Tazzy's August Challenged

Goal to lose 8 lbs total for the month of August.
We have 3 level of participation
1. Beginners to walk / or run 2 miles a day for (3) a days a week
2. Intermediate to walk/ or run 3.5 miles a day for (3) days a week
3. Advance group to walk/or run 5 miles a day for (3) days a week
Helpful hints: Drink your water,
Watch you sodium intake the less the better
Complete your food diary daily
Have 100 percent faith that you can and will succeed at losing
8 pounds.
Starts August 1 / ends August 31
Weigh yourself before the challenged and weigh yourself on the last day of challenged
Once a week post your pounds lost no matter what .
I wish everyone the best ! If you feel that you are not making any progress please post your concerns so we can give you the needed push. Just Don't Give- up
8 pounds GONE
Tazzy S. W 215
