove the
    tags from my phone, I lose everything but the first sentence from my post. I must be missing a tag on the little screen. Argh.

    Anyway, I'll skip to my JFTs for today, tomorrow and Sunday. No cell service or wifi after a bit. Camping with friends and all of our kids, so my goal is to be moderate but not stress out over the calories, within reason -- want to be able to relax, be in the moment and have fun.

    so, 8/11, 8/12, 8/13
    1. run at least 2 of the next 3 days
    2. track everything
    3. Don't obsess, but also don't undo the work I've done so far. That means maybe not meeting my calories goals while camping, but also not going over a maintenance level of calories
    4. Have a beer or two (but not three or four)
    5. Enjoy
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    @Saragirl2 I will try to upload a pic of the bouquet. No luck with my phone so far. :)


    WOw -- just beautiful!! Makes me want to go and see if our farmers markets has something like these! It is nice to get ourselves flowers!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Absolutely fuming right now.

    I HATE cooking, like I really hate it.
    I prefer quick things like sauces from a jar kind of stuff because I just really dislike cooking and Atleast I know that way it will come out good enough.

    So tonight my partner told me how to do a meal,
    And it all came out like *kitten*. The whole thing.
    I'm fuming, I spent Atleast an hour cooking, made it all look nice, got a headache and backache from doing it for it to be *kitten*.
    It was just a waste of my effort, a waste of my time and now an even bigger waste because I've got to Atleast cook my OH something to eat. (The girls luckily had something different)

    And now I'm hungry but too pee'd off to do anything about it.