Exercises you wish you could do but can't



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    @sijomial thanks for the info! Your quads look very strong to me!
    Thank you.
    It's like walking a tightrope - keeping leg muscles strong to compensate for injured joints without wearing them out. Cycling has been great for me, loads of cycling miles creates less far knee reaction than a 3 mile run.

    Best of luck with your knees, that's amazing you can still squat at all with your injuries. You must be a determined lady. :flowerforyou:
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Iron cross (gymnastics)
  • amandacalories
    amandacalories Posts: 107 Member
    Pole dancing. I did it for nine months before I injured my knee. I've tried everything but surgery to repair it so I'm hoping with some major weight loss I can get back into it. It was not only good for my body but for my soul
  • Fitness_and_FODMAP
    Fitness_and_FODMAP Posts: 72 Member
    I wish I could ride a road bike, but I have terrible balance - I can ride a bike, I'm simply too nervous, so it's a constant white knuckle ride for me and my shoulders & hands are painful after due to the tension and grip when I finish ... I love my spinning/aerobic bike and I use it most days; I love the motion of cycling and would dearly love to hit the road or track, but my nerves let me down every time.

    I'm working on unassisted pull-ups, which are coming along nicely, so I know I will master them one day, which was something I never thought I could do, so who knows, maybe, just maybe my nerves will ease and I can take my road bike out there in the sunshine and enjoy a leisurely cycle in our beautiful Peak District one day.
  • Lgcoulter33
    Lgcoulter33 Posts: 54 Member
    Sit ups, crunches, any lying down abdominal exercise. I have just always lacked the muscle tone in my back to do them as long as i can remember.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i would love to be able to do turkish getups again. cursing myself for ever having let them drop off my map in the first place, but i've got a vulnerable hip atm that obviously isn't ready for me to reintroduce them just yet.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Overhead squats and snatches
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    vmbourg wrote: »
    I can FINALLY after a year of training, do full pushups. I did 40 in my workout this week, compared to not being able to do 10 on my knees a year ago. Next goal, chinup/ pull up. Building strength in my arms but still got some fat to lose.

    Right on! Nice work!!
  • CoueCoue
    CoueCoue Posts: 69 Member
    Can't lift my leg while doing a side plank. I'm convinced that it's because my legs are so super muscle-y that they just can't be lifted as easily as all the other people in my class seem to be able to do it.

    Or I could just be a weakling.
  • eli67
    eli67 Posts: 110 Member
    Bloody sit-ups....they kill my back
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    eli67 wrote: »
    Bloody sit-ups....they kill my back

    Eh. They're not necessary though.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    FlattoPhat wrote: »
    pistol squat although i have strong legs :/

    Problem with balance, strength or ROM?. First one, incorporate yoga - loads of balancing on one leg poses. Strength: you'll get there, keep working at it. ROM: if medical, not an MD, PT or even a nurse.. just not limber... incorporate yoga, helps with flexibility.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well, 6 month ago I would have said a handstand push-up, did one!!!! Okay it was kinda ugly and I think I cursed a bit, but I did one. Now to do a planch push-up, can't do those....yet.
  • ramshackles
    ramshackles Posts: 85 Member
    I can't do mountain climbers elegantly!
  • ashbabe25
    ashbabe25 Posts: 173 Member
    I can't run do to arthritis in my knees from a bad fall when I was a kid and I have hereditary foot issues that keep me from doing dance workouts without having pain for days
  • marmors1
    marmors1 Posts: 7 Member
    Push-ups. My arms are weak as hell.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Jumping jacks - knees just not up to it, even with strapping. (nor's the pelvic floor TBH)
  • SarahLascelles1
    SarahLascelles1 Posts: 95 Member
    Burpees, push ups, planks, pull ups.
    Anything that puts weight or pressure through my shoulder.