

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Barbie. - Glad you liked th <3 e song. It is the favourite of one of the "gentlemen hosts". We are taught line dancing by the resident young and beautiful dancers. :o:# The dance they use for that song is called "Honky Tonk".
    Unusual for me to discover a totally new song.

    One of the greatest pleasures of this trip is watching the waiters gracefully carrying eight plates with their covers on a huge round tray with one hand. Like a ballet. <3 Extraordinary.

    Going down now for a virtuoso violinist. :o:p

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    My August Goals:
    ~ Stay under 1500 calories daily - not including exercise ---
    8/1 = 1,289 8/2 = 1,151 8/3 = 1,295 8/4 = 1,780 8/5 = 1,390
    8/6 = 1,323 8/7 = 1,454 8/8 = 1,275 8/9 = 1,114 8/10 = 548
    8/11 = 1,233 8/12 = 1,500 8/13 = 1,811 8/14 = 1,221
    ~ Walk 5k steps daily ---
    8/1 = no app 8/2 = no app 8/3 = 3,980 8/4 = 4,675 8/5 = 7,306
    8/6 = 3,374 8/7 = 3,132 8/8 = 2,852 8/9 = 4,551 8/10 = 5,041
    8/11 = 4,211 8/12 = 7,250 8/13 = 5,011 8/14 = 3,218
    ~ Plexus regimen ---
    8/1 = yes 8/2 = yes 8/3 = yes 8/4 = yes 8/5 = yes
    8/6 = no 8/7 = yes 8/8 = yes 8/9 = yes 8/10 = yes
    8/11 = no 8/12 = no 8/13 = no 8/14 = yes
    ~ WATER equal or exceeding 64 ounces ---
    8/1 = 80 oz 8/2 = 72 oz 8/3 = 64 oz 8/4 = 70 oz 8/5 = ??
    8/6 = ?? 8/7 = 66 oz 8/8 = 70 oz 8/9 = 56 oz 8/10 = 142 oz
    8/11 = 56 oz 8/12 = 64 oz 8/13 = 60 oz 8/14 = 48 oz

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
    "You've been blessed with another day, go find out why" --- Dad
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    KJ The deer are very young. The spots are barely visible but they will be quite large by winter. I think they are white tail deer.

    Allie when I collected child support from my ex, it went thru the county offices. It was better because it protects both parties if there are any disputes years later. Which in my case there was. My ex claimed he over paid me by $20,000! No way. I had my own records too!

    Becca I like those rocks!!
    I post my own pictures. I have 4000 in my phone. I have a happy finger! I'm going to have to delete some. I try too after I figure out which ones I like.
    I might share or repost memes though.

    Just got a call from the doctors office in Little Rock. Of course I'm in the shower. DH takes the call so I have an appointment here in Hot Springs to get a nerve test and the doctor's increasing my meds to 900 mg three times a day! He wants to avoid any injections for a while into my spine. Oh Golly Miss Dolly!!
    I know it supposed to be Molly. LOL
    So... that's it for me right now.
    Just hanging out and doing a bit of laundry today!

    Love you all!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    Ladies ~

    You ALL ROCK!!! Thank you for the condolences and commentary on Mr. Toad...he's hopped his sorry self off into the sunset and I couldn't be more happy to be back to "normal" in more ways than one after the procedure on Friday! ***giggles*** I do however still have a nasty bruise from the IV site, which I told her when she attempted that area I'd bruise badly - she insisted, and who am I to argue - oh wait, it's MY body last I checked...but...I am in no pain from it, just ugly bruise!

    Scotty's services are on Saturday. I'm wracking my brain on how I can get there by then with my other doctor appt's and work obligations. It's about a 16hr drive, and to drive is half the airfare on this short notice. My family has made it clear they completely understand if I need to take the trip up in a few weeks, which is a strong possibility as well. The drive would be Vegas to Richland WA - which I've driven many times. I'm also opting to drive (just not sure when yet) up because there are items of my Daddy's that I'm supposed to bring home with me, and I am potentially stopping off and grabbing my Nana's rocking chair (extreme sentimental value to me) from my Mom's youngest sister (unfortunately in the Portland area tho, 5hr drive away) who restored it for me last year and has been using it since then in her home. She doesn't want to part with it, but she smokes and I'm not a fan at all of cigarette smoke, especially permeated in cloth. Nana's rocker was her mother's and has been handed down to the 4th generation now with me, and I will in turn hand it down to my daughter. It was in disrepair from my Mom leaving it in storage for a few decades, and when she moved to Florida - my option was to ship it here and try to fix it myself (the seat covers were hand made needlepoint by my Nana, which were eaten by vermin) or ship it to my Mom's youngest sister who restores antiques with my cousins for a living. I paid them to restore it, but haven't had the heart to get it back from them because it's of sentimental value to them as well. However, it was willed to me by Nana, so officially it's my rocking chair. Weighing my options with that one, because I don't trust them to ship it professionally and I can't just have a shipping company I know will crate it properly just show up to pack it. So, I have some decisions to make about it sooner or later! Isn't it funny how "things" are so valuable to some people?

    Daddy's things are equally important to me, but there's something that's stopped me from getting them to me here in Vegas since he passed away in 2011 - haven't been able to define it in any other way than reluctance - I'm reluctant to stay in the house when I visit, because it vibrates with his energy as soon as I walk in - I'm reluctant to take out his t-shirts I got home from his funeral, because they still smell like him, and I leave them in the bag because I don't want to lose that memory - yet I wear his hats (baseball) all the time...all his triathlon medals and trophies are all in a box with my name on it, along with other items agreed to such as old photos of his mother and siblings that are all gone now too. No one else, to my knowledge, has family photos - as there's only one set of cousins still in touch, via FB infrequently - and they have no desire to hang on to these items, in fact have asked that I take on that responsibility as my Dad did. He was the baby sibling, born very late to his older siblings. So, I think my reluctance is also partially defiance. I haven't really delved deep enough into my triggers with it as of yet, but I know that I get ants in my pants just thinking about going into his home where my step Mom still lives because every time I do I expect to see him in every room.

