Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    1. Weigh and log everything. EVERYTHING. Even if it's embarrassing, even if it puts me in the red. done
    2. Get in the pool for 20 minutes. Do something. SOMETHING. Even if it's just floating for 20 minutes and humming to myself. Just get in the damn pool. done. Did 40 minutes of walking, pool yoga, and swimming.
    3. Meditate totally forgot. This is not a habit yet and I tend to keep forgetting it.

    1. Weigh and log everything. EVERYTHING. Even if it's embarrassing, even if it puts me in the red.
    2. Meditate. did this first thing in the morning - I'm switching back and forth between the Calm app and the Insight app. Love them both.
    3. In bed by 10pm.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    @MLHC1 @joan6630 Thank you for the anniversary wishes. Since we didn't get to celebrate, maybe this weekend? Dinner out, of course!

    @slittlemeister @azulvioleta6 Welcome back! I think both of your plans sound realistic to get back on track.

    @OConnell5483 Feel better soon!

    Recap T 8/22 - Cat update: Kitty must be a genius. Attempts #1 & 2 to get her in the carrier both happened when I came home for lunch. After we tried again Monday, yesterday when I got home for lunch, Kitty was in her safe spot on the first floor: under the dining room table surrounded by 8 chairs. No way was she coming out. We'll have to change tactics for attempt #3.
    1) Walked dog 3.35 miles before work & happy dog = :smiley:
    2) Net calories green = yay green! :smiley:
    3) Boil eggs, brew tea, prep veggie / fruit snacks = done :smiley:
    4) Declutter something this evening = very little :neutral:
    5) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15 / dog walk W a.m. = in bed but TV on :/

    JFT 8/23 Wed. challenge: happy hour w/ former colleagues at pub
    1) Walked dog 3.4 miles before work, perfect weather = happy Carmela & dog :smiley:
    2) Look up pub menu online before happy hour and select something lower in calories
    3) At pub, focus on the company of friends / have 1 adult beverage / order selection from #2
    4) Prep Th snacks for another in-house training day from 8:30 - 4:30
    5) Net calories w/i 100 green
    6) Bedtime w/ TV off 10:15 / walk dog Th a.m.
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    JFT: Work through the urges to binge.❎
    Run before work as I won't have any other time today. ✅

    JFT Wednesday: Fit a workout in somewhere today- lots to do.
    - Conciously apply what I have learnt in "Brain Over Binge"
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    Trying to get back on track after badly reinjuring my knee...severed my ACL many years ago, never had surgery.

    So sorry to hear this. I'm walking around with a few torn tendons in my ankle right now. In the middle of the cycle of physical therapists, surgeons and neurologists, trying to decide whether to have surgery. I'm wearing a brace --
    I'll pretty much do anything to avoid having this surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery. <3

    I've had a long term ankle injury and seriously injured my right knee --> partially torn my ACL and PCL after being leg-swept by a black belt, then reinjured it in a bad bicycle accident. I never had surgery on either injury. I am an active runner, cyclist and participate in martial arts; these are the braces I use:

    I'm not suggesting any medical advice regarding neglecting surgery. I am simply sharing my experience. Good luck to both of you!! Neither injury is fun! You never quite understand the importance of those joints until they've been injured :D
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    8/23 Wednesday JFT:

    Coffee w/ my husband :)
    Take an additional amount of donations to donation center (more toys and clothes)
    Clean and organize family room and office
    Small grocery trip (need some soup :D )
    Son to football practice 3:30 - 6:30; everyday :p
    Run on elliptical
    Day 4 of Plank Challenge
    BB-Workout (just do it before 5 pm)
    Dinner by 7pm (definitely making the Kung Pao Chicken tonight)
    Budget meeting w/ hubby
    Bedtime by 11 pm
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Trying to get back on track after badly reinjuring my knee...severed my ACL many years ago, never had surgery.

    So happy to see you back - we missed you! But sorry you injured your knee - I hope you recover soon. Nothing worse than knee (and back) pain!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Reminding myself .......

    JFT, Wednesday
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on WATER WATER WATER
    3. sip water in the evening
    4. close the kitchen except for 3 meals, and PLANNED snacks
    5. sit down and write up a menu so I know what to make. No more impulse cooking.