    Anyways, I'm rambling - and again want to thank you ALL for your comments, well wishes, condolences, and the laughter - because yes I am completely OVER the Mr. Toad incident! I've been laughing and rolling my eyes about him since Sunday, and that will continue for awhile. I've not heard a word from him, which is smart on his part. He knows I can make his life very difficult if he opted to make me or my family uncomfortable for ANY reason. My connection to federal security and law enforcement was very clearly outlined to him if he felt "froggy" enough to continue talking trash to me.

    Have a GREAT day...
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello, gals,

    Nice day off going here. Laundry, grocery, sorting, pitching, and organizing. Looking forward to talking to son later. He is back from a quick trip to his dad's' to his half sister's wedding. Looks like it was a very sweet wedding.

    Dorrie - so sorry for the loss of your step brother. I, too, was a little concerned about the prince. Sounded to "all in" to quickly for me. (This from someone who said "yes" to marrying a man after only a week and stayed with the frog for 36 years!?!?!)

    Heather - I have not had a vacation for 10 years. I love your travel logs. This trip seems amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

    NYKaren - enjoying your travel news and pictures, too.


    Rye - Like that hat! Glad you can get rides to the gym to swim.

    Lisa - Your big event sounded like quite a success! It looks like you are well suited to that job.

    Michele - So much drama over a wedding is concerning. I am worried that the groom is not standing up to his mother more. That is a big concern to me. Your daughter should be first and foremost for him from the minute he chose her to be his bride. I hope the marriage is not full of this much strife. How disrespectful of the mother to say such rude, hurtful things. My son would have said "adios" to me if I were even a smidgen that demanding (and he would have been correct to do so).

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Oops - Lenora - happy anniversary!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just a quick hello.
    Wendy- congrats on the new grand baby.
    Went to water aerobics this morning then to grocery store. Now watching the window washer guy get my windows clean.
    SueBDew in TX
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2017
    Scotty's services are on Saturday. I'm wracking my brain on how I can get there by then with my other doctor appt's and work obligations. It's about a 16hr drive, and to drive is half the airfare on this short notice
    I am so sorry for your loss. I know that some airlines have a bereavement fare due to a funeral. Delta is one of them.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    TMI ALERT! I am talking poo, so don't read any further if not interested. Mainly to Margaret, but it is good info. Margaret - I know about potty stools or squatty potties! I have actually practiced a form of "potty yoga" for years. I had HUGE withholding issues as a child due to constipation. My pediatrician told my mom to let me squat on the seat or place stools along side the toilet so I could be in squat position. He also had me raise my arms above my head and do deep breathing while I squatted. To this day, that is the position I assume, whenever things aren't "going" well. Lol! Poo is actually one of my best barometers for my health. It let's me know there is something wrong with my diet, health, etc. Hubby thinks I am nuts because when he is not feeling well I ask him about his poo or give him a poo lecture. Lol. But really, think about it. Whenever you are eating wrong, dehydrated, out of balance, this is one of the first places a problem shows itself! Poo!
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Heather, UK - I missed seeing what cruise line you are on. They sound terrific. Can you share the name once more?

    I am loving your pictures and travelogue. It is bringing back happy memories of my now long distant travels in that part of the world.

    Mia in MI
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Kelly I agree!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited August 2017
    Dorrie, I am so sorry about your brother. Good riddance to Mr. Toad. I, too, admit to seeing red flags but didn't want to say anything. The whole colonoscopy thing was way too much too early in the relationship for me. I need my space, especially for things related to pooping!

    Allie, glad things are starting to come together. As for having Tom's paycheck garnished as some suggested, I don't think you can do that unless he is in default.

    Michele, when will this wedding be over? For your stress levels' sake, I hope soon.

    More later,


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Afternoon ladies. Grocery shopping day. Charlie is having some prostate issues so we went to the pharmacy to discover what to take for that.

    Kelley, I remember the night on Shark Tank when the person introduced the Squatty potty or whatever it is called. I think it may have even been a doctor who introduced it. But one of the Sharks took it on and invested and it has been very successful.

    Heather, please don't apologize for ever think you are boring us with your travel stories. We love it. And in case you didn't realize it, doing Rock and Roll is quite the excersise.

    Christina had a very healthy viewpoint on all her romances in high school so,e were good some were bad. But she says she thanks God for everyone of them because of what whe learned with each one. By the time she met her husband, she knew exactly what she wanted. In fact the moment she saw her husband she to.d me she was going to marry him. She hadn't even met him yet. But she sure made sure she did meet him as soon as she could. Paul had never had a serious girlfriend. In fact his dates were extremely rare. So it was a surprise to all that within two weeks of meeting Christina, he gave her his class ring.

    Just watched last nights So you think you can dance. Most of those styles I would never pay to see performed but yet I can't take my eyes off of them while they are dancing. I felt so sorry for the one that was eliminated tonight. Some one always has to be the first.

    Becca was thinking of you as I have been reading of all the places that say they are not welcoming this new painted rock phase that is going on right now. I think it is amazing. It makes kids be creative and get out of the house. For some of them, if they are going to be out of the house, that means they need to be with their parents as transportation. But State, Mational and so,e local parks aren't liking it.

    Well time to go get some of the best chili I have ever had. I have one small roll with it at the end to cool off my tongue. Love their iced tea also. Texas Roadhouse, here we come.

    Joyce, Indiana