    I used to be so good with planning, but now that hubby is home all day, he tends to want more of a say as to what to eat. So many of the recipes I used to make he does not want ... you know ... that one has pasta, and he does not want pasta. Another one has rice, and he thinks rice is not good for us. He thinks pork is fattening. I want to use the crockpot ... and he does not like that because he said it makes him hungry all day. So this has been a struggle with what to make. I don't have many recipes using only "meat" except for grilling. And I am sick of grilled chicken or grilled hamburgers, which is what we tend to make a lot of.

    So tomorrow, goal is also to:
    6. find some meal ideas that have a lot of protein, and get back to planning meals
    7. cut up veggies so I have my snack handy ... so I don't just grab another handful of walnuts
    8. rest when I am tired. That is better than eating food just because I am tired. Eating will not give me energy, but a short nap will
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    @joan6630 You should look at https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/. It's got LOADS of recipes on there and has the calories on all of them (they're not always completely accurate so you have to re-calculate but it helps you target ones that are roughly what you want. You can search by ingredient and can also filter by calories/ cooking time/ difficulty/ veggie/ low salt/ etc. It's great for inspiration!

    Thank you - going to check this out tonite!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Succeeded on my 1st day back on the wagon! And was rewarded with a 3 lb weight loss (obviously water weight only, but still happy to know those 3 lb weren't 'real')

    3 more days of being 'super good' to go before the weekend (when I will relax a little.... but not too much!)

    I've decided I want to aim to be at my goal weight by the end of the year. That's just under a pound a week so SHOULD be do-able. In reality it will be difficult as I tend to average around half a pound a week (taking into account the weeks where I don't lose anything/ put a little back on due to social events etc.)

    Great job getting back on track - and a great goal!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @joan6630 I'm not pregnant yet, but the DH and I had a long serious talk about our goals for the future and when children come into the picture.

    The DH is 34 and his body is rather quickly starting to deteriorate after many many years of self-inflicted abuse. He knows that isn't getting any younger and that he thinks it's time to seriously start thinking about having children. But on the other hand, we talked about me going back to school and finishing my degree. So pretty much it boils down to either school or babies. And as much as I want to finish my degree, I think I want babies more. But I did apply to my local community college and am going to sit with an advisor and see what exactly I need to do to finish my degree. We dont want to start trying to have babies until the beginning of next year, so if it's only one or two classes that I need maybe I can take them as an accelerated winter class before we start having babies. I dont know yet though...there are a lot of things up in the air and a lot of things I have to make a decision. But whatever I decided I know that the DH with stand behind me, but I also know that he is firm in his stance that it has to be one or the other and I will abide by that.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @joan6630 I have the same thing going on here in our kitchen. We eat the same things every week and it gets so boring that I don't even want to eat them anymore. Burgers or pork chops on grill, chicken or pork roast in crockpot or venison steak fried on the stove. I like casseroles and variety. Since my husband is now retired due to an injury and is home all day, he does the cooking so I don't complain about what he makes! But I do get tired of the same thing over and over... :) I also hear you on the grabbing walnuts (or almonds or peanuts) to munch on! I do the same thing with Plantar's dry roasted peanuts and they are crazy high in calories and fat! Holy Smokes!

    @slittlemeister and @azulvioleta6 Always makes me smile when I see you post! Slittle, I'm going to check out that website you shared with Joan. Thanks for sharing! @azulvioleta6 I also changed pharmacies because it had a drive-thru. I pick up everything so easily that if I can avoid the germs, I do! Glad to see you back!

    @Bex953172 Of course we want to see baby bumps!!! :smiley:

    @slittlemeister I like your idea of still hitting goal by end of the year. I've been so mad at myself for not losing like I wanted to this year...2017 was going to be my year. My year to take back my health. and I'm failing. But if I really look at it, it is 1 lbs a week (plus 2lbs extra but close enough!), and I should be able to do that if I really start doing what I know I need to do! Get my *kitten* moving and make healthier choices! You have given me the kick I need to really think about still meeting my New Year's resolution. 2017 isn't over yet! I can still do this! Thanks! See? Good thing you popped back on today, huh? ;)

    @MLHC1 I had repair of a tear in my knee earlier this year and I still have pain with walking. I wonder if a brace like that would help? I hadn't thought of it since it's supposed to be "fixed", but I haven't been able to actually take a walk through the neighborhood since the surgery. I'm going to check it out!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Well, finally on the mend today I think. I slept until NOON!! Holy crap! That's unheard of for me. Yesterday was the same. Been home from work all week. I must've needed the rest because I finally feel like I'm turning the corner today. The tightness in my chest is much better and my head isn't pounding like it was. I can take a deep breath without coughing. So, yea!!!! Happy dance!

    Well, our dear friend @Slittlemeister has inspired me to get back on track by pointing out that 2017's goal can still be reached by the end of the year! I just need to focus and make good choices!

    I am going to start by sitting down on Sunday evenings and making a daily schedule for the following week....I will print off my work schedule for the week and pencil in exercise times as meetings, pencil in times for "me time" to read or meditate, etc. I am also going to meal plan on that schedule. My dinner plan will get written on our refrigerator whiteboard, and my husband has agreed to cook whatever I write for my dinner that night. (How sweet is he? Keeper, huh?) So if I want salmon one night, he will cook it and make himself a burger on the grill since he hates fish. I feel re-energized to get this done! Maybe because I've been feeling so lousy and have a strong desire right now to feel GOOD!

    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Take it easy so I continue to feel better. Don't overdo it.
    2. Hydrate with plenty of fluids
    3. Make healthy food choices and log every bite even when I know I'm being sassy.
    4. Prepare for work tomorrow (pack lunches, set out clothes, etc.)
    5. Begin thinking of healthy meals I can add to my daily schedules
    6. Begin thinking of healthy activities/exercises I can add to my daily schedules.
    7. Go through a few emails and prep for class i'm teaching tomorrow morning so I don't return to work stressed out.
    8. Read about the essential oils starter pack I got in the mail yesterday. Excited to start looking at natural ways to deal with stress, anxiety and health without adding more pills.

    I think that is plenty for my first day of starting to feel better!

    Happy Hump Day! :smiley:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited August 2017

    Well, finally on the mend today I think. I slept until NOON!! Holy crap! That's unheard of for me. Yesterday was the same. Been home from work all week. I must've needed the rest because I finally feel like I'm turning the corner today. The tightness in my chest is much better and my head isn't pounding like it was. I can take a deep breath without coughing. So, yea!!!! Happy dance!

    Well, our dear friend @Slittlemeister has inspired me to get back on track by pointing out that 2017's goal can still be reached by the end of the year! I just need to focus and make good choices!

    I am going to start by sitting down on Sunday evenings and making a daily schedule for the following week....I will print off my work schedule for the week and pencil in exercise times as meetings, pencil in times for "me time" to read or meditate, etc. I am also going to meal plan on that schedule. My dinner plan will get written on our refrigerator whiteboard, and my husband has agreed to cook whatever I write for my dinner that night. (How sweet is he? Keeper, huh?) So if I want salmon one night, he will cook it and make himself a burger on the grill since he hates fish. I feel re-energized to get this done! Maybe because I've been feeling so lousy and have a strong desire right now to feel GOOD!

    Glad you are starting to feel better!

    2017's goal can still be reached by the end of the year
    Me to --- I know I can reach, or get very close to my goal by the end of the year if I focus, and stay on track!!! SO lets all do this!!!!!! I plan on continuing to post my weight each week to keep me accountable!

    O'Connell - You've inspired me today to also work hard at planning meals! I have meat in the crockpot for tonite (the crockpot is in the patio room so hubby doesn't complain about being hungry all day), and tonite I plan on looking at the website @slittlemeister gave.

    I see new inspiration for us all today!!! Hey --- we can all be at our goals weight when @Bex has her baby!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    @joan6630 I'm not pregnant yet, but the DH and I had a long serious talk about our goals for the future and when children come into the picture.

    Oh --- I thought I missed something in the posts!!! I know whatever decision you and your husband make, you will both be so happy, and from reading your posts and feeling like I know you -- you will be a great mommy!! When my husband and I got married 41 years ago, our plan was to wait 3 years to have a baby. Well..... 5 months after we were married I was pregnant! Not quite as we planned, and some of the things I wanted to do I wasn't able to, but we never regretted it. 2 more years another baby, so we were always tight on money, but we had love and each other, and oh, so much fun with those little ones. Our lives were never the same, in a good way. You have that with your husband!

    @Bex -- yes, please post baby bump pictures!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    Starting Weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight August 23: 195

    September 1: 191
    October 1: 187
    November 1: 184
    December 1: 180
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Well, finally on the mend today I think. I slept until NOON!! Holy crap! That's unheard of for me. Yesterday was the same. Been home from work all week. I must've needed the rest because I finally feel like I'm turning the corner today. The tightness in my chest is much better and my head isn't pounding like it was. I can take a deep breath without coughing. So, yea!!!! Happy dance!

    Well, our dear friend @Slittlemeister has inspired me to get back on track by pointing out that 2017's goal can still be reached by the end of the year! I just need to focus and make good choices!

    I am going to start by sitting down on Sunday evenings and making a daily schedule for the following week....I will print off my work schedule for the week and pencil in exercise times as meetings, pencil in times for "me time" to read or meditate, etc. I am also going to meal plan on that schedule. My dinner plan will get written on our refrigerator whiteboard, and my husband has agreed to cook whatever I write for my dinner that night. (How sweet is he? Keeper, huh?) So if I want salmon one night, he will cook it and make himself a burger on the grill since he hates fish. I feel re-energized to get this done! Maybe because I've been feeling so lousy and have a strong desire right now to feel GOOD!

    Glad you are starting to feel better!

    2017's goal can still be reached by the end of the year
    Me to --- I know I can reach, or get very close to my goal by the end of the year if I focus, and stay on track!!! SO lets all do this!!!!!! I plan on continuing to post my weight each week to keep me accountable!

    O'Connell - You've inspired me today to also work hard at planning meals! I have meat in the crockpot for tonite (the crockpot is in the patio room so hubby doesn't complain about being hungry all day), and tonite I plan on looking at the website @slittlemeister gave.

    I see new inspiration for us all today!!! Hey --- we can all be at our goals weight when @Bex has her baby!!!!

    Oi you!
    Don't you all be leaving me behind :lol:
    I'm getting bigger whilst you're all getting slimmer!!!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I will post a bumpie tomorrow :)
    It's more of a "blump" ATM (bloated bump) but still! I'll take one in the morning :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited August 2017

    1. Plan/pretrack workouts for the week :)
    2. Gym workout--lift at half weight with legs :)
    3. Gardening/walking :)
    4. Drink at least 8C water :)

    1. walk at least 30 minutes
    2. swim a mile
    3. drink at least 10C water
    4. track all food
    5. under 100G carbs
    6. 8+ freggies
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    @joan6630 I'm not pregnant yet, but the DH and I had a long serious talk about our goals for the future and when children come into the picture.

    The DH is 34 and his body is rather quickly starting to deteriorate after many many years of self-inflicted abuse. He knows that isn't getting any younger and that he thinks it's time to seriously start thinking about having children. But on the other hand, we talked about me going back to school and finishing my degree. So pretty much it boils down to either school or babies. And as much as I want to finish my degree, I think I want babies more. But I did apply to my local community college and am going to sit with an advisor and see what exactly I need to do to finish my degree. We dont want to start trying to have babies until the beginning of next year, so if it's only one or two classes that I need maybe I can take them as an accelerated winter class before we start having babies. I dont know yet though...there are a lot of things up in the air and a lot of things I have to make a decision. But whatever I decided I know that the DH with stand behind me, but I also know that he is firm in his stance that it has to be one or the other and I will abide by that.

    Geriatric pregnancies start at age 35. You might want to sit down with your GYN or a reproductive endocrinologist as well as with a school counselor. In addition to increased difficulty in getting pregnant, you may be putting a future child at risk by waiting longer. Paternal age at conception makes a difference too.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member

    @MLHC1 I had repair of a tear in my knee earlier this year and I still have pain with walking. I wonder if a brace like that would help? I hadn't thought of it since it's supposed to be "fixed", but I haven't been able to actually take a walk through the neighborhood since the surgery. I'm going to check it out!

    I have been able to go from two periods of 6 weeks on crutches to full brace walking with a limp to regular walking with brace to walking without brace........now I'm running, cycling and exercising without my knee brace. I only use my knee brace for martial arts and when we go trail cycling (mountains, etc).

    I'm so sorry to hear it is still an issue. I LOVE that knee brace (and ankle brace)!! Let me know if you try it out, I hope it helps ;)